March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

((manic laugh)) Hi ladies. I just went and picked up my lab results and my levels were 591 for 12DPO. I would say that's pretty good. On the paper work they have them flagged for high. Not sure what that means. I'm going to call my doctor. MnJ do you remember how far along you were when you got your first hcg levels and what they were?

As for the Big Brother shirt. We went over there and everyone saw it but was too afraid to say anything. We went 4 hours not saying anything finally i pulled my MIL aside and gave her the pregnancy test, she was over the moon excited and then we told everyone and they were all excited too. My hubbies Aunt was the only one that caught on right off the bat because she had see the shirt prior... she had to secretly jump up and down when no one was looking.
Woooooooow can we say MULTIPLES?! My first hcg was 12dpo also and was 65! At 16dpo it was 323! Ohhhhh this is so exciting! :happydance:
((manic laugh)) Hi ladies. I just went and picked up my lab results and my levels were 591 for 12DPO. I would say that's pretty good. On the paper work they have them flagged for high. Not sure what that means. I'm going to call my doctor. MnJ do you remember how far along you were when you got your first hcg levels and what they were?

As for the Big Brother shirt. We went over there and everyone saw it but was too afraid to say anything. We went 4 hours not saying anything finally i pulled my MIL aside and gave her the pregnancy test, she was over the moon excited and then we told everyone and they were all excited too. My hubbies Aunt was the only one that caught on right off the bat because she had see the shirt prior... she had to secretly jump up and down when no one was looking.

Wow thats a super awesome news :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Twins/multiples it is :baby::baby::baby:
((nervous laugh))I wouldn't mind multiples. I talked to the nurse lady whatever the heck she is, and she said she was going to give the numbers to the doctor and see what he wants to do, he will probably want to do another test in 48 hours, which would be tomorrow right? So, that means...I would get my results on Saturday and if my numbers are super high--more than doubled, then I will have a panic attack. I will keep you all posted.

Over all, I'm feeling confident but have a slight freak out when my boobs don't hurt and I get cramps.. Although I know it's normal, it still scares me.
Sorry if I am jumping in, not my intention. I have like 5 minutes before I got to be back at work. I just wanted to show you my tests. I think they are negative, but thought I would share anyways.

So excited for you janelley :) You said twins run in the family right?


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Woooooord Jane! Multiples! I think you have a hoard of happy beans in there with that level lol!!

AFM sugar more regulated today. Feeling a little better. Had another freak out this morning but DH got me emergency hunny buns last night and put them by the bed it. He is so worried about me...about damn time...and no that is not the hormones rofl! Got an awesome surprise in the mil today! I had a package from my mum. I open it up, a bit confuse bc I wasn't expecting anything, and I find 2, COUNT EM 2 boxes of apple cinnamon Quaker oatmeal!! Hahaha!! How epically awesome is that?! I'm stoked!! My local stores are always out of it, so I guess she felt bad bc that is my main craving and decided to mail me 2 boxes from Oregon haha another plus is docs say oatmeal is helpful in regulating my sugar bc it is "slow carb" and will slowly release the needed sugars into my body. maybe my body was trying to tell me something...crazy how our bodies work huh? Well now I must make some of this deliciousness! Haha
Ha! I am over here freaking out one minute and totally content the next. Of course I hopped on google and started looking at hcg levels at 3 weeks 5 days. I still have yet to see one as high as mine. I can't find my lab results from my son's pregnancy, otherwise I could compare.

Aspe- yes twins run in the family, but I'm not sure which side. I can see a faint line on the bottom test. It's more noticeable if I tilt my screen. Have you heard anything new from your doctor?

Sweetz- That's awesome! I can't stand honey buns though. We always have a pretty high stock on oatmeal here, I always like the creme ones. Like peaches and creme. How's the rash?
Mizz- yes I would wake up to at least 3 times a week. And I wasnt dreaming anything sexual either! For me it was a nice little bonus because we were on a strict NO SEX bed rest so for me they were just fine!

Oh wow!!! I was on bed rest with my first daughter... I understand the anticipation! LOL
Sorry if I am jumping in, not my intention. I have like 5 minutes before I got to be back at work. I just wanted to show you my tests. I think they are negative, but thought I would share anyways.

