March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

i see new bfps!! Congraaaaaaatss :) hope all goes well with u guys!..

so now, i'm going for an OCT '12 bfp!! hope this is my cycle!! Baby dust to the rest of us and happy healthy pregnancy to the the pregnant ones :)
GM ladies, thought I'd check in really quick!

Lisalee: Hi Bump Buddy! Those craving are dangerous aren't they??! They will drive you crazy until you get it. Soda.....mmmnnn. My scan has been moved to Sept. 24th Bc I'm out of town. I wish they would give me an U/S, but they're really acting like butts!!! Saying they don't do U/S until 18-20wks. I'll be seriously?!! You're showing now!!! How exciting!! I Blane mine on being bloated some days. But hey I'll take it! When is your next appt?.

MizzPodd; you are def no longer new here ma'am!! You post more than me and some others which is Awesome!! So post away!! But I guess all the ladies are :sex: heehee. After they roll over they'll jump in an comment. And I think it's a beautiful thing to be adding a new addition to the family ESP. @ your moms wedding!!! I'm sure she's going to be overjoyed and excited that you and your little one will still be able to make it.

Sweetz: That meal sounded delicious!! I love me a steak!! That was my craving 2 wks ago and my DH rushed me to my favorite restaurant and bought my steak. I was drooling as you were explaining it.

Bama: WHERE ARE YOU GURLIE:shrug: Missing ya!

Armymama: Only test if you can handle it. I was testing every 3 days but had myself ready for dissappointment after some days of disappointment it actually paid off. So my FX that early testing for you will give you a bfp!!

Garfie: AF should be almost leaving soon right!

HisGrace: Don't worry ma'am, even though I'm far away, I'm rooting for ya, I was and still am just like you at times. We have find peace to get through the days somedays. Hugging you virtually!!


AngelSerenity: I hope you're doing well, will you update us, I think ab you often. Take care ma'am

Hopestruck: I know you're busy wedding planning, but I miss ya!

MnJ, Lpjkp, Janelleybean, Kanicky, Aspe. Hi ladies!!

CatchbsbyDust: Go for it!!!! It's yours ma'am!

It def seems like we get a BFP every month, so ladies don't give up, as long as you're doing all you can you will get that BFP!!

AFM: Nothing really to report except tommorrow I will be's def moving alittle faster now. Spending time with DH is def priceless, all he talks about is" his baby", "his baby this", "his baby that", so I'm praying extra hard that "his baby is ok, and we'll get to meet his baby living and breathing healthy in due time. Good Day ladies.

P.s: Nasal congestion has taken over as one of my only Symptns!!
Also, my birthday is october 13th! Would be lovely to get a bfp :) Turning 25! hoping it'll be the best birthday ever !
GM ladies, thought I'd check in really quick!

Lisalee: Hi Bump Buddy! Those craving are dangerous aren't they??! They will drive you crazy until you get it. Soda.....mmmnnn. My scan has been moved to Sept. 24th Bc I'm out of town. I wish they would give me an U/S, but they're really acting like butts!!! Saying they don't do U/S until 18-20wks. I'll be seriously?!! You're showing now!!! How exciting!! I Blane mine on being bloated some days. But hey I'll take it! When is your next appt?.

MizzPodd; you are def no longer new here ma'am!! You post more than me and some others which is Awesome!! So post away!! But I guess all the ladies are :sex: heehee. After they roll over they'll jump in an comment. And I think it's a beautiful thing to be adding a new addition to the family ESP. @ your moms wedding!!! I'm sure she's going to be overjoyed and excited that you and your little one will still be able to make it.

Sweetz: That meal sounded delicious!! I love me a steak!! That was my craving 2 wks ago and my DH rushed me to my favorite restaurant and bought my steak. I was drooling as you were explaining it.

Bama: WHERE ARE YOU GURLIE:shrug: Missing ya!

Armymama: Only test if you can handle it. I was testing every 3 days but had myself ready for dissappointment after some days of disappointment it actually paid off. So my FX that early testing for you will give you a bfp!!

Garfie: AF should be almost leaving soon right!

HisGrace: Don't worry ma'am, even though I'm far away, I'm rooting for ya, I was and still am just like you at times. We have find peace to get through the days somedays. Hugging you virtually!!


AngelSerenity: I hope you're doing well, will you update us, I think ab you often. Take care ma'am

Hopestruck: I know you're busy wedding planning, but I miss ya!

MnJ, Lpjkp, Janelleybean, Kanicky, Aspe. Hi ladies!!

CatchbsbyDust: Go for it!!!! It's yours ma'am!

It def seems like we get a BFP every month, so ladies don't give up, as long as you're doing all you can you will get that BFP!!

AFM: Nothing really to report except tommorrow I will be's def moving alittle faster now. Spending time with DH is def priceless, all he talks about is" his baby", "his baby this", "his baby that", so I'm praying extra hard that "his baby is ok, and we'll get to meet his baby living and breathing healthy in due time. Good Day ladies.

P.s: Nasal congestion has taken over as one of my only Symptns!!

