March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

Shefali- I love early testing but 6 dpo is a little early! LOL! But hey, that's what internet cheapies are for! That's what I used to test to. So go for it! Also, glad that your blood test came back good. That's great news!

Storked- Oh no! Guess that means you just have to hang in there! I hope the time flies. :(

Garfie- You're not bringing down the thread. We want to know what's happening with you too! Sorry your cycles are all messed up. I'm hoping you can get answers soon too. I know it must be very confusing. I don't temp so don't know what the dip means.

LOL i was not going to test today but tested only because kanicky is my tww buddy. she is 7dpo and wanted to get together. so i went ahead with it :D ofcourse wasnt expecting anything :haha: NOW i am waiting for her test results :coffee:
thanks i am so happy the blood work was all normal :happydance: need to get a phone with unlimited data dangit. How am I going to survive without my girl? Waaaaaaaaa!!

On my way to doctor's. Leaving in a few minutes. Checked my sugar when I woke up bc felt nauseous and headachey...42. Docs said don't eat before going in, but I called and they said eat immediately. They are super concerned now and don't understand why it keeps dropping so low. That means more bloodwork....yay....not. DH is being very supportive. He is missing class today. Told his teacher that my health is his #1 priority. His teacher was cool about it. He is missing class next Wednesday for my appointment with the midwife too. He is literally following me around like my personal nurse, it's kinda cute. Made dinner last night and even cleaned the kitchen too! When I get back I will update you lovely ladies on what up. need to get a phone with unlimited data dangit. How am I going to survive without my girl? Waaaaaaaaa!!

On my way to doctor's. Leaving in a few minutes. Checked my sugar when I woke up bc felt nauseous and headachey...42. Docs said don't eat before going in, but I called and they said eat immediately. They are super concerned now and don't understand why it keeps dropping so low. That means more bloodwork....yay....not. DH is being very supportive. He is missing class today. Told his teacher that my health is his #1 priority. His teacher was cool about it. He is missing class next Wednesday for my appointment with the midwife too. He is literally following me around like my personal nurse, it's kinda cute. Made dinner last night and even cleaned the kitchen too! When I get back I will update you lovely ladies on what up.

OMG :wacko: waiting anxiously for the update dear! hope everything turns out ok :hugs::hugs: good you getting checked thoroughly..
YOur DH really cares about you :) soo sweet he is :)
Sweetz- i pray they figure out how to help you today.

Aspe - don't give up. I'm not sure what dpo you are but you're not out until the witch shows.

armymama - i'm praying for you and sending sticky vibes your way. :)

AFM - thanks for the well wishes. Today I'm 10 dpo and I know I'm pregnant. It's so early. I can't even say I'm four weeks yet. I pray this is a sticky bean.
Sweetz- i pray they figure out how to help you today.

Aspe - don't give up. I'm not sure what dpo you are but you're not out until the witch shows.

armymama - i'm praying for you and sending sticky vibes your way. :)

AFM - thanks for the well wishes. Today I'm 10 dpo and I know I'm pregnant. It's so early. I can't even say I'm four weeks yet. I pray this is a sticky bean.

sending super sticky ':baby:' dust your way :flower:

:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: need to get a phone with unlimited data dangit. How am I going to survive without my girl? Waaaaaaaaa!!

On my way to doctor's. Leaving in a few minutes. Checked my sugar when I woke up bc felt nauseous and headachey...42. Docs said don't eat before going in, but I called and they said eat immediately. They are super concerned now and don't understand why it keeps dropping so low. That means more bloodwork....yay....not. DH is being very supportive. He is missing class today. Told his teacher that my health is his #1 priority. His teacher was cool about it. He is missing class next Wednesday for my appointment with the midwife too. He is literally following me around like my personal nurse, it's kinda cute. Made dinner last night and even cleaned the kitchen too! When I get back I will update you lovely ladies on what up.

