Garfie, I hope that witch stays away and you had late implantation!*
Haha DH and I went to Denmark on our honeymoon and noticed no hotties (giggles) but a lot of them seemed to think that I was Danish. They always spoke it at me. They automatically used English with my spouse. Cracked me up

Oh and no more spotting
Never, I hope so. Have never experience IB before so would be a first!
Hope that yeast infection clears up soon- I hate the creams!
Sweetz, holy crap woman! Now I am worried about you! Yes carry some candy with you
Hi to LittleLulu! Sorry for your loss, doll
Janelley, is your cervix sensitive?
Yay for tender breasts!
Army, that is great that temps are going up!
Kanicky, go ahead and test lol! Good luck
Shefali, right there with you in the Internet. I am using my phone right now and it is so stinking slow!
Test if you have tests to spare. Isn't that the point of those cheapies?
Hi MizzPodd!
AFM: no idea if my breasts are tender- have been wearing a sports bra. My nipples were sensitive and they do look veiny. Wore the sports bra because they felt heavier and I fear sagging lol.*
No more spotting.
Just woke up actually. My husband did not let me sleep last night. The hound