MnJ- LOL! You're having the same problem with your boobs that I had about 6-7 wks. My boobs were so sore they burned when I changed positions in my sleep! Now my boobs aren't sore at all. So hang in there.

Also, I used prune juice for constipation.
LPJ- It's great to hear from you again. I'm very sorry about of your grandpa but love the idea of incorporating his name if you have a boy. It's also nice that he had something to be excited about (your baby) before he passed. I'm sure it made him very happy.
I love the idea of a pregnancy journal. I kept thinking about starting one but was too lazy. Too late now

But I hope you fill yours with lots of memories. Make sure to take pics of your stomach each week.
Bama- Sorry your nausea started so early. I hope it doesn't get too bad for you.
Kanicky- That was a great story about the power being out. Would be awesome if that was when you conceived!
Sweetz- Congrats on making the 2nd trimester!!!

Have you started perusing the 2nd tri threads yet? WOW! I just looked at your pics and yes, you are GROWING!!! I still look like your 10 weeks pic. Hoping my bump grows soon like yours.
Never- Hey bump buddy! Sorry that you're not feeling so hot. Hopefully, getting some new comfortable clothes will make you feel better. I've scaled back my water drinking too b/c quite frankly, I was sick of drinking it. I bought some powdered flavorings to add to my water so I would have more tolerance for it. Maybe you can try that.
AFM- Thank you ladies again for the great snack ideas. I am armed with snacks for tomorrow! I got chips & salsa, fruit snacks, goldfish, and granola bars. I never made it the fruit section of the store. Maybe next time.