Oh you poor dear! Sending many hugs!! Did they check you anemia? I hope they do because tht stuff happened to my mom when she had anemia. :-( please let us know as soon as you find something :)
Waiting at docs office...the tested sugar again as soon as I got I'm back in "normal" range. They had checked me for anemia already and I was fine there. They took my temp, 97.7, which is kinda low for me lately but they said it is bc of the extreme drop this am. Docs have already set me up with a nutritionist who I saw on Monday, but they want me to see her again. They think a specialized diet might help some. Waiting on my ob to see me. They did ease my fear bc they said the hypoglycemia will only affect me, not the baby. That was a relief. They did say, however, when I give birth I need to snack if labor is long, and if my blood sugar drops too low during labor they will have to do a C-section for my well being. They also told be at birth they will have to monitor baby's blood sugar as well, make sure it is not too high/low.
Waiting at docs office...the tested sugar again as soon as I got I'm back in "normal" range. They had checked me for anemia already and I was fine there. They took my temp, 97.7, which is kinda low for me lately but they said it is bc of the extreme drop this am. Docs have already set me up with a nutritionist who I saw on Monday, but they want me to see her again. They think a specialized diet might help some. Waiting on my ob to see me. They did ease my fear bc they said the hypoglycemia will only affect me, not the baby. That was a relief. They did say, however, when I give birth I need to snack if labor is long, and if my blood sugar drops too low during labor they will have to do a C-section for my well being. They also told be at birth they will have to monitor baby's blood sugar as well, make sure it is not too high/low.

:hugs::hugs::hugs: I'm sure with the specialized diet, everything will be okay with you and your baby :thumbup:
I had GD with my first daughter, and they had to check her for high/low blood sugar and everything was good. I really feel positive for you, and if you don't have GD, then I really think you and your baby will do great :happydance:

How are you feeling with the news though?
I'm relieved that (hopefully) all I need is a diet change and that my lows are not affecting the baby. That was a major concern of DH and myself. My hypoglycemia was manageable before pregnancy, still had issues, but not nearly as bad. They told me only to eat candy if I have a super low and I need sugar super fast...well dangit do you think I got the nickname "Sweetz" lol
Hi lovely ladies and good morning,

Quick question, for those who are pregnant, are your doctors/midwives wanting you to come in sooner than later because of the past losses? I am asking because I delivered July 5th, and now am pregnant 2 months later. I didn't have sex until I was cleared at my post partum appt, but considering I delivered at 18 + 5 weeks, and am pregnant soon after, I wonder if the doctor will want me to come in before 8 weeks... I called this morning to confirm my referral to OB (takes 48 hrs to process).
When I spoke to the referral lady, she said I may have to come in earlier, and that she would talk to a nurse and doctor to see what I should do. I am not worried about complications because I know that it was meant to be, but I am just anxious to hear back from them to know if I have to come in sooner or later.

Also, no one in my family knows I am preggos because we are still healing from our angel, and we just want to wait until maybe 5 months (when I delivered before). Is that selfish of us? We live in a different state 7 hours away from most famlily because of being in the military, so no one will see us until Thanksgiving...
My mom will see us at the end of October (I'll be 10 or 11 weeks) because I am going dress shopping for her wedding!!! Get this, she gets married June 28th 2013, and my due date is May 21, 2013!! When she finds out, hopefully she will be okay with it because I will have the baby before her wedding, so we can still make it. She really needs me to be there for her on that day, so I just keep thinking I was so blessed to have this baby now and the due date be before her wedding. So she told me I couldn't get pregnant in October or November lol But she doesn't know I'm preggos because I don't want to overwhelm her, and just because I want to let my baby cook a while before we share this news. We're not ready to hear anyone's opinion if it is negative right now...

