March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

This is the appointment to hear the heartbeat and I will possibly get another scan. Eeeeeee!! So excited!!

:happydance: Good luck sweetie.. keep us updated :flower: you ll be out of 1st trimester veryyyyy sooon!!! :thumbup:
YAYYY BatbeeEm I'm sooo glad to hear from you, and with that awesome personality, I just wish i could take you everywhere with me!! My DH is doing some wrk in Augusta GA, and I wanted to gooo sooo bad so I could come to your part of town and pack you up and bring you back with me to SC!! But he decided I stay home and just relax. O well, how the time fly, You're already DPO! How are yal making those days go faster!!? And yes ma'am I'm the spitter and still vomitting. You know I'm always rooting for you ma'am. I'm Soooo hoping you have it, I want you too Soooo bad! Sometimes faith and hope can change our whole outcome, I told myself I was pregnant and I believed it, Bc I wanted it sooo bad. As dangerous as that is Bc of disappointment I knew I had to have faith. And even if not this month, I'll believe in my heart that I'll get my sticky next month. Don't give up ma'am, blessings you really want is never easy. But when you get it you'll be sooo overjoyed, GL!!

i sooo love your positivity !! thank you :hugs::hugs::kiss::flower::thumbup::friends:
Thanks Krissy, I spoke with my doctor first thing this morning and he's pretty sure this was an early miscarriage because I'm throwing up and having a really bad headache. Plus it's a really heavy period with clots. He's going to look at my records from the other doctor and see why he wanted me to do Lupron injections. I have to sign a release form though. :growlmad: I told him I would come in on Monday, I'm in no condition to leave my house--let alone drive. I just hope they find out something promising. I've given birth, I have lots of tattoos, I've even gone 3 days with a broken arm not knowing it, but these cramps are something else. I'm not too sure I'm going to want to continue trying if it keeps resulting in miscarriage. :cry: That may sound selfish, but it's the truth. This pain is awful.

I know what you is this your second mc or more? this was my second and i do feel almost like god is telling me i am suppose to be happy with the 3 i have since i had 3 pretty normal pregnancies and now two mc in a row and we have been trying for a year seems unreal for it to be a year of trying now and all we have to show is two mc..i think dh is afraid to try again and doesnt even want to bd right now.... :cry:

This is our second. I'm going to wait to hear what my doctor has to say before we decide anything. When I called my Husband this morning at work and told him what was happening, you could hear the sadness in his voice. I think that breaks my heart even more. He's been calling me all day asking me how I'm doing. Emotionally I'm okay. It's the pain that's really bringing me down. I remember when I had my surgery how much pain my period was afterwards. I was in tears, in the fetal position, and clinging to the heating pad. My doctor prescribed me drugs for the pain and told me to take them every 4 hours because I didn't want the pain to catch up to me. Well, I could not stand being a zombie by the second day and I cut back on the medication. I regretted it so bad. This pain reminds me of that, but not as intense. If it doesn't go away or get better with in the next few hours I'm going to call my doctor and request a prescription. At least to have just in case I need it over the weekend.

hey dear how are you feeling now.. been thinking of you :hugs:
BayBeeEmm- the whole bding thing would not be so complicated if my dh actually had a sex drive to bd with me :cry: well actually i think he does have a sex drive he just rather sit and play video games to all hours of night so by the time he comes to bed i am sound asleep and can barly open my eyes to say i love you and :kiss: goodnight. so when we are activiely ttc that is why i do the opk so i can show him see going to o and then he makes more time for me....well damn it i want sex not just when ttc but he dont get it i try to explain it to him that basically i feel like he is not attrated to me bc of the extra 50lbs i have on me compared to when we met. :cry::shrug: sigh guess it happens after 7 yrs...but in the end my mind always goes back to the fact a year and half ago he cheated on me and i guess i always will be afraid of it happening again...i forgave him but i cant forget it i know he loves me and he wont do it again but i never pegged him to do it in the first place.....ok done going down that road...

Janelley- how you doing lady? i am here for ya! :hugs:

Shefali-i guess i have been "lucky" in the fact that my body has bounced back to normal after each mc...I hope yours does to for is hard to have a mc i always feel like i was betrayed by my body ya know?:hugs:

Garfie-:hugs::hugs: i know how disappointing it is when :witch: shows up happy b-lated bday!!!! at least she held off for some bday bd i hope

lpjkp- glad to hear meds are working and that tests came back good....yes hopefully all of still waiting will have our bfp before christmas time!! :dust:

Sweetz-:happydance::happydance::happydance: oh my time to hear heartbeat yay!! so happy for you!! how is the rest of life going for ya other than that happy little bun in your oven? have you killed dh because havent heard any more about him lol

Army- :dust: cant wait to see if you get your bfp this month! i think about you often and hope that you get what you want!

