March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

Never-with my first two kids i always had a dream early on, i know before i was in my 2nd trimester, of what the baby was going to be so when i went into the 20week u/s and they asked if i wanted to know what the baby was and i always was like you can look but i already know and i was right every time. with my younger son my pregnancy it was identical to my first son that i new from the moment i found i was pregnant it was a this time around so far the way i found out and the way i feel is like with my daughter's pregnancy so i dont know...too early for a guess!

bamama- test girl test lol....but only when you are ready!

AFM- morning sickness...or should i say off and on all day sickness is starting to set in. at least for now tums are helping. can someone say TIRED! and gassy and holly boobs are sore... But i wouldnt trade any of it! :happydance:

Good luck to our future testers!!! :dust:

Krissy, o Wow, i was very excited about that dream but I didn't associate it with the gender of the baby Bc we were having Breastfeeding conversations all day yesterday....but I don't know, should I have associated with it! I was really just excited that I had a dream about my baby actually living outside of me!! That's amazing that you have those dreams to tell the gender!! That had to be fun to know before the gender u/s. Im finding out I'm leaning more towards a boy but I'm really trying to stay neutral Bc it really won't matter once they get here!! I wish I could not figure out the gender until labor but I know my family is too nosey for that surprise!
Never~ I had dreams about a baby girl & that's what I ended up having lol. They say it's mothers tuition. My sil had a dream her baby was a girl & everyone was saying not but they are having a girl lol
Aww, Lux, one one hand I'm so sorry to hear the rollercoaster of a ride you've been sent on over the last couple of days, and glad on the other hand to hear they've got it under control...I'll be really sorry that you're going, and really wished you could stay, because I too had a BFP that progressed to nothing this month and would really like a "buddy" to keep me feel positive and stop me from throwing the towel in...I had, at one point, a heavy AF over 2 days that tampons AND towels couldn't hide (Very embarassing when you're at work), but thankfully it died down...I hope we hear from you soon but, until then, take it easy and hopefully next time I read a post of yours, it's because you've got that sticky BFP that we're so dreaming of xxx
Bama.. After my journey I will take either one!! So let the dreams continue'n

Awww lpjkp, that was awfully nice, but now I totally feel bad...Lux please don't leave us Bc I can't take lpjkp leaving too!!! Lpjkp you're not in this alone, and I'm def sorry if you feel like that. This forum is for women who PAL, and we all may not get there at the same time or when we want it but it's def coming Bc we got it before. I have 2 angel babies and now 3 if I count this 1 twin but I'm not counting it yet, Bc there is still hope in my heart that Miracles can happen and my faith is strong enough to believe that it can happen with me even if at the end I only end up with one that will still be a miracle and even if I don't make it there, it was still a miracle that God allowed my body to concieve yet again. You're so not in this alone or LuxLisbon, we all bled for our babies, we all cried and we all at one time wanted to throw in the towel but we didn't and one day some of us will but I pray it won't be us Bc we're destined to be mothers of many one day but we just have to wait for that day to come. Sorry Lux and Lpjkp that your going through this but we are here for you for any conversation or any support, Bc we've been there and some of us still are but I know in my heart we'll prove our doubtful emotions wrong. GL to all ladies!!!
Couldn't have said it better myself Never!!

Praying for you ladies! It is a hard road that we all have had to travel. We have lost, cried, jumped back into trying & some of us have repeated the cycle. You ladies are never alone! I have no doubt in my heart that we will all get our rainbow babies! I know it doesn't help anything now but God has his hand in all of this. He already knows what your rainbow baby or even babies will look like. Prayers & hugs to every one of you ladies feeling down.
Ok, I'm a little nervous here but have read this whole thread and love the personalities here so would like to join! Also, my bf (not hubby yet) and I are keeping it on the DL that we're even trying so I don't have anybody in my life I can talk to about feelings, trials & tribulations of TTC. Can I join?
MnJ.....Join??.....AAAHHHH YEAH!!!! You can Def Join!!! YAYYY we got a new "August/September Soon BFP lovely Lady!! I def know how you feel about not having anyone to talk to about TTC, I kept mine on the low too, even from my DH...for sex purposes of course, got to have him thinking it's allllll hiimmm that makes me keep coming back!!! Lol. I didn't know a thing ab TTC, until I found these forums and it has been awesome ever since especially with the Wonderful ladies we have here!!! So will you tell us your TTC history on how long and any setbacks?? And DON'T BE NERVOUS, everyone is so friendly and warm hearted here but we're just personal and nosey for all the right reasons of course!!!
Thank you, Never! :) Pretty funny about keeping it on dl from you dh... sounds like you have men all figured out. Have to keep the ego up to keep his... well you know... up! ha ha

