March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

Thanks MnJ! I am super excited & so still in shock, but terrified at the same time!

I hear ya... you described how Im feeling exactly! :) Hopefully its the start of many BFPs!
Never, you are such a good wife :D
I believe that I have O'd and am in the dratted wait :happydance:
Aw thanks never! Super excited!

MnJ- yeah I think it's a normal feeling at the beginning.

Storked~ how many dpo are you?
Bama, no idea because I have been too laid back to check anything. :D but pretty sure I have already ovulated
Lol that's how I was. I was pretty sure I ovulated around cd15 but it was just a feeling I had.
Mine is just because I had skin breakouts and my husband told me that I was hotter down there when we made love lol. Sorry for the TMI ;)
Haha no such thing as tmi! I just thought because of cm
Well I have had more of it but aside from that I haven't checked at all :D
Welcome yoyojojo and flwrgrdnmom :flower:
Please tell us more of your stories.

Good for you Sweetz. You will feel better without their drama.

Janelley, we are moving to Houston right now but Bangkok after that, as soon as he gets all the training he needs. We want to raise our kids there :)
Yikes! What do you think is causing your insomnia? :hugs: but so glad your FIL is coming and helping you out!

BAMA CONGRATS GIRL! You better be more active on here now because I want to read every bit on this sweet little baby :kiss:

Shefali, would alcohol hurt you if you are just starting off fertile phase? Don't dwell on it, just endeavor for better on the rest of your days for a sticky bean :flower:

AFM: just woke up and kind of want to go back to bed with my grapefruit juice and a book. We'll see :)

i guess it shouldn't :shrug: just didnt want to take chances.. No more :nope:
Ladies~ I know I have been silently stalking this month due to my super relaxed approach.....I have been reading & keeping up with you all and cheering you on from the sideline.

Well I caved & took a test... let me know what you ladies think

yayy its surely a :bfp:

Congrats mama
Storked- Well I'm hoping high levels of progesterone is what's causing my insomnia.. Otherwise I'm losing my mind. :wacko: FIL is here right now building a drawer to hide our trashcan. When we remodeled our kitchen we had to build 5 cabinets. He's like Macgyver with wood. It's insane what he can make, but awesome at the same time. Saves us a boat load of money and he really enjoys it. I give him shit all the time because ALL of his tools look like they were used to build Noah's ark. That's how old they look. I'm totally jealous that you're moving to Thailand. I would love to visit there. Their culture just seems so interesting to me. I've always wanted to go there after seeing Brokedown Palace, well you know, minus the whole drug smuggling/prison thing. :winkwink:

Shefali- I wouldn't worry about it too much, I got totally shnockered a couple of weekends ago. If anything it might have helped you to relax. I really don't think it will affect you unless you're an everyday drinker. IMO you're A-okay! :thumbup:

Oh yea Storked- I totally miss the days when I could just "go back to bed and lay there for hours with out a care in the world" That feels so long ago...

ya i drank after MONTHS. wont be drinking now. :dohh:
Morning so sorry I haven't been around the past few days, It's been so hectic this end doing the London paralympics and it's left me with little time to do anything other than work, eat and sleep! At least I've got a day off today to try and catch up on some well-needed rest!!

Gosh I've missed so much!! I'll attempt to have a bit of a catch up with you all now (But apologies if I miss anyone!)

Shefali: Don't beat yourself up about the little drink incident...people drink heavily/smoke without even having a clue that they're pregnant for many weeks, so you're little one-off is unlikely to have had an effect! Yay for reaching "O" time though!

Storked: Yay for ovulation!! Trust your body and, if you think you have, you most probably have! Maybe sneak a couple more BD in there for good measure (I'm sure neither you or your OH will mind that!) and I'd say you can safely relax for the
next two weeks and wait for that BFP to show!

Bamagurl: Yay for being back and AN EVEN BIGGER YAY for those tests!! Without a doubt, they are absolutely fantastic BFPs!!!! You are more than definitely pregnant!!
I'm so so pleased for you! How are you feeling? Don't worry about being excited/terrified,
I still am and don't think that feeling is going to go away for a while yet!

MnJ: Hello my fellow pregnant lady!! How is pregnancy treating you these days? Any updates on new/exciting symptoms or upcoming appointments we should get excited

Never: I'm unsure but, if I missed it, YAY for second trimester!! 1/3 of the way
there!! How exciting is that?! Definitely put your feet up and spend plenty of quality time with your're gonna need all that sweet talking for when he's up all night with little baby, because he/she is going to be here before you know it!

Janelleybean: As annoying as it is, I had insomnia and crazy dreams around 3dpo onwards just before I got my BFP...hopefully it's a promising symptom for you!

