march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Julchen - he is so cute with that doll! M does it to her Sophie (the giraffe) - it looks like she's french kissing it! :rofl:
julchen - Love the videos! He's a great little crawler already! The one with the doll is hilarious. He's never going to live that down when he's older. :rofl:

rwhite - Sorry to hear you're having a tough time with Lachlan atm. It's so hard when they're not sleeping well, feeding is a challenge (see my response to CocoaOne), and they're just generally grizzly and cranky. I keep telling myself 'it's just a phase' and 'this too shall pass,' when Ronan is being...challenging! :haha:

tiger - How awful. :( :hugs: I hope that you start feeling better soon now that you're being treated.

CocoaOne - I don't want to say it's normal, but Ronan has days like this, and for the past month or more it's been a challenge to get him to feed for very long at all during the day. He's a right monkey and gets distracted and whingy. He's still growing like a weed and otherwise doing fine so I have just tried to stop letting it stress me. He's obviously getting enough in the little time he is feeding and between his bedtime feed and the one night feed which can be as late as 5:30ish in the morning, I wouldn't say that the little he feeds during the day is really affecting his night sleep. :shrug:

- A nursing necklace is specially designed to be safe/sturdy for your Lo to play with/tug on while they're feeding. I'm going to get one from here (once they re-open): and in the meanwhile I'm looking elsewhere for one sooner! There's a good bit of info on necklace safety and product info on that site as well if you wanted to learn more.

- I know it's just a matter of time before Ronan does something unsalvageable to my phone. He's obsessed with it already. I suppose it doesn't help that I tend to browse online/check email etc. whenever he's nursing so it's always there. :blush:

- I hope it's just a temporary thing with Flora feeling off. I've found that Ronan is usually fine by the next day.

Seity - Woohoo on getting some better sleep! :happydance: One of these days he's going to just surprise you and sleep 8-10 hours straight and you won't know what hit you!

Well, Ronan is back in a blowing raspberries phase. This is the 4th one now, I think. :rolleyes: He's started doing the commando crawl as well, although he still prefers rolling to get where he wants to go. His coordination with handling this is growing in leaps and bounds lately too, and he's really started taking to food more and more. This morning he chowed down on a slice of melon and tonight for dinner he had carrot and broccoli (the latter much to my hubby's chagrin). :haha:

Here's a picture of this morning's breakfast:

...and this evening's dinner:
I'm back! I've been MIA for awhile... on vacation in New Jersey last week and trying to catch up on things this week... and I'm still behind.
I hope you are all well, I've been trying to keep up but this thread goes so fast!

Hive, Ronan is soooo adorable! it's awesome that he's trying new foods. He looks so grown up in the pics!

I feel like Zander has grown way too much lately. He can now sit properly on his own, and pretty much refuses to lay down anymore. :rofl: Diaper changing has become a challenge and he thinks it's hilarious when I try and get him to lay down. :dohh: he eventually does and laughs even more when he gets nakkie. strange kid. lol.
He is also rolling a LOT more now. still only front to back but he actually does it on purpose. He wakes up a few times at night cause he's rolled himself over. I just have to roll him back though and he goes right back to sleep.
I've missed you all! Hope you are well.
HC - Ronan looks so much older than his age! Like a proper little toddler, what a cutie! He looks like he's really enjoying his food too.

PH - I'm dreading when M starts rolling around while I try to change her. At least Zander makes a game out of it though, I know people who's LOs scream blue murder when their parents try to get them to lie still for changes!

GL - during night wakes I usually try and settle her with the dummy a couple of times and cuddles (cosleeping again while her sleep is rubbish) but she usually spits the dummy out and chomps on her hand. Last night she went to bed at 8 & only woke for feeds at 12, 3 & up at 6. She wiggled all night though so I didn't sleep great! I can't win either way - it's a massive struggle to get her to go to sleep in her crib, and then I hardly sleep because I'm listening out to see if she's waking, and it's easy to put her to sleep in our bed, but then she punches me and squirms all night so no sleep either! I must get some good sleep though because I don't feel too bad.

Anyone got plans for the weekend? We're visiting friends /family but that's it.

ETA - M is 4 months old today!
MM - we had a great time thanks, it was over too fast! I only see the girls once a year and I miss them sooooo much, especially straight after!
well done to all the gorgeous babies, they are growing SO fast I cant believe some of them are sitting on their own!

