march lambs 2010 come on ladies

GL - I've heard the 3rd set of jabs seem to be worse. I'm not looking forward to Ronan getting his! Glad to hear that her sleeping is pretty good, too!

Emskins - I just let Ronan sleep on his belly. He can confidently roll front to back/back to front and puts himself onto his tummy to sleep even if I lay him down on his back so I just leave him that way.

CocoaOne - Good to hear M is doing better today and don't those laughs make it all worth while?
Seity - sorry to hear about the sleep. It just seems so unfair that you end up with a bad sleeper doesn't it? OH keeps trying to gee me up by saying M is probably better at some things than other babies, but I don't think she is!
I suppose I should be happy that other than not sleeping much, he's a great baby. But it's hard to read the posts of babies who sleep 7-7, when I'd be thrilled if he only slept 10-3. Silly boy must have been born with a defective sleep button. :haha:

Em - As cocoa mentioned, I've always let Gabriel sleep on his belly because he won't sleep on his back (Yes, his sleep was actually worse on his back). Once they can roll you don't really need to worry about it anymore.
hunters 2nd jags were the worst, the 3rd were actually the best for us. but the2nd ones were done by a mean nurse that literally surprised us with it! he didnt get to lay down or anything!
Cocoa - mostly we just have her in her bouncy chair or in the door bouncer or on the mat. I have to keep swapping her when she whinges then of course there's feeding and putting her down for a nap every 1.5 hours (but she only sleeps for about 40 minutes). Actually there have been some moments when I've left her whinging because we have such a lot to get done, only for like 5 minutes or so but I do feel bad. We're getting some help in tomorrow so I will be able to concentrate on her a bit more. I feel like I've been neglecting her. :cry:

She has started doing loads of giggles especially when she's kind of sleepy and I tickle her belly and sides and around her neck. Its so amazing I love it. But she has also started HATING getting changed, she used to love her chaning mat, not sure what happened.

Seity - I think there's always a trade off, if he's a great baby in all other respects I suppose that's pretty good really.

Cocoa - M probably is better at other things! she sure is good at eating quickly! And growing!!

Hive - sorry Ronan has been cranky for you. Ever time I look at your avatar pic I just can't imagine him being cranky at all, he just looks so happy!

DM2, gorgeous pics! What did you mean by the tongue reflex thing? I noticed in the bath Flora has started turning her head to the side sticking her tongue out towards the water and her arms..? What do you reckons that all about??
Hi update from us...the guy is still in jail (and will remain there until his trial) and the mom now has to follow an order of stipulations for the next 4 months (no alcohol in house, take counselling about domestic violence, obviously don't have any contact with the lunatic etc). I read on of the court documents in which he is described as violent, mentally instable and having suicidal tendencies ... so i guess we all got lucky it could have been a lot worse. :wacko:

I posted a few videos of Sam ... just click on the links :rofl:

Sam having a sip of water -

Playing with a doll -

Crawling (so far we can only get him to crawl by teasing with a remote control or cell phone) -

Unfortunately I don't have a real before and after picture from his hair cut...just one during the cut.


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  • first_haircut.jpg
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Awww sorry ladies just as I was trying to open the videos from the post and realized it does not work due to permissions on facebook, Sam started crying. Currently sitting here dreamfeeding him, and messaging from my BB. Hopefully I get this sorted out right away after I put him down.
Uh oh, one grumpy baby here today...I do often wonder if he is teething! Is it possible for them to teethe without showing teethies in the gums? There are lumps where his canines are but they've been there ages and I'm unsure whether every baby has them or not... He shows so many teething signs it's doing my head in.

Sleep has definitely regressed and I'm not sure how long its supposed to last for but it's been on and off for a little while and I'd be happy to see the back of it! :lol: I went to bed at 11pm last night (which is actually early for me lol...) and was woken up by wailing at half past midnight, so I fed the bugger then he woke up again several times around 5am which he's been doing heaps (but normally it's just once then up for a feed then bed again). Then woke at six...then luckily let me sleep until 9. Yay for broken sleep. I feel for you girls that are still having to get up on a regular basis (Cocoa, Seity - and any others) :( I feel bad moaning when I normally get good sleep out of him!

