Thank you storked...makes me feel less crazy......i just have the picture in my head of cps getting called and they ask my kids does mommy hit you or your cousin and they say yes because like i said i have spanked them....i DONT trust CPS I am sorry too many horror stories ya know....but i just keep telling myself breath it is nothing bc if it were cps would have already been called....right????
why i am i a worry wort....once again why did i quit smoking and drinking?????
I'm mad for you too Krissy.
Janelley, dentists are freaking expensive.
Sweetz, ouch!
Krissy- My son is 2 and the front of his legs are always bruised. I have never laid a finger on my son, it's because he is a boy and likes to play rough! Is the child's mother a bad mom? I think the biggest pet peeve of mine is parents that take a child away from the other parent out of spite. I just think that is so mean. 2 of my friends are going through that right now. They have both been served with papers to sign over their rights and it's sad because neither have the money to pay to fight. I grew up never knowing my biological dad, I was always told he was just a sperm donor and never gave a crap about me or my brother and sister. So when I had my son, I was determined to find him. Well, turns out he is not a POS, he is a really nice man and my mom made it so that he could never see us. He would send us birthday and Christmas presents and my mom would send them back! I never knew this until I met him, but that is one thing she would always say, "he's never even sent you a birthday card or Christmas present" So, this year on my birthday I went to get the mail and there was only one card in the mail box... from him. I don't know if he was a POS when we were kids, but he's a down right decent man now and I am SO thankful that I made the choice to find him and he is part of my son's life. We're going fishing on Monday.I still have yet to catch a fish..
Krissy- My son is 2 and the front of his legs are always bruised. I have never laid a finger on my son, it's because he is a boy and likes to play rough! Is the child's mother a bad mom? I think the biggest pet peeve of mine is parents that take a child away from the other parent out of spite. I just think that is so mean. 2 of my friends are going through that right now. They have both been served with papers to sign over their rights and it's sad because neither have the money to pay to fight. I grew up never knowing my biological dad, I was always told he was just a sperm donor and never gave a crap about me or my brother and sister. So when I had my son, I was determined to find him. Well, turns out he is not a POS, he is a really nice man and my mom made it so that he could never see us. He would send us birthday and Christmas presents and my mom would send them back! I never knew this until I met him, but that is one thing she would always say, "he's never even sent you a birthday card or Christmas present" So, this year on my birthday I went to get the mail and there was only one card in the mail box... from him. I don't know if he was a POS when we were kids, but he's a down right decent man now and I am SO thankful that I made the choice to find him and he is part of my son's life. We're going fishing on Monday.I still have yet to catch a fish..
Your story brougth tears to my eyes!!! i am so happy you so far got a happy for BIL eX i dont think she is a bad mother persay but she is immature for her age, she is 22 i think, and relys on her mom to do alot of the child care but i dont think she bad to her dd...and in the begining BIL only wanted 50/50 bc he wanted his dd to have both parents but when she went after him for sole custody and started state obvious lies, i think she did it bc she was scared she was losing her dd still not an exucse, that pissed him off...i also think child support plays a part in it bc even with 50/50 he would still have to pay her $280 a month bc she does work at starbucks part time....but i think in the end it will stay 50/50 and he dont even see his lawyer till next week so who knows what she will say....but at this point all i feel is it is not my problem and i dont want it to be my problem if that makes sense at all...feel like i am going crazy!!!
Krissy.. I'm pretty sure it is coming from my vagina. I used a tampon because I thought it was af, but when I later took it out, there was only a tiny bit of red and brown. It was really a waste of a tampon. I stopped bleeding for 14-16 hours, started again, and now stopped again. Weird eh? Also, no question is too weird. I'll answer anything if anyone requests it
Also, I can't believe someone so close to your family would do such a thing. Then again, they always say "family is the worse". I hope it all works out for you. I can imagine how stressful this situation is. Try to keep strong and remember your husband and friends (including us) are here for you. Thinking about you.
