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March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

Hi ladies, well i caved this morning after feeling like i needed to vomit after eating i tested and got a light :bfp: i want to upload a pic but cant figure it out yet, help with that please.
Arrrggghh!! OMG!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Fantastic news! So pleased for you, you must be over the moon.

Sorry I have no idea how to upload a photo, hopefully someone more technically savvy will come along soon.


BFP Number 2 :flower:
I just sent you a private message with details the best I could give, if you have any questions just ask :)
Hi ladies, well i caved this morning after feeling like i needed to vomit after eating i tested and got a light :bfp: i want to upload a pic but cant figure it out yet, help with that please.

SQUEE!! :happydance:
Nevergivingup - :happydance::happydance::happydance: BFP number 2 how exciting pic pic pic


THANKS LADIES,im trying to upload a pic but im still not seeing how to do it. Sorry ladies. Im really thinnkn this may not be a viable pregnancy bc im having brown spotting then a red little glob of blood came out now back to nothing.......ughhh i dont know. But i have a OB appt 2morrow soo maybe they'll give me some better news....until then trying to upload pic :dohh:

Sorry ladies i tried to tweek it but not to good at it, so hope yal can see it. Thanks Bamagurl for the help!!!
Your welcome! :)

Sorry to hear about the spotting; however it might not be anything! Can't wait to hear what they say at your apt tomorrow know that will help put you at ease some!

No tweaking necessary! I see it plain as day :) :wohoo:
HOW EXCITING!!! Don't count yourself out just yet! That's definitely a BFP.
The 2nd BFP!!!! Congrats Nevergivingup! :happydance:
I hope your Dr. appt goes well tomorrow.
Your welcome! :)

Sorry to hear about the spotting; however it might not be anything! Can't wait to hear what they say at your apt tomorrow know that will help put you at ease some!

No tweaking necessary! I see it plain as day :) :wohoo:

HOW EXCITING!!! Don't count yourself out just yet! That's definitely a BFP.

The 2nd BFP!!!! Congrats Nevergivingup! :happydance:
I hope your Dr. appt goes well tomorrow.

Woooooohooo congrats to nevergivingup on her :bfp: fantastic news :happydance:
I hope everything goes well, nevergivingup! What lovely lines you have :D
Great lines! Good luck today and hope the spotting is implantation bleeding. From what I have read elsewhere it is pretty common to spot or even bleed around the time your period is due. :flower:
Nevergivingup - :happydance::happydance: pretty pink line there lady:flower:

Who's volunteering for the next one :winkwink:


Congratulations on your BFP nevergiving up, that's one lovely pink line! :)

I won't be volunteering my little pink BFP in June I'm afraid...think I got a mix-up and should have said from the beginning that JULY will be my month :) Started pre-AF spotting this morning so AF should be here tomorrow-ish, but I'm going to stay positive...it'll be a new cycle with plenty of BD'ing at all the right times and that's gonna catch our little sticky egg!

My sister was also really sweet too and gave me a fertility bracelet for my birthday last weekend (Which made me cry because she's so sentimental), which I've had to make a wish on and, when it drops off, it should all come true...though I have to say, I'm willing it to fall off sooner so I get my wish! :) x
I don't have a clue what is happening with my cycle, so it won't be me for the next BFP. :coffee:
@nevergivingup WOOOOOHOOOO!!! Congratulations! I'm sorry you're having an uncertain time of things but I've got everything crossed for you that this is your rainbow baby :) big hugs coming your way xxx

Hope everyone is well-sorry for not doing more individual comments but I find this site hard to use from my phone!

AFM well AF has been and gone and it was the first proper one since the mc/ERPC so it looks like I'm good to go :) it stayed for its normal 5 days yay! Never been so happy to get a period! Strange what TTC does to you! Now just gotta convince my hubby I'm not made of glass so we can get back to baby making!

Am going to put a thread up either in TTCAL or miscarriage support for some advice but here's the basic gist of my issue:

Just a heads up before I start- deleting Facebook is not an option for me. For like 99% of the time I enjoy it and also I have a lot of friends who are profoundly deaf and it is how I keep in touch with them.

Anyway, some days I don't want to read about people's progressing pregnancies etc ESPECIALLY when those people were due the same week that I was. So yesterday I go on Facebook to see my brothers partner (my SIL) writing about how excited she is to go to her sisters gender scan. These are my issues:

1. Neither her or my brother have been in touch with me AT ALL in the nearly 9 weeks since I had the ERPC. Not once have they checked how I am or if I need anything. When they had their baby I jumped through any hoop they wanted-looked after him when he was less than a month old overnight because they felt they weren't coping well, dropped by with a handful of cash and sent them out for a meal when they wanted some time together, paid for many things as they didn't have much money....the list is endless! Which is why I'm fuming that I've heard nothing from them which leads to...

2. For all my SIL knows I might be an absolute emotional wreck, devastated and constantly crying but she wouldn't know because she hasn't asked yet she still wrote that about her sister knowing that I should be having the same scan this week.

I have deleted my SIL from Facebook as I don't want constant reminders of what I should be doing in my pregnancy that has been snatched from me.
I spoke to my mum and dad(we don't have a close relationship at all- my mum is a functioning alcoholic and neither of them are affectionate parents) but I felt that I needed to talk to someone as everyone else was busy yesterday. They just went "oh, oooo did you know X is having an affair" WTF!

My hubby thinks they have done nothing wrong and that I shouldn't be upset at all. I told him last night that I will be unreasonable when I want to be and if I feel I've done someone wrong then I will apologise to them but I shouldn't have to justify feeling upset! I don't expect the world to stop turning just because our hearts are broken but I do feel like I should e able to expect my brother and his partner to show a little care. I even said to hubby that if they had bothered at all to get in touch then I wouldn't be upset by her writing that on Facebook I just think the two things together have hacked me off.

Any thoughts ladies? X

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