March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

No pics for this one...though,now its dried,there's no point in taking a pic would be so fantastic if it was the start of a BFP for me,but its still early days and could go either way,and that test might have not even been the beginning of a bfp anyway...ill update you ladies if anything positive happens!x
No pics for this one...though,now its dried,there's no point in taking a pic would be so fantastic if it was the start of a BFP for me,but its still early days and could go either way,and that test might have not even been the beginning of a bfp anyway...ill update you ladies if anything positive happens!x

fingers crossed for your dear!! :dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::hugs:
Thanks Shefali! That was from a hiking trip when I was engaged :)
Lpjkp, I have everything crossed that this is the start of your BFP!
I wear pink blush every day. I didn't once and my husband told me "you look...WEIRD" hehe. I was so mad!
Shefali- Sorry I have no experience in this area. I hope you find out soon.

LPJ- This could be the beginning of a BFP! Remember that the lines fade after the test period. I saved my test at 11 dpo and it's more faint than when I 1st took it. Test again soon!!!! :dance:
Shefali- Sorry I have no experience in this area. I hope you find out soon.

LPJ- This could be the beginning of a BFP! Remember that the lines fade after the test period. I saved my test at 11 dpo and it's more faint than when I 1st took it. Test again soon!!!! :dance:

I hope so too! Thanks ! How are you doing? :flower:
storked and Shefali- I love reading the conversation betwene you two...shows we are really here for eachother! :hugs:

storked- your positive attitude has been great! I know you want that baby so try not to let the stress of moving and moving lol get to ya! But also know if you dont get a bfp before you move over seas you can blame it on that lol...also good to know you can take us with you! :blush:

Shefali-I hope things straight out for ya this month!

Janelley-:hugs::hugs::hugs: For now we are not trying this month as much as i want to. DH is emotionally stunted is the best way to put it and is working through his own issues even though i try to talk to him about his fears and what not..i know him he will get there. Even my mom though wants me to wait to talk to dr about why i had two mc in a 4 month span. so i am may baby for me...thinking july would be a nice month though...maybe even born on DH bday!

Lpj- Oh Girl :dust: :dust: :dust:! I sooo have everything crossed for you!!!! and since i am not tying this month...grrrr....i soo need you to become a poas alholic for and post pics so i can live through you lol....

AFM- When i learn i am not supper mom and i do need sleep? internet was messed up last night while trying to work on my paper for school...good thing DH has Iphone whatever number lol..and i was able to do alot with that till internet came back up at midnight! well i took a short nap after dinner and drank coffee...:dohh::dohh::dohh: umm...yeah could not fall asleep last night then kinds up by :coffee: is my best friend this morning! Also think i am going to call OB dr and see if there is a way i can get in this week instead of waiting till 30th..dont hurt to ask right? other than that nothing planned or due today...yay!!!!! just me and the kids!

oh and thought i would post pic of my beautiful family! ps i am on my tip toes next to dh lol


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oh...and still out of opk but i am noticing signs of "O" coming....boobs are sore today and have not 'been for about 3 days now.....and also cm becoming stretchier so should "O" any day...even though not trying....little sad :cry: but nice to know things are going right back to normal!

thought i would share with the class llol
Aww krissy, your children are ADORABLE! You have a perfect little family in that photo!

I couldnt find the charger for the camera battery to take a good photo,and the photos on my phone are awful...the camera on it doesn't focus well! Needless to say,I held my pee in for a few hours and retested, and apparently the first test wasn't a fluke because there's a very faint line on this one too within a couple of minutes that fades when the strip now im thinking that its either a dodgy batch or im onto something here! I hope hope HOPE something good will be coming this way...ill be hoping and praying until either that BFP or AF x
storked and Shefali- I love reading the conversation betwene you two...shows we are really here for eachother! :hugs:

storked- your positive attitude has been great! I know you want that baby so try not to let the stress of moving and moving lol get to ya! But also know if you dont get a bfp before you move over seas you can blame it on that lol...also good to know you can take us with you! :blush:

Shefali-I hope things straight out for ya this month!

Janelley-:hugs::hugs::hugs: For now we are not trying this month as much as i want to. DH is emotionally stunted is the best way to put it and is working through his own issues even though i try to talk to him about his fears and what not..i know him he will get there. Even my mom though wants me to wait to talk to dr about why i had two mc in a 4 month span. so i am may baby for me...thinking july would be a nice month though...maybe even born on DH bday!

Lpj- Oh Girl :dust: :dust: :dust:! I sooo have everything crossed for you!!!! and since i am not tying this month...grrrr....i soo need you to become a poas alholic for and post pics so i can live through you lol....