I'm sure ur baby will be fine :) Enjoy those precious moments...ur husband sounds excited! I know the pressure of getting too excited and us women start worrying that something will tear it away..but dont stress..everything will be alright...Hopefully soon u'll hold a healthy baby in ur arms..:hugs:
Awww THANKS CATCHBABYDUST!! You are sweet!!! I really needed that even though I love reassuring others, i needed that:hugs: My DH is sooo excited, he waits on me hand and foot evn more since I'm prego, and I just want to holdup my end(but whatever God allows he allows)

O my catch, you're the same age as me, right now, cool!!! I sooooo hope you get it on your B-Day! That will def be the Best present ever!! You deserve it and so much more!!
Never - Everything will be fine with you and your baby. This is an exciting time. You're living in the moment, which is awesome and sometimes hard to do. It's so cute that your hubby is excited. My DH is still nervous about it. He keeps asking when my first appointment is because he wants to see the ultrasound before he gets too excited. I'll be praying for you. When's your next appt?
Awe THANKS HISGRACE :hugs: My next appt. is on the 24th of this month, for i believe a fetal doppler. And don't worry you're not the only one who's DH was like that. My DH did the same thing, when we first found out we were prego again. All he wanted to see was an U/S. He didn't show his excitement for fear of disappointment, until we heard the babes HB at 12wks. But you're going to fly through 1st tri. and once it's over I'm sure your DH will be over the moon and will have more confidence in your body and yal precious baby! Thanks HISGRACE!! Did you set you an appt. yet? The problem that made first tri. seem like forever was finding out I was pregnant at 4wks!! That really made it seem long.

LisaLee: FORGIVE ME...BUT CONGRATS ON BEING 16wks 1 day'!! You're moving Soooo fast for me!! I think you were already 16 wks a few days ago b4 your ticker said it, right?! Well Congrats ma'am!!!!
Awe THANKS HISGRACE :hugs: My next appt. is on the 24th of this month, for i believe a fetal doppler. And don't worry you're not the only one who's DH was like that. My DH did the same thing, when we first found out we were prego again. All he wanted to see was an U/S. He didn't show his excitement for fear of disappointment, until we heard the babes HB at 12wks. But you're going to fly through 1st tri. and once it's over I'm sure your DH will be over the moon and will have more confidence in your body and yal precious baby! Thanks HISGRACE!! Did you set you an appt. yet? The problem that made first tri. seem like forever was finding out I was pregnant at 4wks!! That really made it seem long.

LisaLee: FORGIVE ME...BUT CONGRATS ON BEING 16wks 1 day'!! You're moving Soooo fast for me!! I think you were already 16 wks a few days ago b4 your ticker said it, right?! Well Congrats ma'am!!!!

Next Monday will be here before you know it. I think first tri will be long for me too because I found out at like 3 weeks and 2 days. My first appointment is October 5th. It seems like so far away but I'll be okay. :)
GM ladies, thought I'd check in really quick!

Lisalee: Hi Bump Buddy! Those craving are dangerous aren't they??! They will drive you crazy until you get it. Soda.....mmmnnn. My scan has been moved to Sept. 24th Bc I'm out of town. I wish they would give me an U/S, but they're really acting like butts!!! Saying they don't do U/S until 18-20wks. I'll be seriously?!! You're showing now!!! How exciting!! I Blane mine on being bloated some days. But hey I'll take it! When is your next appt?.

MizzPodd; you are def no longer new here ma'am!! You post more than me and some others which is Awesome!! So post away!! But I guess all the ladies are :sex: heehee. After they roll over they'll jump in an comment. And I think it's a beautiful thing to be adding a new addition to the family ESP. @ your moms wedding!!! I'm sure she's going to be overjoyed and excited that you and your little one will still be able to make it.

Sweetz: That meal sounded delicious!! I love me a steak!! That was my craving 2 wks ago and my DH rushed me to my favorite restaurant and bought my steak. I was drooling as you were explaining it.

Bama: WHERE ARE YOU GURLIE:shrug: Missing ya!

Armymama: Only test if you can handle it. I was testing every 3 days but had myself ready for dissappointment after some days of disappointment it actually paid off. So my FX that early testing for you will give you a bfp!!

Garfie: AF should be almost leaving soon right!

HisGrace: Don't worry ma'am, even though I'm far away, I'm rooting for ya, I was and still am just like you at times. We have find peace to get through the days somedays. Hugging you virtually!!


AngelSerenity: I hope you're doing well, will you update us, I think ab you often. Take care ma'am

Hopestruck: I know you're busy wedding planning, but I miss ya!

MnJ, Lpjkp, Janelleybean, Kanicky, Aspe. Hi ladies!!

CatchbsbyDust: Go for it!!!! It's yours ma'am!

It def seems like we get a BFP every month, so ladies don't give up, as long as you're doing all you can you will get that BFP!!

AFM: Nothing really to report except tommorrow I will be's def moving alittle faster now. Spending time with DH is def priceless, all he talks about is" his baby", "his baby this", "his baby that", so I'm praying extra hard that "his baby is ok, and we'll get to meet his baby living and breathing healthy in due time. Good Day ladies.