Never- i hope the spitting slows down...but i remeber that on one of the teen moms and she had it her whole pregnancy FX it eases up congrats on almost 2nd tri! :happydance:

afm-this is oncall weekend for dh (he is maintenance at our apartment complex) so home all weekend which is fine bc i got my oldest ds kindergarten teacher coming monday afternoon for home visit so gotta clean up a little extra lol....oh and can i just say even though i really want that 4th and final baby i am enjoying watching my kids change so much this summer. my youngest who will be 3 in less than a month :cry: is talking to so much and is so funny..he always like to ask me in the morning momma are you awake like :dohh: my eyes are open right dd has gotten taller and is so freaking pretty it scares me when she gets to teenager...and my oldest ds is sooo tall easily 4feet and not even 6 till sep 20! i like to sit back and look at what i do have and be thankful for my 3 wonderful some times HUGE pain my ass kids but i know they love their momma and i love them so if it is gods plan that 3 is it for us then i am happy...just as long as i dont keep having mc just rather not get pregnant at all ya know?

ok off to get day going see you ladies later!
Sweetz - Yay for beating hearts! I know you will have nothing but positive news to share with us soon. The day I will be able to see one, I know I will be an emotional wreck. I just hope I don't scare my physician because I plan to switch with the next pregnancy.

Nevergivingup - Thank you so much for the warm reception. I too wish you were coming down this way. Would be awesome to meet the person with the cheerleader approach and the golden heart. That said, you should rest, after all, you are cooking our BnB baby! As for giving up, I think I would be a little more confident about this cycle had I actually seen my peak on the opk but of course I have myself to blame for that! I will speak my good news into existence though!

Garfieeeeeee - wow, it feels likes its been a while since I've seen you post ... ok, its been a while since I've been active here. How are you? I sure hope my hip pain is due to some expansion in the coccxy region. *rolling around, smearing and inhaling your baby dust* :happydance: Sorry to hear that the witch got you but I am happy to see that you remain optimistic. May September be a rewarding month for you.

Stork - is it just me or are you ignoring me. I <3 you anyway!

Lpkjp- glad to hear you are on the road to recovery and destressing. Destressing improves your health over all. I totally want Rosetta Stone but for a language they're not yet focusing on. I think you will enjoy Spanish, I know I did! I started learning in 4th grade and continued until I was in 9th. I stopped taking courses because my father had a fear that I loved it so much and would get to college and say that I wanted to major in it. LOL. Mind you he didn't tell me the reason until I have I finished my first degree. Have fun with that!

Shefali - I officially plan to test on the 27th but eh hem ... I bought enough of the internet cheapies during my last cycle for everyone women in my neighborhood to have one ... sooooooo, I will likely try before then. I KNOW myself. LOL

Sweet, Sweet Krissy - I just want to :hugs: you right now because I know it is painful to move on with such memories in the back of your mind. You are an amazing woman in that you have the ability to forgive. Not only are you forgiving but you've even moved on as evidenced by your committement to TTC.

As for him not being attracted, I'm not sure thats it. Even if you've added on more curves to love, men usually just get comfortable. Its been my experience that men aren't a fan of routine. Similar to you, my DH and I have been together 6 years but married for a little over 1. We definitely had our times where I felt like the fire was dying down before we were engaged. My answer to that, make his interests my interests and convince him to make my interests his as well. Example, my hubby loves watching boxing, talking about and playing with stocks, and basically anything to do with increasing one's overall networth. I now enjoy boxing and although I am as dumb as they come when it comes to the stock market but I sure ask questions like I know what the hell I am talking about. LOL. "Ohhhh so the market is rallying today, what do you think is responsible for that?" Just like that, he goes off on several tangents for the next several minutes. My DH, I think, likes to educate others. I say all of this to encourage you to not think its all about how you've changed but rather to entertain what you can add to reestablish the connection you once had. Its natural that they more you relate, the more QUALITY time you spend together, hence the more "Babe, you know what time it is", you will have. I'm rooting for you and baby number 4. :flower:

Hopestruck - where are you dear. I just realized that you should be progressing pretty well too! Updates! Updates! Updates!!!!!

AFM -Part of me wants to have a POAS party and part of me wants to wait as long as I can. Then again, given that I had a suspected ectopic, one is advised to start seeing doctors as soon as they know so that the HCG levels are monitored closely. I don't wanna!

