March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!


I knew everything would be ok... Don't give up on that bub just yet. Glad the doctor is being positive about it too. I was going to recommend a website that might give you some hope, so maybe I'll do that anyway in case it helps anyone who reads through here. Google 'Misdiagnosed Miscarriage' and there's an old closed forum with hundreds of stories with all kinds of pregnancy 'issues' and women being told they'd lose their babies, only to go on to have totally normal pregnancies.

Bama - I'm so sorry lovely... But your rainbow baby is waiting for you. You and DH just need to keep trying and you'll find him or her in God's time xx Don't go too far for too long. We want to celebrate that BFP with you when it happens :hugs:

AFM - feeling breakout today like AF is going to show, so I'm feeling like I'm out. I'm 10DPO and crazy irritable (I just want to damage something!) which is not a usual emotion for me... Just feeling terrible :(
I wish I knew how to bring comfort to those who need it. I have a fried who may lose another pregnancy and I just wish that I had the right words. :(

The books might help you with that Storked, but I was just trying to think 'well what was said to me that was kindhearted/helpful?' And it was my friend who lost a baby at 31wks. She told me she knows how ripped off it felt, and that it's not fair I had to start again. It's not just a baby lost but a lifetime if hopes and dreams for that baby too, and it just sucks.

Not sure what you say if she hadn't lost it yet though. Maybe she can find that website I mentioned ^^^ for some hope? It's a tough one xx
I most likely will not be on for a bit...I have had a hard night. DH is kinda being a butthead...but he's a man so I am giving him some slack. My sister just pretty much tore my still beating heart out and made me feel like a piece of shit...She says that me (as she put it) "giving up a child for adoption and not being a constant in my daughter's life shows that I lack commitment and that I need to promise her that with this baby I will commit" Um...WTF?! She compared me to her BM who abandoned her and said my reasons for being a surrogate and the fact that my ex and I have issues is BS. She really tore me a new one and I have been crying for the past hour. So...please excuse me if I am MIA.... <3 you guys!
I wish I knew how to bring comfort to those who need it. I have a fried who may lose another pregnancy and I just wish that I had the right words. :(

The books might help you with that Storked, but I was just trying to think 'well what was said to me that was kindhearted/helpful?' And it was my friend who lost a baby at 31wks. She told me she knows how ripped off it felt, and that it's not fair I had to start again. It's not just a baby lost but a lifetime if hopes and dreams for that baby too, and it just sucks.

Not sure what you say if she hadn't lost it yet though. Maybe she can find that website I mentioned ^^^ for some hope? It's a tough one xx

I was thinking about what was said to me when my pregnancy had a big question mark all over it and the truth is, nothing helped. People were just telling me to think positive and to have hope but it helped me more to expect the worst outcome. That way I wouldn't be even more crushed. If that makes sense :(
I did let her know that I am here to talk. And that things could turn out to be just fine as well. But that even if they didn't, that I loved her and was always there. I hope that that was what she needed to hear.
Thanks for responding :hugs:
Sweetz, sorry your sister was being a jackass. I think we all have those moments with our siblings. It just makes it worse that your hubby is being difficult too. :hugs: chica!
Bama- YAYYYYY girl I hate to say it..but toldya so lol :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

Jcombs- WTF? seriously? the only thing is i am a little confused are you being surrogate or is this baby for you? doesnt matter either way i am happy you are pregnant just wondering. Either way is she in the wrong for what she said and once she realizes this she will be begging you for forgiveness and if she doesnt the shame on her!

Lisalee- i would not be too worried about the boob thing. every woman is different and that will come and go. i personally did not have many symptoms at all with my boys, none at all for the first 2 months so i think you are ok but i understand how it is after you mc over analize everything!

