Thanks, Bama. You ladies really light up my life right now.
I also decided to shelve out the $$ for some more tests to try and ease my mind while I'm waiting for my blood results. Got a couple more FRER and a couple CB Digis. Will try some tomorrow morning to see if any change in color.
Outside of that, I may lay low for a while until my mood pics up...get my head into my work for a change!
Hi ladies...sorry been running around kinda stressed. I have to figure out a way to come up with $500 by Friday or I am going to loose my vehicle. Unkonwn to car payment has not been paid. I sent the payment in, but I did it over the phone (which I will never do again). Well apparently the person working at the desk took my payment, but didn't credit it to my account. He credited it to his pocket....and since it went directly from my bank account to his account, there is no verification that I paid for the car and not just to him. I'm furious! I called my bank to file a dispute but they said it could take up to a month to get the $ back. We are only on one income as working security and being pregnant don't mesh. I don't know what to do ladies..( happy birthday to my DH...we are both super stressed now... Sorry to vent just sooooo upset...I asked my parents for help and they just said not our problem...great parents huh? *twitch*