March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

Lisalee - Congrats 12 weeks :happydance: hope your symptoms ease up a little now:flower:

Hopestruck - Congrats on your engagement, when is the big day? - my hubby proposed to me via TEXT yep that's right and guess what he spelt my name wrong but geez I was so excited I didn't notice:dohh:

6 months later we were married and we are about to celebrate our 2 year wedding anniversary on Wednesday :happydance:

I am also rooting for you that the baby is ok - thinking of you hun :flower:

Krissy - I'm sure hubby still fancies you curves and all, it's just they get a bit preoccupied with those stupid games! I have three boys in my house and everyone of them gets so engrossed it drives me mad, personally I can't see the attraction - give me a good soap or reality show any day:haha: I can also understand the comment about not wanting to get pregnant if the result is a m/c although we have to have hope that the next one will be fine and of course their are plenty of ladies to back this up - so our next one will be fine hun!:hugs: ps by the way your hoping aren't you the kids room stays tidy till Monday :haha:

Never - How are you feeling today hun - I suppose I can be updated to say the Witch is in the building!:cry:

Bay - I know it's a slight improvement 19 to 23 days but it doesn't make it any easier - as most people say you are more fertile after a DNC well I am know on cycle 4! Anyway here's hoping for a September BFP!:happydance:

Shefali - Hang in there hun - easier said then done but who knows maybe we will get our BFPs together.:flower:

Storked - How's the packing going? - are you still ttc or is that on hold for now:flower:

His Grace/Angel Serenity - I have to admit I'm not very religious sometimes I wish I had something to believe in with a passion like you ladies in times of trouble I bet it helps:flower:

Hi to all the lovely ladies :flower:

AFM - CD 2 -:haha: not a lot to report except we finally had our romantic picnic yesterday (a day late) not so romantic though with 2 dogs, 2 kids and a cat:haha:


Hopestruck, many congratulations on the engagement!

I'm praying for you and your bubs, I hope it all turns out ok. I know you said before beta was low but there is a chance bubs just implanted a little later? Reason I mention is I never get early bfps, the one that resulted in my ds I got a bfn at 20dpo, didn't get a bfp till 40dpo so my beta must have been very low as well. All turned out ok xo
Garfie and Lisalee-thanks for the encourgement about dh. But i should probably add in that evey other weekend all 3 kids stay at my moms house and it is on the weekend he is not on call. Our time is usually spent apart though :cry: he likes to go fishing and by the time he comes home he either just wants to watch tv or play video games. And yes i try to go fishing with him bc i dont mind it but he says i am very bad luck and he never catches anything when i am around so i am not alllowed to go any more :nope: At least he tells me he loves me everyday he used to not to but after everything we went through last yr he changed that...gotta remind myself of the good things right?

Oh and LisaLee congrats on the 12 weeks yay!!! That baby will be here before you even know it! what is your edd again? Are you going to find out what it is?

AFM: had a little one crawls into bed with us last night...well actually woke up at 3am and saw my youngest ds sleeping out side my door on the floor lol...i thought well he is sleeping i will leave him. about an hour later he was in my bed which is ok every once and while. my dd does it to but my oldest ds never does. more cleaning today yay...not....1500 word paper due tonight for shopping and whatever else has to get done on a sunday...see you ladies later!

As always thanks for the support and love ladies means alot! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Krissy. I hope things turn around with the hubby. Maybe a heart-to-heart might help? But you have to be careful about coming across accusatory and instead, use words like "i feel."
SS hun. Saying I love you is a good start.

When the Dr. did my 1st scan (I posted about that about 7.5 weeks ago), they measured me at 4w 4d when I really knew I was 4-5 days ahead of that. At that time, they gave me an EDD of March 8. Even though I have since been scanned and measured at 7w5d (which was a true measurement at that time), when they printed out my U/S, it said 7w 0d. I think that's b/c they're trying to keep that same due date but I have no idea why they wouldn't just change it to be correct.

Due date doesn't really matter b/c I will have to have a C-Section anyway due to my abdominal myo last year :( I will give more thought to whether I will try to pursue a vaginal birth in the 2nd trimester. It would be considered a "vaginal birth after C-Sec" and many doctors do not want to do it. Will see....

Garfie- Thx for the congrats! So far I haven't thrown up this morning!
Next time, leave the pets home when you go on a romantic picnic. :)
Janelly- If you don't get your period by Monday, you should try to get a blood test to put your mind at ease.

