march lambs 2010 come on ladies

GL - you can totally tell that Flora is a girl without the bow - she's got beautifully girly looking eyes!

I never got round to trying M with another bottle, will have to try in the morning. Our meal has been put back to 8pm tomorrow, so OH is going to leave work early to look after M. She's usually in bed by 7ish so I don't see much point in her going to my mum's - she'll never sleep properly there anyway. Getting ready whilst trying to entertain M should be interesting though - at least my hair won't take too long to do! Lol
Took a picture of Gabriel next to his younger cousin Vivien.
She's 6 weeks younger, a tad shorter, but weighs a bit more.
Seity- Great pic!
MM- Love the video! She really has the jumping down now. Connor can sit for about 30 sec to a minute at time now. He gets better at it everyday.
GL- Cute bow! If Connor was a girl he would always have a cute bow or barrette in his hair. I'm afriad that my next will be a girl with no hair and I won't be able to put girly stuff in her hair.
Hi ladies,

I've been a bit absent lately and haven't had the energy to catch up. :( Ronan has been off colour recently and on Sunday his left eye started weeping. I thought he was coming down with conjunctivitis and took him to the doctor's yesterday but she said there was no sign of infection and it's probably sinus related and he may be coming down with a cold. :cry: My hubby had the same problem when he was sick and I'm dreading the notion that my wee baby boy could end up getting that ill. He's had a restless couple of nights and hasn't napped well either so I'm not optimistic that I'll get any more sleep than before and I'm feeling more than a little exhausted.

Whether he's coming down sick or not, he's definitely in changeling mode going from screeching terror to laughing at the drop of a hat. :wacko: The last few days he's really started to actually swallow more of his food too (we're doing BLW). I'm not sure if he's coming up on his 6 month growth spurt but he hasn't noticeably been wanting to nurse much more than normal. :shrug:

Anyway, I'm going to try and get some sleep now that hubby has settled the monkey back to sleep for me (waking after only 3 1/2 hours for the 2nd night in a row).

Oh, and before I forget, I think the reason that Ronan looks so 'grown up' is because his head circ has always been on the lower end (around the 17th percentile if I remember correctly), so it seems more in proportion to the rest of his body!
Greenlady: Fiora looks so pretty with her bow.

MissMuffet: Ella looks like she is having a great time jumping around. What a cutie she is!

Seity: I love that picture. Sooo cute to see babies interacting with each other.

Hivechild: I hope Ronan is feeling much better today.
What a great pic Seity!

HC- i hope Ronan doesn't get a full blown cold. No colds over here yet, winter is in its 3rd month so fingers crossed.

We went to chipmunks today got some cool pics of the babies in the ball pit, i'll post pics up later. me and my friend went on the big slide too. it was fun :blush:
At Chipmunks. The 4 babies- Sam, (10 months) Charlie (2 days younger than Ella), Tui (nearly 6 months)

ball pit!!!

Ella loves her jumper :)

Ella LOVES the daily keno draw.It's Bright green and blue with colourful things coming on and off the screen. She will do whatever she can to see it, she knows the music so she will squirm and use all her effort into arching her back and twisting her head just to see it. if you go in her way she will grizzle and as soon as it finishes she relaxes and turns her head away again. Every night!!!!!! Very amusing :haha:
lynn I hope you manage to get your teeth sorted soon hun :hugs:

PH Glad the funeral went as well as a funeral can go hun, ahh thats nice Zander cheered everyone up.

MM that video of Ella in her jumper is sooooo cute!!!

CocoaOne fingers crossed M takes the botlte hun, the last two times hubby and mil have tried Chase on the bottle he's refused it but i must admit before that he wasn't regularly having one just very occassionally and he's only ever taken a bottle for me :dohh:. Adorable pic of M and her cousin.

Vegas Glad Charlotte's sore is looking a bit smaller, ahh isn't she so good taking her medicine without fuss, bless her.

mummydee Hope you got a better sleep last night hun!

GL Ahh lovely pic, and i agree even without the bow you can tell she is a little girl, she's got such a pretty face, she just doesn't have a boyish face at all. Chase i think looks like a boy and i've had people think he is a girl, usually old people, even when he is in blue, people are funny aren't they. Hope the 4 month growth spurt/sleep regression passes quickly hun. Have you heard back from you work yet hun? I'm sure they will agree, work places have to be so much more flexible now than what they had to be years ago.

Seity fab pic of Gabriel with his cousin. Glad to see your finally getting some sleep too hun, you deserve it!

hivechild Ahh poor Ronan i hope he gets better soon hun and doesn't get any worse :hugs: for you and Ronan.

Steffi2 love the pics of Gavin in his jumperoo, thats fab you managed to get one, even if the price was inflated.

