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March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

Oh no, Lisalee. I'm so sorry to hear that. I don't know the in's and out's of Progesterone and HCG numbers but can it be that it is still to early to make any firm judgments? Early pregnancy develops so differently in each woman and can't low progesterone be supplemented?

I hope you have some support around you. Try and take it easy. Nothing is definite yet. :hugs:
Aw hun :hugs: lisalee

What are your hcg levels hun lets hope little one is just a slow starter.:flower:

As for low progesterone levels has the doc got back to you surely you can take something.

Aw hun keeping my fingers crossed for you, try and take it easy.


Thanks for the kind words.
I'm hoping that the Dr. calls me soon. Will call back if no call within 20 minutes.
Day 1 HCG was 1050.
Day 2 (67 hrs later) was 2708.
Just got off the phone with the nurse. Have an appt scheduled 1st thing in the morning to see what the Dr. says. Will keep you guys posted.
Good luck for tomorrow hun im sure we will all be thinking of you.:flower:
Glad you've got an appointment first thing try not to worry - not good for you or your little one.

Hcg levels are supposed to double in 48 hrs hun but I have read where hcg levels were a bit lower and everything turned out well fingers crossed for you.:thumbup:


Unfortunately, I just got my beta numbers from the doctor and the progesterone is going down instead of up. I'm waiting on a call for a Dr. appt now. Feeling so sad right now and defeated. My HCG #s are going up but not quite like it should.

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

:cry: Oh no what will happen? We are here for you!
Good luck at the doctor's. I hope you receive the answers you desire. Keep us informed. :hugs:
Good luck for tomorrow hun im sure we will all be thinking of you.:flower:
Glad you've got an appointment first thing try not to worry - not good for you or your little one.

Hcg levels are supposed to double in 48 hrs hun but I have read where hcg levels were a bit lower and everything turned out well fingers crossed for you.:thumbup:



I used an online HCG calculator and it looks like the HCG is doubling every 48.9 hrs. So that could be OK. I just hope that too much time hasn't passed since I last tested until my Dr. appt on Monday.

Will keep you all posted.
HI MY "SOON JULY/AUGUST BFP'S" LOVELY LADIES!!!!!!! O my i am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo totally Sorry!!! PLEASE FORGIVE ME FOR BEING MIA!!!. I have been on an emotional rollercoaster since the last post ab the bleeding, but there is def not excuse for it bc we can def go through everything together!!! :kiss::hugs: I actually thought this thread went quiet for a while bc i didnt get any email reminders that you all was posting here, im sorry ladies!! Well I've missed soo much, storked not trying to test early:happydance: mummy 2 one, def going to get the bfp, bamagurl stupid af came, lpjk af finally came, Yayyy!!! Luxlisbon 1st af came after m/c. thats a great feeling, i know a feeling of starting over. Garfie, im soo happy you're here with us still evn when i went mia, and trust me i know ab testing neg from a m/c, it seems like forever but it will def come and you will get your BFP soon ma'am, i just know it,u will POSITIVE THOUGHTS!!! REDMONKEYSOCK, im sorry about your insenstive SIL and dont worry ab your DH , mine thought the same thing when i felt as if his sisters were bein insenstive to my losses. Its ok to feel like that, but you have to bounce back and jump back in the game bc life isnt going to stop for people like us, people are still going to be having babies and being insensitive ab it to us but once you get your BFP, you wont care how insenstive they are, HEAD UP CHIN UP, im praying for you. Lisalee, ma'am im sorry you're going thru this, BUT IM hoping youare def a slow riser and everythin will be ok, hopefully the doc will have some great news for you, keep us updated!!! Praying for you ma'am!! POSITIVE THOUGHTS AN LOTS OF FAITH.

