March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

Sweetz- you have a great dr. And I agree insurance cos are ridiculous.

Janelley - I'll probably eat my words soon but I'm so jelly of your symptoms. I just have the sore boobs off and on and some cramping.

AFM - I made an appointment to confirm pregnancy for oct 5th. I could have gone in early for blood work but I don't want the stress of all that. I'm just leaving it in God's hands. He blessed us to get pregnant so I'm believing he'll bless this pregnancy through the full nine months. So I will be almost 7 weeks by the time I go in for my confirmation appt. If my fibroids stay small, we should be able to see a heartbeat by then. I'm so excited!
sweetz- so glad everything is better. I was super worried about you! That is awesome too that your doc is going to bat for you like that. Those are the doctors that are worth every penny!!
Janelly- make sure you keep us posted.Worried about you too!
AFM Im done obsessing over poas for today. I figure if it is gonna be a BFP it will show up eventually. It was kinda fun though, made my day go faster. As for this evening I am having some weird cramps. Feels kind of like AF but then I went to bend down to clean a tanning bed and I had a really bad pinching sensation from my right ovary area. Felt like it was being pulled off! ouch! Anyway, gotta fold towels, yay me!
HisGrace- Ha! Don't be jealous. I'm super freaked because I've got the thought of twins. My aunt had twins and the joke was that I would always have twins. Which is the main reason I went and had blood work. I just want to see what the numbers are. I've never gotten a BFP that dark, this early, especially with afternoon pee. When I got pregnant with my son, my Mom--the know it all that she is--tried to convince me that I was having twins based on my numbers. I was relieved when there was only one baby. She then tried to convince me that my son's penis was too big and it was an umbilical cord. I think I might faint if the numbers come back in the thousands.

Kanicky- No need to worry. All in all, even though these symptoms suck, it's reassurance at the same time. Did you use one of those internet cheapies or a FRER? How many DPO will you be tomorrow?
Ok its official I am a raging lunatic!!!! I just poas AGAIN!!!!! This time in the time limit I again am thinking I see something. Either I got a batch of bad ones or Im too early yet. Is it possible to have evap lines on 2 in a row or is that just unheard of? ahhhhhhhhhhhh Im seriously losing it over here!
Ive never had this happen with these before!!!!! Boooooooooooooo!

Lol you're okay!!! That's how I would feel too!!! I can't wait for you to test tomorrow!! Sending baby dust!
HisGrace- Ha! Don't be jealous. I'm super freaked because I've got the thought of twins. My aunt had twins and the joke was that I would always have twins. Which is the main reason I went and had blood work. I just want to see what the numbers are. I've never gotten a BFP that dark, this early, especially with afternoon pee. When I got pregnant with my son, my Mom--the know it all that she is--tried to convince me that I was having twins based on my numbers. I was relieved when there was only one baby. She then tried to convince me that my son's penis was too big and it was an umbilical cord. I think I might faint if the numbers come back in the thousands.

Kanicky- No need to worry. All in all, even though these symptoms suck, it's reassurance at the same time. Did you use one of those internet cheapies or a FRER? How many DPO will you be tomorrow?

Thanks! :hugs: I used the internet cheapies! Tomorrow I am 8dpo.
Ok its official I am a raging lunatic!!!! I just poas AGAIN!!!!! This time in the time limit I again am thinking I see something. Either I got a batch of bad ones or Im too early yet. Is it possible to have evap lines on 2 in a row or is that just unheard of? ahhhhhhhhhhhh Im seriously losing it over here!
Ive never had this happen with these before!!!!! Boooooooooooooo!