We're having breastfeeding issues lately, have been for a few weeks now...I do think it is mostly because he's impatient for the let down but even when there's an okay supply of milk he will suckle a few times then pull off for a whinge then go back on and it's driving me mennnntal :wacko: I have a video I might upload and post in the bf section to see if anybody has any's making breastfeeding so awful sometimes..

We've spent the most part of the day in the sunny bedroom today, Lachlan had a lovely sunbathe and I pulled my top up for my stretchies to get some much needed vitamin D :thumbup: Can't believe it's so nice and sunny when it's still winter...and boy can you tell it's winter, the bad days are really bad and freezing...dunno why the sun's teasing us like this!

Had our flat inspection this morning and it went really well :D I love our property agent, she's so nice! She was gushing over Lachlan too :lol: She's got three boys of her own (grown up now of course hehe). I had a bucket and cloth out when she turned up, oops :blush: At least she knows I was making spick and span for her!

Does anybody else have a really hungry baby? This is why I introduced solids, because after Lachlan's milk feeds he'd be crying for more food but I've noticed that even after his solids (and he'll eat a whole jar at one sitting...would happily eat more than the limit of two I've got for him daily I think!) he will cry sometimes, and I know that he's hungry and it's not anything else...but what the heck! :shrug:
And often when I feed him he'll finish one boobie and when I take him off to give him the other one he'll scream like I'm going to stop feeding him...:|

Sorry for the semi rant girlies. I'm gonna go have a catch up on your posts now :hugs: x
I posted a few videos of Sam ... just click on the links :rofl:

Sam having a sip of water -

Playing with a doll -

Crawling (so far we can only get him to crawl by teasing with a remote control or cell phone) -

The links should work now. :happydance:
Sam does that too when he is tired, he will do it 3-4 times and then pass out.

he will suckle a few times then pull off for a whinge then go back on and it's driving me mennnntal :wacko:

Rosy, sorry to hear you are having a rough time right now. :hugs: Maybe he is going through a huge growth spurt? I am not really sure what to advise...Sam has been so good. I have not had to deal with a lot of problem other than the occasional real crappy night, like tonight where I put him down at 7.30pm and since he has been crying about every 30 mins. When I go inside he is not really awake but I can't comfort him just padding his back so I take him out and rock him a bit or tried feeding.
Sam does that too when he is tired, he will do it 3-4 times and then pass out.

he will suckle a few times then pull off for a whinge then go back on and it's driving me mennnntal :wacko:

Rosy, sorry to hear you are having a rough time right now. :hugs: Maybe he is going through a huge growth spurt? I am not really sure what to advise...Sam has been so good. I have not had to deal with a lot of problem other than the occasional real crappy night, like tonight where I put him down at 7.30pm and since he has been crying about every 30 mins. When I go inside he is not really awake but I can't comfort him just padding his back so I take him out and rock him a bit or tried feeding.

Thanks hun x I'm not sure what it is, he's been tricky on and off for about a month and a who knows :shrug: He does have his moments..

Can't believe Sam can almost crawl already, that's so clever! He looks like he's doing great (what a handsome little guy too :D) I often feel that Lachlan is so behind a lot of other babies. Often when he has tummy time he won't make an effort to move at all, he'll occasionally roll from tummy to back and that's it. He did start to bring his legs up underneath himself the other day and that was kinda exciting but yeah he's not interested in being mobile :lol:

I hope he settles for you soon! Nights like that are so stressful...especially when they go down okay and you think everything's happened beautifully but then they start crying not long after...false hope :| :hugs:
Ah :hug: rwhite

M still doesn't show any signs of rolling, she's just started to lift her chest up more during tummy time, but she doesn't rock from side to side or anything. I think she weighs too much to move herself :blush:

M also has feeds where she's sooo impatient for the milk, and I get stressed because she's fussing, which then slows the let down even more! Haven't got any tips, I'm just trying to feed her before she gets properly hungry so she's more patient.

