march lambs 2010 come on ladies

I'm back kinda, im using dh's phone agian as neither of our houses has internet access at the moment.
The boys ars coping well with the move so far we have been having late nights though trying to move stuff in the hours outside permit only parking till the permit arrives.
Ive read through all your posts but cant reply right now as got to be quick caus im low on battery and dh left the charger at the old house.
feeding and sleeping are going good with the boys which is a relief. We now live over a great little italian deli which makes the best chocolate brownies mmmmmmm.
Lynn- yum that would be so handy!! :cake:

Cocoa- I hope you have a better night tonight, you must be exsausted! :hugs:

Ems- have fun at the wedding it sounds like its going to be fun! i havn't taken Ella out past her bedtime before i'm still yet to try. We were meant to on Saturday but didnt quite happen!
Yay for rolling over! Go Wren :dance:

Seity- Does Gabriel wake up when you take him out of his carseat? Good that he's really flexible where her sleeps :happydance:

Vegas- has your rash gotten any better? thats sounds awful you poor thing i hope its nothing too major :(

JJ- Honestly I don't know why Ella sleeps so good. She has actually been waking once during the night lately, whether it be 11pm or 3am, but she has a feed with me in bed and goes back to sleep till 8.30ish otherwise she just sleeps from 7.30-6ish. I started from the very beginning putting her to bed at 7.30ish even if she wasn't tired now she has just adapted to 7.30 being bed time and gets tired around that time. I do give her a bottle of mixed ebm/formula (Her only bottle she has), before to bed, just because i feel really empty at that time of night, but i express before i go to bed later on and thats what i give her the next night b4 bed. :)

The jabs here are 6 weeks, 12 weeks, 5 months, and i'm not sure of the rest. Ella's 5 months are on friday the 20th. :dohh:

Ella is now purposly reaching out and touching our faces which is cute.

My friend Anna came over today and I put dreds in her hair for her, I must say i did an awesome job. i'll upload a pic soon :) Took about 4 hours juggling 2 babies (Her daughter is 2 days younger). I now have very sore feet from standing up and leaning over all day. i havnt had sore feet since i was pregnant lol.


Seity: That's good that you can get Gabriel to sleep when you are out. The car works well for us, but when we are out and about Charlotte is too curious to fall asleep so we can't stay out past her bedtime (which used to be around 10pm so no big deal, but is now 8pm).

Em: Have fun at the wedding. Yep, once they master rolling there is no stopping them!

Lynn: Lucky you. If I lived over a deli I would never cook again. That is going to come in handy. :thumbup:

MM: My rash looks much better today as it is no longer red, but I still have the tiny bumps :shrug:. Pretty sure they will clear up soon. At least I feel like I can go out in public again. I had almost forgotten how bad my feet hurt during pregnancy until you mentioned it. Good luck next week with Ella's shots. We have our next set in a few weeks and I am looking forward to the fact that they will be the last set for a while.

I need to get out guest room (which my husband uses for his man den) into shape this week as we have guests coming to visit this weekend. Our old neighbors from Vegas moved to Florida soon after we moved and are driving up to visit. They are both 83 years old and have so much energy and are just great people. Not sure what all we will do while they are here since it is so hot, but we'll figure something out.
vegas - Glad the rash seems to be clearing up.
mm - He'll stir a bit when we take him out of the car seat, but doesn't actually wake up.
cocoa - Hope the sleep improves.

Gabriel did not want to go to sleep last night. He's always been fairly easy to put down for bed before, but last night every time he fell asleep and I put him in the crib; he'd wake and start screaming and I'd have to pop him back on the breast until he fell asleep again. Did that a few times before he finally stayed asleep. He was tired at 8 and it took till 10 before he stayed asleep. One the plus side he only woke at 2:30 and then 6:30, which meant he didn't get up at 4/4:30 like he had been doing and he fell back asleep until 7:30 instead of getting up for the day at 6:30. :happydance:
vegasbaby JJ: Once they've found their voice they sure use it don't they? Hopefully they will soon learn volume control as well. :haha:
yes volume control would be nice wouldn't it.