Lol you're okay!!! That's how I would feel too!!! I can't wait for you to test tomorrow!! Sending baby dust!

haha I was out of my mind crazy!! Im like ok just one more time! LOL :haha:
Jane DH is trying to get me on his insurance. As for the boobs...omg mine did that for the first few months...I don't wear a normal bra anymore bc I can't find one that fits comfie lol

I seriously thought if you have a kid prior your boobs don't hurt as bad the next time. What a load of crap that theory was!! I didn't wear my bra last night to bed and they didn't hurt so bad this morning, but then I put it on and after a few hours, it seriously feels like someone used them for punching bags! AND MY PERIOD ISN'T EVEN LATE YET!!! I fear morning sickness is right around the corner. Uuggh.
Awww I am sorry! I must say that with my second pregnancy and this one, boobs don't hurt as much as thy did with my first pregnancy. But my morning sickenes was way worser my second pregnancy than first so I am expecting even worse morning sickness with this one. ;) the wonders of pregnancy. Our men should be worshipping us!! Lol
AFM Im done obsessing over poas for today. I figure if it is gonna be a BFP it will show up eventually. It was kinda fun though, made my day go faster. As for this evening I am having some weird cramps. Feels kind of like AF but then I went to bend down to clean a tanning bed and I had a really bad pinching sensation from my right ovary area. Felt like it was being pulled off! ouch! Anyway, gotta fold towels, yay me!

Oooooh that sounds promising!! A nice possible preggo symptom!!
Good Afternoon Ladies-

Storked_ aww cute kitty!! I hate it when I spend all this time writing something and then it deletes or goes to wrong post. Anyhoo, glad to see you on here!!!

Mizz- ya that was super faint. Not sure I could really even see it, Im sure in person it was more noticeable! LOL. I also had huuuuge O's during my last pregnancy. Doc said they are completely normal and caused by hormones. She also said, and I dont know your age but she said in women over 35 during pregnancy they are more frequent or they see it more. Also, you absolutely are not selfish for waiting. Thats a very painful thing to go through and hard to go back and retell everyone after the fact. I think you are absolutely doing the right thing. Even though mine was only a chemical pregnancy, we had already told everyone and I felt so ashamed to have to call and tell them all that I lost it! So you do what feels right for you and your DH!

HisGrace- you must be over the moon right now!!! That is totally a BFP!!!!!! no doubt about it. Super excited and happy for you and lots of sticky dust your way!

lisalee- thanks!

Janelly- for sure have your numbers checked if its bothering you. The one thing we all need to remember and sometimes I need to listen to my own advice, is that our docs work for us. So if you want your levels checked then call and ask for them to be checked. Good luck, im sure you are just fine but that will make you feel better!

Shefalia- dont you go getting discouraged on me cause you got a BFN at 6dpo. I feel bad for persuading you to test with me. Its still super early for both of us, including me at 7dpo. I am super jealous that you are on progesterone cream. I had it with my last baby but the fertility doc is the one who prescribed it based on my levels at 6 weeks. So convincing my OB right now that I need it will open a whole can of worms and I dont think she will. But as I stated above I need to take my own advice. Im gonna post my poas results below in the AFM part cause its kind of lengthy. Also glad your test results were good, now you can totally relax and endulge in poas!!!

Sweetz- try and stay calm, it sounds like your doc is on top of it and they wont let anything bad happen. Stressing yourself is not good for you or baby so just put it in gods hands and your docs hands and everything will be ok!

AFM- ok so I poas, didnt use FMU and it appears to be negative. I dont know if I have turned into a complete absolute freak but there is a small part of me that thinks I see a super, super, super faint line or what is the shadow of what wants to be a line???????? Dont know, but am chalking it up to a BFN for now. I tried to take a pic of it to put on here but you cant see it at all on the camera and I can only see it in certain lighting. I know IM A FREAK!!! Anyway, I am going to do my best to poas with FMU tomorrow morning. I will have to lock myself in my bathroom so my DD doesnt see what Im doing. I have to admit the suspense is sorta fun but I have put a lot of thought into if this doesnt happen this month and if my doc wont help me figure out whats wrong, Im gonna be done :-(

Lol this crazy how many ladies this has happened to! I'm 23, so I can't even imagine frequently they will come when I am 35! Lol oh goodness
Hi lovely ladies and good morning,

