March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

Thank you for sharing, Janelle!! I promise I have no interest in showing up at someone's door! My name is Misty. My DB is Jake, therefore MnJ. We live in Iowa. I am kind of one of those freaky reality show kind of stories lol. I am 38 and Jake is 25. Here's where it gets crazier... I was a teenage mom (obv with someone else at that time lol) so I have 2 daughters, pages 22 and 20. I had babies too young and now too old... in some people's minds. Oh well, thats me. Love me or hate me, it is what it is!!

Awe, ever since the beginning I've loved you! I think you're an awesome person and I've always said age is just a number and you can't put a number on love! I'm so happy you're pregnant with your boyfriend. Who cares what others think of you. At the end of the day, it's only you two and your little bean.
U are the sweetest janelle!!! U sound like such a good mommy and wife, too. I wanna be just like u when I grow up!! :winkwink:
U are the sweetest janelle!!! U sound like such a good mommy and wife, too. I wanna be just like u when I grow up!! :winkwink:

Hahah. That's flattering. Thank you. Were you the one that was trying to get pregnant and so was your daughter? Did I imagine that?
No, u did not imagine that. Yep, I found out after we decided to try that she had been. Now she has decided not to for a while and is instead concentrating on planning her wedding.
I can't share my name or DH name due to the nature of our jobs and the personal nature of things shared on this site. (hope y'all understand) I am 33 he is 41. Have SS age 16, dd age 10. Live in Florida. Have 2 dogs and a cat...umm...I'm a spitfire that says what is on her mind 24/7/365. College educated and the epitome of a "sweet bitch". My DH is a hardworking, sweet (at times), stubborn as all get go, kinda guy. Despite all the crap he has done...for some reason I still love that dumbass lol!! Yeah...that about sums it up haha! Oh, my nickname is "Sweetz" not bc I'm sweet, but bc I used to always have some sort of candy on me at all times haha!
Morning Ladies

I'm Fiona hubby Tez (do any of you know Mr Toad of Wind in the Willows) well that describes my hubby not in looks:haha: but attitude he has always got a scheme up his sleeve and his next idea is the best, luckily I keep him grounded well I have had to be the boring one as bringing up two children on your own isn't always easy:flower:

I am degree educated (not that you would think it sometimes:haha:) but as you all know I work part time doing Avon this is due to me being a full time carer for my son who is autistic (so unfortunately I never got to use my degree):cry:

I have two dogs and a cat and I'm a granny to a hamster:haha:

Talking about grannies am I the granny of the group or is there someone older than 41 who acts like she's still 21:winkwink:


Oh ladies I'm loving all the bios :winkwink::thumbup:. I am a little cautious about sharing loads due to where I live and our history in our little country but you know what, you only live once and in this day and age getting all my personal information is easier than me just posting it online on a forum:dohh:.

MnJ, I'm 38 as well, DH is 43 and called Kenny. We live in Northern Ireland which I have in my profile anyway. I've lived here all my life and yes through all the troubles, bombings and murders if any of you know about our wee country (wee means little in my neck of the woods) but I stay here all the same as it is a lovely country, things are moving forward and my friends and family are all here. Pity about the pants weather most of the time though!:growlmad:

I work in senior management in the not-for-profit sector, have a PgDip and dream of starting a Phd (which will never happen unless an employer sponsors me as fees are always on the rise:growlmad:). I'm not very intelligent, just stubborn and determined to do stuff, hence the perseverence after 6 :growlmad:MCs lol.

I have a DS at 22 months called Kyan and he is the light of our lives, carried after my first 3MCs.

My passion is motorsport, especially motorcycling and I used to compete in mountain biking and then motorcycling enduros. I hope to reignite this in the veterans category in years to come:wacko::winkwink::haha:.

And we have 2 cats and a dog!

Garie.... looks like you're the granny of the group at the moment:winkwink:
Angel: It's so lovely to read that you're back, and that you are coping as well as you can be in your situation...I have no doubt that, with your determination, you're next one is your little rainbow baby, I'm rooting for you x

MnJ: How exciting that would have been for mother and daughter to be pregnant at the same time?! My mom and my nan were in the hospital beds next to each other giving birth to my younger sister and my uncle at the same time (There's only a couple of days difference between their birth dates) and, as a result, my sister and uncle are like best friends!

Armymama: Is that OPK from after ovulation? If it is, I'm anxiously awaiting that pregnancy test, because I've heard that OPKs become positive if you're pregnant because LH is so similar to HCG! Good luck!x

Janelleybean: I think (Fingers crossed) that I've already congratulated you for your BFP, but I think a second congratulations are in order for those AWESOME HCG NUMBERS!!! How high are they?! You either have one extremely healthy sticky bean or two little ones snuggled up somewhere inside there!! Very excited and anxiously awaiting the outcome!