About me... first off I have had PCOS for a lot of years. My 2nd issue is my age... 38!! My DB (dear boyfriend hee he) is only 25. Yep, that makes me a cougar lol. We've been together 2 years, this month as a matter of fact! He decided yes he'd like kids so due to my age I said well we better get a move on cuz I'm almost out of time! I honestly don't even know if I CAN get pregnant. I have 2 kids from previous marriage. Ready for this? They are 22 and 20 years old! Wow, huh? lol Anyway, at the end of April I talk to my dr about is it even possible for me? He said of course! If I have a period it means I AM ovulating, it just may not be optimal ovulation. My periods are very sporadic, could be months apart. So he started me on Metformin. AF arrived a week after I started taking it so I thought wow, this is gonna work! Her next visit, however was 6 weeks later and the next was 6 1/2 weeks after that! Ugh. She's is SO unreliable! I'm excited tho cuz she is here right now and tomorrow I start Clomid days 5-9. I'm excited but also nervous nothing is going to work...
Hi ladies...

Aww, Lux, I'm so sorry for what you are going through. What a terrible experience. I pray that you will heal up well physically and emotionally, and that you will find peace and hope in all of this :hugs:

Lp, glad to see you back. I know that last month was a tough one, but I hope you will keep up your positivity. I feel in my heart you are going to be blessed with a perfect baby very very soon.

Bama, glad to hear AF has managed to stay away.

Lisalee and Never, you guys are getting sooo close to the home stretch of the 1st Tri...yay.

:hi: to all the other lovies, and my apologies for not writing back to each of your specifically... my mind is in other places and I haven't read back very much.

Well you can add me to the list of ladies feeling down. I am pretty sure this pregnancy is going to be over soon. I did SO much reading and research yesterday about low betas, slower doubling time, and faint tests (which I still have BTW... test line should be darker than control by now, and it's still a touch lighter). Based on these I'd say the chances of this being a healthy normal pregnancy are probably less than 10%. Add the fact that I am a recurrent miscarrier into the mix, I feel pretty much OUT.

Doctor called me last night and apologized for not getting back to me. Apparently the numbers hadnt come in on Monday when he left, and on Tuesday and Wednesday he was working NOC (out of the clinic) and forgot to check again. Sounded seriously sorry, which was nice to hear. He wants me to come in today for a 3rd beta to see where things are at. Based on my FRER this morning, I'd honestly be surprised if it was any higher than 150-175. It needs to be 400+ in order to be at least possibly viable.

Ugh. We're driving 8 hours this weekend for a big family gathering at my grandparents lakefront cottage... was really looking forward to it but now I just feel like a wreck. AND, next week we are leaving for 10-day camping/road trip up into the Yukon & Alaska. Was also looking forward to that but now I'm dreading it as I'm fairly certain I'm going to be miscarrying the entire time.

Sorry for being super downer, but I just need to be realistic here and temper my expectations. I already know I'm out. :cry:
Mnj so nice to meet you! and no you are the first person i met who bf is younger and close to their kids age lol...although you are not even forty! oh and if you have a daughter and you guys are pregnant you can always go on TLC's new show i watched last night, although i am not sure if they keep it to teens and moms....oh well it could happy just like one of my fave movies father of the bride part 2!

FX for ya!
Hopestruck~ First off :hugs:! Secondly I can understand your want and desire to remain realistic and prepare yourself for the worst. Are you going to go have your betas done today? Do not lose hope though no matter what happens; although you could still be pleasantly surprised. I am praying for you & hoping that this does not have the normal outcome that you have read online. God has his hand in this, I just know He does! I wish there was more that I could say Hope about all of this, to make you feel less pain about this situation.

If there is anything we can do or talk about for any of you ladies who are feeling down or going through a hard time, please let us know! We are not here to just celebrate the bfps, but to go through the hard journey of ttc along with its ups and downs.
Hi ladies...

Aww, Lux, I'm so sorry for what you are going through. What a terrible experience. I pray that you will heal up well physically and emotionally, and that you will find peace and hope in all of this :hugs:

Lp, glad to see you back. I know that last month was a tough one, but I hope you will keep up your positivity. I feel in my heart you are going to be blessed with a perfect baby very very soon.

Bama, glad to hear AF has managed to stay away.

Lisalee and Never, you guys are getting sooo close to the home stretch of the 1st Tri...yay.

:hi: to all the other lovies, and my apologies for not writing back to each of your specifically... my mind is in other places and I haven't read back very much.

