Hello all!
Bamagurl - its like your channeling all of my emotions over there. I have a good friend of mine that is pregnant now (we were suppose to be 3 weeks apart) and when we are together she complains about how uncomfortable she is, how she isn't able to eat, how she hates prenatals. I'm not upset with her at all, I totally get where she is coming from but I find myself thinking "I would be happy to be going through all of those pregnancy related symptoms." Additionally, I also snuck in a test this morning ... negative. I think I'm due on Tuesday at the earliest but I feel like I am out of the running this month. Sooooo, I'm creating my plan for next month. Hubby and I didn't BD on the O day or the day after, we were so busy with house guests that we ended up making it to our room after the other had slept off. Soooo ... I know that may be the reason for my lack of a BFP. Next month, its me and him! LOL
On another note, I love dogs and lab puppy makes my heart swoon. As in, can I have her? Just let me know where and when to pick her up.
Sweetz - let me honest, I am not a fan of cats but Cleo appears to be all I need to change my mind. She really is cute.
My BFP ladies of June, July and soon to be August - How are you all doing? I am patiently ... who am I kidding ... impatiently waiting for when the pics start rolling in. You know, a little inspiration for what is to be.
My ladies is in wait - Your good news, would be awesome. Oh the countdown! Try not POAS as much as I have this cycle. I'm usually pretty disciplined but this month, I've made an olympic sport of it. Tested at DPO 8, 10, and 11. Sighs.
AFM - Ok, so I've talked plenty about myself already but seeing as I know what AFM is, I feel it best to put it to use. I am still cramping. At times behind the belly button, other times at the site of either ovary. No positive, or slight postive test result yet. More updates to come as they become avialable.