HisGrace: Good luck for those beta results on Thursday! I have every faith that everything is progressing ok!

Lisalee: ARGH! How exciting is it that you're finally showing?! You must be so happy!! All I have at the moment is bloat as if I'm 6 months gone...I've had a lot of ignorant comments like "Wow! You're going to be HUGE if your bump is that big already?!" from a stranger!! To put it simply, I WASN'T impressed and I set him straight!

Hello to all the other lovely laides, and can't wait to catch up with you all soon!

My Bio: I'm happy to share a little personal information with you all :) I'm Loren, 22 years old and living in London! I have a fantastic DH, who is the same age as me. I was in the middle of university training to become a vet but, after realising this wasn't the path for me, I'm completing my exit degree by December of this year in pre-clinical veterinary science...not sure what I'd like to do with my degree, but it looks like my first career will be mommy for a while anyway, which I'm more than happy with!
We are already a family of six, with 2 dogs, a cat and a rabbit! No children yet, so this one on the way will be our first!
University has taken up so much of the last 4/5 years of my life, that I seem to have no real interests anymore apart from reading for some downtime/to relax! I have a real passion for animals, however, and would like to base my future career along those lines!

AFM today: I feel like such a dumb worryhead! I've stupidly continued to take hpts until my first scan (This Saturday...yay!) and got extremely worried this morning when I took an IC and the second line was lighter than the control...I thought something bad was going to happen! After looking online, however, I read that once your levels of HCG reach around 30,000 hpts can't accurately detect hormone levwels properly anymore...I decided to test this by diluting my pee with water and BAM! the line is the darkest I've ever seen it! Needless to say, I'm now reassurred again that everything for now is still ok (See below!)

I've been feeling pretty awful these past few days, too, and that's mainly the reason I haven't been on. MS is in full swing and, no matter how much I wished for it, I feel so awful. It comes on in the morning and I heave for a few hours (Regardless of whether I've eaten or not!) and I only get a couple of hours relief before it returns again. I'm also having the worst heartburn and, for the first time in my life, migraines. I'd never heard of migraines during pregnancy, but I'm guessing it's because of the hormones? I keep having to tell myself off because, when I feel a little low, I convince myself I'm not strong enough to deal with all the things pregnancy will throw at me, but I'm hoping this is a normal emotion..

All in all, I'm extremely excited yet scared about my u/s on Saturday...we've wanted this for so long that I still feel in awe that it's finally happening for us, and I'm terrified that nothing is there, even though I've got all the evidence that there is!


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LPJ- So excited about your U/S. You must be looking forward to it. Sorry about the MS. I told you not to wish for it b/c it's pretty awful! You have the same thing I did- morning AND late afternoon/evening sickness. I'm hoping this phase passes for you so you can enjoy the rest of the pregnancy. My symptoms started to fade around 9-10 weeks. So don't panic if that happens. It's because the placenta is taking over.
Take care of yourself and try to eat when you can.
Bios are fun. I'm 30 and DH is 32. We will be celebrating our third anniversary next month. My husband and I are both auditors (guess where we met... LOL) and I run a natural hair and skin care line on the side. I don't know how morning sickness and mixing fragrances will work out, but I think I'll be fine.

ETA: I'm from Texas!
lpjkp -sorry your morning sickness is so rough. I'm wishing for it like you were. I hope things ease up pretty soon for you.
Bio's yay!

Well my name is Kristina age 27, Krissy is my nickname my whole life, please never call me kris only my parents and my brothers can get away with it i feel like a guy when i am called kris dh name is Josh also 27 and we have been together for over 7 years but only married for 5 months. Our oldest DS is Joshua and is going to be 6 yrs old in 2 days! i cant believe it! My middle child is my DD Avarie (prounounced Ava-ree) and is almost 4 1/2 years old and then my current baby is DS Jamison who just turned 3yrs old. There is 19months between #1 and #2 and 17 months between #2 and #3. my youngest is actually a pill baby, a wonderful surprise although i did cry for about 2 weeks because i didnt think i could handle another baby so soon. that is why i think it is so hard for me this time around that we still are not pregnant after a year of trying. But it is all good it will happen when it will is how i am now. But dont worry i wont leave you lovely ladies! I have a general associates degree, and my CNA but i am not working now because i am working on my BA in healthcare administration. I live in Michigan not too far from the state capitol of Lansing.
Janelle-I have family in Nevada! they live in Perhump (i think that is howyou spell it) and have you ever heard of Primm, Nevada? My family actually founded that town! pretty cool huh?
who lived in Iowa again, sorry? I my brother inlaw lives outthere!
Janelle- have you heard anything more from your doctor about another blood test?
Sweetz- my dh is stuborn to and can be a complete ass but i love him to and you are right i dont know why lol
Mnj- thanks for sharing!