Should I get a positive, I've been thinking ... I am torn between telling my husband right away or I sort of want to go for my 6 week scan so that I will be able to show him an image of a healthy baby. Is that wrong? I'm just scared of another loss although I sure have prayed against it. By the way, how many of you went with your DH for the 6 weeks scan?
Geeze, sorry about the autobiography I just typed above!
Hey Never, good to see you online. Just do what you need to do honey.

My quick update - 10DPO, not symptom spotting, not hopeful, not even planning to test lol. Really just trying to chill this cycle and really dont think it's my month as to be honest I don't think I have any symptoms to spot, not even my normal cycle symptoms! AF due Sunday-Tuesday so we'll see what time brings. If it isnt here by Tuesday I'll maybe test then x

We are in the same boat. AF is due either Monday or Tuesday. I was supposed to be testing tomorrow, but I just can't bring myself to do it. DH wants me to test on Thursday if there's no AF by then.
Oh HisGrace - Nice to meet you. Looks like I will be learning lots from you. I see you have a blog. My journey has been and hot and lukewarm and I would like to get it right where it needs to be so that I can be the steward I need to be for my LOs!
BayBeeEmm- the whole bding thing would not be so complicated if my dh actually had a sex drive to bd with me :cry: well actually i think he does have a sex drive he just rather sit and play video games to all hours of night so by the time he comes to bed i am sound asleep and can barly open my eyes to say i love you and :kiss: goodnight. so when we are activiely ttc that is why i do the opk so i can show him see going to o and then he makes more time for me....well damn it i want sex not just when ttc but he dont get it i try to explain it to him that basically i feel like he is not attrated to me bc of the extra 50lbs i have on me compared to when we met. :cry::shrug: sigh guess it happens after 7 yrs...but in the end my mind always goes back to the fact a year and half ago he cheated on me and i guess i always will be afraid of it happening again...i forgave him but i cant forget it i know he loves me and he wont do it again but i never pegged him to do it in the first place.....ok done going down that road...

Janelley- how you doing lady? i am here for ya! :hugs:

Shefali-i guess i have been "lucky" in the fact that my body has bounced back to normal after each mc...I hope yours does to for is hard to have a mc i always feel like i was betrayed by my body ya know?:hugs:

Garfie-:hugs::hugs: i know how disappointing it is when :witch: shows up happy b-lated bday!!!! at least she held off for some bday bd i hope

lpjkp- glad to hear meds are working and that tests came back good....yes hopefully all of still waiting will have our bfp before christmas time!! :dust:

Sweetz-:happydance::happydance::happydance: oh my time to hear heartbeat yay!! so happy for you!! how is the rest of life going for ya other than that happy little bun in your oven? have you killed dh because havent heard any more about him lol

Army- :dust: cant wait to see if you get your bfp this month! i think about you often and hope that you get what you want!

Never- i hope the spitting slows down...but i remeber that on one of the teen moms and she had it her whole pregnancy FX it eases up congrats on almost 2nd tri! :happydance:

afm-this is oncall weekend for dh (he is maintenance at our apartment complex) so home all weekend which is fine bc i got my oldest ds kindergarten teacher coming monday afternoon for home visit so gotta clean up a little extra lol....oh and can i just say even though i really want that 4th and final baby i am enjoying watching my kids change so much this summer. my youngest who will be 3 in less than a month :cry: is talking to so much and is so funny..he always like to ask me in the morning momma are you awake like :dohh: my eyes are open right dd has gotten taller and is so freaking pretty it scares me when she gets to teenager...and my oldest ds is sooo tall easily 4feet and not even 6 till sep 20! i like to sit back and look at what i do have and be thankful for my 3 wonderful some times HUGE pain my ass kids but i know they love their momma and i love them so if it is gods plan that 3 is it for us then i am happy...just as long as i dont keep having mc just rather not get pregnant at all ya know?

ok off to get day going see you ladies later!

I hope i am just as lucky :hugs::hugs::hugs:
MC sucks big time.. first ttc stress then mc :(
Garfield SS sweety!!*hugs* I haven't killed the DH rofl!! jk he says he will go with me on Wednesday, we will see!! I'm really excited and nervous bc last time we never saw, let alone heard the heartbeat. I saw it on the last u/s and it freaked me out at first lol what?! I didn't know what it was haha!! I swear though, DH is like bipolar or something...he changes his moods faster and more then a person with OCD changes their socks. And trust, I have OCD and change then pretty frequently ;) well, I did figure out to combat the horrible ms to eat more frequently (and smaller) and never, ever, ever misplace my reglan hehe I kept everything down yesterday with minimal smell induced gagging.
Janelly- If you don't get your period by Monday, you should try to get a blood test to put your mind at ease.

