march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Ella's still not rolling yet. I told the plunket lady and she said she wouldn't expect her to till she is 6 months!
My cousin's baby didn't roll until 5.5 months, and was crawling by 7.

Had a good night, I think the spurt has ended :dance: Didn't go to sleep until 9, but only woke twice (1 & 5) for feeds. Still asleep now too- why am I awake?!

Taking M to BF group with my friend and her 3 week old today (I was too scared to go on my own!) I'm looking forward to introducing M to new babies.
going to group things are fun! i have made some good friends with bubis the same age. there is a big "latch on" thing, its where you go somewhere and you all breast feed and try and break a record of people BFing at the same time. Its next week i think :) x
oh have a nice time Becki!

Another good night with Roman really, he dropped off at 9pmish and I dream fed him at 1045, he slept til 5am when I popped a dummy in and got til 6am out of him so cant complain!

My goddaughter is 10.5 months old and she has learnt to crawl and cruise in the last 2 weeks!!!
Emskins ahh i hope poor Wren has managed to poop now hun. Thats fab your going to have air con, will be lovely! I hope the agency find someone there happy with soon hun, must be a pain showing all those people round :wacko:

Think R is starting the parent preference thing - or rather mummy preference. I have left him with daddy quite a bit today as had stuff to get on with, and he has been a right rattybag for DH but as soon as I'm near him he is happy again!!
that sounds so familiar, hope it passes quick hun, its not fun,

blondeNklutzi ha ha Chase jumps so much sometimes in his jumperoo i think he's trying to jump out of it too! Love the pics hun. I get broody too, but i know realistically i want Chase a bit older so we're waiting until this time next year, have you thought about when you will try again?

lynnikin great sleep for EJ hun :happydance: Hope your blood test results are ok. Did it go ok with Mike's cousin?

MiissMuffet mmm cake is good, when i was pregnant i had an unbelievably sweet tooth.

greenlady Thats great Flora is sleeping better, i find Chase if he sleeps well will hardly nap in the day at all, maybe 2/3 15 minute ones :wacko:

CocoaOne have fun at baby group, i always go with a friend too, although when we do baby massage i will be going on my own, eek.

We went to the hv the other day, i told her about Chase being clingy and whingy and straight away she asked if he is teething, she said some babies get really clingy when teething, made me and hubby feel better.

We've started him on a spoonful of baby rice or homemade pureed veg and he is so much more content :thumbup: when we went to hubbys parents on Sunday she suggested he may be hungry, he is eating lots more and i know there is a growth spurt but when we got home we tried him on a bit of baby rice and that night he was like the old Chase so content and happy plus he still had tons of milk. I spoke to the hv and told her and about his crying a lot and how he was more content that night after giving him the rice and she said she thinks he sounds like he's ready to have a few spoonfulls in the morning and for tea so thats what we're doing. After my initial reservations I think he's ready too (I think i just didn't want to lose my little baby boy, which is soooo daft!) he's been so much better since doing it and he loves everything, he's had rice, porridge and pureed sweet potato with carrots and swede.

He's not sleeping great though but think this may be due to his growth spurt as he's waking every 2 hours for a feed and he's really hungry.

Anyone elses lo get bunged up? The past two nights Chase has been really congested at night, its taken ages to feed him as he keeps pulling off as he can't breath, feel so sorry for him..

Well we're having a nightmare with our bathroom, we gutted it and got bil to do the plumbing as he's a plumber. We got someone to do the tiling and then bil fitted the bath and toilet but we couldn't get him back to do the sink and shower :growlmad: and then he went off to nz. We can't find anyone who wants to fit the shower and sink as its half a job that someone else has done. Hubbys uncle has some free time and has come today to do it, there's only parts missing off the dam shower, plus the tiler hasn't cut out straight so when the shower cover goes on it won't be straight :growlmad: he's done the sink but as for the shower, think we're gonna have to buy a new one and take the tiles off and have it redone, we could do without the expense!!! Bil put all shower bits into a box, but there is no instructions and we have no idea what make it is to see if we can get the parts, such a nightmare.
MM: The two girls are so cute together. Almost makes me wish I had had twins. Also, those pregnancy tests are super sensitive. I got a BFP like five days after I conceived.

HC: Looks like you've been having a tough time of it lately. Hope your DH gets better soon and Ronan starts sleeping again.

BnK: My little brother used to sleep like that too. Isn't it so cute! Also, I keep freaking out that we are going to get pregnant again too soon. DH would love it, but he's not the one who has to carry a baby for nine months. I still feel like I need a break from the last pregnancy.

Lynn: Looks like EJ is doing well with his sleep. I'm sure you need the extra sleep as packing for a move is exhausting.

DM2: Hunter sounds like he is doing well. :thumbup:

JJ: Glad that Chase is enjoying the new foods. Sorry you are having problems getting your bathroom fixed. You think people would want the work, but I guess not. Hope you get it sorted out soon.

Hope I haven't missed anyone. If I have, I do apologize.