sorry i am supper tired! this getting up at 4am to get dh off to work then again at 7am to get kids off to school is killing me lol...

afm-like i said i am at the it will happen when it will i in my ovulation window..yes...are we bding no...i have no clue what dh deal is but basically i am starting to feel like he never want to bd again and i keep trying to talk to him but he wont talk to me just kind of shurgs it off....makes me want to cry every time i come on to him and he says he just wants to sleep...scares me....idk.....well i got cleaning to do...but probably wont start till after i go get dd from school...oldest ds is in school all day and youngest ds is with my parents for the day so plenty of time to do stuff.....

see you lovely ladies later!
A little hope for the lovely ladies with the horrible MS...I had it just as bad as you. The slightest thing would make me vomit. A smell, a sound, looking at certain was awful. I puked daily and could only keep down ginger snaps, ritz crackers, peach juice and well...that was about it. Once I hit 12-13 weeks BAM! Gone! The only time I get nauseous is if I'm reallllllly hungry or if I see bodily fluids (but I always had a problem with that). It will get better!
It was so nice to read a little bit about you lovely ladies. I really enjoyed all of it. Thank you!

Angel- I've always wanted to go to Ireland. My in-laws are going there this year in November for the second time. I'm so jealous.

Lpjkp- Thank you! They are pretty high. Everyone I have talked to is betting on twins. I still have yet to read/talk to someone who has had numbers even close to mine that had one baby. The only think that worries me in the back of my mind is a molar pregnancy, but I've read that there are symptoms to that, and I don't have any that I've read. So sorry to read about your morning sickness. I'm still waiting for mine to kick in.. I'm secretly hoping it doesn't, but if I am in fact having twins, I would be really surprised if it stayed away.

Krissy- I am familiar with Pahrump and Primm. They are near Vegas. You're family likes the heat! I lived in Vegas for a year and absolutely hated it! It's hot where I live, but it's not as hot as Vegas and this year I believe it only hit 102 once. Which is unusual, but I'm not going to complain. Krissy, are you living with your parents? That could cause your husband to be in his funk? Maybe he's just a little bit down that things didn't go the way he hoped with the job. I hope you two talk it out and you get to bedding!

Shefali- I see you, I hope you're feeling better and you got a BFP. :hugs:

To all the other ladies- Goodmorning/afternoon/evening. I hope you're enjoying today.

AFM- My doctor doesn't want to do another blood test, he isn't concerned because my numbers more than doubled and they look like good numbers. So, I'm not too concerned, although it would have been nice to see just one more "holy shit" set of numbers. Guess I'll just have to wait for the ultra sound and be surprised. October 12th seems so far away!
Janelle, damn i wanted to see one more set of holy shit numbers to! Our first child was conceived while living with my parents....but my dh likes to point out that the most we bd was every time my parens went away on vacation....they are going away soon but it is the first weekend of october, the weekend af is due ugh!!!! and they are actaully going out to vegas probably for a long weekend just to get away lol...but yeah right now we are staying down stairs, our room is next to my moms and off the living room....we are fixing the up stairs so we can move up there but wont be done for a few weeks....but still damn i want to bd not just bc i want another baby i just want some of his bootttttyyyyy LMAO....but it is what it is.....
i am not a fan of hot but i am also not a fan of cold.....i like weather that is sunny and about 70 now where can i move that it is like that all year? lol

ok off to more cleaning!!!! gotta love having 7 people in one house!
RAWR! Lol! Sprint is being a pain in the butt. Apparently there was some snafoo of sorts and they are saying I owe over $300 from an acct from 2009? One problem....I never had Sprint in 2009.....

RAWR! RAWR! I wanted to see more holy shit numbers too hehe
Sorry ladies. The only HS numbers that I'm rockin' now are the ones on the scale. I seriously think I'm going to put my scale in the closet and not dig it out for 5 years! I wonder if hormone fluctuation causes you to gain weight? Because I'm completely stumped over here. Oh well.
I'm the pregnant lady people hate....I'm loosing weight and everything is toning up haha
Sorry, just got back from doing errands and it looks like my tests still aren't here and hubby wont go to Walmart and get me some .88 cent ones! Seriously starting to think someone just stole my tests from the mailroom!
Ok that's it.....anyone in ny that can bring army some?! Argh!! I swear if you don't have them by Friday I'm sending you some when I get paid lol

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