Glad the rash seems to be clearing up hun.

Emskins enjoy the wedding hun, its ages since i've been to one. Yay Wren for rolling over :happydance:

Lynn Glad the boys are coping well with the move hun. Mmm i just love chocolate brownies, there is a place near us that does gorg ones hot with cream, we've not been since i was pregnant, think we're overdue a visit.

MM ahh its so cute when they touch your face isn't it, though i pulled tongues at Chase and he grabbed it, ouch, not so cute haha. Sore feet, i don't miss them! OOh yeah post a pic.

Well we've had a fab day today. Me and my friend went swimming with her little girl and Chase. I wasn't sure how Chase would react as he's not to keen on bath times, but after initally being a little reserved he loved it!! :happydance: By the end he was splashing and kicking his legs like mad, and he even let me dunk him under twice! It took me ages to pluck up the courage to dunk him, he just seemed a bit shocked, his face was so cute when he came back up, all kinda suprised as if to say, wow what just happended then. No tears though :thumbup: which is great considering how teary he's been of late.
I've just for the first proper time put him to bed awake too, i was certain there would be tears, but no he suprised me. He lay there kicking and talking to himself and blowing raspberrys for about 10 minutes then he fell asleep. Maybe the swimming tired him out as i'm certainly shattered after it. Hope he stays asleep for a good few hours and hope bed times are always like this, i doubt it though, maybe i'll have to take him swimming every day.
These are the dreds I did for my friend yesterday

these r my new dreds i just ordered I am so in love :cloud9: They attatch onto the dreds i already have (blonde)
Gah. I need a new laptop. Just lost everything I typed & I'm already exhausted and needing to get to bed, so just a quickie...I'll have to catch up soon...

Things have been all over the place with Ronan. Some days and nights are great and then the other night and all day yesterday he was a little terror. He kept waking at weird and random times through the night, fought naps all day, was obviously tired and a general cranky butt.

He actually threw a major wobbler, screamy crying because the dog dared to get up and move out of his line of sight, lying down alongside the couch. He wouldn't stop until I got up and moved around so that he could resume watching the dog (sleeping :rolleyes:)!

I just got done baking & decorating 8 dozen cupcakes. Half of them I'm taking to the breastfeeding support group at the hospital where Ronan was born to give to the lactation consultants and nurses as a big thank you for all of the help and support they gave us in the beginning. What better way to celebrate World Breastfeeding Week than to stuff your face with cupcakes!? :mrgreen:

I hope everyone's LO's let you get plenty of rest (including mine)!

ETA: The other half of the cupcakes are being distributed to neighbors, in case you were thinking I was going to stuff my face with them! :rofl:
HC - mmmmm cupcakes! I'm starting to be stricter with my diet from today so no cupcakes for me!

MM - those dreads are really pretty! I need to do something with my hair- I thought about highlights but I hate going to the hairdressers and I hate the upkeep with it. I'm too low maintenance! :haha:

JJ - glad Chase enjoyed the swimming! I want to take M but I'm not sure whether she'll like it. Must bite the bullet and just do it! Great that he put himself to sleep too

Vegas - Have fun with your guests! They sound very active for their age!

Seity - hope Gabriel has been sleeping well for you both. I bet you're loving the sleep!

Lyn - glad the move is going well. I love brownies! Mmmmmmm (bloody diet! :haha:)

M was cranky after her jabs yesterday, thank god they're the last ones for another 9 months! She's been having meltdowns at bedtime again - crying so much that she won't latch on, so I try and express but can't get anything because I'm stressed so end up heating frozen milk (which she takes absolutely fine - weird) I hope my supply isn't lowering :-(

Off to BF group today. Our one activity - I really need to do more with her, I can't believe 4 months have gone by and we've barely done anything!
MM good job on the dreds hun, your new ones are lovely!