P.s: Nasal congestion has taken over as one of my only Symptns!!

Never~ Your next appointment will be here before you know it! I can't wait to hear how it goes!

I am still here trying to catch up with everything everyone has been saying haha. It is almost like a full time job trying to catch up & read after a few days!!!

Sweetz~ outback would be so yummy right now haha & I don't even like steak!

I hope all you ladies are doing okay!

AFM ~ I am now entering the world of sickness! I know it is a good thing, means my little baby is still in there growing each day. I just hope it isn't as bad as with my first! With my dd I was sick all the time, even if I drank water I would get sick!

I hope all of you ladies are doing wonderful! Sorry I didn't get even close to being able to remember a response for everyone!
Morning ladies.

Well, all last night I had dreams about having twins. I had a dream my doctors office called and wanted to do an ultra sound early and sure enough there were two babies. I also had a dream I was huge and couldn't get around very well. So, I woke up this morning very confused and extremely nervous.

My nose is driving me crazy, I can't breath out of it at all, it's so stuffy. I hate it. I feel like I have the flu. I'm achy all over, but that could be because I was standing in the kitchen all day long yesterday. I feel extremely bloated. It's really depressing. I've already gained 3 lbs, but it's feels like 15! I've tried really hard to eat healthy and really watch what I eat because I'm afraid of gaining as much weight as I did with my last pregnancy and I don't want to do that. It seems like I'm on that path though, I mean who gains 3 lbs in a week?! THIS CHICK! ugh...

Never- I had that same fear when I was pregnant with my son, so I went and bought a doppler and was able to listen to his heart beat when ever I felt nervous. It's really fun, I bet your hubby would enjoy it just as much.

Sweetz- you crack me up. When I was pregnant with my son I ate so much steak! Just the thought of it now makes me nauseous. I'm glad you got a night out of fun though, you deserve it.

Catch- I always wanted a baby before I was 25. That was on my checklist of goals. I was so excited when we got pregnant and I was pregnant for my 25th birthday. I really hope it happens for you.
Janelley - where did u get it from and how much was it?
Good Morning ladies!!

Sweetz- yay! on the sewing machine and how nice of him to make nice after being a total D bag! sorry but he was! I cant wait to hear about all the neat things your going to be making!

Hisgrace- that is an interesting idea, I will have to try that next time Thanks!

Janelly-O...M...G!!!!!!!!! yowza! those are huuuge numbers! I am so excited for you and am on pins and needles until you get your first scan!!! dont you sweat anything about weight my dear! This is from someone who gained almost 100 pounds with every pregnancy. It is temporary, its only 9 months and you will lose it after!!!! So try not to think about it!

Shefalia- sweety I am so thinking of you today! praying everything goes smoothly for you and that you dont have tons of pain. Let us know how things went when you feel up to it!!

lisalee- that was me dear! Thanks for the input. I think I just may have a bad batch, just my luck! ha

Hi Never! dont worry, your beautiful baby is going to be just fine!!

AFM- so I tested again this morning with FMU and its another BFN. About an hour ago I went to the bathroom and when I wiped there is a little blood. Having cramps too so unfortunately I think Im out :-(. AF isnt due until Thursday so this really blows!!!!!!

Hope everyone else is good in case I missed you!!!
Mnj- I got my first one off of ebay or amazon I believe and it was expensive, $100. Then I let someone borrow it and lost contact with them. So, I found the same exact one on craigslist and only had to pay $20 for it. I know target and walmart sell cheaper ones as well. The heartbeat is really hard to find when your early on in your pregnancy, and I don't think you can pick it up until you're at least 8 weeks. But once you find it, it's really exciting sounds like a galloping horse.

Kanicky- Thanks. It really means a lot. Maybe what you're having is IB? I had spotting before my period was due and in between waiting I got a bfp. Keep us posted. I really hope AF stays away.
Janelley - where did u get it from and how much was it?

The doppler is what I'm asking about. Thought I should make myself clear in case u didn't have ur crystal ball to tell u what the heck I'm asking about. Geez... lol
I am going to get my levels checked. I think the stress of not knowing is worse than the stress of waiting for results. I'm not really enjoying things now because i'm so stressed. I can't imagine almost 3 more weeks of this. I need some reassurance now. LOL.
Hisgrace- go get your levels tested!!! Maye your levels will be as high as mine..
Mnj- I bought mine off Ebay too! If you put doppler in the search engine you should find it. I will try and find it and maybe I can copy and paste it here for you. I love mine as well.

Janelly- I wish/hope you are right but it really really feels like a period. I hate to say it but it does. I started with the cramping last night and its been off and on and then the pinkish blood this morning. It is a little strange for me to have AF this many days early which would make my cycle this month 22 day!! but this is also the first month in 2 months that I didnt do soy so who knows.

Hisgrace- I agree, go get them checked. It will set your mind at ease!
Do whatever will make u stress less, HisGrace! I totally understand. I'm so anxious for my first appt this Friday...

Janelley - thanks for the info! And following along with my fuzzy brain this morning lol

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