march lambs 2010 come on ladies

BnK: Hope you were able to enjoy your baby free night a bit.

Seity: I don't know how you function at work on so little sleep. In those first few weeks with Charlotte I swore I would never have another baby due to lack of sleep (even DH agreed and he rarely even got up with her). Now that she sleeps I have forgotten about how bad it was and would like another (kind of like how I have forgotten how bad pregnancy was too).

Lynn: I am currently shopping around for my next car seat as Charlotte is about 3lbs from outgrowing the first one. Boy are they expensive! Sorry that EJ has to have surgery. At least he will be so young that he will most likely not remember when he is older.

The church is having a rummage sale tomorrow and Saturday so I think I will stop by to see if they have any good baby stuff. I cannot pass up a bargain!
Lynnikins- I don't know anything about the surgery to lengthen the urethra, but Connor was circumsized. His was done using the plastibell method. The procedure was done when he was 2 days old. It took 5 minutes and he was brought straight back to me. He was never in discomfort or pain. The ring fell off a couple days later and was healed by that time. So I personally don't believe it as bad as some people make it out to be. I am sure EJ will recovery quickly and won't remember it at all.
thanks, ive been told by the surgeon that he will have a open wound following the surgery and of course that will hurt when it gets wet or dirty although they do have a double diapering method that we will have to use to keep the poop seperate,

hes going to be abit older before it happens normally they do it after 8 months old but before 18 months
Lyn :hugs:

How old will he be when he has the surgery? My cousin's little boy had his wee-hole on the underside of his penis and had an op a couple of months ago to fix it. I think he was 2 at the time of the op. Not sure of it's the same thing, but he recovered really well x

Not much to report here. M still going to sleep ok in evenings but wakes as soon as I put her in crib, so I have to start the whole process again. Took 1hr 15mins tonight. Grrr.

She's REALLY concentrating on picking things up her hands at the moment, you can tell what she wants to do with them, but they don't quite respond :haha: so funny to watch, I want to help her but I know she's got to learn for herself.
Lynn - Sorry EJ has to have surgery but try not to worry too much, he will forget the pain quickly and the doctors surely know what they're doing.

Seity - I keep saying this but I hope your sleep imporves soon! I really dont know how you go to work on that amont of sleep!

Cocoa - very frustrating that bedtime takes so long but it'll et better. I know what you meana bout the hands. Flora has started using both hands at the same time, still not very co-ordinated but its intersting to see her developing. Also she slep till 5am last night from 6:30 so yay thats good but once again I'm not expecting it to continue every night. I'm also concerned that I'm due a 4-month sleep regression soon so I'm trying not to get too used to it.

The other thing thats been playing on my mind, believe it or not, is whether I might be pregnant! I mean TBH I am 99.9% sure I'm not. When we were away I forgot to take my pill one day (Cerazette). I just took 2 the next day (spaced out) and didn't have sex (for a few weeks!). But we DID have sex the day before I forgot the pill... and of course sperm can stay alive in you for several days... and then I had a small bleed about a few days or maybe a week later which I assumed was from taking the double dose of the pill. Anyway the nurse today said it was higly unlikely that I was pregnant as I'm breastfeeding AND on the pill, and I was probably right about the bleed (i.e. that it wasn't implantation bleeding) but gave me a test to put my mine at rest!!!!! So I'm doing that in the morning.

Please can I have negative vibes! It wouldn't be the end of the world but I really hope I'm not pregnant!! :dohh:
Sending you lots of negative dust!!
I must remember to do a test too actually - pretty sure I'm not but I get so paranoid when I'm not having periods! Still bloody useless at taking my pill too, but we usually remember to use a condom
Sending you lots of negative dust!!
I must remember to do a test too actually - pretty sure I'm not but I get so paranoid when I'm not having periods! Still bloody useless at taking my pill too, but we usually remember to use a condom

Yeah that's the problem with the minipill - no periods so how do you know? :wacko:
GL - Pretty sure forgetting one and taking two like you did makes the chances super low.

Lynn - :hugs: We opted to have Gabriel circumcised and it really isn't anywhere near as bad as those google pictures make it out to be. They used a local anesthetic and he wasn't in any pain and it healed super fast. Sounds like the surgery wound is going to be the worst of it. As mom's, none of us want our babies to suffer in any kind of pain. It must be so much harder when you'd prefer he wasn't circ'd.

OH said Gabriel had a few good naps today and a much needed poop, so I'm hoping tonight is a good one.
Hi girls, sorry it's been so long again :dohh: It's so overwhelming coming in here when you've been naughty and haven't updated for awhile, so much to catch up on! I can't believe how big and clever our babies are getting, seems like just yesterday that they were teeny tiny newborns :cry: I never thought I'd say this, but I really miss those days! At the time I found them as boring as anything but I want my ickle baby back, he's getting so wriggly and fussy..

