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March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

So... I think I could be pg... So much for not symptom-spotting (haha!). Tell me what you think:

* I'm feeling run down (although I'm also sick with a cold, but I had been avoiding it, while DH and DD have both had it, and it only really hit me yesterday - immune system down?).
* Breasts are tender to the touch (and last week I had itchy nipples)
* Feeling crampy, but not like AF cramps, and my back has been killing me.
* I've broken out in pimples...
* Skin is oily
* My hair usually falls out all over the place but today while running my fingers through it I'm getting next to nothing
* I've been waking up at like 4 in the morning needing to pee...

I think I'm about 8DPO, and AF is due on the 8th of July.

And because of all this, I'm freaking out! I want to test early, and have had early positives on all my previous pregnancies, but I've had some brown spotting just now in my panty liner, so I think a BFN right now would just do my head in. :nope:

Also, after reading so much about progesterone - I'm wondering if I should test early, get a faint positive, then see the doctor asap to get my levels tested so I can start taking suppliments if needed? I'm sccared to death of losing another one!

Would love an opinion or two xx
So... I think I could be pg... So much for not symptom-spotting (haha!). Tell me what you think:

* I'm feeling run down (although I'm also sick with a cold, but I had been avoiding it, while DH and DD have both had it, and it only really hit me yesterday - immune system down?).
* Breasts are tender to the touch (and last week I had itchy nipples)
* Feeling crampy, but not like AF cramps, and my back has been killing me.
* I've broken out in pimples...
* Skin is oily
* My hair usually falls out all over the place but today while running my fingers through it I'm getting next to nothing
* I've been waking up at like 4 in the morning needing to pee...

I think I'm about 8DPO, and AF is due on the 8th of July.

And because of all this, I'm freaking out! I want to test early, and have had early positives on all my previous pregnancies, but I've had some brown spotting just now in my panty liner, so I think a BFN right now would just do my head in. :nope:

Also, after reading so much about progesterone - I'm wondering if I should test early, get a faint positive, then see the doctor asap to get my levels tested so I can start taking suppliments if needed? I'm sccared to death of losing another one!

Would love an opinion or two xx

Oh my gosh I noticed the peeing and hair thing too for myself. Yay!
How early do you get BFPs? I never got mine until I was nearly a week late for AF so I try to wait for myself. If you actually get them earlier and you want to do the progesterone test, go for it :flower:
Well now I'm confused, cause when I look back on my calendar I've only had one early (pre-AF due) test :shrug: I think because whenever I have scans my bubs (including DD) have always measured a week smaller than my dates, I've just brought my test dates back a week and concluded in my head that I must have tested earlier than 4 weeks.

Anyway, that probably doesn't make sense to anyone but me... :(

Undecided now about what I should do. If I have low progesterone and that's contributing to the MCs, I want to test early enough to have some time to do something about it.

Think I'll test tomorrow, then Wednesday, and if I don't see anything I'll test again on Saturday.
Now I'm spotting pink when I wipe and (TMI) my vagina feels really tender - like when I sit down etc. :(

Praying so hard that this IS my rainbow baby still.
Morning Ladies

Storked - Your symptoms sound good to me hun - not long until testing date :dust::dust::dust:

Mummy - Could the spotting be implantation bleeding - if it is I would leave it a few days until you test hun :hugs: :dust::dust::dust:

Lisalee - Hope you are feeling fine hun and your little one is snuggled down:flower: - Peppermint tea might help with your gas hun:winkwink:

Nevergivingup - Where are you all your ladies are worried about you, hope you are okay:hugs:

AFM - I am now (2w5d) post DNC and still testing a v v v faint positive so I will leave testing until Thursday now when I will be (3w Post DNC).

Hope you all have a nice day, here it is raining and this is meant to be Summer :wacko:


Mummy - Could the spotting be implantation bleeding - if it is I would leave it a few days until you test hun :hugs: :dust::dust::dust:

I really hope so :(
I'll be testing tomorrow so that I can maybe see a doctor for a hCG and pregesterone level (just in case this is a MC). Might be too early for a positive though.
Hi Ladies,

Sound's like there may be some potential BFP's appearing in the next few days. Good luck Mummy to 1 and Storked. :flower:

I also hope Nevergivingup is okay, but agree she may just need a few days out from the emotional rollarcoaster that is TTC.

As for me, I appear to have completely stopped bleeding. I feel almost like I am tempting fate by writing this but I am hopeful. :happydance: Should ovulate sometime early next week so I'm finally back on the TTC wagon.

I'll be doing a relaxed SMEP with OPK's.

Keep going everyone!
LuxLisbon - Woohoo glad the bleeding stopped - our bodies are strange things:winkwink:

Mummy - How is the spotting going? - hope you get some answers soon.:flower:

Talking about answers I think I have confused my chart before putting in todays temp they were just bobbing about which I would expect - now with todays temp put in all of a sudden I am 8DPO - woohoo does that mean I can test soon:haha: what the hell is going on:shrug:

Good luck ladies :dust::dust::dust:


Thanks garfie :flower:

I'd been terrified to check, but I've just been to the toilet and there's not much going on anymore. Plus, I still feel bloated-as which is a feeling that's disappeared quite quickly for me in my MCs (not that I've confirmed a pregnancy yet this time, but I just feel it).

I also have heaps of tenderness in my stomach muscles which reminds me of my pregnancy with my DD (though not this early when I had it with her).

I'll test in the morning and keep you all posted... Feeling much happier now though. Thanks girls. Just having somewhere to freak out instead of doing that with DH is a real lifesaver!! xx
Talking about answers I think I have confused my chart before putting in todays temp they were just bobbing about which I would expect - now with todays temp put in all of a sudden I am 8DPO - woohoo does that mean I can test soon:haha: what the hell is going on:shrug:

I have NO IDEA when it comes to charting! So I can't be of any help lovely. Hopefully one of the other ladies on this thread can help you. Yay for maybe being close to testing though! (??) Haha. :kiss:
Lux, I am cheering you on!
Garfie, I think temps can be all over the place after a loss :hugs:
Hmmm that's what I thought but........... 8 days ago I had the tiniest bit of bleeding which could have been o bleeding. Not sure if its even possible after a dnc:shrug:


Hmmm that's what I thought but........... 8 days ago I had the tiniest bit of bleeding which could have been o bleeding. Not sure if its even possible after a dnc:shrug:



You can O after a D&C :flower:
Thanks storked but I wouldn't even have been 2 weeks post dnc. Crazy or what:wacko:


Garfie, I ovulated as usual about 12-14 days after taking Cytotec. I hadn't even stopped bleeding! The spotting and bleeding continued until I got my period two weeks after ovulating, I then had a heavy period and it only just stopped last night (it's 5 weeks on Wednesday since I first took Cytotec). The human body is completely crazy sometimes, mine just carried on as usual despite other things going on at the same time. :wacko:
Unfortunately, I just got my beta numbers from the doctor and the progesterone is going down instead of up. I'm waiting on a call for a Dr. appt now. Feeling so sad right now and defeated. My HCG #s are going up but not quite like it should.

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Now I'm spotting pink when I wipe and (TMI) my vagina feels really tender - like when I sit down etc. :(

Praying so hard that this IS my rainbow baby still.

Sounds promising! Can't wait til you test.

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