Wow it seems a few of us are suffering with our teeth, you can add me to that list too. I went to a new dentist 2 years ago after not going to one for nearly 7 years , naughty i know, I had to have a filling in my bottom tooth, after two days it fell out, so i went back and she put a temporary one in, then a few days later on Christmas Eve i lost some of it again. I went back after Christmas and she drilled somemore and put it in again, then said at the end of the appt i needed a crown as i'd lost too much tooth, i'm convinced she drilled too much tooth away as everytime i went she drilled it :growlmad: and i went in needing a filling and now its a crown after she's put two fillings in. Anyway i changed to another lady within the practise as the first lady i didn't really trust and she really wasn't very good, very rough and never offered a wash out after treatment. When i saw the new lady i was pregnant (takes so long to get an appointment) and she said we'd have to wait to x-ray my tooth to see if i needed a crown. Anyway i had the x-ray last Friday and she said i've got a chronic infection! She said i could do with being referred to someone who specialises in this but its £600 for one appointment, so she will see if she can sort it. She's got to remove all the filling, put medication in, refill it then leave it 2 months and if it's okay put a crown in, but if its not ok then i'll have to have the tooth removed, omg i'm so scared, i hate the dentist i get so nervous. Stupidly also i forgot to ask if the medication will be ok with me breastfeeding, i hope it will be as i don't want to stop.

We're going to the doctors again today, i feel like we've been so much since Chase was born for either him or me. Well today its both of us, Chase has thrush again :wacko: he's only been clear of it for about 2 weeks, and i've got mastitis again,think it must have started on Sunday, we went out to the rally and Chase was late for his feed as he was asleep. My boob was all engorged and i could feel it was blocked, i could see a bit of dried milk so i managed to get it out and then feed Chase, but he's developed serious nosyness (iha ha is that a word?) so whenever we feed and we're out he just constantly pops off to look around, so i couldn't get him to feed properly and my boob still felt a little lumpy. Monday i never noticed it any different but then i woke Monday night at 3.45 in so much pain, i tried to get Chase to feed but he was too tired and wouldn't so i had to have a bath. It relieved it a bit but it's still so sore and again one of the ducts the milk has a greenish tint to it so its infected again. I called my doctors yesterday but one of them wasn't in and the other was off out somewhere, great hey! So i imagien when i call for an appointment this morning they will try to fob me off as they will probably be busy. They always ask you "do you need to see a doctor".

What's everyone up to today?
jj- Sorry about the tooth thing hun. Hopefully she manages to sort it withought having to go to a specialist. I would be scared too to be honest, so you are so brave. I'm too scared to go just for a checkup lol, but its more the price than anything why i won't go. There should be a brestfeeding safe medication, heres hoping. When do you find out?

That sucks about the mastitis i am so sorry you have to go through it again. i know it is so miserable :hugs: Does Chase have thrush on his bum or in his mouth? If it's his mouth do you treat your nipples too? Ella has been getting mouth thrush over and over, and I am hopeless at treating my own at the same time :dohh: i don't know why it keeps happening! And I think she has thrush on her bum. Usually if she gets abit of nappy rash i will use bepanthen but this time it hasnt been clearing up and so i used thrush cream and it has healed up pretty much instantly!

The day is almost over (8pm), Ella's in bed and we are just chilling. I'm feeling pretty cold though! I need to go to the supermarket at some point though and get wipes. it's just easier me going tonight than have to take Ella out in the cold tomorrow.
Wow, as usual this thread has been super busy!

JJ- I hope you feel better soon.

Vegas-how is the infection? clearing up I hope.

I love all the cute baby pics, they are all growing soo fast! I will try to post a couple of Wren once we have uploaded some pics of our trip.

I also need to get to the dentist! It is super expensive here, people usually go into Germany or there are special trips to Hungary as well...maybe shoulda done that while we were there!!

Our trip was great, Wren was really a mixed bag though, moments of greatness but lots of crying too, I missed the ceremony and most of the reception which was a shame. She was good on the flight out there but cried most of the way home, she also fell asleep while we were landing! bad timing as she woke up when we were getting off but then she was all smiles for some reason as it was well past her bedtime.

She is still waking way too much in the night, I am super exhausted and am ttrying to think of ways to help her sleep through a alittle better as she is waking sometimes as ofter as less than every hour! and has been doing so for about 6 weeks! any tips?
jj- Sorry about the tooth thing hun. Hopefully she manages to sort it withought having to go to a specialist. I would be scared too to be honest, so you are so brave. I'm too scared to go just for a checkup lol, but its more the price than anything why i won't go. There should be a brestfeeding safe medication, heres hoping. When do you find out?

That sucks about the mastitis i am so sorry you have to go through it again. i know it is so miserable :hugs: Does Chase have thrush on his bum or in his mouth? If it's his mouth do you treat your nipples too? Ella has been getting mouth thrush over and over, and I am hopeless at treating my own at the same time :dohh: i don't know why it keeps happening! And I think she has thrush on her bum. Usually if she gets abit of nappy rash i will use bepanthen but this time it hasnt been clearing up and so i used thrush cream and it has healed up pretty much instantly!