Shefali- Sorry to hear you're still in limbo. Sometimes things get out of whack after a MC. I think the farther along you were, the longer it takes to get back to normal. Are you using OPKs?

Yes dear i am using opks. infact i got lot of ewcm leading to a positive opk about 2 days before the spotting started. We bd as well around that time :wacko:

Shefali, I've had 5 MCs, 2 of them this year. The first time I ovulated after both of them I had spotting which muct have been ovulation spotting. I've never had it before but it fitted in with all my temps etc. It settled down on second cycle after loss. MCs really do mess with our bodies, I'd give yourself a couple more cycles before trying to work out if something strange is going on. Easier said than done mind! Just go with the flow (excuse the pun) and keep :sex:.

And on a positive, I had my DS inbetween all those MCs so keep positive :winkwink: xo

oh i am so sorry for your losses :nope: cant imagine 5 !
i am still spotting ..i should be about 7dpo now. so i think af will be here after the spotting.. i just read up that spotting between ov and af can be due to low progesterone. can be expected as the hormones must be all crazy rightnow. i am just waiting for my cycles to get regular the way they used to be.. cant handle this wait :cry: want to be pg asap :hissy:

I share that madness:wacko:. My last MC was on Good Friday and I forced myself to wait until July before we started TTC again as I had two pregnancies straight after each other this year without any AFs inbetween. I just wanted to give my body a better chance to recover to be in good shape for hoepfully another miracle soon :flower:. It was an extremly difficult time! I think I just expect to fall pregnant really quickly now but somehow I dont think that will happen so just trying to keep things low key to keep the stress levels down (it's not working :dohh::wacko::cry:). x

awww :( did you get any answers to why they did not work??
Well, I hope all you lovely ladies are doing well. In the past few days my symptoms have changed a bit...

1-I am consistently nauseous and hit bouts of gagging/dry heaving/vomiting at the site of spit/mucous/boogers and with certain smells.
2-Stuffed up and sneezing (but that could be allergies)
3-Blurry vision
5-Screwed up equilibrium
6- Weird rash that started on waist line an now is going down leg

I am blaming #4 & 5 on my inability at times to keep anything down. This is a very rough 1st tri for me. So different then the other two.
Sweetz hun - have you been to Doctors about the blurry vision and headaches? they don't sound like good symptoms to me:flower:

Lisalee - It wasn't through choice the pets came - we ended up having the picnic in the back garden :haha:

AFM - seriously bloated :growlmad: not liking my body at the moment at all - ah well time to dust off my CBFM and buy some OPKs this month:happydance:


I have an appointment on Wednesday where I am going to mention it.
Hi Shefali83, I'm seeing a RMC specialist on the 6th September. The last time I was referred, after my first 3MCs I was lucky enough to get pregnant again which resulted in my DS. So no testing was done at that time. It's 3MCs here in the UK before they refer you.

Since my latest 2MCs this year I was sent to gynaecology and had a terrbile experience, in a nutshell the consultant dismissed most of my conversation, links of MCs with PCOS (which I have), my diet etc etc, and he basically told me to do what I did when I carried before!:growlmad::cry:. I also had my last 'products of conception' sent for testing and he said they probably didnt do anything with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, I have had coagulation and thrombillia (sp) tests done and they were normal. My GP has been a lifesaver and she has referred me to a proper RMC specialist in a different hospital. She also did a couple more tests a couple of weeks ago for the sticky blood thing as her and a doctor I saw at hospital during my last MC both suspect it could be that or hormone levels due to the PCOS. My pregnancies all end at 8-10 weeks, all after good healthy scans etc. The time I did carry I followed a low GI/diabetic diet strictly and I dont know if that was the key but I will be doing that and taking aspirin if the tests aren't done by then, or dont show anything significant. I had such sugary cravings with my last pregnancy and found the diet really hard to stick to, I fear it contributed but of course we'll never know.

Tests of my last MC loss can take months where I live so I still havent heard anything from April :growlmad:

So it's a matter of keeping positive and continually looking forward, and praying a lot :winkwink: xo

Janelly- If you don't get your period by Monday, you should try to get a blood test to put your mind at ease.

Shefali- Sorry to hear you're still in limbo. Sometimes things get out of whack after a MC. I think the farther along you were, the longer it takes to get back to normal. Are you using OPKs?