AFM-sinus crap so bad today! i think it is the changing weather and i hate it! tired of course and nauseous as all get it...but like i keep saying i want this! also af was due for yesterday and i feel so much better now that the day has come and went for me! see family dr. monday hopefully get a quantive blood done so i know where i stand and a u/s on 8/20...getting excited... i was thinking of recording the u/s and then calling up my MIL and telling her she has an email she needs to look at...i think i like that idea...

so how are you ladies doing today? Good morning! sister cut all ties with me....and DH got me a slushie bc he saw how sad I was. He said I shouldn't let people get me down and for her to talk to me in that way was uncalled for. He said she just refuses to deal with her own issues so her way of dealing is to drink and take out her anger and hurt on someone who she considers a weaker person. He is pretty mad at her. He did say one day she will realize what she did....when she is all alone and the only people around her don't love her...she is turning into my mother and that worries me...
Aw sweets so sad to hear that. I know how heartbreaking it can be when someone who is supposed to be in your corner turns on you. It is surely her loss. I hope that she recognizes what she said was inappropriate & she will try to repair what she has done.
Thanks Bama...but there is no repairing this one. Never, and repeat never, comment on my ability as a parent, let alone say I am doing a bad job. This is coming from a woman who counts the minutes until her kids go to sleep so she can pour herself a cocktail or dare she even talk. I understand she is hurt and angry...but last night after what she said was the first time I EVER said anything about her being a drunk, even though it is inappropriate. One day she is going to land up alone...her boyfriend of 10 years (bc she refuses to get married) will leave her, then what will she do? is sad that my best friends are more family to me then my own sister. *cries* TG for my 10 y/o she called me today and made me do happy tears. I asked her what her absolute favorite thing in the whole world was...her response... "Oh, that's easy's YOU of course!" God I love that child...
Aw that's so sweet. I think your sister may just be jealous so she lashes out at you to try & make herself feel better. You have many other people who think you are doing just great & care about ya!
Hi everyone! I have been TTC since January , and have been hoping for an August/september/October bfp!! It would work out perfectly by then I could have my baby over the summer( I am in nursing school right now).
I am currently on my last day of taking my clomid, and I am feeling really hopeful this month! My AF was actually a more normal length and consistency( my period have been lighter and shorter since my mc in October) and hubby and I are both talking vitamins .
I feel so excited and hopeful right now!! How's everyone else doing? I love to hear bfp stories!!
I've been extremely exhausted today. So, I haven't been on. Sweets, sorry that your sister is being that way. My sister is the same way. She still thinks she will find Mr. Right in a bar and always felt the need to tell me how to be a parent. She doesn't have kids of her own, so she never understood the decisions and choices that we made for our son, she would always have a problem with them. Tell us we were doing the whole parenting thing wrong. So one day, I told her to have a kid of her own and she might understand a little better and until she becomes a parent, to quit telling me how to do my job as a mother. Well, she didn't like that at all, and went on this huge rant blah blah blah. She feels that because she is the OLDER sister.. that she is WISER... and MISS KNOW IT ALL. She has always been jealous of me and my husband because, we're happy. We're in love. We bought a house at the age of 26. We have a healthy happy son. She doesn't have any of that. It's really sad when siblings just can't be happy for one another. I don't know you or your sister, so I can't really say much, but going through it with my sister and seeing you going through it with yours, I can totally see the jealously factor in both. I know there are people out there that say, "Families are forever. You can loose your house and your furniture in a fire, but you always have family to rely and fall back on." Some people believe that, but I have gotten more support and love from my friends, than I have ever gotten from family.

Either way, we're all here for you, and try not to stress too much about it, your daughter loves you and your man loves you. One day your sister will see that she was wrong and it's going to take a lot for her to admit it, bottom line, it's your life--your choices, live it the way you want. What's that saying?

Those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter.:flower:
Hi NattyMommy! Welcome. You've come to the right place for support and inspiration. I wish you the best of luck and hope you see your BFP soon!:flower:
Welcome NattyMom :flower:
Saw my great nephew today. It made me incredibly sad :(
Ty Jane. That was very nice of you to write.

I'm calling doc tomorrow to hopefully go in on Monday. I'm sure it's nothing but noticed a little pain when going to the bathroom. Tmi alert**** it burned. Just want to make sure no infection.
Well once DH gets home, we are headed into ORH. The chiweenie left a wet present on the kitchen floor, I didn't see it...

slip, ahhhh, bam! *ouch*

Now I have shooting pain in my back and when I walk it goes down my leg. Lovely. I told him that dog needs to go NOW. I landed on my tailbone/lower part of my back. It friggin hurts and I am pissed...
The dog is gone....TODAY! I love the little squirt, she is adorable, but these "presents" have gone past the point that I can take. I hope I didn't screw anything up...

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