March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

Hi ladies, just wanted to give an update. I took another FRER this morning (14dpo) and the line took forever to come up. When it did it was essentially the same darkness as yesterday's (13dpo). I know there are many factors at influence a test's darkness, etc etc but I honestly just don't feel right about this one. I'm thinking chemical. :cry: I just have to prepare myself for the worst at this stage. I'll go for the 2nd beta tomorrow, and obviously that will shed a lot more light into what's going on. In the meantime I'm going to drop off again for a bit... Try to distract myself until I get a more definitive idea of what's going on here.

<3 you all and thanks so much for your encouragement. Xxx

Never, haven't heard from you but hoping your scan went well. :flow:
I totally understand why you want to distance yourself and I hope that things are just taking a little time to kick in :hugs:
Hi ladies, just wanted to give an update. I took another FRER this morning (14dpo) and the line took forever to come up. When it did it was essentially the same darkness as yesterday's (13dpo). I know there are many factors at influence a test's darkness, etc etc but I honestly just don't feel right about this one. I'm thinking chemical. :cry: I just have to prepare myself for the worst at this stage. I'll go for the 2nd beta tomorrow, and obviously that will shed a lot more light into what's going on. In the meantime I'm going to drop off again for a bit... Try to distract myself until I get a more definitive idea of what's going on here.

<3 you all and thanks so much for your encouragement. Xxx

Never, haven't heard from you but hoping your scan went well. :flow:

Aw hopestruck! I hope that isn't the case, but I can understand wanting distance & trying to prepare for the worst! Praying for you & sending :hugs: your way! Take all the time you need; we are here when you are ready! We <3 ya & hope everything turns out right!
Awwww, I'm praying against bad news for you Hopestruck. Just know that my thoughts are with you ... take all of the time you need. We WILL be here when you come back.
Many hugs and best wishes.
Hi Ladies!! WOW, have I missed a bunch!!

Sweetz: I'm sorry about your situation, but never get stressed out about material things, they come and they go. And never try to put yourself down Bc you're prego and your finances arent like other people. As long as you have love for that child, that child will never know how your finances is.unfortunately this world is full of con artist and bad people, but I'm sure it will work in your favor maybe not today or tommorrow but it'll get better, it had too!!

Hopestruck: I'm sorry you're feeling so down right now, but why are you shooting yourself down before you give yourself a chance! My beta's @ 12 DPO was on 135 and the next two days I went it only went up to 295 and I had two babies in there, so you would think it should've been way higher than that. I went home and googles every lady's beta and I got really discouraged Bc everyones was higher than mine and I surely thought it was m/c again but I wasn't, I was just a slow riser and my hCG risen at a different pace. Don't say you think you m/c before you even know, if it is so give that child s chance, let God test your faith and prove to him that you trust in him all the way. Mark 11 chapter tells you that if you pray and believe in what you pray and don't doubt it God will give to you what your heart desire but don't doubt him Bc you're not trusting in him. I'm praying for you and hope it's the opposite of what you believe it to be!

BamaGurl I love your POSITIVITY that you give. Thank you

BayBeeEm: I wish we could hang out!! Don't worry you will have your little baby crawling around that house soon enough, Just like you said, A BFP in July, or August will be fine as long as you get it, and i know you will!!! O yea I love that cheer you made! O im born and raised in South Carolina, I'm a Southern Girl, the countriest of the countriest with the southern country accent!!

Krissy: welcome to our awesome group!!

Sirbaby: thanks for being here with us, I can wait to celebrate your BFP with you!!

Lisalee: hows that baby treating ya? When are you going bk for another U/S.

AFM: Well yesterday was very exciting and sad at the same time. Good news is I heard my Little turkey HB @ 162, o I couldve cried, all 3 of my pregnancies that's the first time I ever heard a HB from any of them. Thank God. The sad part is, the other bean had stop growing,I didnt get to hear the HB. But my OB informed me that the one that Heart was just beating away Is progressing awesomely and beautifully. I still have to go on for my little bean I still have and still Thanking God everyday!! Didn't get any pics Bc the non progressing one is still in the womb so I guess it would be too sad . But don't feel bad for me ladies,just pray that God will continue to breathe in my little one and work miracles in my womb,as long as I have breath in this body I'll always have the willpower to try to make my miracle baby, I never believed in giving up in something I want sooo badly!!

