march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Greenlady - I was literally just about to ask the same thing when i came on. My hair is coming out in HUGE handfuls! i nearly had a heart attack the first time it happened and this morning another handful came out while i was washing my hair. I am so glad im not the only one, i was getting really worried.
DM2- He is sooo cute! i love the little teeth, and he looks cute in his highchair too.
Hivechild - He really looks sooo grown up! And eating sticks of carrot and broccoli like that is amazing, jesse is only on pureed vegies and fruit.
Has any one else turned their baby seat around to forward facing yet? we were going to wait till 6mths (seat says 6mths/9kg) but he is just WAY too big for it rear facing. hes nearly 11kg .
and he has started screaming at people for no reason lol, he did it to my doctor yesterday lol
hope everyone is well, not having much luck here with sleeping anymore lol
btw i am sorry if everytime i come on im only going on about my problems, but i dont have a computer at home at the moment and i feel horrible using my nans computer all the time so i dont really read other posts, but i will make an effort too.
hugs for all :hugs:
morning girls

the youngest "march" baby (born April 7th!) is 4 months old today! seems so weird when some of your babies are nearer 6 months!!! I cant believe Roman has only been here 4 months, it seems like forever, but in another sense I cant believe he is 4 months already IYKWIM!

I had my hair cut yesterday too Becki - 6 inches off, feels soooo much lighter, had a load thinned out too as I have ridiculous amounts of hair!

PH - sorry to hear about your loss :hugs: Let Zander take your mind off it with his gorgeous smile x

Dee - your hair looks lovely. I know what you mean - you always feel so fresh after getting a haircut don't you.

GL - I haven't noticed any hair loss - except the tufts which M keeps pulling out.... hence I think I'm going to get my hair all chopped off and go for a crop!

DM2 - such cute pics! How long do you think it will be until he starts cutting more teeth? Hope you get a bit of respite!

M is acting hungry after her food so I reluctantly gave in and made up some baby cereal that I got in the post. She pushed it out with her tongue and did not look impressed! So she's not ready for solids yet- I'm pleased but hoping she can last until 6 months.

Oh and I think M only woke for food at 2:30 and 6:30 for feeding last night. Possibly at 12 - but I'm not sure if she did or not. Oh the sleep deprivation- my memory is shot :haha:
Livvie fed Roman some toast yesterday! Needless to say I'll be watching her like a hawk from now on.

I want to start with BLW but someone said that they need to be able to sit unaided before you can do that with them?!
Mummydee- your hair looks great. I get so sick of my dreds sometimes.

cocoa- Ella pushes out the food with her tounge too :haha:

Lana- So glad it sounds like you are getting better sleepzs at night now. That's awesome :dance:

PH- :hugs: to you hun xxx

Just chilling on the couch its saterday night and im eating munchos nom nom nom
PH - so sorry about your step grandfather. Was he ill or was it sudden?

Dee - love the new haircut! I was told by a friend that its better to wait until the hair stops falling out to have it cut - not sure why but I think i really need a cut as well, so maybe I'll just do it.

Cocoa I forget too, only last night Flossy woke at 10:30 REALLY upset and her cry was weird, she wouldn't be consoled by the dummy so I had to feed her which is unusal. She then didn't wake until 3am.

Also I gave her a little taste of banana and peach, just let her lick it - she didn't seem to mind it. I think I might give her little tastes now and again before weaning her.
Dee, your hair looks soo good! I love it

GL, he was ill. he's had kidney problems for as long as I can remember and had been on dialysis, but since the beginning of the year he'd been having to have it more frequently. Eventually he was moved to a nursing home and earlier this week he was moved to hospice. We knew it would be soon, just not THIS soon.
sorry PH I missed your post - sorry for your loss babe xxx
PH - Sorry for your loss!! It is tough when you loose someone that you love so sudden. :hugs:

DM2 - Hunter is gorgeous! So cute!! Thanks for sharing the pics.

Dee - Your does look fantastic!! :thumbup:

Cocoa - Sam still has the tongue reflex as well. He has not really had any solids yet. A couple times of rice cereal and at dinner times he gets to suck on a carrot, celery or play around with a banana. He does not seem ready to me yet.

I hope everyone will have a nice weekend! Our mission this weekend is to get baby gates as Sam has started crawling. It sucks because we have a split level and the kitchen, living room dinning room area has three flights of steps going off (never thought about that when we build :dohh: ). So I think instead of getting three gates we`ll close off the living room area. It is the only part with carpet and I don`t really want him in the kitchen anyway. But because it is all open and there is an island in between we have to come up with our own creation of a gate as nothing would fit and I don`t want to put any screws into the island. Sounds all complicated I will post a picture when we babyproofed everything.
:hugs: PH - I can't imagine how you must feel.
Dee - Love the hair. It looks great.
Cocoa - Sounds like you may start to get better sleep soon.
Jul - Way to go with the crawling. I'm sure we'll need to get some baby gates soon enough. Hard to imagine that they're all going to be mobile soon!

Gabriel slept 9:30-4, which for him is sleeping through. He got up for the day at 4 and I tried for 1 1/2 hours to convince him to go back to sleep, but he wasn't interested. My husband decided to take him at that point so I could sleep in. Considering that's as much sleep as he ever has at night, except without getting up multiple times, I don't think I could ask for much better.
We still have the tongue thrust reflex as well and he's not sitting up well enough yet either, so no solids yet. I did go out and buy some 10 oz bottles after work yesterday because he's started to want 6 oz at a time, so the 5 oz bottles aren't big enough anymore.
Well here's my new hair (not the best pic!) I used to have a shoulder length bob.
oh wow Becki you look fab!! and so daring, I could never pull off a crop like that!
Cocoa, I love your haircut. The short hair looks great on you!
Thanks girls. I'll probably look like a boy once I've washed and styled it myself! :rofl:
Cocoa - I agree with the others your hair looks fab! I wish I was daring enough to get a totally new hairdo. But I'm really useless at styling so I just leave it long and curly,I don't have to do anything to it. I can't wield a hairdryer properly to save my life!

