March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

Never- Awe, thanks. I didn't want to post too many symptoms and then look like a weird-o when I got a BFN. I really wasn't planning on testing until today or tomorrow, but I feel I would have caved yesterday for sure only because my boobs were killing me. Today they aren't so bad, but still sore enough to keep me content. They definitely look fuller as well. I like the idea of twins, but it scares me a lot. I think about how much work my son was because he had GERD. I'm not sure I would have the emotional and physical strength to do deal with that again times two. I go in tomorrow for more blood work and I should get my result on Saturday, so I will keep you posted.

Storked- HI! So happy to see you're getting the internet fixed tomorrow. I miss hearing about you eating dinner for breakfast.

AFM- I'm going to go take a nap. I've got a headache brewing and since the little guy is a sleep I might as well try and catch a few Z's as well.. My luck he will wake up as soon as I fall asleep. I'll be on later.
Well only 2 months until the 1 year mark of TTC and only (gasp) 23 days until the 1 year anniversary of the last time I saw my son alive! This is going to be so hard!
Never- I was slightly poas crazy!! If Im being honest. I had to grab a hold of myself and say get a grip woman its still too early! Im ok now. :)

Army- aww anniversaries are hard. Especially ones like that. We are all here for you now and the anniversary day. Holler if you need us!!!

Storked- Hi!!! So glad your internet is getting fixed!! I love your wittiness! is that a word? well if it isnt it should be.

Shefalia- hows my cycle bud? Having any symptoms??

AFM- still crampy weirdness. more so right before lunch. Then after I watched my soap I was yawning so bad I said the heck with it and laid down on the couch. I usually wont fall asleep but man I was out!! Guess I was tired. Nothing else to really report.
Kanicky- I didn't post a lot of my symptoms before my BFP because I was scared, but I had cramping like you described as well as feeling super tired. I remember making the comment to my husband how exhausted I've been feeling, and sure enough I got an early positive. It was only after I got my positive that some real symptoms started showing up. I hope that you get your positive soon. And don't feel like a crazy because you're peeing on sticks. I'm still doing it and comparing the lines to make sure they aren't getting any lighter. Are you going to test again tomorrow?

Army- I am so sorry for your lost. I can't even imagine. :hugs:
Kanicky- I didn't post a lot of my symptoms before my BFP because I was scared, but I had cramping like you described as well as feeling super tired. I remember making the comment to my husband how exhausted I've been feeling, and sure enough I got an early positive. It was only after I got my positive that some real symptoms started showing up. I hope that you get your positive soon. And don't feel like a crazy because you're peeing on sticks. I'm still doing it and comparing the lines to make sure they aren't getting any lighter. Are you going to test again tomorrow?

Army- I am so sorry for your lost. I can't even imagine. :hugs:

thanks!! that gives me hope. I started this month with the idea that I was going to take a relaxed approach and not obsess. But now that Im in the tww I am thinking way too much about it. I keep telling myself that if the cramping is implantation that I wouldnt be tired already etc blah blah who knows. I dont wanna test tomorrow but I probably will...........:wacko:
Army so sorry for the upcoming anniversaries. Know that we are here for you for hugs, and ear, and a shoulder to cry on...even if it is just virtual. :) love ya girl!
Army..will be anxiously awaiting your results on the sorry to hear about the upcoming anniversaries. Know that we are here for you

Shelafi..I hope you get you bfp soon

Kanicky..I totally second that. Like a line comes up, although not instantly, and then gets more evident after time. Like I don't have to bring it in different lights/views. However, I am unsure if they have colour or if they are grey. Arrgg
Hoping you get you bfp :)
I am also using the Internet cheapies, the dip sticks from

Janelley..the time must have seemed like it took forever waiting to get blood work and to see the numbers. Glad you got it done and I also second that about you possibly carrying multiples :) you did say you couldn't remember your boobs hurting this much with your first born, maybe that is why, because there is more than one..well be awaiting your results on Saturday. We believe in you that you would have the strength to raise twins. At times it may be overwhelming, but you can do it :)

Mnj..omg, that is so sweet about your db. That kind of stuff melts my heart

Hisgrace..glad your lines are getting darker :) It is so reinforcing.. I think I wouldn't be able to stop either, just watching those lines

Sweetz..glad your doctor stepped in and told the insurance company who's you are feeling better and that your husband is being so caring and attentive said that was how your lines looked. Could you tell your lines were pink or were you confused if they were grey?

I heard when tweeting a photo, if the second line glows (like on invert) then it is not an evaporation line. Is this true?

I have a doctors appointment for next Thursday to find out my results. I know they are doing a complete blood count, would this detect hcg or no?

