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March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

Good morning ladies, Happy hump day, hope everyone is doing well.

Bamagirl how is everything with you! Did the :witch: ever come or what's going on with that.

Mummy2one you can do it. July is your month :hugs:

Lisalee I'm sure everything is fine just relax and allow your bun to cook up. The hard part is over, now it's just the sitting and wondering part that you have to deal with. I'm positive this is a sticky bean for you.

Nevergivingup Hun where are you? I'm eager to know what happened at your appt. I hope all is well with you.

AFM I'm like really confused with AF. Normally I have ridiculously long flows and they are extreamly heavy but this time it was short and it kind of seemed more like spotting than anything so I'm not really sure I she is playing tricks on me or what! But I'm just going with it and I'm :sex: everyday now that she is gone so I can get my :bfp: in July

To the rest of the ladies :dust::dust::dust:

Thanks for asking!! As of now still no :witch: so not exactly sure what is going on there. I don't know if my cycle is just longer due to the loss or what. i bought some more tests, but am trying not to use them until maybe July 8th (that will be 40 days which is the longest cycle I have ever had so now just waiting.) I almost feel like I am going through a loss all over again because after my d&c I was just waiting for af and now here I am again! It is all good though... just waiting to see what happens. We :sex: a lot this month so we will see!

Hope every one is doing well! :dust: to us all!!!
Good morning ladies, Happy hump day, hope everyone is doing well.

Bamagirl how is everything with you! Did the :witch: ever come or what's going on with that.

Mummy2one you can do it. July is your month :hugs:

Lisalee I'm sure everything is fine just relax and allow your bun to cook up. The hard part is over, now it's just the sitting and wondering part that you have to deal with. I'm positive this is a sticky bean for you.

Nevergivingup Hun where are you? I'm eager to know what happened at your appt. I hope all is well with you.

AFM I'm like really confused with AF. Normally I have ridiculously long flows and they are extreamly heavy but this time it was short and it kind of seemed more like spotting than anything so I'm not really sure I she is playing tricks on me or what! But I'm just going with it and I'm :sex: everyday now that she is gone so I can get my :bfp: in July

To the rest of the ladies :dust::dust::dust:

Thanks for asking!! As of now still no :witch: so not exactly sure what is going on there. I don't know if my cycle is just longer due to the loss or what. i bought some more tests, but am trying not to use them until maybe July 8th (that will be 40 days which is the longest cycle I have ever had so now just waiting.) I almost feel like I am going through a loss all over again because after my d&c I was just waiting for af and now here I am again! It is all good though... just waiting to see what happens. We :sex: a lot this month so we will see!

Hope every one is doing well! :dust: to us all!!!

Have you scheduled any follow up appointments or anything?
Good morning ladies, Happy hump day, hope everyone is doing well.

Bamagirl how is everything with you! Did the :witch: ever come or what's going on with that.

Mummy2one you can do it. July is your month :hugs:

Lisalee I'm sure everything is fine just relax and allow your bun to cook up. The hard part is over, now it's just the sitting and wondering part that you have to deal with. I'm positive this is a sticky bean for you.

Nevergivingup Hun where are you? I'm eager to know what happened at your appt. I hope all is well with you.

AFM I'm like really confused with AF. Normally I have ridiculously long flows and they are extreamly heavy but this time it was short and it kind of seemed more like spotting than anything so I'm not really sure I she is playing tricks on me or what! But I'm just going with it and I'm :sex: everyday now that she is gone so I can get my :bfp: in July

To the rest of the ladies :dust::dust::dust:

Thanks for asking!! As of now still no :witch: so not exactly sure what is going on there. I don't know if my cycle is just longer due to the loss or what. i bought some more tests, but am trying not to use them until maybe July 8th (that will be 40 days which is the longest cycle I have ever had so now just waiting.) I almost feel like I am going through a loss all over again because after my d&c I was just waiting for af and now here I am again! It is all good though... just waiting to see what happens. We :sex: a lot this month so we will see!