Praying my little one will stick!!! Stick baby stick(I'm tearing again,ugghhh)
Nevergivingup - You are BLESSED. I love your attitude dispite the sobering news. Although, I am more than sorry to hear about the loss of one of our 2, I am happy that you are keeping a PMA for the fittest little one. Thanks for truly never giving up. :hugs:

I can imagine your joy in hearing the HB for the first time. New, healthy life, is beautiful. I look forward to seeing your future scans.

Oh, oh and yes you are G.R.I.T.S. (Girls Raised In The South)!
@ BayBeeEm, THANKS FOR BEING SOOO SWEET!!!! Im going to miss talking to two that was in me but it's okay, BECAUSE NOW WE'RE FOCUSING ON YOU AND TRYING TO GET OUR MIRACLE BABY IN THAT WOMB OF YOURS!!!
I LOVE IT, I thought only us South Carolina girls only be screaming G.R.I.T.S !!! Ahhhh I LOVE IT, how cool is that!!!
AAAHHH loving all the G.R.I.T.S popping up :)

Nevery~ I truly believe God placed 2 babies in there so He could have one and you could keep one this time! What a wonderful blessing to hear the heartbeat! You are such an inspiration! Your encouraging spirit is such a blessing to the rest of us! I just know your miracle baby is going to make it :)
Ahhh THANKS BAMAGURL!!!!!! That made me tear up. Y'all are really the best, and trust me my inspiration really comes from y'all Bc y'all stay sooo sweet and happy how can I not!! Now we have 3 women testing on the 30th and 1 testing on the 31st right? how cool is THAT....Ahhhhhh!!! ICANT WAIT YO HEAR ALL THE BFP's!!!
Yes all yall ladies certainly make the ttc thing a whole lot more fun & easy to go through!

Yay!! I am so hoping that this is it for all of us! We all deserve it so much! Out of you ladies testing do yall have any symptoms?
Hello there, had a quick read and lot's been going on here over the last few days! :thumbup:

Best of luck to lpjk and Hopestruck with the early, hopefully, sticky BFP's. :flower:

It sounds like the pregnant women are doing just great too.

Well, it was a chemical for me this month. My tests didn't get any darker and my period arrived with spotting on Sunday and in full force on Monday. Horrendous. So heavy and painful. Never mind. CD5 now and ready to move on move on to August.

Thanks for all the nice, supportive comments. They did help. :hugs:
Hello there, had a quick read and lot's been going on here over the last few days! :thumbup:

Best of luck to lpjk and Hopestruck with the early, hopefully, sticky BFP's. :flower:

It sounds like the pregnant women are doing just great too.

Well, it was a chemical for me this month. My tests didn't get any darker and my period arrived with spotting on Sunday and in full force on Monday. Horrendous. So heavy and painful. Never mind. CD5 now and ready to move on move on to August.

Thanks for all the nice, supportive comments. They did help. :hugs:

Aww :hugs:

Praying this cycle is the one for you!!
Hopestruck- I know how hard the wait can be and how frustrating it can be....but you MUST think positive! Having a great mind set is the first step in making sure this pregnancy takes. TAke me for example. I of course keep thinking I am having all these early signs and symptoms so I figure I should treat myself as though I already know I am pregnant. Then if it is a :bfn: this month I will at least know that if it had been a :bfp: I did everything right and if a :bfn: well I am just getting ready early :)

Lux-sorry for the chemical :hugs: you will scare the :witch: away next month!

Bamagurl-well I "think" I have symptoms lol! My boobs being the worst. Although I never really had any O symptoms before and this month my boobs hurt and they have not stopped hurting! When I took my bra off last night they felt like they weight a ton! I also been having light cramping and a stretching feeling the the pelvic area? 6 more days till :test: !

Nevergivingup-congrats on the one and sorry about the one :angel: I will keep you in my prayers just like all the other wonderful ladies I have met on here!
Hi ladies,

Just a quick update from me, but not a good one :( Looks like I've been the victim of a chemical this month...getting bfn's on hpts now, and started heavy spotting, so expecting AF to be here by tomorrow...I feel a little deflated, because I DID have lines on those tests and I thought this was finally it...I don't know if I can keep going through this every month just to feel disappointed...
Hi ladies,

Just a quick update from me, but not a good one :( Looks like I've been the victim of a chemical this month...getting bfn's on hpts now, and started heavy spotting, so expecting AF to be here by tomorrow...I feel a little deflated, because I DID have lines on those tests and I thought this was finally it...I don't know if I can keep going through this every month just to feel disappointed...