M is still satisfied on milk so I haven't introduced solids yet, but I let her lick my pear yesterday and she wasn't impressed! :rofl: I think most of our problem with the night feeds is because she eats small amounts during the day - about 3oz a time if giving her a bottle is anything to go by. Don't know how to get her to take bigger feeds though.

Julchen - I can't see the vids. I think it's because I'm on my iPhone though :shrug: How clever that he's getting ready to crawl though! And very cute pics. Did he sit still for the hairdresser/barber?

GL - M certainly knows how to pack on the pounds! :haha: And I suppose I am lucky in that she only takes less than 10 minutes per feed - but as I mentioned above, I think that's partly to blame for the night feeds.
hey ladies !
how are we?
im not too good unfortunately. i have an infection in the uterus from some placenta being left in there and apparently from unsterile equipment :( not happy!
i have endometriosis , ive posted a link if anyone wants a read.
also i am verrrry low in iron again :( my iron levels r at 70 (worse than after i had jesse).
not sure why, i am waiting on test results, and my ultrasound result also.
anyway enuf of the bad ! jesse is great, he is on mashed pumpkin and sweet potato loves it too! his sleep is bad again! dont know why but he wakes n just wont go back to sleep without a fight.
hope everyone is good
Cocoa- Sorry M wasn't feeliong happy after her shots :hugs: We have ours next week and i'm dreding it!

Mummydee- Did you enjoy your trip?
What a great weight for Roman!!

DM2- gorgeous picture. he really suits his wee teethies! :) When you say he still has the tounge thrust reflex do you mean he pokes his tounge in and out when you try and give him food? Ella will sometimes open her mouth for food but she pushes the food back out with her tounge.

vegas- Is the mattress up quite high? ours is on the highest I think but I still have to lean over a fair way to reach her.

Seity- Sorry you have been having rough nights. And then having to go into work after them :hugs:

HC- What's a nursing necklace? Do you mean just a necklace he can play with on you while he is feeding?

GL- I didn't notice any change for the sleep regression, i'm not even sure what it is, is it a growth spurt or something?

Ems- Ella hasn't rolled over yet. She sort of did today she was rolling to her side and holding on to her toy rings and i gave them a pull and she rolled over. Still hasn't done it on her own.

Cocoa- that's awesome about M's laughing. I have to work for my laughs too, she was cracking up today when i was doing the belly thing :)

Julchen- What guy is in prison? Sorry i must have missed it somewhere along the line, I do try and keep up to date as much as i can. Doesn't sound like much fun for you!
Great pics :thumbup:

Rosy- Sorry Lachlan has been grumpy and hasn't been sleeping his best :hugs: Ella sometimes does the breastfeeding thing but we put it down to reflux coz she would do it really bad and would do it to the bottle. She is better now though but still does it occasionally. it is really frustrating! My friends baby is 2 days younger and she has totally refused the breastnow. She is gutted :( we were meant to go to the big latch on tomorrow but she's not going anymore :cry:
Sometimes I secretly feel like Ella is behind other babies too because she isnt rolling and stuff yet but I remind myself she will do things in her own time.

What are everyones thoughts on baby-led weanin g? i think its interesting and might give it a go, still in decisive.

I put my colourful dreds in today. So stoked i love them :dance:

I think we are gone over our broadband limit and our internet is going really slow it sux :dohh:

well im back for a bit we have brought 24 hours internet access from bt at the house which is neat caus im going to be here most of today and needed to access some stuff online and it was going to take forever using DH's iphone, hes returned his android smart phone now caus he found that Apple do a out of warrenty replacement for £139 of the same model you had no matter which one that was. so since going onto a smartphone would have ment a 24 month contract we have saved oursevles £400 or so as DH's Iphone contract had been going so long that he had reduced his tarriff to £20 permonth,
Did I tell you the reason why we had to replace dh's phone? it was caus Nate drowned Dh's original iphone in a jug of lemion squash the weekend before last.