Sweetz.. Love the pictures.. Thanks for sharing
Kanicky..I hear ya about the energy drinks. My partner used to drink a lot but now has decreased. He was getting migraines if he didn't have them and got a lot of heartburns.
janelley.. I'm glad to hear you decided and took initiative to find your dad. I'm more happy that he is not the man your mom made him out to be. It is unfortunate your mom did and said those things. He might not have been in the first part of your life, a part that can't be replayed, but it is nice to know he is involved now, and most of all you are happy
As for af, I don't understand what is going on. It starts, stops completely form a longggg time, then starts and stops again. Right now, not bleeding. What is my body doing? I thought it was af but I never ever had a period like this before.
Janelley..I researched polyps on the cervix and the pictures shows like big bump on the cervix. I didn't feel that on mine, well the last time I checked. I did describe it as a flap because my cervix didn't feel like it had a clear opening, like the size of your pinky finger tip. It almost felt close but you could move a piece of skin and feel the opening. Sorry if this sounds confusing. If this is the case, would this interfere with me getting pregnant?
I am so nervous. I can talk to others fine regarding their situations but when it comes to me, I am a wreck. I know this might be improper for me to say, but it is the truth. I am definitely going to suggest the doctor to check my cervix, ovaries, and ovulation when I go for my appointment on Thursday.
Janelley..I researched polyps on the cervix and the pictures shows like big bump on the cervix. I didn't feel that on mine, well the last time I checked. I did describe it as a flap because my cervix didn't feel like it had a clear opening, like the size of your pinky finger tip. It almost felt close but you could move a piece of skin and feel the opening. Sorry if this sounds confusing. If this is the case, would this interfere with me getting pregnant?
I am so nervous. I can talk to others fine regarding their situations but when it comes to me, I am a wreck. I know this might be improper for me to say, but it is the truth. I am definitely going to suggest the doctor to check my cervix, ovaries, and ovulation when I go for my appointment on Thursday.
I don't think that would interfere with you getting pregnant, but honestly I don't know. The polyp that I have is really small. Smaller than my cervix opening. I would just talk to your doctor on Thursday. Keep me posted. Have you still not had a full period yet? Have you done another pregnancy test?
Janelley..I researched polyps on the cervix and the pictures shows like big bump on the cervix. I didn't feel that on mine, well the last time I checked. I did describe it as a flap because my cervix didn't feel like it had a clear opening, like the size of your pinky finger tip. It almost felt close but you could move a piece of skin and feel the opening. Sorry if this sounds confusing. If this is the case, would this interfere with me getting pregnant?
I am so nervous. I can talk to others fine regarding their situations but when it comes to me, I am a wreck. I know this might be improper for me to say, but it is the truth. I am definitely going to suggest the doctor to check my cervix, ovaries, and ovulation when I go for my appointment on Thursday.
I don't think that would interfere with you getting pregnant, but honestly I don't know. The polyp that I have is really small. Smaller than my cervix opening. I would just talk to your doctor on Thursday. Keep me posted. Have you still not had a full period yet? Have you done another pregnancy test?
Would it feel like a bump, almost like a skin tag? Found that on the Internet. The last time I checked, my cervix did not have a clear opening. Will, I thought I was having af, but now it don't seem like that was it. It has been on and off for a few days. Like starts and then bluntly stops for a long time. I have not done a pregnancy test in about 4 days, I think.
My much to respond to.
Storked- You crack me up, I would have paid money to have been there when you said that. When I was younger, my Jack-Mormon of a mother MADE me do a talk on faith. I was so pissed off. I only went to church because it was something that "made" her happy. But quite frankly it was something that I never believed in. So, she wrote out my talk for me and it was so fake. So, I got up there and said the talk, then at the end when I was suppose to bare my testimony, I told everyone that I didn't believe in the church. I swear everyone in that church was wide awake then. I realize now that it was a pretty shady thing to do, but it felt so liberating and frankly they stopped bugging me after I did that. I only say my mom is a Jack-Mormon because to all her friends she is perfect, follows the religion to a T, but those who her REALLY know her, know she smokes cigarettes, pot, and is a total pill head. It cracks me up because she does temple work! You know she's got to be lying to someone to be able to do that. I remember when I was 6 we went camping. Her and my step dad did mushrooms. WHO DOES THAT!?!? In the end it's all an image thing for her. Which I think is really sad, I could give a rats ass what people think of me. I would rather be someone that people hate, than fake and they like me. As for sex with Frankenstein, it never happened. There is no way I could do it. I want a baby really badly, but I don't want my husband to be in pain because of it. If we don't conceive this month, there is always next.
