March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

shefalia- i am so sorry dear! big hugs to you!! I wish I knew how to put those little emoticons on here showing hugs but I havent figured that out yet! I feel your pain. I had to run to Walmart tonite for some things and I took a walk through the baby dept and actually started to cry! ugh!! Anyway, just wanted to be here for you.

Armymama- sorry AF showed! I was really hoping it was IB!

Storked and MnJ- that is very ironic cause I am quite sure doggie is how I got pregnant in May. I dont know about you girls but Im not to keen on that position EVERY time! Frankly I think it hurts!

Janelly- go get em girl!!!

Nothing new to report on the TTC side, although AF seems to be packing up and hopefully heading out by tomorrow. DH wanted to start tonite but I made up some lame excuse about only doing certain days and sperm count and made it sound all complicated. He got a glazed look over his face and just said oh...ok and walked away. Dodged that bullet for tonite......................... on another note
I have been having an issue with my 2 year old at bed time. She likes to dig in her dirty diaper and then yell into the monitor that she has poopy! Well cleaning poopy off her hands in not fun! So I think I solved the problem tonite. I took a pair of footy jammies, cut a V in the neck (on the back side) and cut the feets off and put them on her backwards so the zipper is in the back! HAHA! try and get to your diaper now you little stinker!! I sure hope this works!

Good Night Ladies!!!
Kanicky, that's funny! I, personally, LOVE doggy style. As for it hurting maybe your DH is packing more than my DB! lmao!
Quick Pop in before I go to bed.

Krissy: Thanks for being sooo sweet. And your family sounds so loving and supportive of you. That's a great thing to have in your corner.

Kanicky: school has already begin here but I do enjoy school shopping, at least for my nieces. Have Fun, I know it's not to much fun to shop for a sassy daughter. I remember those days!

Garfie: I'm sooo happy to see you ma'am. I know you're busy but love when you pop in

Hopestruck: I hope you're ok. Missing you bunches!

Shefali: I'm sooo sad you're going through this and I totally know how you feel, this journey is SOO hard even when you had a loss and even more when others who have no clue about loss advertise their pregnancy. I def wish I could make you feel better but I've been there before and sometimes it's a process that only you can get over. Bc I too wanted to be prego so bad after my m/c and even more I wanted that same baby back that was taken away from me, so instead I went right back in TTC after D&C but suffered another failure of a pregnancy. The 2nd m/c was more than I could handle. Long story short. Dont give up and please don't stay in one spot Bc you or I can't get back what we loss. Move on and I'm sure you'll find even more happiness in your pregnancy to come, at least I am. GL

Aspe: Hope this is it and the spotting is IB, I had it in all 3 pregnancies.

Stork: You are def my positive pillow I just want to Hug. O and IPhone user over here too....all day.

Sweetz: Didn't know you suffered a loss at 21wks, I'm sooo sorry ma'am.

Lisalee: Yayy for your first magazine!!! You'll be buying clothes in no time. O and how cool my nails only grow when I'm prego, unfortunately I still have pimple city but I have a glow now that allows my pimples to shine!!

Lpjkp: I know you're busy at work or tired from work but just wanted to say HI!!!

And so sorry to the women for AF showing, Sept. Is a couple days away. Don't worry you'll be back in the game in no time.

Hi to all the ladies I missed!!! GL to all the ladies, and BayBeeEm missing you still. I will say it until you return, we started this thread together, and I sooo want us to finish it together along with Bama and yal BFP's!!! <3 ya
MnJ you just made me totally laugh out loud!!!! Gosh idk about that but all I know is it hurts! LOL
thanks never! ya I just have to remember that she really doesnt hate me, its just hormones! Hope you are feeling good!
Oh I forgot to mention too, I decided to not take the soy this month. It may or may not be the right decision but its the one I made. So we shall see......
Ok, wow I was really a chatty kathy tonite, phew ok I am off to bed for reals this time.
Ny Nite!
Hi ladies. I'm almost positive we conceived our son doggie style as well. I have a tipped cervix and uterus, so that position is really confortable for me, but I agree with Kanicky, at times in my cycle it can be painful depending on how low my cervix is. Kanicky, try it when your cervix is higher. Alright well Hubby is home so I gotta go. Good luck to all you women!
CONGRATS TO OUR LOVELY :bfp: LADIES Lisalee, Nevergivingup, Sweetz , AngelSerenity and Lpjkp :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: we def have more to Come SO CATCH THOSE EGGIES LADIES

