march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Steffi- He is adorable!
Vegas- My friends baby had MRSA, and it cleared quickly with the antibiotics.
Julchen- What made you decide to get Sam's haircut?
Everyone thinks Connor is a girl, but I am having a hard time making the desicion to cut his hair.

Here is the best picture I could get of the tooth, and pics of all his hair!


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vegas, sorry about the bug :( I hope she gets better soon.
Kel, I have the same problem with Zander... every stranger he meets they call him "she" or "her" immediately. I'm quick to correct them and laugh to myself at how embarrassed they look. Although today at My Pepa's funeral I didn't laugh to myself cause I did have Zander dressed in gender neutral colors.
Steffi, Gavin is soo precious! :)
GL, I hope you can get some sleep soon! :hug:
Kel, I just got his hair trimmed because he had quite a bit of hair hanging down to his eyes. It just looked messy. It's not a real haircut yet just a trim.

I can't believe how grown up Connor looks in the picture sitting. Adorable!

Cocoa - yes let's hope it is just a phase! Sam took one bottle a day from 3-6 weeks and then he just decided - no more bottle. He has not taken once since and we tried everything. So I have accepted that he probably just won't take one. I got him a weaning cup though to play around with,when we tried formula in it he did not want it either. When formula gets on his tongue he flat out gaggs.
kel- What a head of hair! It's gorgeous!! How long has he been able to sit up by himself? x
Steffi - Gavin looks so happy in his jumperoo!

Kel - Connor's hair is lush! So beautiful.

PH - hope the funeral went well :hugs:

Julchen - it's so frustrating! I use EBM, so it's not even as if it tastes different. I think I'll feed her before I leave mum's at 6, and hopefully she won't need feeding again before I get back because she'll be asleep. I tried a zippy cup too - no luck either!

M hasn't been very interested in her milk the last few days, but I assumed she was still getting what she needed- but I did her weekly weigh this morning and she's lost 1lb since last week. I'm a little bit concerned, but she seems her normal self and her nappies are ok, so I'll discuss it with the HV next week. She's never lost weight before.
I can't help wondering of it's down to her chomping on her hands - she will stop eating after a few minutes and just chew on her hand and won't go back on the boob. Does anyone else's LO do this? She chews on her hands constantly still!
Cocoa- How do you weigh her? just on the scales at home?
i wouldnt be too concerned about her weight hun she still sounds healthy as.
Ella chomps on her hands all the time too xo
MM - I weigh myself every Tuesday morning so I strip M off and then jump back on the scales holding her.

I thought she wasn't taking much, I'll just try and get her more interested in food. So difficult though when I have try and tempt her back on to the boob - apparently her hands are tastier! :rofl:
vegas my instructions are to try to keep the area clean and dry and open to the air ( not so hard with EJ but Nate picks at it ) and clean it with cooled boiled water when i need to, the area seems brusied and looks sore, Nate seems to dislike me going near that arm.

well another tooth of mine has broken this morning while im still waiting on an NHS refereal to get the teeth i need taking out done at the hospital, well we have moved now so will just go to the local dentist and registar with them and get them to organise it , if they dont act quick im gonna be toothless soon ive had 2 teeth break and mostly fall out since EJ was born, i really hope that the boys dont end up with the same weak enamel problem that i have which has caused all this bother
Kel: Thanks! I have the same problem...everyone who meets Gavin for the first time asks if he's a girl. I figure it's his eyes. I love Connor's hair. Could he give Gavin some of his locks? Gavin's hair is taking so long to grow. Amazing too how your little man can sit up on his own.

Julchen: I can't believe how fast your son's hair is growing.

Cocoa: I had the same problem with Gavin. I thought he lost weight since he looked skinnier and I weighed him at home and panicked that he lost 3 pounds. He also seemed to be drinking less. I brought him to the pedia the next day and felt silly when he told me my LO put on 1 lb. He grew so it wasn't noticeable. Sometimes, he would slow down with his milk intake, but makes up for it the next day. Gavin too takes the bottle and sucks his finger while his bottle is in his mouth, so he doesn't get to finish his feed. He usually takes the bottle again when he is starting to get sleepy. I hold his hand so he can't chew on it while he's drinking.

Lynnikins: You know funny you mentioned about the tooth cracking. This has never happened to me until a month ago, when I bit into a bar of chocolate and felt a big chip where my tooth was. I had to make an appointment with the dentist right away as it felt really odd. I don't know what causes our teeth to weaken. I do remember losing a great amount of hair after giving birth. But I solved that problem by having my hair cut shorter and not tying it as much.
Cocoa- thats an awesome way to weigh her, I might try that.