So excited for you janelley :) You said twins run in the family right?

The bottom two look positive to me.... that's how mine looked at first!:flower:
I'm not much for hunny buns either...but they work! Lol! As for the weird rash....still there. See my midwife on Wednesday so going to ask her about it.
O my freakin goodness.......20 pages to catch up on...what is really going on here!!! LOVE IT!!

Stork: Darn it, i miss you already, i didnt get a chance to respond to you not being on as much. Do you need me to call those i-net people and tell them off, bc we need our Stork,esp. when its so close to testing.

Mizzpodd; i know im responding late to your "O" question but yep...i have them all the time and feel guilty bc i didnt share that wonderful gushing moment with my DH..hahahhaha. i just crawl out of bed slowly and quietly and jump in the shower. :haha:

MnJ: your ticker is looking good ma'am! and your DB is totally sweet for that. and to repsond to your question of will i marry you...hahahhaha that was so cute and funny it made me laugh so loud. Your DB is not sharing you with anyone.

Garfie: SOoo sorry that you're out this month, but ma'am dont give up, its only September, we still have October, Nov. and Dec. You got time ma'am!! Just hang in there and im sure you'll have some answers soon.

Angelserenity: Miss you so much and still got my fingers crossed for your rainbow baby.

Shefali: Love you too! and im loving all your posts!! BUt you know its def too early to be testing. Hang in there, i dont get mine until im 12DPO. so you got some days to go but hey if you got lots of test...then pee your little heart out..just make sure youre replenishing ma'am! O and why are you taking progesterone so early?

Aspe: Youre not intruding, and that 4th and 2nd test def looks like there is a faint pink line there. Keep peeing ma;am.

Kanicky: My eyes got big when i read your post bc i was hoping you werent going poas crazy on us. Its still early, keep testing.

Bama: hows those symtpns coming alone? Have you done anythng different yet bc of your pregnancy. e.g. sleep pattern

sweetz: sorry about your low sugar situation. It seems as if you are def in control of it, which is def a great thing. dont let it beat you. ANd kudos to your DH for being there for you emotionally and physicaaly. i knew it had to get better.

Armymama: I dont know to much about that FF for it drove me crazy!! But dont give up on ma'am!! Youre still in there until AF shows.

Janelley: O my goodness, im soo mad i missed you big announcement...CONGRATS ma'am!! Honestly bc you were so mellow on here, giving everyone else advice and commenting on everyone else i didnt have a clue about you bc you had given us sooo little about your symptns. WOW WHAT AN AWESOME FANSTATIC SURPRISE. I LOVE IT!! Congrats girlie, and yes those numbers are really high for 12DPO mine was only like 130. I have my fingers crossed that you have twins in there!!

HisGrace: THAT hpt is def a positive ma'am. CONGRATS MA'AM!!! i LOVE YOUR OUTLOOK of not trying to stress so much about it. and that you're leaving it in God's hands....i totally agree thats all we can do at the end of the day of questioning our body and asking what if's. God is all we have. LOVE IT !! CONGRATS again ma'am!!!

Where is all the new ladies that was posting? Misss you..

LisaLee: its ok about me being pushed back. I just know i dont want to deal with the new oB anymoe. But CONGRATS to being 15wks Ma'am!!!! You are moving along!!! So since we're 15wks together, how are your symptns, bc mine completely went away. no heavy boobs, no heavy pimples breakouts, no food adversions, i mean completely gone, except for a day of nausea here and there when im hungry but thats it. I have to keep looking at my baby bump to reassure me physically. Tell me your symptons

Krissy: i know i missed your pevious postings but i miss you ma'am, hope everything has gone back to normal with and hope you had found peace with whatever decision you had decided to take.

HI to all the other ladies, if i fogot please forgive me, i try my best to remember.

