march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Cocoa - I hope M's sleep improves.
rwhite - Still haven't seen Alice in W yet, but I want to. Last movie I saw was, I think, Book of Eli. I saw a bunch of movies, so I can't recall exactly when. I had such a tiny bump that I was never in discomfort.
MM - ouch, It hurts when Gabriel bites with his gums, not looking forward to teeth.
GL - Enjoy checking out Westminster Abbey. That should be interesting.
jul - I hope things settle soon. That guy is a real loser.

We had a lovely BBQ party on our back deck yesterday. Gabriel was good and had lots of smiles for everyone. He slept well again last night, so I'm praying it something that continues.
Seity, great to hear you had a good night with friends and also that Gabriel`s sleep continues to improve. Happy belated Birthday by the way:flower:
Yikes! Gabriel hasn't rolled back to tummy again since that first time about 2 weeks ago, but our reprieve is over. He's a rolling machine as of today!
Seity - you're going to have to keep a constant eye on him now!

GL - OH is on lates that day so won't be home until nearer 9pm. M cried at the baby shower earlier when my friends mum had a cuddle. But was then fine with my sister. Very weird - either she's extremely fussy with who holds her, or it just depends on her moods!

Julchen - such a stressful situation. I'm glad they've locked him up though, doesn't sound like the sort of person you want around children (or adults!)

I'm really fed- up :cry: My friend with the newborn txt me earlier saying that her son's sleep is still bad (thinks it's due to BF) and asked what M's sleep was like at 4 weeks and what it's like now. I said she slept for 1-3 hours then woke for feed through the night at 4 weeks, and at the mo is waking 4-5 times.
Turns out her LO is fed at 9, then bed, then feeds at 2 & 5 and up at 7 or 8.

I feel like everyone else's baby sleeps well and I can't see an end to the bad sleep (obviously I know I'm not the only one, but it sure feels like it)
And then my friend at the shower was saying how her 7 month old sleeps 5pm - 6:30am every night !

M is awake again : pulling hair out smilie:
Cocoa I totally understand the lack of sleep. Took Gabriel 5 months to get to only waking twice a night and my sister's girl (who's 1 1/2 months younger) has been sleeping through for weeks now. :hugs:
Seity- yea she's biting with her gums. So not looking foward to teeth either :dohh:
How are you lovelt ladies today? It's raining here. After a lovely sunny weekend. its ok i dont mind the rain.

Is it wierd that i'm a wee bit excited about Ella biting while feeding? Just that she is picking up something new (even though it's not very nice) it's still something new she has learnt which is always exciting. Now can't wait till she grows out of it lol. My friends baby bites her and she growels at him. He's only 5 months old :shock:
julchen sorry your having a bit of a bad time hun, at least he is in jail for now, sending you hugs :hugs:

Wow Sam's had a haircut, Chase is such a little baldy!! :haha:

GL ooh how was the Christening at Westminster Abbey? Hope Flora was good for you hun. Ha ha yes good idea to take some ebm.

vegasbaby thats great you got a bit of pamper time hun, i love anything like that so relaxing. Hope Rufus is ok hun.

Seity thats fab you had a lovely bbq hun and brill that Gabriel had lots of smiles for everyone. Fingers crossed his good sleeping keeps up for you too hun.

CocoaOne ahh hun i know how you feel, Chase has regressed and is now back to waking every 2 hours or so :dohh: all my friends who have had babies ask how he sleeps, why is it such a big issue everyone wants to know if he's sleeping through!!! All my friends say their babies have slept through from 5weeks, 9weeks etc and i feel like i'm the only one with a baby who won't sleep, plus only one of my friends breastfed and i know they think its because of that which bugs me.

MiissMuffet hey hun, we've got rain here today too, hoping it stops as supposed to be going to the park with mil and my sil and my neices and nephew.

OOh i'm not looking forward to Chase biting when feeding, ouch. Although i know what you mean about the something new, its so exciting when they do something new isn't it. Ha ha love it your friend growls at her baby.