Our June BFP's

Lisalee1:June :bfp: :happydance: /Symptns 2Day:getting an appetite back. Less sore boobs, m/s going away. :baby: 1st HB: 169@ 8wks/ 2nd HB: 167@ 12wks

Nevergivingup: June :bfp: :happydance: / Symptns: always XTRA CM, spitting,appetite coming bk, and pimples EDD: March 5, 2013/ :baby: 1st HB: 130 @6wks/ 2nd HB: 162@7wks / 3rd HB: 161@12wks

Our July BFP's:

Sweetz33/ July1 Tested :bfp: :happydance: / Symptns: gassy,lot of CM, appetite. :baby: 1st HB: 145@8 wks, 2nd HB 166@11 weeks

AUGUST BFP's Lovely Ladies:

Angelserenity: Tested Aug. 23: :bfp: :happydance: :baby: 1st HB:

Lpjkp: Tested Aug 24: :bfp: :happydance: / Symptns: Sore boobs / :baby: 1st HB:


BamaGurl: / Relaxed Approach TTC: No Tools/ TWW :coffee:

Garfie: CD 7/ waiting to "O" just :sex:

Gregprincess: M.I.A :shrug:


Storked: waiting to "O" Just :sex:

armymama2012: DPO/ In TWW :coffee: Testing September 1st

BayBeeEm: CD1/ AF showed; Missing you :hugs:

Janelleybean: CD:7 / Waiting To "O" :coffee:

Krissy485: CD/ Not Trying until see Doc. :flower:

HisGrace: CD 7/ waiting to "O" Just :sex:

Hopestruck: taking a break :flower:

Kanicky: CD1/ AF in town :growlmad: Test Date:

Aspe: DPO/ TWW :shrug:

Shefali83: CD 1/ AF showed :thumbup: sorry about af showing .. Lots of :dust: to you

Never..what was your IP like and when did you experience it, if you don't mine me asking.
Ok trying to catch up before I pass out...

Army...SS the witch got you. :(

Tonight was movie night for me too...rented Hunger Games....AWESOME movie!! I highly recommend it.

As for doggie style....owe. That is all I have to say. DH loves hurt me. Lol! I'm pretty sure I conceived this time in missionary....but I also held my hips and butt up in the air for a couple minutes lol I must of looked really goofy.

I have yet to try truffles bc don't those have nuts? I'm highly allergic to most nuts. Peanuts and pistachios are the only ones I can eat.

I lost my 2nd at 21 weeks. Physically and emotionally very painful. I was actually kicked in my stomach. Long story and maybe one day when I'm not so exhausted I will share with you lovely ladies.

Hate to post and run but got to get a little sleep. I will be back tomorrow hopefully with a lovely us pic for everybody to see!!
Well AF got me. I am so beyond miffed! 9 whole months and couldnt even get pregnant and keep the baby! I am so angry at AF but I'm eating ice cream instead. Only one more cycle til our "break" for a year.

Army- I am so sorry AF got you. I must have missed this post. If you conceive this next cycle will you husband be home in time for the delivery?
Well AF got me. I am so beyond miffed! 9 whole months and couldnt even get pregnant and keep the baby! I am so angry at AF but I'm eating ice cream instead. Only one more cycle til our "break" for a year.

Army- I am so sorry AF got you. I must have missed this post. If you conceive this next cycle will you husband be home in time for the delivery?