The day is almost over (8pm), Ella's in bed and we are just chilling. I'm feeling pretty cold though! I need to go to the supermarket at some point though and get wipes. it's just easier me going tonight than have to take Ella out in the cold tomorrow.

Ahh thanks hun, my next dentist appointment isn't until 28th Sept, the earliest thry could fit me in, i am so scared. Also i keep getting a lump on my gum which comes then bursts and the dentist said not to worry but it could get big or swollen, nice. I hope there is a breastfeeding medicaton. Everytime i go to the dentist i tell myself it will be fine and try to stay calm but i just can't i get so scared and my palms go all sweaty, gross!

His thrush is in his mouth, it must annoy him as he makes this little clicking noise with it. He had it on his bum once but yeah i found the thrush cream cleared it quick too, just wish the mouth stuff worked asd well. I do treat myself BUT i keep forgetting, or when i remember he always wants a feed so the creams on for like an hour or so :dohh: i'll have to remember once i get some more. Ha just phoned docs and yes she said "is it urgent do you need to see the doctor today".

Ahh i hope you warm up hun, not coming down with something are you? That sucks you have to go out for wipes, is it far away where you have to go?

ETA gorg pics hun, Ella looks like she is enjoying herself, my friend put Chase in a little ball pool at the party last week as he seemed fascinated watching my friends little girl in it, but he didn't like it and screamed.
JJ- The thrush stuff is a pain isnt it!! Do you use the cherry flavoured nilstat? It's yellow.

The supermarket isnt far but im cold and i dont want to go out and have to walked through the closed mall to the entrance. plus I have to take OH's car. I think he's coming down with something he's all blocked up he wants me to get him some cold and flu medicine stuff, he said i can go tomorrow but he looks miserable so i feel like i should. then when i get home I can have a nice warm shower and my electric blanket is on in bed :)

Argh i should go put some shoes on and go i guess. It's 8.30pm here and dark as. :dohh:
JJ- The thrush stuff is a pain isnt it!! Do you use the cherry flavoured nilstat? It's yellow.

The supermarket isnt far but im cold and i dont want to go out and have to walked through the closed mall to the entrance. plus I have to take OH's car. I think he's coming down with something he's all blocked up he wants me to get him some cold and flu medicine stuff, he said i can go tomorrow but he looks miserable so i feel like i should. then when i get home I can have a nice warm shower and my electric blanket is on in bed :)

Argh i should go put some shoes on and go i guess. It's 8.30pm here and dark as. :dohh:

Ahh if ya gotta go hun just go now then you can get back and get warm, hot showers are the best. Hope your OH doesn't get too ill hun.
We did use nilstat but it was rubbish so he's now on Dactarin gel.
I'm going to ask the doctor if there is anything different we can try when she gets her jabs next week
GL: I love the bow. I've bought a few bows as well even though I thought they were silly a year ago. Now I can't help myself!

Seity: Such a cute photo. Gabriel looks so tall.

Hive: Sorry to hear that Ronan isn't feeling well. I hope he is better soon.

Cocoa: The girls look very sweet together. How are you liking the amber necklace? I thought about getting one for Charlotte, but never got around to it.

MM: I love, love, love the photo of the babies in the ball pit. Looks like all the LOs had a fun time. Is chipmunks just for babies? I've never heard of it.

Well my house is sparkling clean. Not sure where Charlotte picked up her nasty infection, but she won't be re-picking it up in my house. She is still acting normal, but she has had a bit of diarrhea which I believe is caused by the antibiotics :cry:. She even had a bit of it when I changed her this morning and she never goes number two at night. Poor girl didn't even wake to ask me to change her diaper. I am wondering if she is too young for whole milk yogurt? I know it has all of those probiotics that might help her tummy, but I don't want to introduce anything too soon. We still have eight days of medicine and I can see diaper rash in our future if I can't get this diarrhea under control.
GL - The bow is cute. Very girly.
Great pics MM and Cocoa!
MM - Ella is too cute in that jumper.
hive - Hope Ronan feels better soon. I dread Gabriel's first cold.
jj - Thrush, mastitis, and tooth pain, Oh my! Major :hugs: I get blocked ducts all the time, but have been lucky enough to clear them in a day or two, so they didn't get infected. I've started taking lecithin every day and I've hardly had any blocks form since starting to take 1200mg a day and the ones I had were super tiny and easily cleared.
JJ/Em: I missed you both. Actually, I think I missed this whole page. Oops!

JJ: Sounds like you are having a bad time between your tooth and the mastitis. My dad had the same thing happen with one of his teeth. It took quite a few trips to the dentist, but now it is all cleared up and he has a permanent crown. He never mentioned that any of the treatments hurt so hopefully yours will be painless as well.

Em: Sorry you missed most of the wedding and reception, I know you were looking forward to it. We still need photos of Wren in her party dress! I don't know what to say about the sleep. Maybe it is teething and she is in a bit of pain. Hope she starts sleeping more for you very soon.

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