March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

:hi: sweetz!

well went to get blood work done and guess what they forgot to fax it :dohh: and it was basically 5pm so dr office closed till monday. oh well dont think i need to do it anyways bc i got an opk and just took it and got a faint positive and i am cd 11 so right not time i think i got my surge on cd12 or 13 last to bd or not to bd that is the question...hmmmm... gotta talk to dh about that one but oh guess what he is on his video game :growlmad::dohh:

anywho it is payday friday we got take out....:blush: wont kill my kids if they have McD's once every two weeks right?

ok check back later bye ladies!
Stork and Bama: High School moms is very entertaining, it's these young girls 15-19 Trying to get their HIgh school Diploma while pregnant or already have kidz at a school that understand their teen moms and has a daycare in the school for the young moms,or moms to be. And still some of them still take it for granted. Yal have to watch if. Reality is taking over tv, maybe we ladies need to get a show called "Ladies struggling to TTC" to show pregnancy isnt a bad thing, and that some take it for granted while others have it a bit hard :shrug:

Lisalee: I'm sorry you're still vomitting but you have to admit it is a bit reassuring, huh? I'm sorry ab your constipation I had that first pregnancy and it was horrible, I hate straining. My sore boobs left last wk, which is ok their still full and the areola part itches soo bad and my nipples always sticks out(my air is never on and my DH is away at wrk all wk so nothing is stimulating them...heehee. My vomitting has resumed today, I vomitted 3x's today but it feels good once it's over. Extra saliva is still hanging around as well as the spit bottles and bags...ewww. O and I finally figured out what's that metallic taste I have in my mouth all day long even after eating brushing and's called "Dsygeau" its a pregnancy symptn that occurs in most women first trimester, Bc of my increased sensed of taste and smell and High estrogen levels it causes bad breath and a nasty taste all day, it suppose to end in 2nd tri.but we'll see. Wooooh I think that's it LisaLee, no nausea today, weird. And no constipation this pregnancy. What are you hoping to have(boy or girl?)

Thanks Bama for being sweet and supportive, I know you're taking the relax approach but I'm always rooting for you!!
Stork and Bama: High School moms is very entertaining, it's these young girls 15-19 Trying to get their HIgh school Diploma while pregnant or already have kidz at a school that understand their teen moms and has a daycare in the school for the young moms,or moms to be. And still some of them still take it for granted. Yal have to watch if. Reality is taking over tv, maybe we ladies need to get a show called "Ladies struggling to TTC" to show pregnancy isnt a bad thing, and that some take it for granted while others have it a bit hard :shrug:

Lisalee: I'm sorry you're still vomitting but you have to admit it is a bit reassuring, huh? I'm sorry ab your constipation I had that first pregnancy and it was horrible, I hate straining. My sore boobs left last wk, which is ok their still full and the areola part itches soo bad and my nipples always sticks out(my air is never on and my DH is away at wrk all wk so nothing is stimulating them...heehee. My vomitting has resumed today, I vomitted 3x's today but it feels good once it's over. Extra saliva is still hanging around as well as the spit bottles and bags...ewww. O and I finally figured out what's that metallic taste I have in my mouth all day long even after eating brushing and's called "Dsygeau" its a pregnancy symptn that occurs in most women first trimester, Bc of my increased sensed of taste and smell and High estrogen levels it causes bad breath and a nasty taste all day, it suppose to end in 2nd tri.but we'll see. Wooooh I think that's it LisaLee, no nausea today, weird. And no constipation this pregnancy. What are you hoping to have(boy or girl?)

Thanks Bama for being sweet and supportive, I know you're taking the relax approach but I'm always rooting for you!!

As this is my 1st pregnancy, I would be happy with a boy OR girl as long as he/she is healthy! That's all I ask. What about you?
Vomiting 3x a day?!? Woo! That's a bit much. Hope that doesn't rear it's ugly head too much after 12 weeks. Are you getting a pooch yet? I have a little one but unsure if it's bloating or not.
The interesting thing about the constipation is that was one of my very 1st symptoms. Before I even tested positive, I was constipated and bought prune juice to help. It's not that bad tho. I don't strain. I just can't go everyday, that's all.
:hi: sweetz!

well went to get blood work done and guess what they forgot to fax it :dohh: and it was basically 5pm so dr office closed till monday. oh well dont think i need to do it anyways bc i got an opk and just took it and got a faint positive and i am cd 11 so right not time i think i got my surge on cd12 or 13 last to bd or not to bd that is the question...hmmmm... gotta talk to dh about that one but oh guess what he is on his video game :growlmad::dohh:

anywho it is payday friday we got take out....:blush: wont kill my kids if they have McD's once every two weeks right?

ok check back later bye ladies!