Shefali- I understand what you are saying, I was just trying to suggest that if you put some lube in your vagina a couple of times a day, it might not be as painful to have sex. It will moisten your vagina--which will help heal the friction areas from the last time you had sex. Does that make a little more sense?
Sweetz- Boy.
Lp- I know where you are coming from. I have been there and done that. I'm happy that he apologized. You tell him next time he wants to look at porn to go to
MnJ- You are preggers, which means it's time to put the thermometer away.You're lines took darker too, so that is promising. I wouldn't put too much thought into it though, I've heard of a lot of women that their body takes longer for the hcg to double. But, you can't see how much hcg is in your urine just by peeing on a stick. All will go well, just relax. Tuesday will be here before you know it!
Garfie- Your husband sounds like a sweetheart. I hope you enjoy what ever it is you get tonight.![]()
Krissy- for a minute there I didn't know what you were talking about, then I remembered and started laughing out loud.I guess I lucked out with the whole toddler poop thing. I've heard that it happens. There was a time Samuel pooped in the tub and totally freaked out, he just stood up and started waving his hands around and screaming. It was pretty funny, although I couldn't laugh.. I had to be super mom and save him from the mysterious floater! There was a couple of times he has taken his diaper off when he's pooped, but he just comes and gets me and then points at it and says "EEEwww!!!" and is totally disgusted. I hope it stays this way. We're trying to potty train him, ugh... it's such a chore.
As for the reject comment, that made me laugh. took me back to elementary school! I haven't heard that word in years! They other night I looked at my husband and said, "what's your malfunction dude?" Made us both laugh.
Aspe- I would call your doctor.
Okay- sorry if I missed anyone.
AFM- I am pretty sure I O'd early this cycle because my CP is low and CLOSED. There is no way any sperm is getting in there. I will still keep checking it and if it opens then I will BD with Frankenstein if he is okay with it. I've been taking the LD aspirin.. Hoping it helps...![]()
Hello ladies!! Hope you all are having a wonderful day. Want to first spread baby dust to all those waiting for BFP's and some more for those of us just starting out cycles!
Sweetz- LOVE LOVE LOVE all the pics!!! I love looking at US pics!!! they make me happy! and love the belly pics, you are absolutely adorable!!!!! cant wait to see more as the bump grows!
Shefalia!! yes, yes, lets be buds! My cycles are usually 25 to 26 days, I know really short hey?? I O usually around day 10 or 11. Im pretty regular and I guess thats why I think I might have been a little nuts to mess with soy but I was and am feeling a little desperate. Had a visit with my sister in law today who informed me she is pregnant. She is about 8 weeks. I tried really hard to put on a happy face...............I think she bought it......
mnj- those lines def look to be getting darker. I agree, with my chemical they kept getting lighter until they fanished all together so for sure a good sign for you. Remember my OB told me its not necessarily the number of the hcg its that it doubles or increases thats important.
Krissy- oh my lord!!! he had himself a down right poop party in there!!!! yes the pj's backwards I have to admit was one of my better ideas!! When I am backed into a corner I can be pretty resourceful. Now if I could mass produce them and sell them, muahhhhahaha! jk someone already has a patent, I looked. LOL
Nothing exciting to report here. No ewcm yet, no positive OPk's. Did bd last night though. We always start the day after AF leaves. My dh actually sat and had a TTC discussion with me last night about how important it is that when we "hit the work bench" as he calls it. He needs to make sure he isnt sending my soldiers down the drain in the shower. I told him he will be relieved every other day and during the tww he can do whatever the heck he wants! He seemed ok with that. I also but the kabash on his energy drinks last month too so he is feeling some restrictions too. Oh well!
Heading to the store in about a half hour, have a good afternoon gals ttyl.