Quick question, for those who are pregnant, are your doctors/midwives wanting you to come in sooner than later because of the past losses? I am asking because I delivered July 5th, and now am pregnant 2 months later. I didn't have sex until I was cleared at my post partum appt, but considering I delivered at 18 + 5 weeks, and am pregnant soon after, I wonder if the doctor will want me to come in before 8 weeks... I called this morning to confirm my referral to OB (takes 48 hrs to process).
When I spoke to the referral lady, she said I may have to come in earlier, and that she would talk to a nurse and doctor to see what I should do. I am not worried about complications because I know that it was meant to be, but I am just anxious to hear back from them to know if I have to come in sooner or later.

Also, no one in my family knows I am preggos because we are still healing from our angel, and we just want to wait until maybe 5 months (when I delivered before). Is that selfish of us? We live in a different state 7 hours away from most famlily because of being in the military, so no one will see us until Thanksgiving...
My mom will see us at the end of October (I'll be 10 or 11 weeks) because I am going dress shopping for her wedding!!! Get this, she gets married June 28th 2013, and my due date is May 21, 2013!! When she finds out, hopefully she will be okay with it because I will have the baby before her wedding, so we can still make it. She really needs me to be there for her on that day, so I just keep thinking I was so blessed to have this baby now and the due date be before her wedding. So she told me I couldn't get pregnant in October or November lol But she doesn't know I'm preggos because I don't want to overwhelm her, and just because I want to let my baby cook a while before we share this news. We're not ready to hear anyone's opinion if it is negative right now...

Okay I ramble when I anxious, so sorry for switching subjects, but the first one was asking if anyone has had to go in earlier this pregnancy? I know I got pregnant only 2 months after, so I assume that will play a factor. My doctor did say that we could start trying right away so..... :)
Second question, am I being selfish for not wanting to tell anyone about this pregnancy? It's happened so quickly you know.

Mizz Podd I have had 6 losses and it took until number 5 before hospitals offered me closer monitoring. It is normally as standard after 3 losses, and even sooner in terms of number of losses if you had a second trimester loss :hugs:I would expect they will want to see you when you are about 6 weeks and closely monitor you thereafter eg every 2 weeks. Well they should so push it lady, sometimes you have to for your own sanity.

After my third loss we did manage to get our rainbow, I only told close friends and relatives after 14 weeks, and then the wider circle after my 20 week scan so I do not think you are being selfish at all. Plus it gives you and DH more time to enjoy your little secret together :winkwink:.


Thank you for answering me :) the nurse called back and told me I would come in at 8 weeks... If I feel that something's wrong before then, I will make sure I am seen sooner if needed. They seemed a little non chalant like its not a big deal but I will make extra appointments rob ably because I was high risk with my first pregnancy and then losing my baby in the second pregnancy, I am not taking any chances.
I guess they will monitor me closer when I am further along? Like into the 2nd trimester.
Mizz- yes I would wake up to at least 3 times a week. And I wasnt dreaming anything sexual either! For me it was a nice little bonus because we were on a strict NO SEX bed rest so for me they were just fine!
AFM Im done obsessing over poas for today. I figure if it is gonna be a BFP it will show up eventually. It was kinda fun though, made my day go faster. As for this evening I am having some weird cramps. Feels kind of like AF but then I went to bend down to clean a tanning bed and I had a really bad pinching sensation from my right ovary area. Felt like it was being pulled off! ouch! Anyway, gotta fold towels, yay me!

Oooooh that sounds promising!! A nice possible preggo symptom!!

you think so??? :shrug: Ooooo I hope so! Ya its weird cause for the whole 5 minutes that I actually wasnt thinking about ttc, I was like oh snap these cramps are feeling kind of intense.
Good Afternoon Ladies-

Storked_ aww cute kitty!! I hate it when I spend all this time writing something and then it deletes or goes to wrong post. Anyhoo, glad to see you on here!!!