AFM- When i learn i am not supper mom and i do need sleep? internet was messed up last night while trying to work on my paper for school...good thing DH has Iphone whatever number lol..and i was able to do alot with that till internet came back up at midnight! well i took a short nap after dinner and drank coffee...:dohh::dohh::dohh: umm...yeah could not fall asleep last night then kinds up by :coffee: is my best friend this morning! Also think i am going to call OB dr and see if there is a way i can get in this week instead of waiting till 30th..dont hurt to ask right? other than that nothing planned or due today...yay!!!!! just me and the kids!

oh and thought i would post pic of my beautiful family! ps i am on my tip toes next to dh lol

awww i love the picture... kiddies are super cute!! :flower: enjoy the day.. sometimes its good to have nothing planned.. just sit back & relax.. :shower:
Aww krissy, your children are ADORABLE! You have a perfect little family in that photo!

I couldnt find the charger for the camera battery to take a good photo,and the photos on my phone are awful...the camera on it doesn't focus well! Needless to say,I held my pee in for a few hours and retested, and apparently the first test wasn't a fluke because there's a very faint line on this one too within a couple of minutes that fades when the strip now im thinking that its either a dodgy batch or im onto something here! I hope hope HOPE something good will be coming this way...ill be hoping and praying until either that BFP or AF x

Oh I got chills reading that!!! :hugs: :dust: :happydance: maybe your dream was right and its twins and that would explain why you would get early bfp! oh girl at this point i am invested in you!

Thanks about the family...i think they are beautiful to bu i am also mom lol all three have some shade of blonde hair and blue eyes and they all looked like the gerber baby must cuz they were all chunkers! i always tell dh i keep him around cuz we make pretty babies lol....but yes i want another but at the same time i do have a beautiful family so i am happy with that to....ah :coffee: kicking in much better mood! lol

oh oh oh...did you all see that one of those toddler in tiaras mom is getting in heaps of trouble for the outfit she put on her kid? about time!
WOW, not even a whole day gone by and I had to catch up on 5pages, how awesome is that!! LOOOOVVVEEE IT!

BayBeeEm: Wow, we must come from the same family, Bc my DH keeps saying we're having a boy, Bc he believes in having our name being carried on as well, and he wants all boys so he'll know our name will be carried on, MEN, eh!? I would love alittle minime to dress up but I would love to see DH get his boy so I'm hoping secretly. As for your younger boss, sometimes when their young with power they think stupid.....not all the time but most of the time.Oh and you're def going to be 3 months behind me, it's confident we are.....and I love it!

Sweetz: I'm glad you're at peace with your decision, whatever makes you happy ma'am, then go for it, you deserve it! 2 days to hear the HB, your bean is the main focus now. We're happy if you're happy!!

BamaGurl: I'm Soooo happy for you, beyond measures, even before your soon to be BFP, Bc I love your approach this time, it's calm and loving, and I sooo love it, you bounced back and that shows a strong woman, Go You, now for the cramping and twinned, sounds like "O" is near sooo grab that DH of yours and :sex: BUT NO PRESSURE, you just need them sperm men!!

Lpjkp: I'm sooo stoked that you're back in it, and I'm sooo happy. Ma'am you never know, that maybe was the beginning to 9 months of happiness and worrying. So keep testing and no matter what the outcome is we are sooo behind you and rooting for you until that 2nd line show.

Jenelleybean: I'm sooo sorry you're going through this, I sooo wish it could've went another way but do what makes you happy and the kitchen project will take your mind off TTC right now but remember TTC shouldn't be stressful or a job it suppose to be something special between man & woman, so enjoy each other if nothing else, and I'm always rooting for you! I hope you're recovering emotionally and physically well.

Stork: I remember when my DH had started leaving, I was terrified I never could sleep but you know me always finding power in God so I found strength in his promises and his word that I shouldn't fear anyone or anything but him and ever since I've been at peace with the situation. But that was sooo totally funny about, your DH may come home to a whole new wife. I nolonger hold my gas in from my DH, he's going to hear it one day so I'm training him now for the worse. When you get prego you won't care then.

Garfie: Wow Paris, how cool is that!!! DH and I dream right now is seeing our baby HB on this Fri.that will be the best anniversary present we can ever give each other, Bc we didn't get to enjoy that last time Bc I m/c 2 days before my 12wk appt. We couldn't enjoy anything else but to hear that Beating HB.

Shefali: again I'm sorry but it will get better, Head Up Chin Up

Lisalee: when is your appt. it should be tommorrow or today right?

Hi to Hopestruck, I hope you're doing better.

Hi to AngelSerenity! And too anyone else I may have missed.

AFM: Spent my anniversary in the ER Bc of a swollen lymph node behind my ear, after sitting in there for 4 hrs, only to hear its ok it will go away on it's own. But happy about that.DH left out this morning, was the best day I couldve had Bc it was just me and him out and about. My m/s is easing up, I had a gagging session yesterday but no vomit and spitting but it's not as horrible.

GL to all the ladies, you all are def awesome and strong women and wonderful women to want to give life to a child even after all the pain and stress it brain yal are def incredible women and will get blessed with your baby soon, just believe and enjoy each day you get to try again.

P.s to the one who says she's 29 and her time is running out, you have so much time, you're only 29, my aunt was pushing them out @ 48. Keep at it, you'll get it!!
WOW, not even a whole day gone by and I had to catch up on 5pages, how awesome is that!! LOOOOVVVEEE IT!