Nope, the only way he'd be home is if we got pregnant while he was actually deployed so we know that wont work!
Sweetz- Thanks! you crack me up to lol you bitch you lmao

Oh Janelley- Ok so reading your post about burning man...well the only way i know what that is is thanks to MAlcom in the middle...I love that episode...have you ever gone and have you ever saw that episode? i was wondering if it was really liked that lmao!!! oh i am in such a better mood when i get on here lol oh and your birth story reminds of the one my mom tells about my birth lol...she says that she was in labor for ever and the doctor finally said well that baby is too big to come out so they were prepping her for a csection...well once everyone left the room but my dad all of a sudden my mom goes the babys coming and my dad is all like yeah i know the baby is fine they will get it out soon...she goes no the baby is coming now get the dr. he runs out finds a nurse who comes behind him bascially thinking he is nuts bc they just said i was stuck...and she looks at my mom and i guess i was crowning at the point she says oh shit and runs and gets the dr. he comes in and goes see i scared her out with threating a csection....lmao...i was big to... 22 1/2 in and 9 pounds even. gotta love funny birth stories!

Aspe- considering it is still not a true flow yet you might still be in it! if you read back in the posts you can read my weird pregnancies withmy boys.

Shelifa- for low sperm count they recommend every other day bc if you do it everyday there might not bee that much there and sperm live for up to 72 hours and they really should be waiting for the egg rather than the egg waiting for them bc the egg doesnt last long...hope that helps!

Ok i gotta get my homework done now or dh will have the internet all night...booo...i will check in later!

Dh's count is good so thankfully that is not an issue :winkwink:
Never, the spit DOES dry quick :D
And like you said, we are TTC women...but also women who have suffered losses which make us so much more sensitive and easily sore on certain things :hugs:
Yay for second trimester!

Bamagirl, let's get pregnant around the same time! How has this cycle felt for you? Better? I am trying to be less fixated this cycle myself.

Krissy, why does he want a July baby? Were you excited for your oldest to be in kindergarten? Did you snap a picture? :)

Armymama, yay for dip!

Kanicky, I haven't told my spouse about O because I secretly want him to get out of bed after and let me take care of it myself. Because I totally feel pressured too!

Sweetz, continue to tell me how hilarious and awesome I am ;)
Hope you get some pain relief honey!
Tomorrow is US? HELL YEAH!

Shefali, it'll happen! :hugs: I still get down some days too.

Janelley, I love wondering if my husband and I made a baby after some love making!

Aspe, will eagerly be waiting to hear about your appointment. Feels so far away :(

Garfie, I hope it is O! I have had awful gas pains lately but nothing in my diet should be giving it so I wonder if mine is O related! On my honeymoon I had gas pains so bad that I couldn't enjoy The National Museum in Copenhagen...but I ended up with a BFP!
Thanks dear..i am just hoping it happens super soon!! :winkwink:
Shefali- I'm so sorry you're feeling down. Look at this as a temporary situation. It WILL happen. BD can become a chore when TTC. I honestly did not do it everyday most of the time. Every other day should work fine. Or early morning on 1 day and late night the next day. Try to take it easy. It will happen for you. PM me if you need to. :hugs:

Never- CONGRATS ON 2nd TRIMESTER!!!!! :dance: :dance: dance: How are you enjoying your baby magazines?

Sweetz- I had no idea that you had a previous MC @ 21 weeks. You are truly a strong woman to get past that. Yeaaaa for your appt tomorrow and the pics!

Bamagurl- Thanks for checking in on us. Loving your approach and hoping this is your month! :dust:

Janelly- I meant to tell you a few days ago that the pic of your family was adorable! Your son is just the cutest little thing with a great smile! :)

AFM- I left out some of my other symptoms. My nails are growing very nicely. I've never had all the nails on my hand be long at the same time! Also, someone told me that my skin has been looking flawless for the past few days and asked what I was doing. I just laughed. ;)
Bought my 1st baby magazine today. Was surprised at the lack of options- there was only 1 magazine. Maybe I will look elsewhere next time.

