Hopestruck and Bamagurl: I don't feel like buying baby stuff either Bc my BFf is 9months prego and my 2 cousins are pregnant, and im the Godmother to my SIL baby it's not that I'm jealous I just don't feel like spending all this money Bc their list is pretty pricey except my SIL so I like buying her things but I guess I would expect the same things so I suck it up and spend DH $. I'm sure it's waaay more fun when you're shopping for your own
Lpjkp: Welcome bk!! And in the TWW!! So exciting, I def hope it's not an Evap and that that line gets darker as the days pass!! My fingers are crossed for you!! Go lpjkp Go lpjkp Go lpjkp....I'm Actually saying that!! I hope it's your month!!
Sirbaby: Hi ma'am, Thanks for updating us with your info and of course your name will go up on the list. You were on there before but if you don't post anything or check in 7 days I'll delete the name and assume that you or anyone else moved on so we want just have names up there and their not even posting anymore or just dropping in every 2wks or when they see something they want to talk about. This thread is only lucky Bc of the POSITIVITY and the current postings and updates from the you awesome women!
AFM: Sooooo bored!! I am a housewife/full time student. DH and I agreed that we wouldn't tell anyone but I just found out from my friend that I'm pregnant and having twins....DH and his big mouth! Can't be mad at him though now I have to pray super hard and really be positive that these babies stick Bc I don't want to go thru feeling like s reproduction failure again.
Hopestruck: what is 30 shred?