So everyday I take a peek in Charlotte's mouth to see if a tooth is emerging (still no teeth). But every time I look in her mouth she laughs and laughs which is sort of why I do it every day since it is so cute. Well today I was burping her and after she finished she looked at me and put her hand in my mouth and started to giggle. What have I taught her.:haha:
MM - Any of that cake left? It sounds so good! I am contemplating making some cupcakes for a mum and baby get together on Friday. I really want to make orange cupcakes w/orange curd in the middle and you guessed it, orange buttercream on top, but I have to find the time to make the curd and then the buttercream, and bake the cakes etc...I'll see how I feel on Thursday evening as to just how ambitious I am!

Lynn - Good luck with the cousin-in-law! That's a visit I don't envy you for.

Dee - Good news that Roman is sleeping better. Hopefully it just keeps improving from here.

GL - Glad to hear that Flora is sleeping better. I had 2 nights of Ronan waking before midnight when I knew he absolutely wasn't hungry so I just cuddled with him and he went back to sleep and slept until 5-5:30 both nights, and (fingers crossed) he hasn't woken before midnight since.

Cocoa - I need that banner when you get around to making it! :rofl:

BnK - I hope the hormones settle and you start feeling better soon. I am so not feeling broody. I thought I would be but right now I'm more than happy with our little family just the way it is. Mika looks adorable sleeping with his bum in the air, too! Ronan does this as well, although he has been sleeping face first into the mattress lately which is a little disconcerting. :wacko:

jj - That's great that Chase is much more settled for you lately. Sorry to hear about the renovation nightmare! I hope your OH has plans to kick his brother's ass when he gets back.

vegas - That is so cute about Charlotte laughing when you check her mouth. Better that than crying! Ronan isn't showing any signs of teeth yet either, although I can see the teeth in his top gums. They just haven't moved down yet.

Well, hubby returned to work today after a week off. He's still sick, but thought he'd best show his face around the office. I was talking with my friend who's a nurse and she said that whatever he's got is doing the rounds and is quite nasty, usually taking people about 2 weeks or more to really get over. DH has been sleeping downstairs in the living room because he is so paranoid about breathing his sick germs on me and both him and Ronan have been a bit down that he hasn't been getting any play time together all week. Ronan gets all excited when he sees his daddy and reaches out for him. It sucks when I have to distract him away from his dad!

Anyway, other than that, Ronan's sleep has been better (I'm so afraid to say that because every time I do, it goes to pot again!), and he's otherwise doing good. He's been sitting and playing with food at meal times and occasionally noms on some of it. He seems to be having fun with it any which way. The dog is loving all the extra treats he's getting afterward! :haha:

He's also doing really well drinking from his doidy cup. I think you were asking me about that, VB? It's really cute as I hold it to his bottom lip and he laps his tongue out to drink. He likes doing it, but he also wants to drink out of my water bottle every time he sees me drinking from one. I think I need to start drinking from cups!

Well, the monkey is now awake from his nap and chirping away and MIL is due over any minute now for a visit, so I should get to doing what needs doing!
well today with L was good she seems to have matured a bit in the last 5 years ( i would hope so shes a police officer now ) and got EJ weighed this morning at last a week late and hes a HUGE 20lbs 10oz and hes not even 18wks till friday, the HV said he was bigger than the 8month old baby that was just ahead of us and did a double take when i said hes only on breastmilk and wished me luck getting to 6 months for BLW lol

went to a friends place this afternoon it was fun and Nate had a blast playing in the garden with her son
Cocoa - glad you're feeling refreshed! And enjoy meeting new babies, thats sweet.
VB - what indeed have you taught your child! :haha: imagine her going around putting her hands in everyone's mouth!
JJ - I'm glad that you have an explanation for the clingyness, and that Chase is enjoying his food. Weaning is actually starting to enter my brain now its so weird I haven't even thought about it properly, it only seems a short while since I got over all the BFing hurdles! Total bummer about the bathroom, we have had problems with friends doing work for us before. I hope you find some kind of solution. I know new bathrooms can be really costly!
HC - glad your hubby is feeling a bit better, it sounds awful what he's had!
And funny you should mention about jinxing the sleep thing, as last night Flora was not as good (just after I'd said how well she was sleeping). She picked up a midnight feed that I thought she'd dropped. I tried pacifying her but she wasn't having it. She still woke at 3 and 5 as well, the previous few night it was 7pm bed, wake at 3 and 6... so not as good but not terrible.

Other than that she has taken to fighting her naps again, which is a bore. But on the upside I have discovered she is ticklish under her arms and I get the most gorgeous giggles from her! It absolutely melts me!
HC: Sorry your DH is still not totally better. I know both he and Ronan are missing their time together and I know you are missing the help from your DH. Glad to hear that Ronan is getting the hang of the doidy cup and having fun with his food (even though it sounds like the dog is having the most fun:haha:). Speaking of our LOs learning from our examples my DH was holding Charlotte on his lap while he was drinking beer from a pint glass and she kept grabbing his arm and opening her mouth. Oh dear :dohh:.