Mizz- ya that was super faint. Not sure I could really even see it, Im sure in person it was more noticeable! LOL. I also had huuuuge O's during my last pregnancy. Doc said they are completely normal and caused by hormones. She also said, and I dont know your age but she said in women over 35 during pregnancy they are more frequent or they see it more. Also, you absolutely are not selfish for waiting. Thats a very painful thing to go through and hard to go back and retell everyone after the fact. I think you are absolutely doing the right thing. Even though mine was only a chemical pregnancy, we had already told everyone and I felt so ashamed to have to call and tell them all that I lost it! So you do what feels right for you and your DH!

HisGrace- you must be over the moon right now!!! That is totally a BFP!!!!!! no doubt about it. Super excited and happy for you and lots of sticky dust your way!

lisalee- thanks!

Janelly- for sure have your numbers checked if its bothering you. The one thing we all need to remember and sometimes I need to listen to my own advice, is that our docs work for us. So if you want your levels checked then call and ask for them to be checked. Good luck, im sure you are just fine but that will make you feel better!

Shefalia- dont you go getting discouraged on me cause you got a BFN at 6dpo. I feel bad for persuading you to test with me. Its still super early for both of us, including me at 7dpo. I am super jealous that you are on progesterone cream. I had it with my last baby but the fertility doc is the one who prescribed it based on my levels at 6 weeks. So convincing my OB right now that I need it will open a whole can of worms and I dont think she will. But as I stated above I need to take my own advice. Im gonna post my poas results below in the AFM part cause its kind of lengthy. Also glad your test results were good, now you can totally relax and endulge in poas!!!

Sweetz- try and stay calm, it sounds like your doc is on top of it and they wont let anything bad happen. Stressing yourself is not good for you or baby so just put it in gods hands and your docs hands and everything will be ok!

AFM- ok so I poas, didnt use FMU and it appears to be negative. I dont know if I have turned into a complete absolute freak but there is a small part of me that thinks I see a super, super, super faint line or what is the shadow of what wants to be a line???????? Dont know, but am chalking it up to a BFN for now. I tried to take a pic of it to put on here but you cant see it at all on the camera and I can only see it in certain lighting. I know IM A FREAK!!! Anyway, I am going to do my best to poas with FMU tomorrow morning. I will have to lock myself in my bathroom so my DD doesnt see what Im doing. I have to admit the suspense is sorta fun but I have put a lot of thought into if this doesnt happen this month and if my doc wont help me figure out whats wrong, Im gonna be done :-(

Lol this crazy how many ladies this has happened to! I'm 23, so I can't even imagine frequently they will come when I am 35! Lol oh goodness

Well I AM over 35 and I'm thinking bring it on!! I'd be going to bed super early every night in anticipation! Lmao :O
Hisgrace- Love your outlook! I agree that going to the Dr can cause unnecessary anxiety. Looking forward to your update on Oct 5.

Mizzpodd- I have had 1 loss. At the beginning of this pregnancy, I got my blood checked to make sure it was increasing. This was at my own request, not the Dr. Besides that, I don't think I've had additional monitoring.
Ok my doc is a sneaky sneak! Haha he put me as "borderline diabetic" and now my insurance is covering 80%. Hell that is better then nothing! I'll take it!!

Just got call from my awesome out of pocket expenses....under $15!!!!!!

Yay!! ^_^
So I just found out my DB is getting a weekly email with updates about what's happening that week in the pregnancy from a site called I thought that was so freakin adorable!
kanicky73 - test again with fmu sweety and try and post a pic if possible so that we all can tweek it for you :thumbup: I hate testing early coz of this reason but what to do can't control :shrug: same happens with me so you are not alone :hugs:

janelleybean - waiting for an update from you.keep us posted :happydance:

Sweetz33 - your dh is so sweeeet.. i am sure you are tired of hearing this from all of us :haha: how are you feeling now? better i hope! :kiss:

Hi :flower: to all the lovely ladies..

AFM - I am 7dpo today. BFN ! feeling out already :shrug: sad :cry:

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