Yes dear i am using opks. infact i got lot of ewcm leading to a positive opk about 2 days before the spotting started. We bd as well around that time :wacko:

Shefali, I've had 5 MCs, 2 of them this year. The first time I ovulated after both of them I had spotting which muct have been ovulation spotting. I've never had it before but it fitted in with all my temps etc. It settled down on second cycle after loss. MCs really do mess with our bodies, I'd give yourself a couple more cycles before trying to work out if something strange is going on. Easier said than done mind! Just go with the flow (excuse the pun) and keep :sex:.

And on a positive, I had my DS inbetween all those MCs so keep positive :winkwink: xo

oh i am so sorry for your losses :nope: cant imagine 5 !
i am still spotting ..i should be about 7dpo now. so i think af will be here after the spotting.. i just read up that spotting between ov and af can be due to low progesterone. can be expected as the hormones must be all crazy rightnow. i am just waiting for my cycles to get regular the way they used to be.. cant handle this wait :cry: want to be pg asap :hissy:

I share that madness:wacko:. My last MC was on Good Friday and I forced myself to wait until July before we started TTC again as I had two pregnancies straight after each other this year without any AFs inbetween. I just wanted to give my body a better chance to recover to be in good shape for hoepfully another miracle soon :flower:. It was an extremly difficult time! I think I just expect to fall pregnant really quickly now but somehow I dont think that will happen so just trying to keep things low key to keep the stress levels down (it's not working :dohh::wacko::cry:). x

awww :( did you get any answers to why they did not work??
Sweetz, hope you're feeling better soon. I know it can be difficult when you feel rotten, but those are good signs all is going well. I used to take dizzy spells when I was pregnant, apparently is it quite normal. Make sure you get your BP checked just in case everything is taking its toll a bit. The rash one I've never heard of, have you changed anything in your washing powders, soaps etc? Thinking of you x
Hey Garfie, I am packing up a bit. We are on for TTC though becaus he has to be trained in Houston first and I am tired of waiting. I want my baby dang it :)
I am so nervous about Houston. My family is too. They are delighted at the thought of Bangkok but Houston feels so close and so out of reach that they all sniffle.

CD4 here! Where is everyone at? What you got planned this cycle? I am just popping prenatals and CoQ10 :)
Going to try and be chill this cycle. I'm too tired to obsess much lol
Thanks Angel. I think I will feel more optimistic after my appointment on Wednesday. :)
Sweetz- I hope you feel better soon hun!

Storked- LOVE your attitude! I am currently CD13 after mc and still not sure what we are going to do....i did get some faint pos on opk..ran out and didnt but anymore today oops...but cm is changing so i am sure body is right back to what about dh? hmmm....

Lisalee- I had c-sections with all three of my babies. I was overdue with the first and after 18hour induction they figured out he was transverse :dohh: ummmm....yeah i told them that he was going to be too big...i am barely 5foot 2inches and dh is 6foot 2inches and we were both big babies so i knew i was going have a big one. sure enough first one was 20 1/2in and 8pounds 10oz! with 2nd baby, dd, i knew i wanted a planned csection. i loved having the control of picking the day i was going to go in and have her and she was born 10days before her due date and was 21 1/2inches and 8pounds 4 ounces. Well when baby #3 came along i also had a condition where i had way too much amniotic fluid, over 5pound by the time i delivered him, so with that type of complication they actually recommend a csection bc if the chance of a prolapse cord once the water breaks. He was born 8 days early and was 21 1/2 inches long and weighed in at 8pounds 11 ounces. The recovery was not bad at all and with in a week i felt normal again. plus after surgery they give you pain killers with vag births they just give over the counter stuff and plenty of my friends have said they felt like they need something stronger.... so planned csections in my opinion is not too bad...

afm- got some stuff done today but still gotta write that paper...grrr...night all!
Krissy, thanks for such a detailed response. It's just that I've always wanted to have a water birth ever since I've heard about it and saw it on TV. Now I know that will probably never happen b/c of the previous surgery and needing to be in a hospital, but part of me really wants the option to go through with a vaginal birth. I don't want to be forced to have a c-section going forward. :(
Krissy, thanks for such a detailed response. It's just that I've always wanted to have a water birth ever since I've heard about it and saw it on TV. Now I know that will probably never happen b/c of the previous surgery and needing to be in a hospital, but part of me really wants the option to go through with a vaginal birth. I don't want to be forced to have a c-section going forward. :(