Okay I ramble when I anxious, so sorry for switching subjects, but the first one was asking if anyone has had to go in earlier this pregnancy? I know I got pregnant only 2 months after, so I assume that will play a factor. My doctor did say that we could start trying right away so..... :)
Second question, am I being selfish for not wanting to tell anyone about this pregnancy? It's happened so quickly you know.
I'm relieved that (hopefully) all I need is a diet change and that my lows are not affecting the baby. That was a major concern of DH and myself. My hypoglycemia was manageable before pregnancy, still had issues, but not nearly as bad. They told me only to eat candy if I have a super low and I need sugar super fast...well dangit do you think I got the nickname "Sweetz" lol

I love your positive attitude on this, I think you will be A okay! And I love yous name Sweetz... so cute!:haha::hugs::hugs:
Thanks Shefali, Angel, and Garfie!

Storked- that is hilarious! I could see my mom doing something like that if someone told her that.

Sweetz- I hope you get better and they figure out what is wrong. That's got to be so scary. I'm glad your hubby is being nicer thought and waiting on you. That's how it should be!

Hisgrace- how are you feeling?

AFM- I did not get ANY sleep last night, I tossed and turned all night long. I'm so tired! My BBs are still sore, but not nearly as sore as they were last night. I ate a banana this morning and I'm totally regretting it, I feel so nauseated now. Uuugh... I'm waiting for the doctors office to open so that I can ask them to call in some blood work for me. I really don't want to have to drive ALL THE WAY down there then have to drive ALL THE WAY back. The lab is right next to my house. It would just be easier, for them to call it in.
Have any of you ladies ever had almost like short, stabbing (for lack of better word) pains in your pelvis area? I have been having them off and on some this morning.
Sweetz- I hope you start feeling better! Well you got permission to eat candy when you need to! Yay for that!

AFM-My temps are still going up!
I give up. Replied to everyone and posted wrong post. BLAH!

In the meantime, look at my cute cat
Have any of you ladies ever had almost like short, stabbing (for lack of better word) pains in your pelvis area? I have been having them off and on some this morning.

With my last pregnancy, and this one, I had the similar pains... I noticed a lot with this one, and this was before I found out I was preggos and a few days after I found out. I'm 4 weeks now, and it has pretty much stopped. Don't worry! :):hugs:
Good Afternoon Ladies-

Storked_ aww cute kitty!! I hate it when I spend all this time writing something and then it deletes or goes to wrong post. Anyhoo, glad to see you on here!!!

Mizz- ya that was super faint. Not sure I could really even see it, Im sure in person it was more noticeable! LOL. I also had huuuuge O's during my last pregnancy. Doc said they are completely normal and caused by hormones. She also said, and I dont know your age but she said in women over 35 during pregnancy they are more frequent or they see it more. Also, you absolutely are not selfish for waiting. Thats a very painful thing to go through and hard to go back and retell everyone after the fact. I think you are absolutely doing the right thing. Even though mine was only a chemical pregnancy, we had already told everyone and I felt so ashamed to have to call and tell them all that I lost it! So you do what feels right for you and your DH!

HisGrace- you must be over the moon right now!!! That is totally a BFP!!!!!! no doubt about it. Super excited and happy for you and lots of sticky dust your way!

lisalee- thanks!

Janelly- for sure have your numbers checked if its bothering you. The one thing we all need to remember and sometimes I need to listen to my own advice, is that our docs work for us. So if you want your levels checked then call and ask for them to be checked. Good luck, im sure you are just fine but that will make you feel better!

Shefalia- dont you go getting discouraged on me cause you got a BFN at 6dpo. I feel bad for persuading you to test with me. Its still super early for both of us, including me at 7dpo. I am super jealous that you are on progesterone cream. I had it with my last baby but the fertility doc is the one who prescribed it based on my levels at 6 weeks. So convincing my OB right now that I need it will open a whole can of worms and I dont think she will. But as I stated above I need to take my own advice. Im gonna post my poas results below in the AFM part cause its kind of lengthy. Also glad your test results were good, now you can totally relax and endulge in poas!!!

Sweetz- try and stay calm, it sounds like your doc is on top of it and they wont let anything bad happen. Stressing yourself is not good for you or baby so just put it in gods hands and your docs hands and everything will be ok!