Shefali- Sorry to hear you're still in limbo. Sometimes things get out of whack after a MC. I think the farther along you were, the longer it takes to get back to normal. Are you using OPKs?

Yes dear i am using opks. infact i got lot of ewcm leading to a positive opk about 2 days before the spotting started. We bd as well around that time :wacko:

Shefali, I've had 5 MCs, 2 of them this year. The first time I ovulated after both of them I had spotting which muct have been ovulation spotting. I've never had it before but it fitted in with all my temps etc. It settled down on second cycle after loss. MCs really do mess with our bodies, I'd give yourself a couple more cycles before trying to work out if something strange is going on. Easier said than done mind! Just go with the flow (excuse the pun) and keep :sex:.

And on a positive, I had my DS inbetween all those MCs so keep positive :winkwink: xo

oh i am so sorry for your losses :nope: cant imagine 5 !
i am still spotting ..i should be about 7dpo now. so i think af will be here after the spotting.. i just read up that spotting between ov and af can be due to low progesterone. can be expected as the hormones must be all crazy rightnow. i am just waiting for my cycles to get regular the way they used to be.. cant handle this wait :cry: want to be pg asap :hissy:

I share that madness:wacko:. My last MC was on Good Friday and I forced myself to wait until July before we started TTC again as I had two pregnancies straight after each other this year without any AFs inbetween. I just wanted to give my body a better chance to recover to be in good shape for hoepfully another miracle soon :flower:. It was an extremly difficult time! I think I just expect to fall pregnant really quickly now but somehow I dont think that will happen so just trying to keep things low key to keep the stress levels down (it's not working :dohh::wacko::cry:). x
Thanks. I've just read your blog and you know what, I've been having a calling recently and I think your blog just answered it :flower:. THANK YOU.

My background regarding the church is fairly similar as well. I would currently describe myself as very spiritual and am very open to everything spiritual, receive and give messages etc, hence my username. I used to be a Christian but am struggling reaffirming my faith and I must admit the vanity of it is finding a decent church in my area :blush:.

Sending you baby dust prayers for this cycle xo

Hey Never, good to see you online. Just do what you need to do honey.

My quick update - 10DPO, not symptom spotting, not hopeful, not even planning to test lol. Really just trying to chill this cycle and really dont think it's my month as to be honest I don't think I have any symptoms to spot, not even my normal cycle symptoms! AF due Sunday-Tuesday so we'll see what time brings. If it isnt here by Tuesday I'll maybe test then x

We are in the same boat. AF is due either Monday or Tuesday. I was supposed to be testing tomorrow, but I just can't bring myself to do it. DH wants me to test on Thursday if there's no AF by then.
Thanks. I've just read your blog and you know what, I've been having a calling recently and I think your blog just answered it :flower:. THANK YOU.

My background regarding the church is fairly similar as well. I would currently describe myself as very spiritual and am very open to everything spiritual, receive and give messages etc, hence my username. I used to be a Christian but am struggling reaffirming my faith and I must admit the vanity of it is finding a decent church in my area :blush:.

Sending you baby dust prayers for this cycle xo

Thanks for the well wishes. Dust to you too. :dust: Hopefully we can both celebrate our BFPs next week. :dust:
Thanks. I've just read your blog and you know what, I've been having a calling recently and I think your blog just answered it :flower:. THANK YOU.

My background regarding the church is fairly similar as well. I would currently describe myself as very spiritual and am very open to everything spiritual, receive and give messages etc, hence my username. I used to be a Christian but am struggling reaffirming my faith and I must admit the vanity of it is finding a decent church in my area :blush:.

Sending you baby dust prayers for this cycle xo

I pray that you find all your answers. I can totally relate to that struggle. :hugs:
Hi ladies,

Well I am back from my trip. It was totally awesome and wonderful. I have good news and bad news though...

The good news is that OH is now DF :happydance: he booked a surprise floatplane trip (private) all around the BC/Alaska mountains...we landed at a lookout point and he got on his knee :cloud9:

However, this joy has been slightly ruined...I went for my beta yesterday when I got home (doc wanted to do one more before U/S). Didn't get the results right away. Then yesterday and this morning I was getting funny/strong side cramping which was really kind scaring me (ectopic) so we went to emergency this morning. The doctor did a physical exam and said there are NO signs of an ectopic and that my uterus is the right size for 7-ish weeks. BUT, he looked up my beta results from yesterday and they are only 1184 :cry: I am beside myself....soooo sad.... they don't have an ultrasound tech in on weekends so I have to go in first thing Monday morning and bring my requisition. It's an emergency form so the doctor said they should be able to get me in within the week (and of course if anything gets worse to come in again). So I will know more later. But for now I think the fate is in the numbers. 1184 is far too low. It's too low for 7 weeks and the doubling time is way too slow (I think I calculated something like 164 hours). Ugh. I should be happy but I'm just a wreck... :cry::cry::cry: 4 M/Cs in a year?????
BayBeeEm- I never ignore ya. Love you too much lady :kiss:
Congrats on the engagement hopestruck :)
I will keep you in my heart and my prayers that your sweet LO is ok. Stick baby, STICK!
Congrats hope!

