Morning Ladies
Shefali - When you take your temp hun it has to be at the same time no matter whether it is a weekend or weekday. Your temp must be taken before you talk, drink or anything else you may do in bed
A lot of us use FF to input our temperatures see my chart below hun.
Good luck
LPJ - Both sets of my Grandparents are dead and I am so glad I incorporated my eldest name - as when he says mum where did my name come from I can tell him a very strong lovely man and hopefully you will be just the same
Janelley - Your kitchen is like a show kitchen I hope you have lots of parties as it looks like an entertaining kitchen to me

love love love the pic of your little one in the sink
Sweetz -

you made it to the second tri - hope your symptoms are easing now, so glad you wasn't the porcelain goddess the other day and it was just little one demanding food as they do
Never - Hope you enjoy the shopping spree - some new clothes will make you feel better hope your symptoms are also easing
Lisalee - Snacking is a good idea in fact anything to do with food is a good idea as far as I'm concerned
Bama - How are you doing hun - still nice and relaxed I hope
Storked -

not long until testing now how is your tww going (take a look at my chart) not sure what's going on with me am I in the tww or not
Catch -

what is EMSP? do you mean SMEP so sorry for your loss hun
Angel - Hope you are ok hun and a bit more relaxed
Love to all the ladies I missed, I'm useless at keeping up at the moment I do try but yesterday was quite an emotional day as my eldest went to Senior school - he suffers with autism so he was bouncing off the walls last night
I also have my avon to keep me busy I now have two rounds one which involves a fair bit of travelling (well a least a bus ride away) I do enjoy it though and the make up perks are fab, I cannot work full time due to my sons condition which is stupid as like most of you I have a degree and have never been able to put it to any use
One more thing my chart is still showing no cross hairs so not sure if I am in the tww or what but I WILL start testing on the 10th