Like a line comes up, although not instantly, and then gets more evident after time. Like I don't have to bring it in different lights/views. However, I am unsure if they have colour or if they are grey. This is why I am kind of thinking it is evaporation lines :(
Morning ladies,

Sorry I've been m.i.a lately, but have been stalking every now and again...if I'm being honest, I've tried to stay away from the forums for the last couple of weeks to stop myself getting stressed out...I've really wanted everything to be healthy for my baby, and I didn't think it was doing that by reading all the horror storied out there on the internet. I had to remind myself that the risks of mc/ectopics/all upsetting problems are far less common than what the internet makes out and figured that women (Me included!) tend to turn online for those answers when things go wrong, so made a decision that I should stay away from the internet for the first few weeks to allow myself to believe in a positive's worked so far!

Angel: So so sorry to hear about your little one...I wish you a speedy recovery, and a very sticky BFP in the near future x

MnJ: Hope you're still doing ok my fellow preggo buddy! The weeks are speeding along!

Janelley: Congrats on your BFP, it's so amazing to see more ladies getting that lovely second line!!

HisGrace: Congratulations to you too!! I don't think you have ANYTHING to worry about with those lovely dark lines...there's no doubt about it, you have a lovely sticky bean all snuggled in for the next 9 months!

Kanicky: Don't worry about testing early...I understand that urge to test completely! Even though I got my BFP this time round at 8dpo, I didn't get my last one till 14dpo, so you've got plenty of people always told me, as long as the AF doesn't show, there's still plenty of hope!

Aspe: I really hope that that is the beginning of your BFP, I can definitely see faint lines on the bottom tests...maybe follow up with an FRER? They're FANTASTIC at giving you that early result you need!

Never: 15 weeks already!! How crazy is that?! So happy for you and hope your pregnancy is still going well x

Storked: Hope you're doing well, still rooting for that BFP of yours soon!! Didn't I read that you may have had a little IB?! Exciting stuff!!x

AFM: Finally reached 7 weeks today according to my LMP!! That means I'm officially 1 and 3/4 months pregnant, 50% of the way through 1st trimester, and baby is now as big as a blueberry! I'm extremely relieved to reach 7 weeks because, according to a mc website, once you reach 7 weeks, you're mc rate goes down to around 5% so the odds are definitely in my favour! I've been feeling sick as a dog though constantly heaving each morning with nausea
So, I had to drop by for a second before I head to work. I am still thinking the lines I had were evaporation lines, and this morning, on one test the line is almost gone and on the other test, the line is still there but faded a nice bit. D*mn, I don't have a good feeling about this

On another hand, good morning to all :)
So, I had to drop by for a second before I head to work. I am still thinking the lines I had were evaporation lines, and this morning, on one test the line is almost gone and on the other test, the line is still there but faded a nice bit. D*am, I don't have a good feeling about this

On another hand, good morning to all :)

Did you test again this morning?
Lpkjp!! I've been worried about you! So glad to hear ur doing well! Have u had a dr appt yet? Or is that next week for u also? Thinking maybe u said a while ago u have an appt on the 19th or so? Mine is on the 21st, a week from today. Wish it would hurry and get here! I'm kind of jealous that u have ms now, it sucks I know but makes u feel better about the pregnancy right? None for me so far. Just incredibly sorry bbs and nips. lol
Sorry I've worried you MnJ!!! I did have my first u/s on the 19th but had to reschedule for next Saturday 22nd because my grandad's funeral has been booked for the a little upset that what was meant to be a happy day will now be sad, but happy that it's only 3 days extra i'll have to wait!!

Everybody is different with symptoms I guess! I guess it is a relief I've got ms, but I have felt nothing but awful for feeling the whole "Why did we decide to do this?!" After TTC for so long, I thought I'd be over the moon 24/7, and I really am, but pregnancy is not what I expected it to be! I'm constantly tired and I've already purchased some maternity clothes because I've bloated out and cant fit into most my clothes...I guess it will all feel real when I see little bump on the screen
Not going to be a good day. I didn't get my 4 straight hours of sleep due to hubby calling so I couldn't take my temp accurately today. Also, he is coming for 4 hours which to most people would be good but to me it just means I get to clean for 3 hours straight with no breaks and then possibly going to see another movie I don't like tonight when my head is already throbbing. I am going to scream!
Just popping in to let all you lovely ladies know i am still alive lol....thing are just not turning out how we planned and i have been a little depressed and not very talkative lately...gotta get out of this funk before it kills my marriage i will tell you that much!!!

first of all happy so see all our pregnant ladies are doing great and a HUGE congrats to Janelley on those twins...oopps i mean BFP but yeah numbers like that i would be banking on twins...maybe we should take a bet on here if it is twins or tripplets lol...very happy for you!!!!!! :hugs:

Army- I hope your day gets better hun! My husband knows i am not a clean freak to me life is too short to worry about whether or not the floors are scrubbed and all the dishes are house is what i called lived all over, a pile of dirty laundry, a pile of clean laundry that has not made it to the drawers...and always a sick full of dishes no matter how many times i do them lol...when it comes down to it i rather do things with my kids than be home all day cleaning because with 3 kids the house is never with two in school and we are living with my parents it will be easier...but yeah do NOT stress he should just be happy to see you!!!