Hope every one is doing well! :dust: to us all!!!

Have you scheduled any follow up appointments or anything?

I had my d&c on April 19th & got my first af on May 29th, 40 days afterwards. I had gotten a - hpt 3 days after the d&c. I have had 28 day cycles (before the birth of my baby girl), then when I got pregnant this past time I was having 35 day cycles, and then of course the 40 days between d&c & first af. So I have no clue how long my cycle should be. When I went back for my 2 week apt after the d&c they didn't do any kind of physical check it was more of a do you have any questions, you should start in the next few weeks, and all that.
Hmmm that is odd if I were you I would hold out until the eight like you said and than definitely make another appt. and tell them what's going on. But of what always happens to me is when I make an appt my body goes all normal and my symptoms disappear. So maybe you just need a little more time :hugs:
Yeah maybe 40 day cycles will be my new norm! haha which is okay with me because that would mean I ovulated like Sunday now I would be in the tww haha. It is just humorous at this point now!

My body has been kinda wacky. I was on bc for almost 6 years and while I was on bc I would have maybe 3 cycles a year so who knows :shrug:
Bamagurl - I hope there's just a super shy bean hiding in there and that's why AF is a no-show... (That would be awesome!)

Shyiah - did you test this month? Short AFs confuse me.

Who is next to test?

Bamagurl - I hope there's just a super shy bean hiding in there and that's why AF is a no-show... (That would be awesome!)

Shyiah - did you test this month? Short AFs confuse me.

Who is next to test?


Thanks! I hope so too! Something must be coming because my back is killing me and my boobs are sore to the touch!
Well yes technically I did test but I think it was wrong bcause I got AF. So I didn't say anything cause that's not exciting. However I did schedule an app with my doctor next Friday to see what's going on in there.
Morning ladies

Well I tested this morning (2 weeks post DNC) and the baby hormones are still hanging around still showing positive on a test:shrug:

Last night I had the tiniest bit of blood (thought the :witch: was arriving :happydance:) but since then nothing:cry:

So question can that have been O blood I can't see how if my baby hormones are still there. Do you think I should test in another week or contact the EPAU?


How is everyone doing?

Has anyone heard from nevergivingup?
How is everyone doing?

Has anyone heard from nevergivingup?

Haven't heard from her. I miss her. She is so happy and sweet.
Bamagurl, looks like we are supposed to test on the same day according to our tickers :winkwink:
Ok, so I probably won't be waiting til the 21st to test... I just can't hold out that long! AF is due on the 8th of July, so we'll see how I go. (I think that makes 3 of us that day Bamagurl and Storked!)

Morning ladies

Well I tested this morning (2 weeks post DNC) and the baby hormones are still hanging around still showing positive on a test:shrug:

Last night I had the tiniest bit of blood (thought the :witch: was arriving :happydance:) but since then nothing:cry:

So question can that have been O blood I can't see how if my baby hormones are still there. Do you think I should test in another week or contact the EPAU?



I'm not sure garfie. Can you call and talk to your doc / ER department about it? Doesn't seem to make sense for it to be O bleeding if you're still getting positives on your hpts. Let us know how you go xx
Ok, so I probably won't be waiting til the 21st to test... I just can't hold out that long! AF is due on the 8th of July, so we'll see how I go. (I think that makes 3 of us that day Bamagurl and Storked!)


Right on :thumbup: Is it the 8th yet??
I am kind of nervous to test on that day myself. I'll see how long I can hold out :blush:
It's a tough one hey! Cause I feel sad about my last MC because I tested early, otherwise my period actually came on time, so it was only that I'd had a positive test 4 days earlier that I even knew I'd conceived and MCd.

But I don't want to leave it too long and not know if I was pregnant when AF comes, cause this will be MC number 3 if that happens, and I want to know if I've had 3 in a row so I can get some tests done etc to see if there are any underlying problems.