Have you talked to your doctor about the risks of a vbac? My doctor had told me that the chance of unterine rupture would be less than 2% and that if I wanted I could try. For me persoanlly I just knew if my first baby was so big all my others would be the same way and I did not want to try and in the end still end up with a csection. If yoru doctor is not keen about it then maybe look into a different doctor or even a midwife, just because one says not does not mean they all will. I have one friend who had two csections in 2 years and then end up pregnant again less than a year later and found a doctor who would do a vbac. Good luck hun you should be able to do the birth plan you want, or at lest try! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

oh and so did not get that paper done...did not realize how much research it would actually be...oh well turn it in tomorrow late i guess it is after mindnight and i am so not staying up any later for 2 more points....i need to learn that just because something is not due till sunday does not mean i cant turn it in a day or two early :dohh: i think leason learned this time!
Get him on board Krissy. Put the kids to bed and have a naked movie night :) much to read....YAYYYY, I love it!

Ok sooo I sneaked on here to see what's happening Bc the Wknds belong to my DH.sorry ladies I thought about y'all though!! So Bc I missed so much I'm def not going to remember everything that was sad, apologies. And I may not get everyone.

BayBeeEm: I'm sooo stoked about your POSITIVITY!!! I love it, def speak it into existence ma'am, I'm speaking for you and with you!! Now go out in that neighborhood and share those hpt with your neighbors, I'm sure all those sticks is dangerous!!! You were soo right about men. I can be your cheerleader all the way over here!!

Hopestruck; how lovely and sweet, I'm sooo glad you n "DF" made it back safely!! CONGRATS MA'AM!!! Any planning? SN: I'm sooo sorry that those numbers weren't as high as you wanted them to be but trust me ma'am Miracles can just have to have faith the size of a mustard seed. Don't give up yet and claim that m/c, God works miracles just to test your faith. As much as a realist as you are, sometimes it's ok to believe and want things that you cannot see. I'm still holding on for my twin that the doc gave up on on, but just Bc her mouth said one thing MY heart and faith in God says another. GL ma'am, I'm always rooting for you. Count your blessing as they come, you got a soon to be Husband rejoicing is def in order!

Lpjkp: welcome bk ma'am, you know we always misses you!! And it sounds like you're getting back in the game, GO YOU, Mrs.BUSY PANTS!! lol just kidding! I love it!! Never give up on something you want!!

Shefali: I'm hoping your cycle returns to normal it can be a rollercoaster but once it's over and everything back to normal you'll be complaining about excessive BD! GL ma'am!

Stork; you want that baby dang it, an I want it for you too, NOW GO GET IT!!!

Garfie: I always love to see you post since I see you're a traveler! I'm sorry AF showed, but ma'am September is 3 wks away giving AF to come and go and time for you to gear up for "O" so def hang in there!!

AngelSerenity: Love your POSITIVITY, it's contagious!!

Sweetz: sorry for all the Symptns, hope you feel better soon. Keep us updated on appt.

Lisalee: CONGRATS ON BEING 12WEEKS!!! 3 MONTHS PREGNANT, GO YOU!!!!!! You are moving sooo along, you're going to be 13wks next wk!!! I totally not sure if "High School Moms" comes on Sunday definitely, but I saw a preview where it said it suppose to come on Sundays @ 9 or 10pm. I I hope that m/s is easing up.will you be getting the baby magazines after your 12wk appt.?

Krissy: BayBeeEm is sooo right ab DH, I do the same thing, my DH loves his videogames, basketball, football,wrestling,COD, and everything else, and I sit right there and play it with him, and he loves that. I watches football with him, i make his interest mine, his hobbies mine. And in return he gives me quality time,not as much as I want but just enough to make me happy. And our marriage is sooo much better, you have to understand their still men, mine was never a talker evn before we got married, and we were boyfriend and girlfriend for 7 1/2 years before we got married so I had a idea what I was getting into, and all the good stuff about him outweighed the negative Bc mo one is perfect, and we all kindve know what we're getting ourselves into before we say I DO, so we can't expect for them to change after we basically "gave our lives to them".GL(remember what may work for me or others may not work for you, just opinions)

Hi to HisGrace and the other awesome ladies!!

AFM: Today is DH and I 1st year anniversary 08/20/12 It has been a journey but I wouldn't change anything about him or what we've been through Bc they are lessons learned! And he's taking the day off to spend with me..Yayy so I will be M.I.A again. No m/s this Sun. strange.. I've had a aching knot like cramp on the backside of my Left shoulder and it's driving me crazy, I'm sure I slept wrong Bc it's only in that one spot and it only hurts when I move my arm and position my back the same way everytime. It's driving my DH crazy Bc he fears about a m/c, so I try not to worry or say anything TO him Bc he'll be asking me how I feel or am I alright all day long. But as much as I fear to have another one, I know I did all I can do so the rest Is left to GOD, and if it's not meant to be now then I'll keep praying for him TO bless me with it in due time BUT NOT THINKING AB m/ to stay positive!