Aspe: I really hope you get yourself to the doctors to get to the bottom of what's going on...I hate to be a downer, but ICs are infamous for evaporation lines (I know, I've seen plenty of them over the few months I've been using them)...I had the ultrasensitive ones and, if I thought I saw anything on them, I'd back up with an FRER just in case. With my BFP this time, I ended up with a lovely dark line on an FRER whilst my IC was still a squinty line, so I'd advise you to do this...but I do urge you to pop to the doctors for tests. Good luck x

Sweetz: Glad to hear DH is being much nicer! I think a nearly congratulations is in order seeing as your ticker says you're two days away from 2nd trimester!! How exciting! In terms of those so-called "friends", glad to read you've deleted could do without idiots like that being involved in your life!

Sorry I've not scrolled back further, but hello to everyone else and hope you're
doing well!

AFM:Not too much to report this end with working/sleeping/eating...maybe bullet points will be better?
-pregnancy is progressing pretty uneventfully at this end! Still no bleeding/spotting since last AF (Yay!), always fatigued, sore boobs (My nipples have gotten bigger though, which grosses me out!), mega bloated (Some cheeky coworker told me I had a "cute bump", the cheek!) and slightly queasy at times...but not too bad! Cramps have all settled down so I'm assuming he/she is all snuggled in but, if I start to worry that things are too quiet, I get a little "poke" low down in my tummy as if to reassure me they're still in there!
-No morning sickness yet though...where are you morning sickness to reassure me?!
-Lines are now as dark as the control...I've attached a piccie to show you! The bottom two are from yesterday and today with a normal first response with sensitivity of 100 instead of 25, so I'm assuming a line that is as dark on those as early first response is a good progression? I did take a CBD this morning which still said 2-3, but I'm trying not to worry about that because of the dark lines? I'll leave it a week to test again with CBD so it doesn't stress me out!
-Got first doctors appointment tonight at 6:30pm (Woohoo!), so will finally get a referral to the midwife!
-Booked my early scan for Wednesday 19th September at 4pm, very excited but nervous...
-My DH has FINALLY started to accept that I'm pregnant, and finally admitted that he acted so distant because he's terrified we'll lose this one too...I'm still staying positive (I guess the dark lines, no cramping and no bleeding says everything is fine?) and he's even started trying to talk names with me...I can see we're going to have a huge disagreement on that though! He suggested "Rio" for a boy?!
-Close family have been told and are absolutely thrilled! My mom and sister have been arguing about the baby's nickname whilst he/she is still in my tummy, and could agree so have combined it...hence, my baby for the forseeable future is now nicknamed "peabug"! It's got a little bit of a ring to it I guess!

Anyway, sorry for the long post, I guess there was quite a bit to catch up on with both myself and all you ladies! I hope you're all doing well, and I'm anxiously waiting for that next batch of BFPs that are sure to come rolling in in the next couple of weeks!! I'm so excited for you all xxxxxx


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Lpjkp, lovely dark lines! :D
Yeah I will be BD every day until I run out of softcups (I have 5 left) :)
Lpjkp - hey prego partner!! You sound just like me! No m/s yet and I wish there was just to that I can feel like my body is doing what it's supposed to! Looks like you are 3 days ahead of me. Thats so cool that we're that close! When I talked to the nurse after 2nd beta she set up the first appt but its kinda up in the air on which day it will be. She wanted to do it sometime between sept 20-30 but I have sept 14 off if work as my DB is getting his wisdom teeth out that day so I gotta drive his loopy butt home lol. She wanted it a later date to make sure u/s pics will be more definite but I wanted to avoid having to leave work for an appt. I havent told work yet about being pregnant, wanted to wait until Im more secure its a sticky bean. Anyway so the only time that worked for me on the 14th was a possible cancellation spot. She had sent the chick to the hospital and if she gave birth then she would be cancelling her appt on the 14th. Otherwise my appt will be the next fri on the 21st at 4:00. I'll be either 6w5d or 7w5d depending which appt I get. They can see the baby and heartbeat at 6w5d right? I can't wait as I want to be sure he's (yes I said he, power of positive thinking as I want a boy lol) growing and growing in the right place, not in a fallopian tube or something! I also have been poas every morning making sure the lines got darker. I didnt yesterday morning ot this morning tho and my DB said he was proud of me for not lol. So, glad u and I are feeling the same with s/e and I love having a prego partner!!! :) Wishing u a HH9M!!
Hi ladies; Well my Wknd is over.....DH returns to work, and I get to chat waay more again with you all. I talked to my doc and she confirms that we're going with the original due date which makes me 15 wks today...which puts me at 4 months in 2nd Trimester:wacko: I'm totally getting confused at times but IM 4 MONTHS/15WKS....How in the world did that time go sooo fast....probaly Bc I was going by the wks of my other babe that was measuring smaller. ALL IN ALL I'm feeling good, Thank God!!!