Well we've got a busy day today, the HV is coming at 11, then we've got mil and sil coming with nieces and nephew, then tonight we're going my mums for tea. I hope Chase is in a good mood today. I went to town on Saturday with my friend and Chase was in the sling, we saw my aunty and she held his hand and said hello to him, well he just burst into tears!

Think i'm going to speak to the HV about a routine for Chase, we just follow his lead, i feed until he is nearly asleep then put him to bed and this has always worked great until recently. He now wakes every 2 hours or so after sleepingt for anything between 5-6 hours, not sure if its the 4 month sleep regression? How long is it supposed to last for as Chase is 5 months on Friday.

Chase's new thing is shouting/screaming, it's so funny, he just goes waaaa, sometimes it's like some kind of animal noise, he's definately realised he has a voice! OOh and he's finally starting to notice his fee, he pulls his pant legs up and i'm sure he's trying to pull is feet towards him.
Hi All, Westminster Abbey was beautiful and it was so funny walking in just while they were kicking out all the tourists and some people were complaining like 'why are THEY allowed in?' And the nibbles and drinks were in the private back garden (there's actually loads of little gardens and loads of houses where all the priests live etc its amazing).

Anyway but Flora wouldn't take the bottle of EBM because it was too cold, and the service was just about to start so I had to ask an usher if I could go somewhere private and he led me into a side room where the priests came out of so I could breastfeed her. I missed the whole thing! Oh well.

Cocoa I hope the sleeping things improve, I keep reading how all babies are different etc, so you might not be one of the lucky ones but she'll get there eventually.

MM no its not weird I know exactly what you mean!
jj- My little brother was talking to Ella today and everytime he smiled at her she burst into tears! lol! then i would look at her and she would be all smiles :haha:
Let us know how the HV goes :thumbup:

I havn't really noticed much change in the sorts of a growth spurt. What is meant to happen? Are they meant to feed more? i havn't noticed much change except that sometimes El wakes up 3-4ish for a quick feed but not all the time. Last night she woke at 11, i changed her,i gave her a feed, put her back to bed and I mucked around out here in the lounge for awhile and when i went to bed she was still wide awake. i could see her in the dark suddenly flap her arms in legs and smile with excitement when she saw me. i gave her a feed in bed, normally she goes straight to sleep, but she was squirming and making loud noises- she was wide awake and all smiles.I put her back to bed but she was talking and just making noise reaeeeally loud. OH was awake so i took her to the lounge to feed her and thats when she started biting me! She finally went to sleep after i gave her a bottle in the lounge, because i had only just expressed and was feeling really empty.

GL- Westminster Abbey sounds really nice! I havn't really seen anything I can't imagine lol so jealous.
MM thats exactly what Chase is like, smiles for us but for anyone else! The HV was laughing at him she said he's so serious, and he is.

She said he's doing really well re the feeding and from what i've told her she said he sounds a hungry boy and to increase to 3 times a day for food. She also said we could do with establishing a routine for him as i asked her about it and she said it will make things easier if we do it now. For those of you with routines, MM i know Ella seems to have the sleep thing cracked, what do you do? Chase has fallen asleep from awake a handful of times but i just know that when i put him to bed at night there will be tears, do i just keep getting him up, then once he is settled put him back down? Any help appreicated.

GL thats typical Flora wouldn't take the ebm and a shame you missed the service. Wow it sounds amazing, were you allowed to take any pics?
Yeah we took some just when we were walking around before the service but not during we weren't allowed to. I feel privileged how many people can say they got their baps out in Westminster Abbey! :rofl:

I forgot to add that she screamed nearly all the way home despite a feed stop, an the traffic was mad so it took us over an hour and a half. I think it was because it was her normal bedtime and she was tired... I don't really want to be unable to take her anywhere in the evenings but she obviously doens't like being up late. Or nmaybe it was the car. Anyway she seems pretty good today. What are all you LOs like if you have to take them out beyond regular bed time?
GL - the Abbey sounds fab! What an experience! I don't think M has been out past her usual bedtime but I can imagine she'd be very very whingey. Luckily she falls asleep quite easily in the car if she's tired.