AFM- ok so I poas, didnt use FMU and it appears to be negative. I dont know if I have turned into a complete absolute freak but there is a small part of me that thinks I see a super, super, super faint line or what is the shadow of what wants to be a line???????? Dont know, but am chalking it up to a BFN for now. I tried to take a pic of it to put on here but you cant see it at all on the camera and I can only see it in certain lighting. I know IM A FREAK!!! Anyway, I am going to do my best to poas with FMU tomorrow morning. I will have to lock myself in my bathroom so my DD doesnt see what Im doing. I have to admit the suspense is sorta fun but I have put a lot of thought into if this doesnt happen this month and if my doc wont help me figure out whats wrong, Im gonna be done :-(
ok so I just went back to it, it has been 25 minutes since the read time and theres def a line. There is no color to it so Im chalking this up to an evap line. Weird though because Ive used these tests for months and NEVER saw an evap line on any of them and believe me I go back and check the results. UGH!! dont know what to do!
Good Afternoon Ladies-

Storked_ aww cute kitty!! I hate it when I spend all this time writing something and then it deletes or goes to wrong post. Anyhoo, glad to see you on here!!!

Mizz- ya that was super faint. Not sure I could really even see it, Im sure in person it was more noticeable! LOL. I also had huuuuge O's during my last pregnancy. Doc said they are completely normal and caused by hormones. She also said, and I dont know your age but she said in women over 35 during pregnancy they are more frequent or they see it more. Also, you absolutely are not selfish for waiting. Thats a very painful thing to go through and hard to go back and retell everyone after the fact. I think you are absolutely doing the right thing. Even though mine was only a chemical pregnancy, we had already told everyone and I felt so ashamed to have to call and tell them all that I lost it! So you do what feels right for you and your DH!

HisGrace- you must be over the moon right now!!! That is totally a BFP!!!!!! no doubt about it. Super excited and happy for you and lots of sticky dust your way!

lisalee- thanks!

Janelly- for sure have your numbers checked if its bothering you. The one thing we all need to remember and sometimes I need to listen to my own advice, is that our docs work for us. So if you want your levels checked then call and ask for them to be checked. Good luck, im sure you are just fine but that will make you feel better!

Shefalia- dont you go getting discouraged on me cause you got a BFN at 6dpo. I feel bad for persuading you to test with me. Its still super early for both of us, including me at 7dpo. I am super jealous that you are on progesterone cream. I had it with my last baby but the fertility doc is the one who prescribed it based on my levels at 6 weeks. So convincing my OB right now that I need it will open a whole can of worms and I dont think she will. But as I stated above I need to take my own advice. Im gonna post my poas results below in the AFM part cause its kind of lengthy. Also glad your test results were good, now you can totally relax and endulge in poas!!!

Sweetz- try and stay calm, it sounds like your doc is on top of it and they wont let anything bad happen. Stressing yourself is not good for you or baby so just put it in gods hands and your docs hands and everything will be ok!

AFM- ok so I poas, didnt use FMU and it appears to be negative. I dont know if I have turned into a complete absolute freak but there is a small part of me that thinks I see a super, super, super faint line or what is the shadow of what wants to be a line???????? Dont know, but am chalking it up to a BFN for now. I tried to take a pic of it to put on here but you cant see it at all on the camera and I can only see it in certain lighting. I know IM A FREAK!!! Anyway, I am going to do my best to poas with FMU tomorrow morning. I will have to lock myself in my bathroom so my DD doesnt see what Im doing. I have to admit the suspense is sorta fun but I have put a lot of thought into if this doesnt happen this month and if my doc wont help me figure out whats wrong, Im gonna be done :-(

Hey sweety :hugs::hugs::hugs: Dont say that! i am not really upset with the bfn seriously :kiss::kiss: i just did it for you :blush: Its super early so we have lot of time to stay in hope :flower:

I have seen those lines too.. is it more like indent line or evap? there is NO pink at all ? Will you be testing tomorrow? :winkwink: I HOPE it is a BFP :happydance:

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