March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

Hi Chicas, Ooooh I feel so happy to be posting here on better terms. :cloud9:

Sirbaby, your post made me smile WIDE and LAUGH out loud! Thank you so so much. And yes, no keeping your legs crossed! ;) Do you have a plan for BDing? As much as possible, SMEP variation, when the mood hits, etc.?

Lisalee - Hun I feel like I never give you enough focus in my comments. I think it's cuz everything seems to be going just perfect for you! And you don't complain much, unlike the rest of us :wacko: In any case, I'm thinking of ya and hoping you are feeling good.

Thanks BaybeeEm!!! :) Interesting bit on the cramps! I don't know if it means anything to you, but I am experiencing MEGA cramping right now (feels like mild AF cramps, consistent throughout the day and a bit yesterday as well). Guess the little blasty is getting comfy in there and things are stretching around :) But it was also a big sign for me in my last pregnancy - I could pretty much pinpoint implantation (last time it was 6-7dpo) because I felt those cramps. I got my BFP at 10dpo in that one. So it could be a VERY good sign!

Never - Honestly, everything you said in your earlier post totally stuck with me big time.. I had the words resounding in my head: give this baby a chance. Heck yeah. And have faith and BELIEVE. That meant a lot to me. Feel free to continue the sage, wise, awesome advice and Bible passages. I need all of the inspiration I can get and you are soooo good at it!!! :thumbup: Glad to hear your boob soreness is decreasing, though sorry to hear about the vomiting and zits :( Pregnancy has its awesome glories, huh? I'm lucky that the worst I have experienced in terms of sickness is just bad nausea. Oddly that was with my BO which didn't develop at all, whereas my other pregs (even the most recent) that went further I wasn't sick at all. Actually, I won't say I've been "lucky" (that couldn't be further from the truth when it comes to TTC!) but I am thankful I haven't felt just horrendous. It would have made the losses feel that much worse, I think.

Sweetz, sorry about the gas! Pregnancy is so unglamorous sometimes. I hear you also start getting hair in unusual places later on...LOL. You'll have to let us know if/when that happens!

Also sorry to hear about Cookiee. :( Have you ever tried Nature's Miracle Enzyme cleaner? It's a pet stain/smell cleaner that completely takes out the scent in carpet and flooring. When we adopted our pup (she was also a rescue, and had a TON of issues/quirks) she was NOT housetrained. Using NM worked AMAZINGLY....because they won't ever get attracted to the same spot again. Then lots of rewards for going in the right place. She hasn't had an accident since. Not sure where you're at with things or what you've tried, but thought it couldn't hurt to put that out there.

Bama - Nothing to report can be a good thing :) As we just saw I had nothing to report until my flash-flood of nausea on Monday night. So we won't stop holding our breath!

Night ladies...time to catch up on some much needed :sleep:
Lol hope you will be the first to know about strange hair happenings haha! As for Cookiee I have tried everything and I mean EVERYTHING! I even let her do the business in the garage and I thought I had her trained to just go in there. I could kinda understand why she hated going outside as hawks do frequent my trees and she is, well, tiny. She was doing well. I would leave the garage door open...she would run in there to pee...but then come back in and poop in the living room or entryway. Ugh...and lately she is doing everything in the house. Not to mention she is now chewing everything in site and ate my X-Men DVD...*sigh* she is cute, but cuteness only gets you so far. Also she has gotten very possessive to the point of aggression with me. I had her on my lap and my rottie just came to sit by me and she attacked her. My rottie is super docile so she whimpered and ran away. Every time my rottie comes near me now, Cookiee attacks her. She even nipped at DH when he came to give me a hug. That is just a dangerous situation...
Yikes, I totally agree, aggression is NOT good. Sounds like she needs someone who will have a lot of experience as well as a TON of time to commit to dealing with some of those issues. It's so tough with dogs, we want the best for them but sometimes it really feels impossible to get through. Our girl is currently in the habit of pulling up vegetables from our garden and EATING THEM. Her recent favourite is broccoli flowers. It's still mid-season so they are small...looks like no brocc for us this fall! Brat...
Well at least she is eating healthy! Mine has a fascination with beetle bugs and brings them to me as a prize...*gross*
Fantastic news Hopestruck. This time is your time. :flower:

My sympathies LPJ, it sucks donkey's ball's.

Just to say, I have also had better results from saved afternoon pee too rather than FMU.
Just stopping by to let you all know I've been stalking again. Hard to find time to post once I've caught up on all the chat that's been going on!!