JJ - we haven't got a strict routine. M just tends to feed every 3 hours and have a nap after 2 hrs awake time.

Well we had an ok night. M woke at 9 & 10 but settled after a dummy replug. Then woke at 12, 3 & 6 for feeds and we were up for the day at 7:30.
She had a 1.5hr nap earlier and is sleeping now, been down for 1hr 15m so far. She's such a happier baby after decent sleep - I pit her in the door bouncer for half hour while I cleaned the kitchen and she sat talking to me!

Got her 3rd set of jabs tomorrow :-(
GL: Sounds like you had a nice time at Westminster (despite missing the actual christening). I can't recall being out with Charlotte past her bedtime. I am afraid she would turn into a little monster if she wasn't in bed at the usual time.

Jul: I'm glad to hear that they put the boyfriend away. I hope that things settle down for you and your family, but I know these things are quite complicated. Just happy to hear that your stepdaughter and her mom are safe. I can't believe Sam's hair was already long enough to be cut. That is fantastic. You will have to post a before and after photo for us.

JJ: Once they've found their voice they sure use it don't they? Hopefully they will soon learn volume control as well. :haha:

MM: Too funny about your brother. In time I am sure she will be all smiles for him.

Cocoa: Good luck with the shots tomorrow, I am sure she will do fine. Just curious, what is the shot schedule in the UK? In the US we do the first set at two months, the second at four, the third set at six months and then I believe we don't have shots again until one year old. We also have one or two shots at birth, but I don't count those (though I probably should).

Charlotte is in a delightful mood this morning. I on the other hand am not. For some reason I have a rash all across my face. It looks like I have been slapped hard and there are these teeny tiny bumps everywhere. It may be a result of the facial, but I had that on Saturday and the rash didn't appear until this morning. Not sure what to do :shrug:. At least it doesn't itch. We will be staying in until this clears up.
Sounds like this Vegas:

First jabs here are 8 weeks, then 12, then 16. I think that's it until 1 year old. M copes well with them but I hate that needle jabbing her thighs. At least she's got a good covering of fat! Lol
Cocoa: Thanks. It could be slapped cheek disease, but I'm not so sure since I have these tiny raised blister things (sounds pretty doesn't it). As long as it goes away quickly and is something that the LO and DH won't catch I will be happy.

So it looks like you have shots at 12 weeks where we do not. I hate the shots as well, poor babies are having such a nice time at the doctor with everyone making over them and then, bam, they get a shot out of nowhere. My LO only cries for a brief moment and then is OK. I always give her extra cuddles on vaccine days. Charlotte has that extra padding as well, just more of them to love!
GL - Gabriel doesn't sleep until 9/9:30, but when we're out and it's time for him to sleep. I can rock him to sleep anywhere. He also sleeps super good in the car. It always knocks him out if we go for a drive.
I am sorry I haven't been on here much recently!

I will have to catch up with everything!

We have been out past Wren's bed time a few times this summer, it has gone OK, we have manged to get her to sleep in her pram but then she wakes up after an hour or so and that is when we head home...quickly! We can usually get her to sleep on the wau home again and then once we are home I just nurser her back to sleep and she seems to go back down OK in her bed.

We are going to Hungary on Thursday for a wedding, it should be interesting! the dinner is scheduled right at her bed time so I am not sure how that is going to work! At least the reception is in the hotel we are staying in so for the evening but we can take turns watching her so we can enjoy the wedding reception a bit.

Wren has also started to roll over, I am soo proud of her, now that she can do it that is all she is doing! It is soo funny.
Go Wren! I bet she's loving exploring!

Another bad night here - bed at 7, feed at 10, 12, 3 & 6. And awake for an hour between 4-5 just squirming and whinging. Why's it always 4am?!

Jabs this morning. Boo!
Cocoa, that sounds like a usual night to us right now. Wren has been sleeping really poorly for the last month or so, I think I am used to it now!

Hope you get a better night sleep soon!

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