Roman still isnt rolling yet, but he is trying to sit up on DHs lap, he managed about 6 seconds yesterday before he fell back but he thought it was hilarious! I let him have the tiniest lick of petit filous the other morning too and he loved it, though still not going to mean until September at the earliest! He is getting very vocal (like his sister!!) and already makes "muma", "oh", and "aba" noises!
HC - I have to agree with everyone else, your boy looks so grown up in those pictures.
Cocoa - Woo 4 months! I sure hope M decides to sleep better for you sooner than Gabriel has for me.
PH - Wecome back! Hurray for sitting on his own.

I'm really hoping FX'd that I might start to get good sleep on a regular basis. More 'good' days than bad so far this week. Gabriel was wide awake last night, so didn't get to bed until 11pm, but slept til 7:30 only waking once at 4am. If it wasn't for the stupid cats making a ton of noise at 3am courtesy of a neighbor cat deciding to 'invade' the deck, I'd have had 5 hours uninterrupted sleep. However, 4 hours is actually better than I've had in ages. I wonder if 9:30 was just too early a bed time for him?
HC - I have to agree with everyone else, your boy looks so grown up in those pictures.
Cocoa - Woo 4 months! I sure hope M decides to sleep better for you sooner than Gabriel has for me.
PH - Wecome back! Hurray for sitting on his own.

I'm really hoping FX'd that I might start to get good sleep on a regular basis. More 'good' days than bad so far this week. Gabriel was wide awake last night, so didn't get to bed until 11pm, but slept til 7:30 only waking once at 4am. If it wasn't for the stupid cats making a ton of noise at 3am courtesy of a neighbor cat deciding to 'invade' the deck, I'd have had 5 hours uninterrupted sleep. However, 4 hours is actually better than I've had in ages. I wonder if 9:30 was just too early a bed time for him?

hey i haven't followed the whole thread closely, but have you tried putting him to bed earlier not later. I actually found it works quite the opposite, we had some issues last night and Isabella didn't fall asleep until 9 and woke up at 6:30, which hasn't happened in quite a while. I usually put her down at 7:30, starting her routine at 7, she has about 6-7 oz of ebm/topped of with formula after her bath and in bed by 7:30, falling asleep within 5-10 minutes. She then wakes up at 7:30 if not at 8. That only started happening when I moved her bedtime to earlier from 8/8:30 (I started moving it slowly by 10 minutes each night). When I was putting her down at 8:30, she'd wake at 6 and before that I was putting her down closer to 9 and she was waking at around 5am and not willing to go back down. It's strange but it did work.
I did try earlier. It didn't work at all. He refuses to sleep at all or will only take a 10 minute nap.
Ah Seity - fab 4 hour sleep! It's so annoying when they're asleep and you're not!

Getting my hair did tomorrow! :dance: It's the first time in about 6 months I think, maybe longer. Taking my mum with me to entertain M while I'm in the chair, luckily it's where my sister works so they won't mind me bringing the baby & stopping to BF! Only getting a trim and tidy up, but boy do I need it!
While the tongue thrust or 'extrusion reflex' is present, if a baby's lips are touched her tongue automatically moves forward. Tongue thrust aids feeding from the breast or bottle but not solid foods. While this reflex is still active, if solid foods are offered it appears like your baby is pushing the food out of her mouth with her tongue. This reflex is often mistaken as dislike of food. Although this is not the case, a tongue thrust is a sign that your baby is not ready to eat solid foods.

Some better pics of his teeth :)


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Happy four months to M! Sounds like you can't win with the sleeping. Its GOT to get better at some point, she wont be still in your bed when she's 16! :rofl:

I need to get a haircut badly. Is anyone else's hair falling out loads at the mo? I get massive clumps when I wash it - bit scary but it doesn't look any different. I know that you're meant to lose the hair that you didn't lose while pregnant, but I didn't realise it didn't start falling out until 3-4 months - I thought I had got away with that one, guess not!
gl- i posted about the hair loss somewhere, apparently its normal... bloody annoying though! i never knew it was 3-4 months AFTER birth! :dohh:
GL - I've been losing tons of hair for the past few months. It's everywhere and I have long hair too, so it seems like so much more. I've read it can fall out for up to a year after the birth, but it doesn't always fall out for that long. I certainly hope I don't have to put up with it for that long.
I kind of wish I was losing hair. Mine seems to have gotten thicker but drier. no matter what I do my hair is like frikkin hay! :growlmad:

I need support ladies. I found out today my step grand father passed away last night. (my step dad's father) my step dad is a royal jerk and everyone hates him but his father was a saint and loved by everyone. I'm a total mess....

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