AFM: Well ladies, again im sorry but thank you all sooooo much for keeping this thread alive bc it totally wouldnt be anything without you all honestly. Its sooo much love in here even after reading all the post i missed i just wish we could all live in the same town so we can hang out daily!! Well after i went to the doc, my progesterone levels was 30 and my first beta after 12DPO was 135 that Tues a.m. and on Thurs. it was 295 so my doc was happy for that so she decided to give me some progesterone cream to help my body support the pregnancy. i vaginally enter it everynight for the whole trimester then i stop using it the 2nd trimester. Ab the bleeding that i freaked out about my ob did a cervix check and said she didnt see any bleeding hanging around and my cervix is closed and everything looks fine. So she decided we're not doing any more betas and my next appt will be on July 10 for my 6wks U/S. So far everything is going great, no more bleeding Lord forbid and my symptns are being very tired, hungry and very bloated. Soo far ladies i've been praying and trusting totally in God and putting all my faith in him and everything has been great!! Now i need the days to hurry up soo i can get to the 2nd trimester and have one less thing to worry about. Until then Ladies, THANKS FOR EVERYTHING AND BEING SOO CONCERNED AB ME, YAL ARE SOOO TOTALLY THE BEST!!! I will update the list bk up ASAP!!!
nevergivingup so glad that you are doing well :hugs:
we missed you lady!
So I was feeling out yesterday because my CM appeared to be drying up but today it is creamy and there is lots of it! Also my cervix is high and firm and my temps are high. So hopeful!
So glad to hear from you nevergivingup! Had me scared for a moment. I'm happy to hear that things are going well for you and that you are in good spirits. I like your idea about giving it to God. That's ultimately all we can do.
Nevergivingup -:happydance::happydance: you're back and happy and positive and PREGNANT time to relax and take it easy :flower:

Storked - All of that sounds good hun - keeping fingers crossed for you hun :hugs:

Lisalee - :hugs: for tomorrow hun

Nevergivinup is back ladies :happydance::happydance:

AFM - still really confused by my body:cry: how can I be 8DPO:dohh: (you watch tomorrow it will all change again):winkwink:


Aww ladies, im soo happy im back. Although my DH dosent like me on this site soo im def ready for him to go bk to work. Storked a high cervix and lots of CM is awesome and very promising!! I was soo happy to see mine that i had BD just in case.

Garfie: i totally know how u feel about your body going thru the motions now since the m/c. But believe me when i tell you it will get back to normal. Are u waiting to test out from the m/c or are you DPO?

lisalee, sorry i had you scared but you know how this beginning process is, it's very emotional trying to just get over the hump. But yes ma'am dont worry yourelf crazy bc worrying is telling God that you dont have faith in him so let it all go ma'am and pary ab it and everything will be ok, it did for me, i had bleeding i had clots i was terrified but i decided this time im just going to let it all go and i did and it turned completely around for me Thank God and it will for you too!! Ask ur doc ab the progesterone cream. HEAD UP CHIN UP:kiss:
Nvergivingup - I've been testing every two days until I get a neg (still a vvv faint positive)

Also just to keep my hand in I have been temping and my temps have been bobbing about all over which is what I expected to happen :haha:

Putting todays temp in suddenly changed everything it said I was 8DPO :shrug: but like I said probably tomorrow it will be all back to bobbing about:winkwink:

I am really confused as I'm 2w5d post DNC and wouldn't have expected O yet.


Hello ladies! I'm baaaaaack. I was tired of having no updates so I decided to keep a low profile. Weeeeell, so I am officially CD1 (or at least spotting)! It's been a long road in the time since I had the suspected ectopic/abnormal pregnancy but alas, I am in the clear to make minimes. I am so excited that I had to leave work early today. One would think I was running home to BD but no, just left early. Hehe! I hope everyone is doing well. I have so much catching up to do.

Nevergivingup, are we expecting?!!

Stork, I think the time is now. I look forward to hearing of your BFP.

All other ladies of June/July BFPs, I hope you're well and I am looking forward to catching up on your progress.
Got my :bfp: shock last night and confirmed with a digi test this AM. Go to doc on the 11th for blood test. :)

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