march lambs 2010 come on ladies

I was wondering when your move was Lynn! Atleast you get to get it over and done with! All the best and I hope the weather is nice for you xo
its supposed to rain :( at least we only have to take the essentials over with us rather than everything caus we have till the 8th but we have cleaners coming to do the "end of tenancy clean" on wed so need to have all our furniture moved by then
Kel: Looks like Conner is going to be a tall boy.

Lynn: Good luck over the next few days with your move.

So today we are headed over to check out the new childcare center opening in our neighborhood. As I am considering either going back to work or working from home I may want or need to find someone who can watch Charlotte a few days a week. The best part is this new place is within a five minute walk. I am not keen on putting her into a daycare, but if I do it would be nice if it is close.
Good luck with the move Lynn!
Looks like all the birthday wishes worked. He only woke needing me twice last night!!!:happydance:
thats great seity,

thanks for the good wishes girls im sure i will appreciate them in the morning lol, for tonight im going to sit and enjoy a glass of wine once i have the boys in bed
Yay for the sleep Seity.

Lynn- I hope you enjoyed your wine. Goodluck for the move

Good luck for the move today Lyn

Seity - great news for the sleep!

Vegas - how was the childcare place?

I'm not even going to moan about M's sleep, I bore myself!
She's learnt this weird moany/groany noise that's driving me up the wall - bring back the screeching! Lol.
M is also STILL crying whenever she's held by someone other than me or OH. Unless she improves in 10 days I'll have to cancel my night out, which is a shame because I really need some 'me' time. I'm starting to find M really hard to entertain and I'm getting jealous of my friends who can leave their babies to play on their own for 5 minutes while they pop to the loo/make lunch etc

We're going to a baby shower today so it'll be nice to see the girls and their kids. As long as no one wants to hold M :haha:
Cocoa- El does a moaning groaning noise too, it gets old really quick :dohh:

i just put El down for the night (It's 7.15pm here). She slept through til 7.30 this morning so hopefully we have another repeat. She is getting much more easier to put to sleep. i just put her down around this time every night, she doesnt cry or anything she justy lies there until she falls to sleep lol
That's it MM - I officially hate you (joke!)

I wish I had an easy sleeper! I've resorted to letting M go to sleep in our bed.
So at the mo I take her up, lay on the bed with her, feed, she wiggled and groans for 10 mins then falls asleep. Weirdly - she always wakes up after 50mins-1hr, but settles back to sleep in 5 mins, sometimes needs a dummy. Then she's usually stirring when I go up at 10:30-11, give her a cuddle (sometimes a feed) and she goes back to sleep. Wakes for a feed at 2ish, awake (wide awake!) at 4 for no good reason. I just cuddle her and keep replugginv the dummy until she falls back asleep (5:30 this mornin) then wakes again at 6:30 for a feed. Sometimes will sleep another hour (but not this morning)

I know she can sleep at least 5 hours without feeding, but she hasn't done it in ages now. I can see us not sleeping through for a long long time :cry:

My SIL's LO has slept through the night twice this week for the first time ever. He's a year old!
Hun they are all different and will do different things at different times. She will get there. You are doing a great job :hugs: x
Hope the move went well today Lynn! :)

Great news about Gabriel's sleep Seity, he must've known it was mummy's birthday eh! ;)

How was the childcare centre vegas? Hope it checked out

Becki - Lachlan does the moaning thing too, I think it's worse than actual crying! OH tells me that it's not that bad but it fully is...isn't it terrble! :| Cause you know it's a prelude to crying..
Would you like to borrow Lachlan for awhile, he entertains himself quite well. I feel bad saying this, but he can be left for up to around an hour without moaning while I get the housework etc done, just under the playgym or in the swing. I hope she gets a little better with that soon and gives mummy some me time, it must tire you out :hugs: :hugs:
And I agree with Andi, you are doing a great job xx Hang in there hunni

Andi - I've found bubs is getting easier to put to bed too - only have to dummy him 3 times max (last night it was once :dance:) whereas it used to be above 10 times some nights...:wacko:

Well I think we are going through the 4 month sleep regression period, Lachlan was put to bed at 8.40 last night, then woke up a couple hours later wanting feeding...then woke up again just before 5am :wacko: (I know it could be worse but it's painful when I'm used to a couple more hours lol...:blush:) I tried to dummy him a few times but after 4 times of dummying him he kept crying so I fed him then I'm pretty sure he slept til about 10 (I think?! But I have a feeling I got up to feed him at 8 so gawd knows...I probably did it in my sleep).