Sweetz- low blood sugar is scarry!!!! my dh is a type 1 diabetic and i have see when his sugars have hit as low as 22!!!!! that was the time i had to call 911 bc he had a seizure due to the low blood sugar...very scarry and i am glad your dr fought for you to get your testing stuff! and also very happy dh is taking good care of you i think if he keeps this up...bc i have mostly pos stuff about him lately...there is still hope for you guys! have you heard anymore about the adoption stuff?

never- yay for healthy baby and yes we are all busy around here!!!

storked- hope you can get back on more soon!

MNJ and Ljkp- hi ladies glad to see you are doing well!

Angel- how are you doing?

All others hi!!

AFM- like i said things are not going how we thought they would...the job dh had lined up ended up not being at all what he was told so that fell though now he is now the hunt for a job and i am sTRESSED!!!! he got a full pay check today and i have no idea what we will do in 2 weeks...thank god we are living with my parents bc at least i know we will always have a roof over our heads and food in our belly and that they will do everything in their power to make sure our bills do get paid if we cant pay them but it kills me to ask them to do that! Today dh is already off to go sign up at a temp agency to see if he can get at least a temp job for now and then there is a good chance he can get into the same warehouse my brother works at but that would not be for like 2-3 weeks bc that is how long their hiring process takes. so he is trying although he was pissing me off this am because i was trying to get 2 kids ready for school and he kept asking me to get crap for him...i was like seriously? god i love him but right now i am so down about everything...

BUT HAPPY NOTE----- Today is my baby boy Jamison's 3rd cant believe it has been that long! and in 6 days my oldest will be 6 yrs old! so for now we have a 5,4,3 yr old in the house! Love my babies!!!!! and they are much happier living here where they can run play all day long!

ok i am off to clean...oldest ds is off to school and my parents took dd to school for and youngest ds got to rid to take sissy to school and grandma..i will stalk more later love you ladies!!!
OK while i was posting the other DH called and said he got a temp job starting monday yay! wish he was making more since he will have to pay 15 a day in gas but it is a job and we will at least be able to pay our bills a little bit happier
:happydance: Krissy glad you're feeling happier:flower: and I now what you mean about lived in :haha: with 2 dogs, a cat, a hamster and two boys er correction 3 boys (inc hubby) my house is deff lived in:winkwink:

Lpkjp - sorry about ur grandpa again :hugs: I'm glad u only had to postpone ur appt 3 more days. Cool that u can get Saturday appts too!
Morning ladies!!

Aspe- thanks. It did feel like forever trying to get the blood work, but I worked ahead of schedule this time. I got my order called in yesterday. Checked to make sure it was in the system and had a copy faxed to my husband just in case. I have an appointment made to get blood work done today at 1. That way I don't have to wait.

Lpjkp- Thanks. It's pretty exciting! I know how you feel about feeling awful. I was talking to my husband last night, while he made dinner and I bitched about feeling like crap. I was telling him I don't remember feeling this way at all with our son. I'm feeling pretty nauseous right now, but I think it's because I haven't eaten anything.

Krissy- Funny. :wacko: I think I might really lose it if there are triplets in there. I posted a question to yahoo last night asking about high hcg levels and this PERSON, posted a bunch of negative stuff saying it could be a number of bad things, but didn't think twins. Sheesh, talk about a debbie downie. Waaah-whaaa-waaaaah. Congrats on hubby finding a job. Temp jobs aren't bad at all, my husband was a temp at his work for 2 years, then his boss had to retire and he got his job! Over the guy that had been there for 30 years!! Best of luck to you and so happy you cheered up a bit. :flower:
As for the clean house. I am a clean freak. I'm constantly picking things up. My son is the same way believe it or not. When he is done playing with something he puts it away.

Hisgrace- how are you feeling this morning

MnJ- Don't go wishing morning sickness of your self! I feel nauseated and I can barely handle that! Sore bb's are enough for reassurance. I woke up this morning and went to pee and caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and my boobs have grown so freakin' much and they are looking like a road map. I hopped on the scale and have gained a lb. I'm betting on it all being in my boobs! I'm so butt hurt, my boobs grew so much when I was pregnant last time and they are growing so much again. At this rate, my breasts are going to be bigger than my belly, twins or not! :wacko:

Kanicky and Shefali- have you girls tested this morning?

Storked- Miss your face!

Sweetz- How are you feeling? I hope you're honey bunnin' it up over there and getting your oatmeal fix at the same time. I worry about you.

Garfie- HI!! How have you been? How was your meeting yesterday at your son's school?

AFM- I have an appointment today at 1 to get my blood work done, that way it will be a full 48 hours. I will be able to pick up my results tomorrow. I'm going to go cook some breakfast now. I'll check in with you ladies in a bit.

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