DM2 - Can't believe Hunter has a couple of teeth already, I'm sorry to hear he's biting when nursing, that must be so painful :( Great about his weight gains, it sounds like he's doing beautifully!

BnK - Tom is just like your OH, not sure whether he wants one or more. Most days he'd just be happy with one though I think! But how could you not have another like Mika, you guys make gorgeous bubbas :) Sorry to hear he was having a bad night when he went to stay with your parents - my dad is looking after Lachlan tomorrow night while we are at an engagement party, as mum's out of town for the weekend so that shall be interesting!!

Seity - Sorry to hear about Gabriel not sleeping too well! Do you find that he sleeps better when cosleeping? I've heard it's a godsend. Does your DH stay home with him during the day? That's really cool! :)

Lynn - Poor EJ :( :( He will be okay, I hope that when he does have the procedure that his recovery and healing time is quick! Sounds so painful. :hugs:

Cocoa - Lachlan's like that too, will fall asleep happily in the living room sometimes but as soon as I take him in to the bedroom he's WIDE awake and looking around :lol: Aren't they cheeky..
That's exciting that M's nearly picking things up - I find that it does help to pass it to them, just so they know that they can hold it, or maybe try holding it out in front of her, or setting it on her tummy if she's in her bouncer/swing. I find that helps :) She'll be doing it in no time at all

GL - Sending you negative pregnancy vibes! I too have taken a couple tests out of paranoia cause I'm on the minipill too and am so forgetful with it - I hate having to remember after so long of not taking anything! The bleed was quite possibly just from missing a pill xx Keep us posted hun

So...there's probably a decent amount to update on here so why am I having a blank! :dohh:

I've noticed that Lachlan is becoming much more 'onto it' now IYKWIM. So much more than even in the past couple of weeks...he looks at me and raises one eyebrow (think he gets that from me cause I can do it ala Jack Nicholson :rofl:). He's started squealing when he's grumpy now, which is confusing cause I've been so used to him squealing in delight for so long :wacko: I'll be busy with the dishes and he'll be entertaining himself under the playgym then I hear him squeal and (wrongly) think he's having a blast, but then the grumbling begins...ohhh yes.

He's laughing, but not nearly as much as I think other bubbas his age are but I guess all babies do things at their own rate. One way I can sometimes make him laugh though is to tickle his neck :) Sometimes he giggles when I just wipe his neck with his bib if he pukes, it's funny :D

He's been really good with his sleep for the most part, I think he had his sleep regression a couple of weeks back and was waking a few times a night but now he's back to his usual which I can't complain about - he normally does 8.30pm to anywhere from 6-8am. So pleased he finally goes to bed at a decent time, it used to be 11pm...and he used to spit his dummy out several times before going to sleep but now it's 3 at the most :shock:

Breastfeeding is going okayyy...I find my milk supply decreasing at a steady rate of knots...well, it's quite up and down really some days it will be okay then others I have hardly anything. He's having to have formula nearly every night which is a pain in the ass, I find it easier to get my boob out and not have to cool water etc but oh well, whatever keeps us both happy!

I have no idea how much he weighs right now, but I have a plunket appointment soon so it shall be interesting to find out! He's sure getting heavy.

We started solids about a week ago, maybe two weeks? So far only on about a jar a day, but sometimes if he's really hungry then it's two a day. I knew he was ready because he was always really hungry after his milk feeds, even though I could hear him swallowing lots so I knew it wasn't that I was having a bad day re milk supply. And he's loving his food so that's good! Not so keen on some of the veges but he does like pumpkin and sweet potato.

He's getting really good at his tummy time and lifting his head right up, but won't roll as much as he used to at 2 months :lol: Infact he's pretty much not keen at all. He rolled today for the first time in about a month. Still doesn't roll from back to front but I think that's pretty normal really.

He's playing lots with his toys - well, when I say playing I mean grabbing them and pulling them and hitting them. If I offer him a toy he will often reach out and take it which is pretty exciting :dance: Proud mummy! And he shoves anything and everything in to his mouth.

No sign of teeth so far, I've felt and looked (though he HATES it when I look, he screams!) Vegasbaby, I was so surprised (and envious hehe) to read that Charlotte giggles when you look in her mouth. I wish it was the same way for Lachlan, must be so cute! It's confusing, is it possible for babies to teeth without any sign of teeth in the gums? Because like I said, he shoves everything in his mouth, his fist or hands are in there heaps, he's drooling loads, has screaming fits that I can't for the life of me work out the problem, has red rashy cheeks...*sigh* I dunno! :wacko:

Hmmm for somebody that couldn't think of anything to update about it I sure rambled on!