I've been trying to bring him in to our bed for some cuddles, a feed and a sleep-in in the mornings sometimes but he gets distracted and won't sleep, will just look at me, wriggle, moan and grab/scratch me :| Would be nice if he would just cuddle and sleep but I think he prefers his own bed for sleeping.

It's been raining SO hard today, we were driving home tonight on the motorway and it was pissing down - we couldn't even see out the windscreen it was scary :( My OH was pooing himself and I don't blame him. A couple people had pulled over because it was that bad.

I'm going to my parents place to watch Alice In Wonderland on DVD cause I still haven't seen it...hopefully it's good, I've heard mixed reviews. Woulda been pretty cool in 3D I'd imagine. Then again...I don't like 3D movies that are just plain IYKWIM? Like...slightly elevated from the screen and that's it. To me, 3D is the things jumping out at you. OH gets pissy with me saying that but it's just what I think...

Hope you all had/are having a good weekend...ours is now over (well, us SAHMs don't really count I guess but it is nice to have OH home on the weekends..)

TBH - Alice in 3D wasn't all that - I dint feel the 3D added anything to the film IYSWIM? Liked the film though - I went to see it a few weeks before I had M - bloody uncomfortable sitting in the cinema!

Hope Lachlan's sleep improves quickly, I don't wish multiple wakings on anyone!

My cousin just popped round with her two girls and M didn't cry when she held her :dance: I'd ask my cousin to babysit for girly night - but it's her I'm going out with! Lol
It's been really nice over here today Rosy, it hasn't really been cold at all!!!
TBH - Alice in 3D wasn't all that - I dint feel the 3D added anything to the film IYSWIM? Liked the film though - I went to see it a few weeks before I had M - bloody uncomfortable sitting in the cinema!

Hope Lachlan's sleep improves quickly, I don't wish multiple wakings on anyone!

My cousin just popped round with her two girls and M didn't cry when she held her :dance: I'd ask my cousin to babysit for girly night - but it's her I'm going out with! Lol

I know what you mean about being uncomfy in the cinema - I went to see Shutter Island not long before I had Lachlan and I can't count how many times I shifted around in my seat (not to mention sitting like a weirdo) because it was so bloody horrible and awkward sitting there! Don't miss that eh! He was so far up in my ribs :/ I liked it, but I do see what you mean about the 3D not adding anything! x

Glad that M didn't cry for your cousin, maybe she sensed that she has two LOs of her own. How old are her girls hun?

It's been really nice over here today Rosy, it hasn't really been cold at all!!!

Lucky biarch :p It wasn't too cold here but just blimmin miserable :| Highly unimpressed. And you guys get the meanest summers! I will have to try and visit maybe not this summer but next (but I will try visit next year some time anyway...I would say this year but we're poor as right now :() x
I saw paranormal activity at the movies. the sitting sucked. i actually took some pillows though lol.

Oh poos Rosy u not coming this year :cry:

I can here miss muffet making noises in bed. She woke up before (bout 11pm) and i fed her and she kept looking at me, jutting her jaw out, and biting me! :shock:
Little monster! The 1st time i screamed "ow" and totally ripped my nipple out from her mouth which made it hurt more :dohh: Little tyke.

I saw paranormal activity at the movies. the sitting sucked. i actually took some pillows though lol.

Oh poos Rosy u not coming this year :cry:

I can here miss muffet making noises in bed. She woke up before (bout 11pm) and i fed her and she kept looking at me, jutting her jaw out, and biting me! :shock:
Little monster! The 1st time i screamed "ow" and totally ripped my nipple out from her mouth which made it hurt more :dohh: Little tyke.


Lol Paranormal Activity was poooos...and there's another coming out now too! And it has a bubba in it..
Good idea to take some pillows!