Seity - that is a good sleep for you! Shame he couldn't continue sleeping after 4 but hey ho one thing at a time. And it sounds like he's eating well and everything so thats great :thumbup:

PH - I suppose knowing its coming doesn't make it any easier. So sorry for you :hugs:

Flora did that weird thing again where she woke up and wouldn't be resettled with a dummy, but accompanied by a weird sort of sad and pathetic sounding cry - this is only an hour after putting her to bed. I think it might be reflux related - maybe I put her down too quickly after feeding and she woke up with a bit of acid pain. Or maybe its the dreaded sleep regression. Who knows. :shrug:
GL - what finally settles her? M quite often wakes an hour after going to bed and does a sad cry - I usually pick her up, give her a quick feed and she drops right off again. She usually does it when she's fed a bit less during the day or didn't feed before bed.

She went to sleep in the crib with no crying tonight :dance:
hello from Hungary!

I am in the hotel room with a sleeping Wren while everyone is enjoying the wedding reception downstairs, sorta knew this would happen, Sam will be back in a while so I can go enjoy it for a bit, we almost made it through dinner with W asleep!

It is really awesome here, the hotel is seriously amazing, we have a sauna in our bathroom!! Wren has been a mixed bag the last few days, there are a few other babies here which is great but they seem to be way more chilled compared to Wren but all in all she has been good and she looked so super cute in her party frock today.

Cocoa-love the new 'do! Looks awesome!
PineappleHead sorry for your loss hun, even if you know its coming its no easier is it :hugs:

mummydee your new hairsyle is fab hun! Happy 4 months Roman.

GL Chase woke really upset Tuesday night, to me it was if he'd had a bad dream or something, he too had to be fed and then he fell straight back to sleep, he wasn't even really hungry just wanted the comfort. Before i began giving Chase feeds i used to give him little tastes of things, he's such a lil piggy he likes everything we have given him.

julchen how good is Sam crawling already the clever boy, i really need to give Chase more tummy time.

Seity 9.30-4 is a good sleep, pity he decided the day begins at 4 though hun!

CocoaOne your hair really suits you hun! Ahh i'm rubbish at styling my hair. Yay for M settling tonight with no tears :thumbup:

Well we've had a really busy few days. Chase has been to his first birthday party too as my friends little boy was 1, he loved it, he was paying so much attention to what was going on and loved watching all the older babies playing. For the first time though i felt uncomfortable about b/f, out of my friends there is only me and one other that are b/f, we went in the front room to feed whilst everyone else was outside and i heard my friends hubby in the kitchen saying he needed something from upstairs and i could hear him saying "but she's feeding" and he made a big deal about being embarrassed, he did the same when i'd finished but my friend was feeding. I just felt like i was being a big inconvinience feeding him, i had two tops on and the first one pratically draped over Chase's face so you really couldn't see anything, oh well.

Since Tuesday when we started Chase's new routine he's gone to bed at 8o'clock every night with no fuss, i'm so proud of him. He wakes at 10.30 for a feed and then ususally every 2 or 3 hours, even though he is now having 3 feeds a day (not feeding him huge amounts, still only a spoonfull of rice etc each meal time) he is waking hungry, maybe i need to think about increasing the amount i feed him? He loves meal times, he lunges forward sometimes if he's really hungry. Think he's like me though as the hv said to start giving him a bit of pudding after his tea meal, so i've just been giving him two small spoonfulls of the pureed fruit compotes and he loves them and gets so excited. As soon as he's had the first mouthful his mouth is wide open when he see's the spoon coming towards him. He's really good at eating too and so far not pushed anything out, which i expected as the hv said it can take a few times before they like a new food, not my greedy lil man though.

We went shopping today and Chase was still asleep at 5o'clock, usually his tea time so he only went to bed late tonight, 8.40. He was overtired and i thought we'd have tears but he was just talking to himself and i've just checked on him and he's flat out. I wonder what time he will wake tonight for his first feed with him going to bed late, usually its 10.30 on the dot!

We're out for the day tomorrow, there is an event on near us called the woodvale ralley, they have loads of things on so it should be good, and hopefully Chase will be happy as its outside and he loves being outside.

Ooh my good news too is that work have agreed to my hours, i'm so happy :happydance:
hello from Hungary!

I am in the hotel room with a sleeping Wren while everyone is enjoying the wedding reception downstairs, sorta knew this would happen, Sam will be back in a while so I can go enjoy it for a bit, we almost made it through dinner with W asleep!

It is really awesome here, the hotel is seriously amazing, we have a sauna in our bathroom!! Wren has been a mixed bag the last few days, there are a few other babies here which is great but they seem to be way more chilled compared to Wren but all in all she has been good and she looked so super cute in her party frock today.

Cocoa-love the new 'do! Looks awesome!

Ahh hun that sucks your up there whilst everyone else is partying, at least you can take turns with your hubby and you won't totally miss out. OOh i love staying away, been ages since we've been to a hotel though. You will have to post a pic of Wren in her party frock x
Cocoa & Mummydee- I love the new hair. Cocoa I could never pull off hair that short but it looks great on you.
Seity- :happydance: for good sleep, hopefully he will start staying down longer
PH- sorry for your loss! :hugs:

Well Connor has been super cranky the last couple days and now I know why. He has a tooth :happydance: Where has my little baby gone :cry:

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