Glad your cycle is bouncing back to normal! Enjoy your takeout. I am soooo not motivated to cook right now. :(
Question for the experts :) Im on cd19. I took clomid cd5-9. I got a + opk on cd16 in the morning and in the evening. The next morning it was still + but the line was a little lighter. Yesterday evening it was very light. My temp went up today. Does that mean yesterday was my O day? Or would it be the day after I got my first + opk? Trying to decide if Im 1dpo or 2dpo. IF I even really O'ed. I really have no idea what my body does. I have pcos so have irregular periods. I've been on metformin for about 3 mths now also and even on that my cycles were over 40 days. This is my first round of clomid so dont know what my cycle will be. My dr just gave prescriptions, no monitoring. Any advice or insight would be GREATLY appreciated!!
I don't know anything about temping but my guess is that you ovulated the day after the 1st positive OPK. The OPK detects the LH surge that happens just before ovulation.
Lisalee-living in town it is too easy for me to just run and get take out..i HATE cooking we try to just keep it to payday friday as we call it around here so we now get takeout at most 4 times a month so i guess you could call it payday weekend lol...

mnj- as far as i know w/ the opk i use i start testing on cd11 of 28 cycle. so like i tested this afternoon and got a faint pos. so i will test again tomorrow and once the test line is as dark or darker than the control that means i will o in 24 to 48 hours from then so basically we try to bd at least everyother day starting on cd11 till at least cd 15 or 16....worked last month then mc at trying to decide on whether or not this month

ok is it sad i figured out my edd for the next few months based on a normal 28 cycle for me...figured out i have two chances at a july baby which is dh birth month dd of the 7th so born on 1st and the last being due date of august 3 born on july 29th dh bday...hmmm...we shall see when i get prego i get prego i dont care edd lol
Lisalee: I know vomitting is very exhausting. But honestly DH and I want a boy, I would take all boys but give me one girl I'll be fine. But like you said it really dosent matter, we'll be happy either way. My pooch is driving me crazy, Bc one day it's obvious than the next day it dosent even look like I'm pregnant. I'm just ready to go to my scan, I know I wont be obviously showing this early but for it to go flat some days is really scarig me, o yea I'm also loosing weight so maybe that has something to do with it. But I'm glad to hear about yours that it's similiar that's a relief.
So I looked at the calendar and realized 5 days until my appointment!!
Hello gang, sorry for the extended silence!

Stork - did you ever connect with your doctor re: TTCing while overseas? I'm glad your back on the TTC train. What goes is our train without one of my favorite conductors?!

Nevergivingup - glad to see you here as well. I will echo what my someone else said happy 3 months almost! What symptoms are you having now? I can't remember if it was your or our Lisa that was a "spitmyster". :haha:

Lisalee - happy almost 3 months to you as well. Really sorry to hear that you're still suffering from MS but atleast we know that the pregnancy is progessing normally!

Sweetz - get your rest hun! Thats a symptom that have whether pregnant or not. LOL. Yay for your docs appointment being 5 days away. Please remind me, which visit will this be. Will we get a new scan image to adore?

Krissy - I was where you were regarding when to BD. I wasn't sure when on O'd given that I missed the key days for testing (digital) so my approach was to BD 3 straight days, skip a day then BD again. When it doubt, BD!

Lpkjp - where are yoooou?! I've been thinking of you lots.

AngelSerentiy - Did I ever tell you how much I love your name? Anyway, I wish I could take your approach to the month. Not testing, not symptom spotting just relaxing. Sighs. But alas, I must! lol

Janelleybean - I am sooooo sorry to hear about what you're going through. I understand your feelings about not wanting to TTC if it will lead to an unhappy ending but I don't want you give up. I too hope the docs will have better news for you during your next doctor's visit. :hugs:

Shefali and Kanicky - welcome to the group. I know I am a bit late but better late than never :flower:

Armymama - :dust: I hope you caught that eggy.

Bamagurl - dearest. Totally digging your approach to this cycle and with school starting, it will certainly be just that much easier to keep busy/distracted. Looking forward to some updates from you!

Everyone else ... HIIIIII and sorry for not catchip up on your details. I promise I will shortly!

