I'm still finding it hard to know I got to wait the full two weeks. I have been reading online but don't see anything about fixes for anything the doctors are testing for. I had to refrain myself from reading anymore.
It may just be me over analyzing but I can't help but judge my body. I am a fairly light complexion girl and my aerolas are darker, my pants are getting tighter, sore boobs and/or nipples from time to time, and my face is constantly pimple face (I am so not use to this). Maybe this is related to the tests being ran on me, I don't know

Perhaps my hormones are all out of whack

I should not have abbreviated last time, so here it is again just in case.
Blood test for CBC (complete blood count), LH (Leutenising hormone), FSH (follicle stimulating hormone), thyroid, and estrogen.
She said when I get these results back, I will probably have to go see a gynecologist.
I have to wait a veryyyyyy long two weeks for results. Now I am very worried I will not be able to get pregnant
Janelley..I wish my partner was the real handyman, but he is the type of person who would like to pay someone else to do it..As for the family doctor question you asked about..I don't have a family doctor, sometimes we got to see different doctors, so that said, it may not be just one doctor. However, the last two visits, I had the same lady doctor. When she said gynecologist it did scare me, as my first thought was, omg, there is the possibility of me not being able to get pregnant
Sweetz..I kind of want to try the baking soda pee experiment and I'm not even pregnant

lol..I would like to see it done, sounds interesting..
Kanicky..have you ever spotted pink when you ovulated? Someone told me when I seen the pink about 4 days before af was due, it could have been ovulation. But now that I think about it, don't you ovulate in the middle of your cycle. So if your a 25 day cycle, ovulation would take place around day 13? Perhaps I do have ovary cysts and the pink was a cyst breaking. I apologize, I am doing a lot of thinking out loud on this one.
Lpkjp..sorry to hear about your grandfather. I like incorporating significant names into ones name..my middle name is after my grandmothers.
Never..that was so sweet of your husband. Sometimes I feel I should go back to the way I used to dress, body type, attitude, for example, that I did when my partner and I were first together. Lol
I know I should be able to figure it out and I feel like such an amateur asking, but what exactly does AFM mean? I know it is in regards to what is going on with us personally at the moment, but was curious to what the abbreviation meant
Bama..positive thoughts coming your way. Let us know how it goes
Shout out to the rest of the ladies...