A couple of things though:

Never - I'm so so sorry about your twin loss. Like it was said earlier though, you keep one and our amazing God will keep one and you will meet your babies in heaven one day. I'm excited for you for the gorgeous bub that's still hanging on in there and pray believing that God has an amazing plan for that little person. I love your attitude! Maybe having had 2 in there meant your progesterone levels were high enough this time to get you past the 4-8 week mark so this baby could be happy and healthy (2 corpus luteums producing progesterone instead of just one!).

Ladies, I'm so sorry about your chemicals :hugs: I've only had one confirmed MC that way, but I actually suspect I've had a few more that I just never did a test on (had that pregnant 'feeling', then an unusual AF). The only positive thing about those is like Never said, you almost 'waste' no time and can move straight on to next cycle. Do take the time to grieve though if you need to. Those were still babies and you have still lost little people along with the hopes and dreams you had for them :hugs:

Storked - I hope you're better ASAP so you can get back to TTC if that's what you want. I've missed you in here :flower:

Hopestruck - CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm praying that this one is sticky and just a little shy ;) When do you get the results of your bloods back?

I'm very excited about all the girls testing over the weekend and early next week!! Bring on the BFPs!!

AFM - I'm almost certain O day was Monday as I had massive O pains again that night the same as last month (needed panadol to get to sleep) and that was my last day of fertile CM, and while we probably DTD around the right times to have caught the eggy I'm just not feeling like this will be our cycle (and I'm strangely fine with that?!). Maybe I'm just trying not to get too excited for fear of disappointment, but I would be VERY surprised if I got a BFP this month. AF is due on the 6th of August, but I think I'll wait to test until the weekend if I can hold out that long. Especially because I don't think I'm pregnant. So it'll be the 11th for me. 4DPO and if I'm symptom spotting (which I'm not!...) all I can observe is randomly servere acne that started right on ovulation. I seriously have massive pimples and they're everywhere!! Damn hormones!
CONGRATS TO OUR LOVELY :bfp: LADIES Lisalee, Nevergivingup, Sweetz and Hopestruck; :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: we def have more to Come SO CATCH THOSE EGGIES LADIES

Our June BFP's

Nevergivingup: June :bfp: :happydance: / Symptns: always XTRA CM, appetite coming bk, nausea and sleeplessness, pimples DDC: March 5, 2013

Lisalee1:June :bfp: :happydance: /Symptns 2Day:getting an appetite back. Less sore boobs, m/s going away, vomitted

Our July BFP's:

Sweetz33/ July1 Tested :bfp: :happydance: / Symptns: gassy,lot of CM, appetite. Dehydrated

Hopestruck: / July 26 Tested :bfp: :happydance: / Symptns: hadn't kicked in yet. EDD: April 4th, 2013


Bamagurl: 10 DPO/ 2WW :coffee: / Testing : July 30th

BayBeeEm: DPO/ In TWW :coffee: Testing :July 31st


Sirbaby: CD6/ Waiting to "O" :coffee:

Gregsprincess: DPO? / IN TWW :coffee: Testing August 1st

Luxlisbon33: AF showed :thumbup: /

Angelserenity: AF Showed :dohh:

Lpjkp: AF showed :thumbup:

Garfie: Waiting to "O"/ On Vacae :flower:

Krissy485: DPO: In TWW :coffee: Testing: August 1st

Mummy_2_One: 4DPO/ In TWW:coffee: /Testing : August 11th

Storked: Recovering/ Not TTC
Sirbaby- CD 8 is good. You've got plenty of time to get that positive OPK! Depending on how far along you were when you had the MC, your cycles could return to normal much quicker than you think. When I had my MC at the end of May, my HCG was not that high b/c it was a blighted ovum. Therefore, I ovulated about 14-15 days after the "event." A normal month for me was 13-14 days, so not too far off at all. Time to get your BD strategy together! ;)

Bamagurl- No symptoms can be a great sign. Usually, any time your "symptoms" are different than a normal month, it can be a good sign. You'll be testing soon enough! Fingers crossed for you this weekend! :)

Never- Thanks for keeping this thread together. I promise we have almost the exact same symptoms! Minus the pimples for me. I'll let you know if this tea that I bought yesterday works. I also heard that sucking on mints is supposed to help too for the nausea and MS.

BayBeeEm- The cramps may be a good sign. Hoping so! :good luck:

Hopestruck- Thanks for your kind words and thoughts. Have to try my best to remain positive (not easy all the time tho). Plus, I don't feel you guys are complaining. We're just sharing and I like to read other people's stories! So it works for me!