BayBeeEm: Wow, we must come from the same family, Bc my DH keeps saying we're having a boy, Bc he believes in having our name being carried on as well, and he wants all boys so he'll know our name will be carried on, MEN, eh!? I would love alittle minime to dress up but I would love to see DH get his boy so I'm hoping secretly. As for your younger boss, sometimes when their young with power they think stupid.....not all the time but most of the time.Oh and you're def going to be 3 months behind me, it's confident we are.....and I love it!

Sweetz: I'm glad you're at peace with your decision, whatever makes you happy ma'am, then go for it, you deserve it! 2 days to hear the HB, your bean is the main focus now. We're happy if you're happy!!

BamaGurl: I'm Soooo happy for you, beyond measures, even before your soon to be BFP, Bc I love your approach this time, it's calm and loving, and I sooo love it, you bounced back and that shows a strong woman, Go You, now for the cramping and twinned, sounds like "O" is near sooo grab that DH of yours and :sex: BUT NO PRESSURE, you just need them sperm men!!

Lpjkp: I'm sooo stoked that you're back in it, and I'm sooo happy. Ma'am you never know, that maybe was the beginning to 9 months of happiness and worrying. So keep testing and no matter what the outcome is we are sooo behind you and rooting for you until that 2nd line show.

Jenelleybean: I'm sooo sorry you're going through this, I sooo wish it could've went another way but do what makes you happy and the kitchen project will take your mind off TTC right now but remember TTC shouldn't be stressful or a job it suppose to be something special between man & woman, so enjoy each other if nothing else, and I'm always rooting for you! I hope you're recovering emotionally and physically well.

Stork: I remember when my DH had started leaving, I was terrified I never could sleep but you know me always finding power in God so I found strength in his promises and his word that I shouldn't fear anyone or anything but him and ever since I've been at peace with the situation. But that was sooo totally funny about, your DH may come home to a whole new wife. I nolonger hold my gas in from my DH, he's going to hear it one day so I'm training him now for the worse. When you get prego you won't care then.

Garfie: Wow Paris, how cool is that!!! DH and I dream right now is seeing our baby HB on this Fri.that will be the best anniversary present we can ever give each other, Bc we didn't get to enjoy that last time Bc I m/c 2 days before my 12wk appt. We couldn't enjoy anything else but to hear that Beating HB.

Shefali: again I'm sorry but it will get better, Head Up Chin Up

Lisalee: when is your appt. it should be tommorrow or today right?

Hi to Hopestruck, I hope you're doing better.

Hi to AngelSerenity! And too anyone else I may have missed.

AFM: Spent my anniversary in the ER Bc of a swollen lymph node behind my ear, after sitting in there for 4 hrs, only to hear its ok it will go away on it's own. But happy about that.DH left out this morning, was the best day I couldve had Bc it was just me and him out and about. My m/s is easing up, I had a gagging session yesterday but no vomit and spitting but it's not as horrible.

GL to all the ladies, you all are def awesome and strong women and wonderful women to want to give life to a child even after all the pain and stress it brain yal are def incredible women and will get blessed with your baby soon, just believe and enjoy each day you get to try again.

P.s to the one who says she's 29 and her time is running out, you have so much time, you're only 29, my aunt was pushing them out @ 48. Keep at it, you'll get it!!

thanks sweety, that 29 year old is me ! :wacko: i hope i get my share soon :baby::baby:
CONGRATS TO OUR LOVELY :bfp: LADIES Lisalee, Nevergivingup, Sweetz, Hopestruck :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: we def have more to Come SO CATCH THOSE EGGIES LADIES

Our June BFP's

Lisalee1:June :bfp: :happydance: /Symptns 2Day:getting an appetite back. Less sore boobs, m/s going away, vomitted

Nevergivingup: June :bfp: :happydance: / Symptns: always XTRA CM, spitting,appetite coming bk, nausea and pimples EDD: March 5, 2013

Our July BFP's:

Sweetz33/ July1 Tested :bfp: :happydance: / Symptns: gassy,lot of CM, appetite.

Hopestruck: / July 26 Tested :bfp: :happydance: / Symptns:slightly sore boobs, fatigue, dizziness and increased appetite. EDD: April 4th, 2013


BayBeeEm: 10 DPO/ In TWW :coffee: / Testing Date:

BamaGurl: / Relaxed Approach TTC: No Tools Just DTD: "O"?

armymama2012: DPO/In TWW :coffee: /Testing: August 27th

Garfie: Waiting to "O" :coffee:

Angelserenity: Taking the Relaxed Approach/ TWW :coffee: Just :sex: Testing: Aug. 21st

Gregprincess: DPO in TWW :coffee: Testing August 31st.


Storked: waiting to "O" Just :sex:

Janelleybean: AF Showed CD 5: Taking a break from TTC :flower:

Krissy485: CD/ Waiting to "O" :coffee:

Shefali83: CD/ Waiting to "O" :shrug:

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