Here's some photo spam of Mr Man for you all that don't have me on Facebook :flower:
Cheeky bum, shoving his fingers in his mouth as well as his dummy!
Smiley skeleton
Loving his tummy time for once!
Showing how high he can lift his head (he watches tv while he does tummy time, naughty mummy! But it's the only thing that will get him to keep his head up for ages...)
Lachlan Teddy :D
This one was taken today - my friend with her daughter (Lachlan's girlfriend :p who's 10 months older - too old for him!) and mr man
Connor goes today for his 4 month check-up and jabs. Today is also his last physical therapy appointment. He is doing so well you can hardly tell there is a problem anymore!

:happydance: Happy Birthday Seity!!!!! :yipee:
Good luck for Connor's jabs hun, and yay that's it's his last appointment! :D x

Happy birthday Seity! Hope you have an awesome day and get spoiled :hugs: x
NEGATIVE! :happydance: but I knew it would be.
Happy birthday Seity!
Nice to see your RWhite Lachlan is adorable!
NEGATIVE! :hooray: but I knew it would be.
Happy birthday Seity!
Nice to see your RWhite Lachlan is adorable!

Thanks hun :hugs: As is Flora, she's grown heaps, wow! What a sweet little gem x

Glad the test was negative, what a relief huh! :dance:
Happy Birthday Seity! :flower:

GL - great news on the negative! I'll probably test at the weekend.

M is definitely not liking other people ATM. My cousin, aunty, mum, and OHs parents have had cuddles in the last 3 days and M has cried as soon as she was passed to them, and only stopped after I've been comforting her for a while. Might have to cancel my girly night out :cry: It's not fair on my mum to expect her to put up with M crying for 5 hours!
GL - Good news on the negative.
Kel - Good luck with the jabs and hurray for last PT appointment :yipee:
Cocoa - I hope M outgrows that stage soon.
rwhite - Love the pic of Lachlan in the pooh outfit. He's very cute! Yes, my OH is a SAHD. I've had to go back to cosleeping with him waking up so often again. He'd just gotten to the point where he was only waking twice a night, so we moved him into his own room and then this growth spurt hit. I'm hoping it doesn't last too much longer.

Last night he woke at midnight and he'd managed to leak out the front of his diaper, so after feeding him I had to change him, which woke him up. Then I fed him back to sleep and when I put him in the crib he let out a massive fart which woke him and then he spit up all over himself. So I had to start soothing him and couldn't find his pacifier. OH woke from the fussing and I made him track one down. Spent the next hour getting him back to sleep. Around 2 am he was mostly there, so I put him in the crib and he stayed head down sucking his hand, so I left him that way and not too much later the loud hand sucking stopped, so he must have drifted off.
He's definitely grown. I think he's around 11.5 lbs and 24 inches now.
Seity: Happy Birthday!!!! I hope you have a great day.

RWhite: Lachlan is adorable. Love the skeleton outfit. It does sound like Lachlan is teething, but it can take forever for a tooth to finally come through. We still don't have a tooth, but all the pains of teething. Funny thing about my LO, the only time she really laughs is when I am looking in her mouth. She smiles a ton, but she is not big on laughing. In time I'm sure she will be all giggles.

Cocoa: Sorry M has been so fussy. I am sure it is just a phase. Hope you still get your girls night out.

Today I bought a couple of freezer trays so that I can start making and freezing baby food. I think we have tested enough with bananas and it is time to move on. She gets so excited about food (much like me). So much for waiting until six months. She is 23 weeks so we were close.
Rwhite- Lachlan is a cutie!
Cocoa- Hope you don't have to cancel your night out!
GL- :happydance: Yay! for negative test

At his two month check up he was in the 90th percentile for weight and 75th for height. Now my little man is getting taller and thinner. He is now 17.6lbs (80th percentile) and 27 inches long (96th percentile).
Happy birthday Seity for yesterday! I hope you had a great day! :dance:

GL- yay for the negative! you must be so relieved. Are you not supposed to get periods while on the minipill? Coz i do :shrug:

Cocoa- I hope M settles for you better tonight.

Kel- I hate taking Ella for her jabs, we have her next lot next month :dohh:

Rosy- Lachlan is adorable, but you already know that :)

Ella is concentrating on toys more now and putting them in her mouth. Sometimes she catches onto the patterns on her bibs so she goes crosseyed trying to look :haha:

OH and I are looking after my little brothers and sister tonight, so it'll be the 1st night settling ella into another bed and not at home. i'll just put her in mums bed. wish us luck! :)

ooo0o Happy belated bd seity

Elliott is trying deseprately to roll over when hes in his bouncer(laid back chair type ) and im freaked out he will flip himself off it as i tend to put him down on it without straping him in as he hates being strapped into things lol, its sooo cute,
we start the move tomorrow and i still have soo much to do lol my task for today is to sort out clothing as we are sleeping at the new place tomorrow night so i need to pack clothes for all of us and enough stuff for the boys etc.... so we can take it all over tomorrow,
not a good night for DH to be doing his Street Pastors work ( out from 10pm till 4am ) which hes doing tonight so will be hard to get going in the morning. Man i wish i had my parents here my mum is a Pro when it comes to organization for things like a move

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