AFM - I'm still between 4 -5 DPO, I think, and my symptoms are few. I have a pain in my hips ... not sure if its baby related or a result all of the :sex:ing. lol. My breast are heavy and last but not least, a little bit of unsettled tummy gurgling going on. All symptoms but not necessarily pregnancy related. We shall see! Fingers, toes and eyes crossed for them being indicative of a Baby Em being on board!
This is the appointment to hear the heartbeat and I will possibly get another scan. Eeeeeee!! So excited!!
YAYYY BatbeeEm I'm sooo glad to hear from you, and with that awesome personality, I just wish i could take you everywhere with me!! My DH is doing some wrk in Augusta GA, and I wanted to gooo sooo bad so I could come to your part of town and pack you up and bring you back with me to SC!! But he decided I stay home and just relax. O well, how the time fly, You're already DPO! How are yal making those days go faster!!? And yes ma'am I'm the spitter and still vomitting. You know I'm always rooting for you ma'am. I'm Soooo hoping you have it, I want you too Soooo bad! Sometimes faith and hope can change our whole outcome, I told myself I was pregnant and I believed it, Bc I wanted it sooo bad. As dangerous as that is Bc of disappointment I knew I had to have faith. And even if not this month, I'll believe in my heart that I'll get my sticky next month. Don't give up ma'am, blessings you really want is never easy. But when you get it you'll be sooo overjoyed, GL!!
YAYYY BatbeeEm I'm sooo glad to hear from you, and with that awesome personality, I just wish i could take you everywhere with me!! My DH is doing some wrk in Augusta GA, and I wanted to gooo sooo bad so I could come to your part of town and pack you up and bring you back with me to SC!! But he decided I stay home and just relax. O well, how the time fly, You're already DPO! How are yal making those days go faster!!? And yes ma'am I'm the spitter and still vomitting. You know I'm always rooting for you ma'am. I'm Soooo hoping you have it, I want you too Soooo bad! Sometimes faith and hope can change our whole outcome, I told myself I was pregnant and I believed it, Bc I wanted it sooo bad. As dangerous as that is Bc of disappointment I knew I had to have faith. And even if not this month, I'll believe in my heart that I'll get my sticky next month. Don't give up ma'am, blessings you really want is never easy. But when you get it you'll be sooo overjoyed, GL!!

Yeah Bama: How is school going? You're going to be an awesome teacher!

Bummer, sorry it's up here twice, well it's 4:48am time to try to go bk to sleep...or maybe Watch "Married.....With Children" fav show
Morning Ladies

Well my Birthday went okay yesterday hubby had planned to take me for a picnic somewhere nice and romantic but good old UK weather had other plans. Instead we ended up going to TGI Friday with the kids :haha:

Sweetz - Wow the heartbeat (I never got to see/hear mine as I had a blighted ovum):cry: how exciting for you they say you can tell the sex by the heartbeat I think you do get another scan as well :happydance: Is hubby going with you?

Stork - How is the hoarder v chucker going:winkwink: who is winning?

Never - I can't believe you will soon be 3 months - wow where is the time going?, hope you are feeling better and not spitting as much:flower:

Lisalee - Sorry you are still having MS but hopefully it should start to calm down soon as you are also coming up 3 months right?:hugs:

Bay - One of my first symptoms was a pain in the coxits (near my bum and top of thighs) could be your ligaments are stretching?:dust::dust::dust:

AFM - I on CD23 so if the witchy doesn't turn up I will test tomorrow - not even sure if I have O but as last month I only got to CD19 I think what the hell:happydance:

Good luck to all the other ladies too:flower:


Garfie I can't wait for you to test! :dust: and :happydance:
The hubby and I really haven't done a thing this weekend except drink soda and sleep hehe
I think UK weather would be more suitable for me- it is hot and bright over here!
Morning ladies!!

Sorry it's looked like I've been m.i.a lately, but I promise I've still been silently stalking!

I think a huge congrats are in order for our 3 lovely ladies that are getting so close to that 12 week mark! You'll be in the lovely 2nd trimester before you know it!

BayBeeEm: Woo hoo for TWW! Hopefully you'll be announcing your BFP soon! Hope there's another toasty little bun in the oven just waiting for that pregnancy test to detect!

AFM: Can't remember exactly when my last period was (Toward the end of last month), which is pretty fantastic because I can't obsess about what CD I'm on! Test results came back negative for endometritis (Which the doctor still thinks it's higher up, so won't have been detected anyway with a swab) so I'm happy that hopefully the antibiotics will have cleaned up anything else that may have been going on...going by my CBFM, I've had my peak days so should have ovulated a few days ago...we did it every other day, the last day of high before the peak and the 2nd peak...first peak would have been ideal, but we decided to go with the flow and just bd when WE feel like it instead of stressing out to perform to the standard of what a machine wants us to do.

So, for me, lots of destressing and trying not to think about babies right now, and hopefully over the next couple of months this will work for us in our favour and we'll finally get that next sticky BFP...In the meantime, I finally purchased one of those Rosetta Stone language courses and I'm attempting (Failing miserably at the moment) to learn spanish! That'll take my mind off TTC for a while!! :)
Janelly- If you don't get your period by Monday, you should try to get a blood test to put your mind at ease.

Shefali- Sorry to hear you're still in limbo. Sometimes things get out of whack after a MC. I think the farther along you were, the longer it takes to get back to normal. Are you using OPKs?