Well it's 4:00am, time for me and Lisalee favorite show, "Married With Children", that show is sooo funny. I will update the list later.

GL ladies, and sorry for the Essay, I see it's becoming a common thing which BayBeeEm is awesome, no aplogies for getting everything out..BC WE WANT TO HEAR!!
Hope: First of all, congrats on your engagement!! That is fantastic news!! Have plenty of fun planning that wedding of your dreams…just remember to keep the bridezilla at bay (I know from experience, and it wasn’t a pretty sight!)
Secondly, try not to jump to any conclusions with your beta results…babies are little miracles in themselves and you’ve done such a fantastic job so far making the little one and providing a lovely toasty little nest in there for it to grow! I totally agree with Never that you can’t give up hope…I bet it’s just a little stubborn bugger that is trying to hide away for a little longer because it is so snug in there! Besides, it says on the internet that you can’t rely solely on HCG levels to determine pregnancy success, and that an ultrasound is much more accurate x

Sweetz: They sound like sucky pregnancy symptoms…hope all goes well at your doctor appointment and that they’re just temporary symptoms that will disappear along with the 1st trimester!

Storked: Sounds like you have a very exciting adventure up ahead! I hope everything goes well, and that a little baby will be the icing on the cake! You definitely deserve it!

Krissy: Wow! You sound like a very busy lady from your posts! Hope “o” day comes round thick and fast!

Lisalee: Woop! Congrats on the 12 week mark!! How amazing is that!! That’s like nearly a 1/3 of the way through your pregnancy!! I hope you can start to breathe a sigh of relief, because you’ve definitely reached a great milestone!

Garfie: Sorry to hear about those disappointing cycles…my cycles have increased by about a week since my m/c (Bummer because I don’t want to have less chances to conceive/year!) but I’m hoping that these cycle changes are just a temporary thing for us both!
That picnic sounds very “romantic” too, and I can relate to that! Even though there’s no kids in the picture yet, we don’t get much romantic time with 2 dogs, a cat and a rabbit either!

Never: Happy anniversary!!! I hope you and your DH have a lovely day filled with romance and fun!! Try not to think anything negative about your symptoms, everything has to ease off at some point, right? Your little baby has made his/her presence known and it’s time to relax and enjoy your pregnancy! I think a “nearly congrats” is in order, too, because your ticker says your 2 days away from that awesome 12 week mark!!! How exciting!!!!!!
Hello to everyone else that I haven’t gotten round to mentioning!
AFM: Finally took a sneak of when I had my LMP and my ovulation date, and that would make me 4/5dpo today! That’s pretty awesome that I managed to go nearly a week without knowing how far along in my cycle I am! Looks like, because I ovulated late again, my cycle will be around 32 days again, which is a bummer! That darn m/c gave me nothing but an infection and longer cycles! Still, that tells me that I’ll be expecting my AF to arrive around the 28th August, so I’ll be testing around that date if nothing happens…as of now, I’ve had nothing to note, no changes in CM, no cramping, no sore breasts (Though my nipples get a little tingly, so maybe the soreness is on its way)…Normal pre-AF symptoms I’ve come to know and not love!
Lpjkp, don't count yourself out and way to go you on not obsessing! I am planning to go your route! :dust: and :hugs:
Happy anniversary Never! My husband is taking the day off tomorrow so we will be together too :) did I tell you that while he is training that he will be away from me for weeks at a time? Reminds me a bit of you telling me about your spouse! Sending positive thoughts and prayers out to your sweet family so that you guys find reassurance that your sweet LO is ok :hugs:
Never and LPJ- Thanks for the congrats! I am very excited and it feels like a milestone. Just 1 more week til 2nd trimester! I was just celebrating my end to MS when I literally just vomited IN MY HAND while typing this post!!!! Seriously. Crazy! Didn't even see that one coming. But at least I'm not nauseous right now. :)

Never- I watched High School Moms last night. I guess that other girl really got kicked out of the school last week, huh? I missed the end of last week's episode but didn't see her on last night.
I'm sure the shoulder pain is nothing but sleeping in the wrong position. Definitely not a link to something bad so nothing to worry about besides finding a better sleeping position!

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