Oh! That's sounds lovely. Congratulations! As for the HCG numbers, I hope that the outcome is a positive one. Let us know the outcome. I will likely PM you afterward. I'm remaining hopeful for your little one ...
Hi ladies,

Well I am back from my trip. It was totally awesome and wonderful. I have good news and bad news though...

The good news is that OH is now DF :happydance: he booked a surprise floatplane trip (private) all around the BC/Alaska mountains...we landed at a lookout point and he got on his knee :cloud9:

However, this joy has been slightly ruined...I went for my beta yesterday when I got home (doc wanted to do one more before U/S). Didn't get the results right away. Then yesterday and this morning I was getting funny/strong side cramping which was really kind scaring me (ectopic) so we went to emergency this morning. The doctor did a physical exam and said there are NO signs of an ectopic and that my uterus is the right size for 7-ish weeks. BUT, he looked up my beta results from yesterday and they are only 1184 :cry: I am beside myself....soooo sad.... they don't have an ultrasound tech in on weekends so I have to go in first thing Monday morning and bring my requisition. It's an emergency form so the doctor said they should be able to get me in within the week (and of course if anything gets worse to come in again). So I will know more later. But for now I think the fate is in the numbers. 1184 is far too low. It's too low for 7 weeks and the doubling time is way too slow (I think I calculated something like 164 hours). Ugh. I should be happy but I'm just a wreck... :cry::cry::cry: 4 M/Cs in a year?????

Hope- I want to start off with the :happydance: CONGRATS!!!! Did you cry? The first time my dh proposed he just sort of bought the ring and was like here...the second time he proposed last sept..after all we went through...he planned it out...went and got me a new engament ring, we went to dinner then went to park at night that he likes to look at deer at (he is a hunter) well we were standing the the gazebo and he said did you hear that over there i looked and said your crazy but when i turned back he was down on one knee and said, "since i didnt do it right the first time, will you marry me?" i started bawling my eyes out..i will never forget that moment still get teary eye.....

Now as far as those numbers...hmmmm.....i am PRAYING that everything is ok! And what the heck about a delay on ultrasound...oh wait you live in Canada right? I always take for granted that if i were to walk in to the ER right now with what you are going through i would get scan right away and not have to wait.....universal healthcare is a good thing but the waiting thing sucks!!! I hope you get right in and get some peace of mind! :hugs::hugs::hugs: Here for ya lady!

AFM-been working on the kid's room cleaned and organized now FX it can stay that way till monday lol...been working on my room and the rest of the house...i am soo not an organized person...sweetz i need some of your ocd lol.....took two opk today...early after noon was completely neg...tonight looking like faint post again i hate these damn things lol...CD 12 so still not due to o till earliest 2 more days so i guess test right on track then...took a hpt just make sure no hormone present and i guess it is the first time i was happy for bfn lol....
BayBeeEm- So great to hear from you again! I can't wait til you test in 4-5 days! :) OK fine- whenever you want we'll be waiting for you.

Hopestruck- CONGRATS on the engagement! How exciting! I hope that the baby situation turns out OK. Either way, it sounds like you have a supportive person by your side so that will make it easier either way.

Garfie- Sorry the witch got you. But at least it seems like your cycle is returning to normal. You went from 19 days to 23 days. That's really good!

LPJ- Sounds like a great approach. It's great to switch it up sometimes.

Krissy- Sorry to hear about the situation with your husband. It's frustrating as a woman not to feel attractive to your mate. I doubt that's what it is tho. He's probably so engrossed in his game that he doesn't think about much else. Maybe try to change up his routine a little? Send the kids somewhere, plan a romantic evening, something like that.....:hugs:

Never & BayBeeEm- By the time you read this post, I'll be 3 months!!! :dance: Thank you both for your encouragement.

Never- What night does High School Moms come on? I mad I fell asleep on the 1st episode b/c it was pretty good. Also, I LOVE Married with Children!

Hi to Shefali, AngelSerenity, and everyone else! :hi:

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