MnJ- The only other BFP I saw was yours.

When are you going back to the doctor for more blood work? I can't wait to hear that those numbers have gone up. I know what you mean about not telling anyone about being pregnant. My hubby and I have decided not to tell anyone until we're farther along in our pregnancy, just in case.
Aspe- My husband says that all the time. He says it at times that are completely irrelevant too. I think he just likes to try to pass the time and see if he can get some.
Lisa- Thank you!! I sure do love his smile. You're lucky, when I was pregnant I always got the, "Wow, you look like shit" comments. I didn't mind it so much. It's when I got further a long in my pregnancy and people started to say, "Wow, you're huge!" that it really struck a nerve.
Krissy- If only you knew the things we say to each other.

The things I put on this forum would seem like nothing. Oh yea, I've been meaning to ask you, would you mind telling me about about when you got your BFP with each pregnancy and how many DPO you were.

I'm just kidding with you. I only said it because I know you've posted it a couple of times on here, your memory should be refreshed by now.
Sweetz- Have you ever made oreo truffles? YOU SHOULD!! My husband requested that I make them and I totally thought of you. I have made them with nutter butters as well. ...And the Oreo mint truffles..
AFM- Hubby just left to go to school, I think I'm going to pop some popcorn and watch the Lorax with my son

. I've got that movie memorized forwards and backwards, but he LOVES it, so it never gets old for him. It helps him to sit down and be still for awhile as well. Then when hubby gets home..well you know.