Lynn: Wow, I can't believe EJ is over 20lbs :happydance:. That is great news. Also glad to hear that the visit with your husband's cousin went well.

GL: How cute that Flora is ticklish. Nothing is better than big smiles and giggles. Makes even the worst day better. WRT Charlotte's trick, maybe she will want to become a dentist with her new found skill. That wouldn't be so bad. Of course paying for all that education wouldn't be so great for us. If you read what I said to HC above you will see that this isn't even her most disturbing trick.

Well, I need to figure out what to make for dinner as it is that time. Might also get some laundry done too while the LO naps. Joy.
Nope no more Cake left. It was chocolate cake with coffee icing, jam in the middle and icing sugar sprinkled on top :D
cocoa- bfing hunter while teething was no problem but in the week since he cut the first tooth i have been nipped 3 times. it is only when he doesnt want a feed, sometimes he just blows raspberrys on my breast and 3 times he nipped :( also he is quite fussy at the breast but he has been like that for a wee while now! but he is still gaining amazingly so he must be fine! maybe i offer boob too much! :haha: it's the first thing i try when he cries! but over all it hasnt been too bad really. but because he cut 2 teeth right in the middle of the 4 month sleep regression and growth spurt, i cant tell which of the 3 things were to blame for which behaviour iykwim.
DM2- I sure he will get used to having the breast with teeth, biting down he will grow out of, i'd say he's probably just getting used to his new teethies :)
jj-what a nightmare with the bathroom! I would be pretty ticked!

vegas-that's cute! Mika has discovered my mouth, but he just likes to pull on my lower lip...which is one of his less endearing qualities since it hurts.

hivechild-i'm thinking about getting a doidy cup for Mika, might have to now. I can imagine how u might worry about the little guy sleeping face first though...I think that would worry me too!

Things here are ok. Re: broodiness. I think we are going to start trying in early 2012 (so far away) for #2, OH still has days when he isn't sure he wants more than one, lol. I would be happy to have another, it just isn't realistic with classes, etc.

Mika went to stay with my dad and step mom overnight tonight and from the texts I'm getting apparently he's being a bit of a terror. I hope it doesn't scare them off of keeping him again! Usually he is asleep by about 7 or 8 and sleeps all night, it is almost 10 pm now and last I heard he was still awake and fussing. I think he may be having some attachment issues though, he doesn't seem to like my dad much and I haven't figured that out yet. Really, he doesn't seem to like men other than his daddy and he is much more comfortable with black men than white...maybe because he's used to daddy? :shrug: I guess just one of those phases.

I'm going to try to get some sleep before work tomorrow, but I'm kind of nervous having him away from home overnight when he's being fussy.
BnK- is this the first night he's stayed away from you? I hope he goes to sleep soon! You too hun- make the most of having a night off and frefresh yourself :hugs:
BNK - I hope Mika calmed down. It makes sense that he's more comfortable with men who look like his daddy.

Haven't time to reply to everyone as M is needing entrmertaining!

BF group was good, babies were either a few months older or younger. I can't wait until she can sit up and play!
i dont know hun lol dunno whats on tv over there atm lol,
I went and got EJ's new carseat today its the Britax first class , i wanted one that would rearface longer but with our budget we didnt have the money and he needed the new seat desperately, if i win the lottery im buying both the boys a Britax multi tech, but as they are £250 each then a bit pricey for us
Still here, been reading the posts when I get the chance.
MM - That cake sounds yummy!
DM2 - Hope he stops nipping soon
jj - What a pain with the bathroom.
Gabriel is still not sleeping much. Last two nights he's slept 4 hours and then woken at 2, 4 and 6, so he's drop the midnight wake which is an improvement. He's taking an hour to eat when he wakes at 4 instead of the usual half hour, which means only 1 hour sleep before he gets up for the day at 6. I've had to go back to cosleeping for the second half of the night, so I can function at work. The trade off for the 4 hours block of sleep seems to be he's only napping for 2 hours total during the day. Which means my husband can't get much of anything done. So much for those babies that sleep 16-20 hours, he's more like 10-12 on a good day.
I just know he's going to start teething right when his sleep starts to improve just to drive me batty.
Definitely not broody. Can't imagine wanting to deal with waking every 2 hours for months on end again.
anyone want to give me a hug, i feel rather terrible at the moment on the website i just linked to there is a few blogs on circumsision, i dont believe in circ' and would never get my boys done, its not common in the UK in fact you have to really hunt to find anyone that will do it and then have to spend hours convincing your GP and everyone else as to why you want it done,

as most of you know EJ has hypospadias which means he will need surgery and probably circ' as they would rather use his skin to lengthen his urethra as it reduces the risk of rejection , I know his surgery wil be done under a genral anesthetic but i stumbled upon a couple of pics of a circ' and un circ' newborn and it was too graphic and i know EJ's wound is going to be worse because of the surgery, yeah he will be older but i dont want my little boy going through any kind of pain and its really really upset me to think hes going to have nasty wound that will take time to heal and will hurt him.:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:

no offence to anyone who chose to have it done its just not for me

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