Lpjkp: GO YOU, for being 5wks already!! And no more worrying ma'am, you have a sticky baby in that tummy of yours. And yes to your DH it's real your wife is PREGO :wohoo: and YAYYYY for an Early Scan which is 2 days before I suppose to get mine as well. Dont ponder to much on m/s, my cousin didn't have it during her pregnancy but one day.

Stork: YAYYYYYY 2 WK WAIT!!!! Go You! Now just relax and wait for those 2 lines to appear! I'm glad you took the relaxed approach. And my DH told me that same thing, I took it as a compliment...heehee. Stork my FX for Im thinking you shouldn't of told me Bc now I'm going to run you down!

Aspe: I def agree with the other ladies, that positive test would totally make me go crazy, Bc something is going on. I would def go see the doc so you can get done answers Bc the HPt won't tell you everything.

Bama: I'm doing the Happy Dance for you!!!! I'm sooo excited!!! Its like I've been waiting all my life just for you and BayBeeEm and Stork to get those BFP's and now there coming in....Stork is next!! Everyday I was scared for my pregnancy but realizing God can do wonderful things if we put all our trust in him took away my most of my fears. I prayed twice a day, I believed on him all day and now I'm 4 months, it wasn't the progesterone or the prenatals that bought me this far, it was God hun, and he's still working in me. I tell you this Bc I know you believe in him like me, now all you got to do is trust him that he won't put more on you than you can bear. My fav scripture is II Samuel 1-3, it tells us of a woman who couldn't conceived but she prayed and vowed to the Lord and God heard her prayers and gave her the desires of her heart.....a man child. Congrats again Bama, you deserve it!

Sweetz: Hi Ma'am, glad to hear that DH of yours is being nicer. And that bump of yours is awesome! Yours is bigger than mine.....bigger and beautiful. Go You!

Krissy: Hi ma'am, sorry to hear about that family of your DH hopefully they'll
come around.

Lisalee: MY SECRET BUMP BUDDY, I don't know if I missed your post, but I need an update on ya, how's everything? How many wks are you now, Bc I know the ticker takes some days away.

Hopestruck: That ring is beautiful and I know your wedding will be awesome. I'm glad you have something to occupy your Time from TTC. I wouldn't do the wedding thing over, it was very stressful even though I had a wedding planner.

Garfie: I'm glad to have read your post, sorry for responding so late, I bee offline during the wknds. But no more m/s for me. Now just waiting for the weeks to go by and watch my bump get bigger. You should be in the TWW by now.

Janelleybean: Hi ma'am, what was it that you needed me to do to the list for your testing ?

MnJ: Hi ma'am, has the pregnancy sunk in yet? You got prego off your first round of clomid?

AngelSerenity: I don't know if I missed your post, but where are you ma'am? I hope you're just sick with m/s.

AHHHHHH Brain juices stopped flowing. Hi to all the others I may have missed, I'm sure I'll remember as soon as I post this....
Never - wow, congrats on 15 weeks! Thats awesome! Yes I conceived on my first round of Clomid. I am also on Metformin. I think thats a big reason Im so nervous, cuz I didnt think Id be able to get pregnant due to pcos, being overweight and my age (ripe old age of 38 lol) then when it worked the first round, shocked cant even BEGIN to describe how I feel!
Woohoo ever 2nd tri! Go you!! I will respond more later bc I'm freking exhausted. I'm going to try and get some more sleep. I was craving chips and salsa last night and I'm paying for it now...oye vey! It was soooo worth it though! Haha!
MnJ: That is SO exciting! I've got my fingers crossed that everything is all great for you and that she squeezes you in earlier so the wait is less nerve racking! I've changed my ticker to be more precise (Decided to finally go from my ovulation date, which should be more accurate considering I ovulated late), so it turns out I'm a couple of days behind you! Due date it says would be around May 8th, and I'll be exactly 7 weeks when I have my first U/s (Providing everything continues to go ok till then!)

Never: I'd be over 5 weeks going from my LMP, but I've decided to go by my ovulation date (It was slightly late), which would make me least then it's a bonus if they say I'm further along than what I am! It also makes me relax slightly about those dreaded CBD because it means I got:

1-2: 9dpo (3wk+2)
2-3: 15dpo (4wk +1)

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