Well you can add me to the list of ladies feeling down. I am pretty sure this pregnancy is going to be over soon. I did SO much reading and research yesterday about low betas, slower doubling time, and faint tests (which I still have BTW... test line should be darker than control by now, and it's still a touch lighter). Based on these I'd say the chances of this being a healthy normal pregnancy are probably less than 10%. Add the fact that I am a recurrent miscarrier into the mix, I feel pretty much OUT.

Doctor called me last night and apologized for not getting back to me. Apparently the numbers hadnt come in on Monday when he left, and on Tuesday and Wednesday he was working NOC (out of the clinic) and forgot to check again. Sounded seriously sorry, which was nice to hear. He wants me to come in today for a 3rd beta to see where things are at. Based on my FRER this morning, I'd honestly be surprised if it was any higher than 150-175. It needs to be 400+ in order to be at least possibly viable.

Ugh. We're driving 8 hours this weekend for a big family gathering at my grandparents lakefront cottage... was really looking forward to it but now I just feel like a wreck. AND, next week we are leaving for 10-day camping/road trip up into the Yukon & Alaska. Was also looking forward to that but now I'm dreading it as I'm fairly certain I'm going to be miscarrying the entire time.

Sorry for being super downer, but I just need to be realistic here and temper my expectations. I already know I'm out. :cry:

Don't give in yet Hope. I am still praying for you.
MnJ Welcome!:flower: I just want to tell you that 38 is not too old to have babies. My neighbor began having babies at 38 and she went on to have 2 healthy babies 3 years apart. I wish you the best of luck and I look forward to getting to know you on this thread.

Hopestruck- I know what you mean about the control line not getting darker. But, if there is anything you need right now, it's optimism. I know it's really hard not to put a lot of thought into it, especially when your doctor isn't calling you back, but try not to put too much research into it. You'll just end up making yourself upset. When I was miscarrying, I just told my self I was pregnant with twins and the good one was kicking out the bad one. It sounds ridiculous I know, but it helped me get through it until I got my betas back and knew that wasn't the case. I wish you the best and hope that your doctor gives you GREAT news! :hugs:

I hope you enjoy your trip as well. Awe, vacation at a lake front cottage... sounds relaxing.
Yes, when I think or talk about my circumstance and life it all sounds very bizarre and sort of creepy doesn't it? Especially that my bf is so close in age to my children. I always forget that though as he doesn't seem like it. He's been told his whole life that he's an "old soul". I really could write a book, I think, as I was a teenage mom also. I was pregnant at 15. I had my 2nd daughter a month before I turned 18. And yes, to add to the weirdness, my oldest daughter IS ttc also! Unfortunately, I passed down my PCOS. Am I too off the wall to be in a thread with you wonderful gals??
Thank you Bama, Armymama, and Janelley, your encouragement means a lot to me :hugs: I really am hoping for some surprise good news, but I really just don't want to create false hope where there is none (or at least, where there is not enough to hedge my bets on). Janelley I like your positive idea... I'll try that...but its hard for me with 3 previous losses already. My last baby was genetically normal and was miscarried too. For some reason that is making this experience harder...knowing that I had a normal baby and lost him...wondering what could have been done to save him :(

Yes, I am going in for the beta in about an hour. I will let you all know what the results are...hopefully I'll find out by end of day tomorrow.

Hope- i am praying that everything is ok for! fingers crossed for you!!!!! and like bama said we are here for you no matter what happens

speaking of BAMAGIRL you going to test today or not? i am just as nervous aobut you testing as i was about me lol....
Yes, when I think or talk about my circumstance and life it all sounds very bizarre and sort of creepy doesn't it? Especially that my bf is so close in age to my children. I always forget that though as he doesn't seem like it. He's been told his whole life that he's an "old soul". I really could write a book, I think, as I was a teenage mom also. I was pregnant at 15. I had my 2nd daughter a month before I turned 18. And yes, to add to the weirdness, my oldest daughter IS ttc also! Unfortunately, I passed down my PCOS. Am I too off the wall to be in a thread with you wonderful gals??

well good luck to both you and your daughter! and yeppers you can talk us all you want we are hear to listen :hugs:
Yes, when I think or talk about my circumstance and life it all sounds very bizarre and sort of creepy doesn't it? Especially that my bf is so close in age to my children. I always forget that though as he doesn't seem like it. He's been told his whole life that he's an "old soul". I really could write a book, I think, as I was a teenage mom also. I was pregnant at 15. I had my 2nd daughter a month before I turned 18. And yes, to add to the weirdness, my oldest daughter IS ttc also! Unfortunately, I passed down my PCOS. Am I too off the wall to be in a thread with you wonderful gals??

I don't think you're off the wall at all. Age is just a number, you can't help who you fall in love with. :hugs: I think what would be awesome if you and your daughter conceived at the same time.

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