Yes dear i am using opks. infact i got lot of ewcm leading to a positive opk about 2 days before the spotting started. We bd as well around that time :wacko:

Shefali, I've had 5 MCs, 2 of them this year. The first time I ovulated after both of them I had spotting which muct have been ovulation spotting. I've never had it before but it fitted in with all my temps etc. It settled down on second cycle after loss. MCs really do mess with our bodies, I'd give yourself a couple more cycles before trying to work out if something strange is going on. Easier said than done mind! Just go with the flow (excuse the pun) and keep :sex:.

And on a positive, I had my DS inbetween all those MCs so keep positive :winkwink: xo

oh i am so sorry for your losses :nope: cant imagine 5 !
i am still spotting ..i should be about 7dpo now. so i think af will be here after the spotting.. i just read up that spotting between ov and af can be due to low progesterone. can be expected as the hormones must be all crazy rightnow. i am just waiting for my cycles to get regular the way they used to be.. cant handle this wait :cry: want to be pg asap :hissy:
Darn it - no POAS for me the witchy got me:cry:

Maybe I might get to test September :happydance:


Janelleybean: you def don't sound selfish. I remember that pain ESP.the emotional pain, but it's def up to you when you're ready to TTC again. Me myself once I got over the m/c bleeding & cramping completely I just had to give it one more try....I pray you recover soon!! Def relax and cuddle you deserve it....the things we women have to go through.

Shefali: apologies ma'am, I will add you to the list. Are you a Soon Sep. BFP?

Stork: keep me straight, I'm changing it now Mrs. Busy Pants...ready to hop back in huh!

Bama: keep me straight also...I will change it. I'm glad you taking the relax approach, that's let's exhausting, and it's way more fun DTD with DH when you're NTNP but relaxing.

Have anyone seen High School Moms?

Krissy: seems like you're jumping right back in the TTC game too. It's def up to you ma'am. But I'm sure it's going to happen when you least expect it!

Hi to all the other ladies; Garfie, BaybeeEm,AngelSerenity... and anyone else I forgot.

Her dear no apology required :flower: who would not want to be part of this awesome thread :thumbup:

i am awaiting my first af/(bfp) after mmc. My Af is due 25th according to when i ov'ed. i did bd around my ov time(10-11th) but i am spotting since 2 dpo and i am 7 dpo now so i guess af will knock my door soon :wacko: i am still trying to conceive and hoping.. :baby:

Edit: maybe my cd calculation is all messed up. maybe i never ovulated but i did get a positive opk so maybe.. well we wil see.. maybe i am just on cd21-22 confusing..
Hello gang, sorry for the extended silence!

Stork - did you ever connect with your doctor re: TTCing while overseas? I'm glad your back on the TTC train. What goes is our train without one of my favorite conductors?!

Nevergivingup - glad to see you here as well. I will echo what my someone else said happy 3 months almost! What symptoms are you having now? I can't remember if it was your or our Lisa that was a "spitmyster". :haha:

Lisalee - happy almost 3 months to you as well. Really sorry to hear that you're still suffering from MS but atleast we know that the pregnancy is progessing normally!

Sweetz - get your rest hun! Thats a symptom that have whether pregnant or not. LOL. Yay for your docs appointment being 5 days away. Please remind me, which visit will this be. Will we get a new scan image to adore?

Krissy - I was where you were regarding when to BD. I wasn't sure when on O'd given that I missed the key days for testing (digital) so my approach was to BD 3 straight days, skip a day then BD again. When it doubt, BD!

Lpkjp - where are yoooou?! I've been thinking of you lots.

AngelSerentiy - Did I ever tell you how much I love your name? Anyway, I wish I could take your approach to the month. Not testing, not symptom spotting just relaxing. Sighs. But alas, I must! lol

Janelleybean - I am sooooo sorry to hear about what you're going through. I understand your feelings about not wanting to TTC if it will lead to an unhappy ending but I don't want you give up. I too hope the docs will have better news for you during your next doctor's visit. :hugs:

Shefali and Kanicky - welcome to the group. I know I am a bit late but better late than never :flower:

Armymama - :dust: I hope you caught that eggy.

Bamagurl - dearest. Totally digging your approach to this cycle and with school starting, it will certainly be just that much easier to keep busy/distracted. Looking forward to some updates from you!

Everyone else ... HIIIIII and sorry for not catchip up on your details. I promise I will shortly!

AFM - I'm still between 4 -5 DPO, I think, and my symptoms are few. I have a pain in my hips ... not sure if its baby related or a result all of the :sex:ing. lol. My breast are heavy and last but not least, a little bit of unsettled tummy gurgling going on. All symptoms but not necessarily pregnancy related. We shall see! Fingers, toes and eyes crossed for them being indicative of a Baby Em being on board!


When are you planning to test? i know its too early but you know ..LOL :):dust:

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