AFM; wells as my ticker says im moving along. so ready to get to my next milestone of 24weeks viability until then i guess i'll start short with 20wks. DH and I are in the moving process so i cant be on as much but i do stalk when i go hide in the closet or the bathroom. Nothing really to report except im less stressful now and im just waiting to go to my appt. on the 24th. I think they have me down for another fetal doppler and not an U/s, they are beginnning to work my they not know my history...just bc im in 2nd trimester dosent mean the monitoring have to lessen up you know.

Good day ladies!!
LOL Never, I'm not giving up. I'm just going to test on the 21st instead of the 18th.
Never!! Missed you!! You're my bnb mama!! Most of my symptoms are gone as well, occasionally have throbbing in my right boob which is weird. Most of symptoms are overrun by the sugar symptoms. I too look at my bump for reassurance. My docs are not giving me another us until 19 weeks...grr...this Wednesday is just fetal Doppler. I'm freaking out about that. My midwife is cool so she might force them to give me one bc she knows my fears.
CONGRATS TO OUR LOVELY :bfp: LADIES Lisalee, Nevergivingup, Sweetz, Lpjkp, MnJ, Bamagurl, MizzPodd, Janelleybean and HisGrace : wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: : wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: we def have more to Come SO CATCH THOSE EGGIES LADIES

Our June BFP's

Lisalee1:June :bfp: :happydance: /Symptns 2Day:getting an appetite back. Less sore boobs, m/s going away. :baby: 1st HB: 169@ 8wks/ 2nd HB: 167@ 12wks

Nevergivingup: June :bfp: :happydance: / Symptns: Nothing :shrug: EDD: March 5, 2013/ :baby: 1st HB: 130 @6wks/ 2nd HB: 162@7wks / 3rd HB: 161@12wks

Our July BFP's:

Sweetz33/ July1 Tested :bfp: :happydance: / Symptns: gassy,lot of CM, appetite. :baby: 1st HB: 145@8 wks, 2nd HB 166@11 weeks /3rd HB 155@12wks

AUGUST BFP's Lovely Ladies:

Lpjkp: Tested Aug 24th: :bfp: :happydance: / Symptoms: Sore boobs / :baby: 1st HB:

MnJ: Tested Aug. 27th :bfp: :happydance: /Symptns: / :baby: 1st HB:

BamaGurl: Tested August 31st :bfp: :happydance: /Symptns: sore boobs,nausea, tired, & witchy attitude / :baby: 1st HB:

September BFP's Lovely Ladies:

MizzPodd: Tested September 7 :bfp: :happydance: / Symptns:fatigue, heartburn, headaches, slight nausea, pinching in left ovary area for 2 weeks on and off, sudden cravings, increased appetite and just that feeling of knowing! lol / :baby: 1st HB

Janelleybean: Tested: September 12 :bfp: :happydance: / Symtpns: Sore Boobs, cramps/ :baby: 1st HB:

HisGrace:Tested: September_ :bfp: :happydance: / Symptns: / :baby: 1st HB


Storked: DPO/ In TWW :coffee: Testing : September 18th

Krissy485: CD/ Not Trying until AF leaves :thumbup:

Hopestruck: taking a break :M.I.A :shrug:

Kanicky: 6 DPO/ In TWW :coffee: Test Date: September 12th

Aspe: DPO/ TWW :coffee:

Shefali83: 6 DPO/ In TWW :coffee: Testing September 13th

armymama2012: CD9/ waiting to "O" :coffee: Testing: September 21st

Soon October BFP's Lovely Ladies:

CatchBabyDust: DPO/ Waiting to "O" :wacko:

Garfie: CD 2 / AF arrived :thumbup:

Angelserenity: CD2/ Waiting to "O" :thumbup:
Never, jumping on this thread real quick (you ladies are chatty) but DH is having Internet with a different company installed tomorrow so can go back and read and reply to everyone then! Nothing interesting to report here :)
Sweetz: o my CONGRATS ON BEING 14WKS..ahhhh!! My mind is gone sometimes but you are with us!! Im glad im not the ony one thats loosing her symptns..although they do call 2nd trimester the honeymoon time, but i need one symtpn to linger!!!

Armymama; awe that made me smile. I love hearing those words of not giving up bc as long as you're in it, we're in it with you!!

Yayyyy Stork;HIIIII, now im feeling better already!!!

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