Hope all of you had a good day.

thanks dear.. :hugs: i usually end up with uti because of bding so much around ov time but honestly i shouldnt be complaining. willing to do anything for :baby: :blush: I don't produce natural lubricant so thats a major issue here ( not talking about cm here) if you know what i mean :wacko:
MnJ, maybe doggie was what got me knocked up on my honeymoon ;)

Thats what works for us as well ;) DH loves that style too.. he suffers from shoulder pain so missionary is kind of tiring for him TMI :haha:
shefalia- i am so sorry dear! big hugs to you!! I wish I knew how to put those little emoticons on here showing hugs but I havent figured that out yet! I feel your pain. I had to run to Walmart tonite for some things and I took a walk through the baby dept and actually started to cry! ugh!! Anyway, just wanted to be here for you.

Armymama- sorry AF showed! I was really hoping it was IB!

Storked and MnJ- that is very ironic cause I am quite sure doggie is how I got pregnant in May. I dont know about you girls but Im not to keen on that position EVERY time! Frankly I think it hurts!

Janelly- go get em girl!!!

Nothing new to report on the TTC side, although AF seems to be packing up and hopefully heading out by tomorrow. DH wanted to start tonite but I made up some lame excuse about only doing certain days and sperm count and made it sound all complicated. He got a glazed look over his face and just said oh...ok and walked away. Dodged that bullet for tonite......................... on another note
I have been having an issue with my 2 year old at bed time. She likes to dig in her dirty diaper and then yell into the monitor that she has poopy! Well cleaning poopy off her hands in not fun! So I think I solved the problem tonite. I took a pair of footy jammies, cut a V in the neck (on the back side) and cut the feets off and put them on her backwards so the zipper is in the back! HAHA! try and get to your diaper now you little stinker!! I sure hope this works!

Good Night Ladies!!!

thanks for the support dear..means a lot :hugs::hugs::hugs: Which cd are you on now.. maybe we can be ttc buddies or oh well bump buddies this cycle :D
Quick Pop in before I go to bed.

Krissy: Thanks for being sooo sweet. And your family sounds so loving and supportive of you. That's a great thing to have in your corner.

Kanicky: school has already begin here but I do enjoy school shopping, at least for my nieces. Have Fun, I know it's not to much fun to shop for a sassy daughter. I remember those days!

Garfie: I'm sooo happy to see you ma'am. I know you're busy but love when you pop in

Hopestruck: I hope you're ok. Missing you bunches!

Shefali: I'm sooo sad you're going through this and I totally know how you feel, this journey is SOO hard even when you had a loss and even more when others who have no clue about loss advertise their pregnancy. I def wish I could make you feel better but I've been there before and sometimes it's a process that only you can get over. Bc I too wanted to be prego so bad after my m/c and even more I wanted that same baby back that was taken away from me, so instead I went right back in TTC after D&C but suffered another failure of a pregnancy. The 2nd m/c was more than I could handle. Long story short. Dont give up and please don't stay in one spot Bc you or I can't get back what we loss. Move on and I'm sure you'll find even more happiness in your pregnancy to come, at least I am. GL

Aspe: Hope this is it and the spotting is IB, I had it in all 3 pregnancies.

Stork: You are def my positive pillow I just want to Hug. O and IPhone user over here too....all day.

Sweetz: Didn't know you suffered a loss at 21wks, I'm sooo sorry ma'am.

Lisalee: Yayy for your first magazine!!! You'll be buying clothes in no time. O and how cool my nails only grow when I'm prego, unfortunately I still have pimple city but I have a glow now that allows my pimples to shine!!

Lpjkp: I know you're busy at work or tired from work but just wanted to say HI!!!

And so sorry to the women for AF showing, Sept. Is a couple days away. Don't worry you'll be back in the game in no time.

Hi to all the ladies I missed!!! GL to all the ladies, and BayBeeEm missing you still. I will say it until you return, we started this thread together, and I sooo want us to finish it together along with Bama and yal BFP's!!! <3 ya

thanks sweety :hugs::hugs: i am feeling much better after talking to you ladies.. i get my low days and i tend to go in a shell avoiding calls and internet as well.. :wacko:
AFM i just ordered FertileCm and FertiliTea online.. waiting for it to reach me asap.. I hope they help me to get our BFP this cycle :thumbup: I also use preseed and ladycup to hold the spermies in :winkwink: bought softcup this time. lets see how it goes. they look quite big to me :wacko:

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