Hivechild I hope things smooth out with Ronan hun, it's hard when there like that isn't it. I love baking, i'm not much of a cook but i can bake, just not had time for ages. Thats great you had so much support in hospital, there wasn't too much at ours, just the midwives if you asked for help, but they were always short staffed and so busy.

CocoaOne yeah you should take M swimming, i bet she'll love it. Ahh i hate the hairdressers, it always takes so long! I've got highlights but there placed just under the top of my hair, if that makes sense? so they kinda peep through, means the roots aren't too noticable as well, which is great as i only have them done every 6 months.

Hope M is ok today aftr her jabs :hugs:

Enjoy your grop, i'm the same we're not in any just got our name down for the massage and i occassionally go with my friends, before he was born i thought i'd go to loads.

So Chase did put himself to sleep lastnight :happydance: then just as i text hubby, who was at work, to say i was going to bed he woke up totally screaming and very upset :wacko:, he's never done this before. He'd been asleep for 2hours, i ended up giving him a feed just to calm him down, he wasn't that hungry and fell back asleep pretty quick. He then woke at 2, 3.30and we got up at 7.15, but from 3.30 he was in our bed, naughty mummy. Really don't want to make our bed a habit but its just easier.

I'm going to ring work in a mo as they wrote to me asking if i could let them know when i'll be returning and what hours, i'm going to see about me doing 5 days in 4 that way we won't have to go intrest only on the mortgage, i'm really nervous, not sure if he will want to discuss it on the phone or whether i'll have to go in. ahhhhhhh.........................
hi everyone

sorry been away a while, went to birmingham for the weekend with a big group of mummies and had a few internet problems as weve switched provider!

any big news? will try and read thru what I have missed when I get a sec, but Roman had his jabs on Monday and he has been a nightmare, clingy and whingy, ever since. Had him weighed yesterday and he is now a lovely 16lbs!

This is the best pic i have so far of the teeth. I have some good video but i dont know how to upload a vid here. Once he got used to the teeth he stopped nipping me :D


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And we are NOT weaning him yet but he is really eagar to join in at meal times and since he still has the tongue thrust reflex I know he wont swallow any yet. SO we let him taste some cucumber :D But he has only done this once(monday i think), I am not keen on letting him have much before 6 months


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Morning all.

Seity: Sorry it took you a while to get Gabriel to sleep, but I would consider the 2:30 waking the only waking of the night which is great.

JJ: Looks like you and Chase had a fun time swimming. Sorry it didn't equal a good night's sleep like you were hoping.

MM: I am impressed with your work :thumbup:. No wonder your feet hurt, those dreds look very labor intensive.

Hive: Do we have another growth spurt around six months? My LO has not been as happy over the last few days either and has been waking earlier. I can't believe you made eight dozen cupcakes! Well done :thumbup:. I hope you keep a few for yourself to enjoy.

Cocoa: Sorry to hear that M wasn't happy after her shots. Hopefully today will be a better day.

MDee: 16lbs is great. Way to go Roman! :happydance:

So it looks like we will be lowering the crib mattress this weekend. I put Charlotte in for a nap yesterday (we are now only taking naps in the crib!:happydance:) and she was playing a bit before getting down to business. I went in to spy on her and noticed that she was kicking her legs up and down and managed to get one over the side of the crib :shock:. Before she ends up escaping/falling out I need to make the adjustment.
DM2: Look at those teeth! Adorable. Looks like Hunter is having fun exploring in his high chair as well.
The sleep didn't last he was up every 1.5 hours last night. :cry: I swear he's trying to kill me via lack of sleep. I need to stumble into work now *groan*
MM - Great looking dreds! I'm ready to shear my hair off to within an inch of my scalp. Ronan's latest 'habit' is to want to grab onto and yank at my hair while he's feeding. I keep meaning to invest in a nursing necklace. I think it's time to stop putting it off!