EJ is doing so well hes very very very nearly sitting on his own now we sat him in a highchair when out the other day and he was fine sitting there caus he could use the sides to support himself, hes loving the door hanging bouncer too and his new carseat although he doesnt like getting into it much caus we have to lift him over the seatbelt ( which wraps around the seat caus its rearfacing). Hes getting very speedy in his feeds. we were feeding while out in town the other day and using a feeding room in mothercare and another lady was feeding her 11 wk at the same time and EJ was finished both sides of his feed ( with me completely drained ) before the little boy was half way through his , that mummy was well impressed with EJ
Rwhite - sorry to hear Lachlan's been cranky on and off. If I'm honest Flora has a lot of cranky time. She's getting better but she's farily high maintenance on the whole. Maybe she's not and I'm exaggerating, but my point is some babies just need a bit more love and attention. I'm pretty laid back myself so I assumed she would be too, but she's more like DH who has a tendency to have mood swings.

Julchen - bit of a saga hey? Glad that guy went to prison, what a loser. Those vids of Sam are hilarious! OMG how good is he on his tummy! Flora has started pulling her legs up under her, but her head always ends up down when she does that.:wacko:

MM - sorry to hear about your friends baby stopping BF. That would break my heart if tat happened to me. Flora has reflux as well and fusses on the breast a fair bit, especially when she's tired. She also isn't really rolling, she can roll from front to back but not back to front.

Tiger - sorry to hear about your helath problems hun, take care of yourself and I hope they get sorted soon :hugs:

Cocoa - yeah I think Flora doesn't take enough each feed which is why she eats every 1.5-2 hours. Have you tried not feeding her at some of the night feeds and just giving her a dummy or a pat or something to get her back to sleep? Its probably a silly question I'm suyre you have, only that's what I've been doing lately until she really does want a feed around 4am. I'm hoping she'll start to self settle at those time once she realises she's not getting a feed.

Anyway so the jabs have knocked her a bit sideways, she's not really been herself, really sad looking and wanting to sleep most of this morning really. And then sort of crying and whinging the rest of the time, and clinging to me. Anyway hopefully it'll only last a day or two.
I often feel that Lachlan is so behind a lot of other babies. Often when he has tummy time he won't make an effort to move at all, he'll occasionally roll from tummy to back and that's it. He did start to bring his legs up underneath himself the other day and that was kinda exciting but yeah he's not interested in being mobile :lol:

I hope he settles for you soon! Nights like that are so stressful...especially when they go down okay and you think everything's happened beautifully but then they start crying not long after...false hope :| :hugs:

Don't stress yourself out some babies are faster than others and also at different things. Sam does not laugh out loud a lot I have to put a huge effort into to get a good laugh out of him, he is not very vocal altogether. I truly believe after a couple years most kids get to the same point of development.

He ended up sleeping with us squirming around most of the night...he had some gas again...but not sure if that is why. :dohh:
Cocoa - there was one lady at the salon who held him on her arm while the other one cut his hair. It was pretty cute to watch.

MM - the guy in prison was the new boy friend of my fiance's ex. they share a daugther and there has been a violent incident which the kids witnessed, so after offering her a choice of leaving the guy or having the daugther out of her house (she did not want either) we called child services and it turns out the guy has a pretty long record for violence and drug abuse and more. She was livid at us for doing that, but now slowly reality is sinking in and she comes to realize we meant well and were just worried about the childs and her safety.

Tiger - I hope you get better real soon!! :flower:

Greenlady - Was thinking about putting the whole thing into a screenplay - names changed of course :haha: Good thing its almost over!! Sam has always been fantastic on his tummy, infact he barely would play on his back. He also always has been a tummy sleeper which I think is one reason why he is so good on his tummy. Hopefully Flora is back to her usual self right away. :flower:

Just realized I had the wrong doll video up...I just changed it...this one is even far :rofl:

Hope everyone is having a great day with their little ones! :flower:
jul - That's some great crawling there.
tiger - I hope your health improves soon. An infection of the uterus sounds nasty.
gl - Those shots do make them a bit clingy the next day. Hopefully, she recovers quickly. Our next appointment isn't until the end of September, when we'll get the 3rd set of shots.
lynn - Way to go with the sitting. We've been working on that recently, but I'm not sure he's quite ready for the high chair just yet, although OH did suggest bringing it up from the basement and seeing how he does in it.

Gabriel had a great night, only woke once, so I got two 3 hour blocks of sleep :happydance:

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