Aww hun! :hugs: so sorry! you will get through this though & you will get your baby in your arms. don't lose hope & know that we are here for you no matter what happens!
Lux - I am so sorry to hear about the chemicals. I am learning to so much that I am almost enundated. Again, it wasn't until April that I knew what a chemical was and to think that they are so common. Yes, August is just around the corner. It is my prayer that it is so.

Lpkjp - I am soooooo sorry for the frustration that comes with all of this. I really want you to try to push on through this and NOT let this demoralize you. I hope you have all of the right support around you in the physical ... you have more than enough here. That said, lets wait and see what happens with AF ... Sighs
Hi ladies,

Just a quick update from me, but not a good one :( Looks like I've been the victim of a chemical this month...getting bfn's on hpts now, and started heavy spotting, so expecting AF to be here by tomorrow...I feel a little deflated, because I DID have lines on those tests and I thought this was finally it...I don't know if I can keep going through this every month just to feel disappointed...

Lpjkp-sorry to hear this :hugs: I hope you can keep the :witch: away next month!
Lux and lp so sorry about the chemicals... :hugs: praying next month you get your sticky beans.

Hope....stay positive girl. Know that we are here for you!

Never...LOVE your attitude!!!! I'm so sorry about your lil bean, but knowing there is another beautiful HB and bean growing is awesome news!! I am not a true G.R.I.T.S. but my daughter is! Pure North Crackalakian!! Lol!! Hehe this totally just made me think of that Ericka Badu song "Southern Girl"....going to listen to it right now lol

AFM...worn out, tired, stressed.....but DH is doing what he can to relax me. Expecting a call from car place. Praying they can work with me....please God please!! I'm keeping food down better now that I'm snacking more than eating meals. We are re-homing Cookiee :( she won't house break and it is unsanitary. I am the one always home and DH said enough is enough. She leaves "accidents" everywhere and DH is afraid one of these days I won't see it and slip and fall. I'm sad...but I understand his reasoning...
Never - sorry about your :angel: but I'm sure it was wonderful hearing the hb of your little bean.

Lux and LP - sorry about your chemicals they are so horrible messing with emotions :hugs:
Lux and lp so sorry about the chemicals... :hugs: praying next month you get your sticky beans.

Hope....stay positive girl. Know that we are here for you!

Never...LOVE your attitude!!!! I'm so sorry about your lil bean, but knowing there is another beautiful HB and bean growing is awesome news!! I am not a true G.R.I.T.S. but my daughter is! Pure North Crackalakian!! Lol!! Hehe this totally just made me think of that Ericka Badu song "Southern Girl"....going to listen to it right now lol

AFM...worn out, tired, stressed.....but DH is doing what he can to relax me. Expecting a call from car place. Praying they can work with me....please God please!! I'm keeping food down better now that I'm snacking more than eating meals. We are re-homing Cookiee :( she won't house break and it is unsanitary. I am the one always home and DH said enough is enough. She leaves "accidents" everywhere and DH is afraid one of these days I won't see it and slip and fall. I'm sad...but I understand his reasoning...

Sweetz-Yes try and stay as relaxed as all works out in the end! A good example I have for you is when I had my first child. I had gone through an 18 hour induction and ended up with a cseciton. Well the next night my husband went to the temp job he had at the time that was suppose to last at least a few more months and found out they were letting all temps go. WE could not believe it. There I sat in my hospital bed holding my first newborn and wondering how the heck we could care for him. Thank god at that point we stil lived with my parents, we were both 21, but still we wanted to be on our own. That is where fate stepped in and less than a week later he found a job as a maintaince worker, and we not have if he still had that temp job. He worked at that job for 5 1/2 years, and the best part was it came with a free aprtment so we got to move out on our own. He is now at a new apartment complex making more money and we are now closer to family been here for 2 months now.
So guess what I am trying to say is keep your chin up buttercup it will work out the way it is suppose to :hugs: You just keep that little :baby: happy and comfy.

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