Sweetz- yea!! How exciting. I always wanted to be an aunt. I thought I would be a pretty bad ass aunt. So when I found my biological Dad, my step sister has a 13 year old and she is freakin' awesome! So, I am finally a bad ass aunt.
Aspe- I'm no doctor, but those all seem like test that can be fixed if they find a problem. CBC- sounds like they are checking your white/red/platelet blood cell levels.LH- is to see if you're ovulating. FSH- Same thing. Same with Thyroid and estrogen. If any of these hormones are just a little off they can mess up your cycle. It makes total sense as to why you would have to go see a gynecologist, if she isn't one. A gyenogologist can help with hormone balancing. They specialize in this. So, there are two worries that you can check off your list. Your face could be breaking out due to stress. Just try to relax, it sounds like everything will be fine. Until then, try not to worry and enjoy these next two weeks.

As for my husband being a handy man.. I wish we had the money to pay someone to fix things.. It wouldn't take nearly as long.
Mizzpodd- So sorry for your loss.

I can't even imagine what you're going through. These ladies are the greatest women and they are a huge support. As for your test, it looks positive to me, but I'm really not good at looking at those internet sticks. I would buy a FRER if I were you. Best of luck and please keep us posted.
Bama- Alright!! I'm so excited for you. I really wanted a May baby, but I still have to wait and see..
MnJ- you should have no problem seeing something on the US at 7w4d. I had an US at 6w and so many days and saw what looked like an M&M with a strong heartbeat.
I'm so excited for all your ladies. I really hope I can join you at the end of this coming week. Fingers crossed!
Krissy- I'm planning on testing on the 14th.