Mummy- You're officially in the TWW! Yay! Now just sit back and relax. You've already done all the hard work! ;)

Storked- Hope you recover soon. Keep being a good auntie.

Sweetz- Can't really do anything about the gas except stay away from people! :)

Someone earlier was talking about FMU vs. evening urine. With this current pregnancy, I tested at around 11 dpo in the evening, did not hold my urine, and the test came up quickly on an IC. So I think once the HCG is high enough in your system, it will show up with any urine. (In case some of you may remember, my 1st test was at around 9 dpo and I think that was FMU. It showed up faint but definitely there and definitely within the time frame. I actually threw the test out b/c I wasn't sure if it was residual from the prior month's MC,)
Hope all you wonderful ladies are doing well today!

Yeah as the time goes by I am getting more & more nervous about it actually. I am pretty sure I am back to a 28 day cycle because of O; however last cycle was 32 days which would put af due Wednesday! We :sex: on possible O days for both cycles just in case. I guess I am worried for nothing, if not this month then next month or the month after that. I just know I will super worry if not this month because we covered our bases, or so I thought...

Sorry about Cookie Sweetz! Aggression is a serious thing! However let me just say I have heard that animals are very in tune with people and she could know that you are pregnant and that is why the aggression unless she was doing this before. I had found a puppy when I was pregnant and I guess hormones kicked in & I wanted to keep it, but it was just too much trying to take care of a puppy when I was so far pregnant haha.
Hi ladies,

Sweetz lol, you are better than me, Bc he would probaly get on my nerves having to deal with my daughter and him. Their from Charlotte NC. I love the mountains up there.

Hopestruck: I'm sooo glad i can help you feel better. I'm still so happy for you!! Are you taking your progesterone gel now?

LisaLee: yea I've noticed that too about our Symptns being so similiar. Im def glad too Bc I was starting to question why are they lessening up,but to know you're a few days ahead of me and going thru the same thing makes me feel better!! I have tons of soft peppermints and they really do help, and yea I would love to know the name of that tea.

BayBeeEm: I had pre-menstrual cramps and I thought AF was on her way so I'm hoping this is it for you.

BamaGurl: don't worry about Symptns, everyone dosent have them so def don't count yourself out!!

Mummy 2 one: Thanks ma'am. It was def a milestone to make it to 8 wks, my first m/c happened @ 12wks so that's my biggest milestone, to get past that and beyond. I love the anatomy you threw in there with the 2 corpus Luteums, science says you can't go wrong with that, so I agree 2 corpus Luteums producing progesterone def doubles the chances, thanks ma'am.

AFM: Today DH is being a jerk, I guess you can't get everything your way all the time.Well had to refill my progesterone gel, ugghh I have 4 more wks to be on it then I can stop. YAYYY! Nothing to really report, I hope everyone have an Fantastic Friday!!
Thanks never! With my dd I didn't have any symptoms just woke up one day & realized hey I haven't started so I tested & there were 2 lines!! Lol I guess if nothing happens tomorrow will wait & see if anything happens Wednesday.
Yes I am cd 8. I'm not sure if my cycles are28 days because this is my first one after miscarriage. I hope I am doing this whole timing things right.

Sir baby-I had found out on 4/13 that I would miscarry due to blighted ovum, D&C on 4/17 and Had my first af on 5/16, next on 6/10, next on 7/7, so I am thinking mine went back to normal for me pretty quickly, actually more normal than when i was trying before so I think that is a good sign! Good luck to you ! :dust:
Mummy, thanks so much for your kind words! I think baby is starting to make a "physical" appearance now, the symptoms are definitely creeping up and I have a good feeling my betas are going to reflect that! I'm going for the 2nd one today. May be able to get the results from my first beta (though not sure as its a nurse taking my blood). To be honest though, I'm most concerned about how fast the hcg is rising, so I don't mind if I have to wait until Monday to get the numbers. Based on the fact that my HPTs went from barely visible on 12dpo to fairly strong last night (14dpo) i have a good feeling! :thumbup: sorry to hear about your o pains! I had them REALLY bad this past cycle for the first time ever... It was quite a shock how much they really throbbed. It's great to hear that you are feeling relaxed about the TTC process though. That's a good way to be and you save yourself a lot of disappointment. Sill kmfx for you though!!

Lux - thank you do much! Yor words mean a lot to me. I'm glad to have you back here. How are you feeling these days?