Do you feel pg Storked?
It's a tough one hey! Cause I feel sad about my last MC because I tested early, otherwise my period actually came on time, so it was only that I'd had a positive test 4 days earlier that I even knew I'd conceived and MCd.

But I don't want to leave it too long and not know if I was pregnant when AF comes, cause this will be MC number 3 if that happens, and I want to know if I've had 3 in a row so I can get some tests done etc to see if there are any underlying problems.


Do you feel pg Storked?

Ah I see where you are coming from! Hey, at least you get early positives :flower: last time I didn't get a BFP until my period was pretty late. Gah lol
Do I feel pregnant? I can excuse any and all symptoms so it is a toughy lol. I am bloated. I get nauseous but it could be because I had too many cookies tonight or that I was really hungry earlier. A couple others but I'm brushing it all off. How about you? :hugs:
Hey everyone!

Haven't been on in a few days,but thought I'd give an update...

No June bfp this month, but my af arrived right on time and, for the first time since my mc, I felt ok with it! It shocked me because I thought I'd feel really upset, but I realised that I'm not trying to "replace" what I lost anymore so it's ok that af comes...

...so, if it's ok, put me down for the 25th July for testing for my July bfp! I've got my clear blue fertility monitor for the first time this month and I WILL be one of those girls that catches first time on it! Wishful thinking won't hurt :)

Hope everyone else is well xx
It's a tough one hey! Cause I feel sad about my last MC because I tested early, otherwise my period actually came on time, so it was only that I'd had a positive test 4 days earlier that I even knew I'd conceived and MCd.

But I don't want to leave it too long and not know if I was pregnant when AF comes, cause this will be MC number 3 if that happens, and I want to know if I've had 3 in a row so I can get some tests done etc to see if there are any underlying problems.


Do you feel pg Storked?

Ah I see where you are coming from! Hey, at least you get early positives :flower: last time I didn't get a BFP until my period was pretty late. Gah lol
Do I feel pregnant? I can excuse any and all symptoms so it is a toughy lol. I am bloated. I get nauseous but it could be because I had too many cookies tonight or that I was really hungry earlier. A couple others but I'm brushing it all off. How about you? :hugs:

Yeah, I'm having some 'symptoms' now, but I read today that implantation doesn't occur until 6-9 DPO and that's when the body starts producing hCG to trigger pregnancy symptoms, and I'm not that far yet, so who knows! Post 'O' symptoms are too close to early pregnancy symptoms anyway. The only strange one that I haven't had before has been itchy nipples!! Very odd! But apparently it can be a sign of early pg.

Other than that I've been going to the loo more often, feeling bloated, and had backache and some cramping/stretching.

Just keeping everything crossed that there's someone taking up residence in there and that they're super sticky :thumbup:
Hey everyone!

Haven't been on in a few days,but thought I'd give an update...

No June bfp this month, but my af arrived right on time and, for the first time since my mc, I felt ok with it! It shocked me because I thought I'd feel really upset, but I realised that I'm not trying to "replace" what I lost anymore so it's ok that af comes...

...so, if it's ok, put me down for the 25th July for testing for my July bfp! I've got my clear blue fertility monitor for the first time this month and I WILL be one of those girls that catches first time on it! Wishful thinking won't hurt :)

Hope everyone else is well xx

That's so great to be feeling ok about AF!
July will be your month :dust:
Mummy - Oooooh here's hoping fingers crossed for you :dust::dust::dust:

Lpjkp - I have a CBFM so if you have any questions please ask - I have been using mine quite a while (although a the moment it is sat gathering dust:cry:) Loving the wishful thinking hun - you will be the one that catches first time :happydance:

Storked - Lets hope you eating cookies is a symptom of a BFP :happydance:

Has anyone heard from Nevergivingup - where is she hiding? Woohoo where are you hun?:flower:

I'm still waiting for my AF (2weeks 1d post DNC) gotta feeling it's gonna be a long month :haha:



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