Lynn- Sorry you have had so much bother with your teeth. I havn't been to the dentist for about 8 years (apart from an absess in my wisdom tooth), and I really need to go i think i've got some holes because sweet or cold things hurt so bad!!!

Steffi- Gavin definatly looks like a wee boy to me :hugs:

its hereditary in my case that we have weak enamel in my family and i hate it , no matter how good i was as a kid ( brushing 3 times a day and flossing regularly each time ) then i still had a mouth full of fillings by the time i was 11 and its those fillings that are now failing and falling out leaving weakend teeth which then crack and break, its sooo annoying, im gonna have a full set of false teeth by the time im 30 at this rate
Here's Ella last night in her jolly jumper. she is getting the hang of jumping now :)

Lynn, I have the same problem with my teeth. I have such weak enamel it's ridiculous! I have two broken teeth at the moment. :( I can't afford to see a dentist yet though so I'm trying to take care of them the best I can.

Cocoa, the funeral was beautiful thank you :) It was a traditional armed forces funeral as Pepa was in the Navy. Zander managed to make everyone smile though. during the moments when it was dead silent cause of prayer Zander was talking up a storm. :rofl: he decided it was TOO quiet! haha.
PH - kids always brighten the day!

Lyn - my OH is the same, his teeth are awful, I've actually lost count of how many false teeth/crowns etc he's got. His mum is the same, but his sister has only just had her first filling at the age of 33. So there's hope for the boys yet (and Megan!)

I had a slight brainwave earlier - usually when M has a bottle it's been warmed, but yesterday and Saturday the bottle was just room temperature. Possibly the issue? Will try a heated bottle tonight and see how it goes.
I dont have any fillings but I bet i need some! i need to go to the dentist but just can't afford to right now
Steffi: Gavin is such a cute little guy.

Kel: Conner's hair is gorgeous. I thought Charlotte had a lot of hair, but Conner takes the cake. I wouldn't want to cut it either.

Cocoa: In addition to the heat of the milk could she be ready for a faster flow nipple? I'm sure they are used to a certain flow and perhaps you have gotten more efficient than the nipple on the bottle. You know how cranky they can be when they don't get what they want when they want it.

Lynn: Sorry to hear about your teeth. Sounds painful as well as frustrating for you.

MM: Looks like Ella is enjoying her bouncer. Love her sweater!

PH: Glad to hear that the service was nice and that Zander could cheer up everyone a bit.

So the sore on Charlotte's bottom looks a bit smaller today though it was a bit dark when I was changing her dressing so I am not totally sure. I will say that it is definitely not larger which is a good thing. She was such a good girl about taking her antibiotics last night. I didn't have it flavored so I didn't know how she would react, but she took it without even making a face. Today I plan on disinfecting the entire house (woo hoo) to make sure she doesn't pick this thing back up (or that DH and I don't pick it up either).
Vegas - that's a good point. I think I've got some faster flow teats in her nursery so I'll try one of those. She definitely gets moody at my boob when she's impatient for the letdown!

Hope the cleaning goes well x
Vegas - sorry to hear about the infection, hope it clears up soon!

Kel - fab pic of Connors teeth!! so cute!

Lynn - sorry to hear about your tooth hon, ouch!

MM - lovely video of Ella!!

PH - glad the funeral went as well as could be expected!

Got Roman weighed again today and he is putting on weight at a rate of knots - he put on 7oz last week and is now 16lbs 7! The HV thinks he is close to ready for weaning but am going to hold off another couple of weeks if I can. He has been a bugger with feeding though, taking 4oz here, 3oz there and it feels like I am constantly feeding him!!!

Had a rough nite last nite too as Liv woke up at midnight and refused to go back to bed til 230am! Roman was up at 5am for a bottle! groan!
PH - I'm glad the funeral went well hun and Zander was being sweet :hugs:
Lynn - ow that sounds painful!
Kel - Connor has lovely hair! Flora has very little, enjoy it I say!
MM - cute video! Flora is loving her jumper at the moment.
Cocoa - Flora does the same lately. She feeds really only for a few minutes then she pulls off, sticks her hand in her mouth and gazes around at the room. The fact that she is feeding SO frequently indicates that she isn't getting enough at each feed but she just won't concentrate properly.

Also, re bottles, you've got me slightly worried! I have to go into work on Friday for half a day and am leaving DH with about 3 bottles, I seriously hope she'll take them! She wouldn't at Westminster Abbey but I'm pretty sure that is because the milk was cold.

I can't even remember what times she badgered me for a feed in the night but it was a good 4-5 times :wacko:

On the subject of not knowing what gender the baby is, I bought her a little bow to put on her head so that people can tell she's a girl :cloud9::

ETA: I never in a million years would have bought a little pink bow for a girl a year ago but I've gone all girly since she's been born! :blush:

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