I know :( It would just be tricky cause we're struggling a bit as it is, pohata lol. You should come up here hehe. It's too bad we don't have a spare room or you guys could stay with us.

Aww is she teething hun? What a cheeky bum! I hate it when they's awful. I screamed ow at Lachlan today cause he ripped my hair and scratched my boob. He's become really impatient waiting for my let down and it's really annoying. He'll suck a few times, swallow once then pull off and cry so I relatch him straight away and that happens several times until I let down and he settles. I think it's cause he's been having formula for his last feed of the day sometimes and he likes that the bottle has a constant and instant flow of milk..
I wish i could come up! I'll keep looking for cheap flights. We could always sleep in the lounge? :)
Cocoa: Sorry about your bad sleep, but it looks like you are making progress wrt the social aspect.

RWhite: Good luck getting through the dreaded four month sleep regression. Hopefully it will be over for you in a few days.

MM: Ouch about the biting. I'm sad that I stopped BFing, but thinking about being bit doesn't sound too enjoyable. Silly babies, they have no idea that their food supply comes from such a sensitive area.

So I didn't make it to the open house at the childcare center. Oops. Charlotte was taking a nap and I was running behind because, well, I had been running and needed a shower. Seeing as it is just around the corner I figure I can visit another time. The day was still good as I went to get a facial and a pedicure (using part of the gift certificate I got for mother's day :happydance:). We also went out to dinner with Charlotte as I could not find a sitter. She was great in the waiting area, but once we were seated she was not a happy girl. DH says we will not go out again with her. Also, while we were out someone asked "How old is she? 12-13 months?" Me, "Um no, she is five and a half months." I mean is my baby THAT big? :shrug:

We ended up having a bad night sleep wise. Not due to Charlotte, but one of the dogs. Rufus kept yelping around 3 am. Had to get up to see what was the matter. Nothing. He did it again an hour later and I had to get up again. Still not sure what was bothering him, but now I am so sleepy. I feel for you moms who are still having sleep issues.
Rosy - good luck with sleep regression - its in the post for me too. Flora sometimes gets impatient with my letdown as well, but I don't give her any formula, maybe she's just an impatient person!

Cocoa - I'm sure M will be fine by the time you go out, and I think you should just go anyway - she'll live, I know that sounds harsh but it will do you the world of good to go out (it did me last week) and whoever looks after her will be FINE. She will probably only grumble at the beginning but once you're gone for an hour or so she'll settle down. And anyway sorry if I missed what you've said but is you OH also out that night or are you out together?


Vegas - I pretty much decided not to take Flora to restaurants in the evening because she would normally be in bed at 7 and it would be very tricky and not much fun at all. We went out once in France but there were like 10 of us, and it was an open air restaurant so heaps of space to push the buggy around and around to get her to sleep - can't do that in a small city restaurant.

Anyway so we are going to a christening this afternoon, I'm not religious but we couldn't turn it down because its at Westminster Abbey! The family have some sort of connection so we thought it would be amazing to go. I just hope Flora doesn't act up because she's been miss cranky pants today and yesterday. I have expressed a bottle as well because I didn't think it would feel right to pull my boob out in such a presitgious place. :blush:
Hi girls...we are going through turbulent times. Lots of things have happened and meanwhile we have my stepdaugther full time - temporarily. Child services, together with police stepped in and their assessment was it was not safe for the kids (and mom) to stay there. They put the guy in jail for now - he has a record for domestic violence and there has been other - let's say inappropriate weird things. So times are very emotional most of all for her mom and dad. We are all doing our best and hope this nightmare will be over soon.

Sam has been doing great. He just got his first hair cut - what a proud mommy moment. He has been extremely active and you can tell once he fully figures out how to crawl we will be in huge trouble as I am sure he will going non-stop. I also had some friends visit from Germany the past week which was fantastic. They were all over him and so was he. He is great with "strangers". As long as you give him a big smile he usually does the same and then plays away.

Sorry I can't reply to everyone...even though I always keep up with reading (when nursing or rocking the little stinker to sleep) so I know what`s been going on with you ladies. I hope for better sleep for those of you that need it, that`s for sure!

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