Sirbaby - I agree with Lisalee that you might O sooner than you think! I normally have cycles that are 29-31 days, and my cycles after miscarriage are ALWAYS 35 days, to a tee. Funny how the body works. However, my O date does shift back a bit on those cycles and I have a 12 day luteal phase rather than the normal 13 or 14. So, you are in the runnings sooner rather than later, I'm sure!! Send you lots of :dust:

Never - thanks so much for updating the thread! Yaaaay!! Oh, and I do have some symptoms to report! the bbs are finally getting the tiniest bit sore (who was it that was saying their pregnancy cycles were the ones without sore boobs? Lisalee? I think I may be experiencing that! When did your soreness kick in?), but the main symptoms definitely have now are FATIGUE, holy moly.... Dizziness, every time I get up quick or turn around fast, night nausea (kept me tossing and turning from 3-4am last night) and I'm definitely feeling an increased appetite. Grow baby, grow!

Bama- funny that you mentioned having a puppy, not sure if you remember how we went looking at pups last weekend? Well, we're getting one!! Not one of the ones we looked at though. We decided to go with a breeder... We wanted a puppy who has been well taken care of and bred responsibly, especially because we decided to go with a Lab :) they have so many genetic issues (eys, hips, elbows) it becomes important to know that they're not inbred at all. So we are down on the reservation list for a puppy to be born around August 10th, who will come home with us in the beginning of October. Soooooooo excited. But assuming im still pregnant, yeah, this is gonna be exhausting!! :haha:

:hi: to all our lovely ladies.... It's FRIDAY! What's everyone doing this weekend?
Aw yay! I have a purebred chocolate lab & just love him! He is outside but is such a sweet big boy!! We got him when our dd was 4 months old! He was inside for a little while but grew so fast he ended up outside! But we spend a lot of time outside so he still gets plenty of lovin! Can't wait to see pictures of your new additions (puppy & u/s for baby)
Hehe, thanks Bama! Your pooch sounds just awesome! Chocolate lab is actually my first choice as well! But we'll be just as happy with a yellow (hers are a darker shade which is nice) or a fox red, which is likely what the next litter will be (mix of reds and yellows) I'll be sure to post lots of pics of the babies ;) Labs are such wonderful dogs!!
Hopestruck~ Here are a few pics of our lab, Marley! The other dog in the pic is our corgi Rascal! He has grown so much and isn't even 1 yet oh my! haha New puppies are always so fun!


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CONGRATS TO OUR LOVELY :bfp: LADIES Lisalee, Nevergivingup, Sweetz and Hopestruck; :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: we def have more to Come SO CATCH THOSE EGGIES LADIES

Our June BFP's

Nevergivingup: June :bfp: :happydance: / Symptns: always XTRA CM, appetite coming bk, nausea and sleeplessness, pimples DDC: March 5, 2013

Lisalee1:June :bfp: :happydance: /Symptns 2Day:getting an appetite back. Less sore boobs, m/s going away, vomitted

Our July BFP's:

Sweetz33/ July1 Tested :bfp: :happydance: / Symptns: gassy,lot of CM, appetite. Dehydrated

Hopestruck: / July 26 Tested :bfp: :happydance: / Symptns:slightly sore boobs, fatigue, dizziness and increased appetite. EDD: April 4th, 2013


Bamagurl: 10 DPO/ 2WW :coffee: / Testing : July 30th

BayBeeEm: DPO/ In TWW :coffee: Testing :July 31st


Sirbaby: CD6/ Waiting to "O" :sex:

Gregsprincess: DPO? / IN TWW :coffee: Testing August 1st

Luxlisbon33: AF showed / :flower:

Angelserenity: AF Showed :dohh:

Lpjkp: AF showed :thumbup:

Garfie: Waiting to "O"/ On Vacae :flower:

Krissy485: DPO: In TWW :coffee: Testing: August 1st

Mummy_2_One: 4DPO/ In TWW :coffee: /Testing : August 11th

Storked: Recovering/ Not TTC :winkwink:
Thanks for the update Never! :happydance:

Bama, OMG, he is ADORABLE! SUPER cute puppy and what a beautiful full group guy he is!!! Love it! I really love the sleeker coat. Wow. I'm glad to know I have a lab resource on here if need be ;) You'll have to tell me if you do any fun tricks with him!
Bama I want your doggy he is gorgeous :cloud9:

Hope- congrats again :wohoo:

AFM I'm having a bad day feel fat, bloated and grumpy and jumped in the poas train and got a bfn so now feeling its a bust *sigh*

Have a great weekend ladies
Awe, Gregsprincess don't feel down about it, you have lots of time still! I didn't test pos til 12dpo, and it was faint on Clearblue and almost inivisble on FRER. You're not out till :witch: comes!

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