CocoaOne - Sorry to hear that M has been cranky, and having meltdowns before bed. Is she getting overtired? I have started giving Ronan a feed before his bath now so that he gets a good feed in before he's too tired and then top off before bed when he's sleepy but not hungry so he doesn't get frustrated.

jj-rabbit - He was better(ish) yesterday and last night, and he just put himself to sleep for his first nap without any help from me for the first time in ages! Usually he gets worked up and I have to shh/pat him a bit but he just rolled around playing with his Cuski, whinged for about 10 seconds and then passed out. :happydance:

It's great that Chase put himself to sleep too. It might not seem it when he's woken up a few times after that but it's a big step that he's able to! I hope work is agreeable to your proposal too. Let us know how it turns out.

mummydee - fab weight gain on Roman there. It's horrible how they can react to getting their jabs, isn't it? I have just had to reschedule Ronan's 6 month appt and vaccinations until later in Sept (he'll be 7 months by then!) because we're going on holiday the day after they were originally due and we didn't want to risk him being crabby and off color.

DM2 - Hunter is soooo cute with his little toothie-pegs! I bet you're glad that he's not chomping on you anymore. :haha: I have been checking Ronan's lower gums but can't see any sign of teeth yet. I can see his top teeth through his gums but unless he's going to surprise me, I don't foresee any teeth in our near future.

Vegas - There is a 6 month growth spurt, and another developmental leap/phase that can start with the cranky fussiness between 22-23 weeks and ends (hopefully) around week 26. Of course, for Ronan being 2 weeks early, that means weeks 24-25, and ending around week 28, so yeah he's pretty much on schedule. :wacko: :rofl:

That must have freaked you out seeing Charlotte's leg flung up over the top of the rails. It's so easy to underestimate just how much they're capable of when one day they're lying there like little stuffed potatoes and the next you have a bouncing jack rabbit climbing the walls!

Seity - So sorry to hear you had a rough night. I swear that sometimes I wish that Ronan was a consistently horrible sleeper because it's such a tease when he has a good night and seems so much worse when he has a bad night because you've had a taste of semi-normal sleep. I hope for your sake though that it gets better.
DM2 - love the pics. He's so cute with those teeth and that cucumber!
Hi All, trying to catch up on the last 2 days, we have been SO busy here with the new catering business and I have been helping out every day and I feel like I'm working full time ++ at the mo so I'm knackered.

Anyway Flora had her last jabs as well today and boy did she scream! Way worse than the last 2 times. She was a bit cranky this afternoon as well but has gone to bed OK. I also got her weighed finally (last time about 10 weeks) and she is 5.88kgs so about half an ounce under 13 lbs. She is bang on her line so that's good.

Sleeping is going OK, she is waking for a feed sometime between 3 and 5, then again at 6:30-7, after going to bed at 7pm, so a nice long sleep. She will occasionally wake around midnight but only needs the dummy put back in. So its pretty good right now but I'm wondering if I'll get the 4 month sleep regression (she will be 19 weeks next week). I don't want to jinx myself maybe it wont happen to her..?
Now that Wren is rolling over she is doing it at night and I am having to turn her from her stomach to her back/side, it is stressing me out a little as I am paranoid about her sleeping on her tummy, what have you all been doing about your little ones or is it just happening to us!
Seity - sorry to hear about the sleep. It just seems so unfair that you end up with a bad sleeper doesn't it? OH keeps trying to gee me up by saying M is probably better at some things than other babies, but I don't think she is!

Dee - great weight gain for Roman! My chunky monkey is just under 17lbs now and soooo heavy to lift! She's got the cutest dimply thighs though :haha:

DM2 - Hunter looks so grown up!

GL - sorry to hear you've been working so hard. Has Flora been with you in the sling? Great sounding sleep too!

Emskins - no rolling here yet, but I thought that it was safe to let them sleep on their belly once they can turn over? I think Seity has let Gabriel sleep on his belly since he was a couple of weeks because he prefers it.

M has been in a much better mood today, we even had lots of laughing while I was pretending to eat her belly this evening. I've only ever got 1-2 little laughs out of her at a time before, so it's lovely to hear her doing proper laughs!

BF group was good - apart from 2 other mums telling me that their 6 and 7 week olds only woke for one feed at night. Grrrrr!

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