march lambs 2010 come on ladies

I am wondering if she is too young for whole milk yogurt? I know it has all of those probiotics that might help her tummy, but I don't want to introduce anything too soon. We still have eight days of medicine and I can see diaper rash in our future if I can't get this diarrhea under control.

I think she'd be fine. She's almost 6 months which is when you can 'officially' start giving them dairy. Ronan has already had a few mouthfuls of my greek yogurt with no adverse effects and I get the full milk stuff from Trader Joe's.

You can also buy infant probiotics that you can add into their milk. If you have a Vitamin Shoppe close by, I know they have several different varieties available (look in the refrigerated section even though they will probably have some on the shelf as well).

Whether you buy the probiotics or give her yogurt, I'd try to get one or the other into her. Antibiotics do such a number on tummy flora, not to mention the risk of thrush! Yuck!

Thanks everyone for the well wishes with Ronan. His eye is still weepy but he doesn't seem to be showing any other signs of coming down with a cold. :shrug: I'm just hoping that it's nothing much and clears itself up in the next couple days...and that he starts sleeping better again!
JJ i know how it feels hun, i totally sympathise with the teeth, i get the abcess lumps on my gums too and it gets soo blooming sore sometimes i hate it, i have to spend tomorrow pestering the dentist about it, and you should get an expmtion or a HUGE discount on anything caus you should have maternity exemption hun you have it till LO is a year old. i got quoted £2k to spend on my teeth privately in the UK and that was before Nate was born and without the optional venners they wanted me to have, so 2 years on i hate to think what id be spending if i had to pay for all of it, i just hope i can get it done soon im gonna call the local nhs dentist here since we just moved house and see if i can get seen quicker through them
Vegas- Chipmunks is for kids its a really cool big playground. even has a mammoth slide that adults can go on (well we did lol). It has seperate areas- big kids, babies, even a section for birthday parties, and tables for the adults to have coffee.
we're going to have to start weaning.....!!

I KNEW he was going to want to be weaned early (we had to wean Liv at 16 weeks!).

He had 36oz of milk yesterday and was still up at 1am and 530am for feeds (whilst I was marginally hungover ooops )

Last night I was sat on the sofa next to him eating my stir fry and he actually maneouvered (sp?) himself round so he could reach my plate and got mega stroppy everytime I moved him away. Ended up putting him in his chair and he screamed blue murder every time I put a mouthful of food in!

You cant eat in front of him at all now without him staring/crying and trying to grab what you have, he will literally sit there with his arms windmilling and getting red in the face! And you generally have to put him on your lap whilst you eat or he gets so upset he makes himself sick (except then he tries to grab food off your plate and cries when you take it away!)

Spoke to the HV on Tuesday who said it sounds like he is ready. I cant do BLW yet apparently cos they have to be able to sit unaided which he cant quite manage yet so am going to start with my homemade purees and then mix in the BLW once he is a bit bigger. I didnt want to have to wean my little baby so early but it would appear that he needs it so mummy has to provide!

Off to get some new freezer pots and a new blender again today!
MM - Ella had got such a cheeky smile!

JJ - I hope your teeth get sorted soon. Tooth pain is horrible :-( Sorty to hear Chase has got thrush again too. Bloody stuff is soooo hard to get rid of!

Emskins - Waking every hour?! Poor you! Is she hungry or just waking and needs settling back to sleep?

Vegas - M isn't teething yet so I'm not sure how effective it will be. Sure is cute though! :haha:

Dee - I always wonder how they realise that we're eating food and that it will fill them up (if that makes sense!) Good luck with weaning! M shows some interest in what I'm doing but not interested in actual food yet.

Well OH persuaded me to go out last night. He said if the worst comes to the worst & she won't take the bottle - he'll just drive her to me at the restaurant. But we decided that she probably wouldn't need it anyway as she usually only wakes at 12-1ish for her first feed and I'd be back by then.

So I fed &put her to bed at 6:30-7ish. Woke at 7:10 so resettled her and left at 7:40 for the restaurant. Didn't have any reception in the place I went but text OH when I managed to get one bar of signal to see how it was going- no reply. I'd given him my friends number because she had full reception.
Got home just after 11 to hear M crying from outside.... OH said she'd woken at 8:30 and wouldn't take the bottle. After 30 mins of trying she finally did, so he took her upstairs to finish the bottle so he could easily put her back down to bed- but she then refused the rest of the bottle and wouldn't settle down. He was really stressed when I got in - god knows why he didn't phone. Men!

So it doesn't look like I'll be getting another break for a while yet. Pah!
HUGE RANT ALERT - lots of swearing, be warned!!

this morning has been the straw which has broken the camels back or whatever that stupid phrase is

found out yesterday that jons niece is going to colchester zoo next wednesday - her dad bought her a zoo-keeper experience type thing which is 2 hours long and so eboni, her dad, dads gf, and nanny and grandad are all going to the zoo..... nothing was mentioned about inviting Livvie along

so today I got Jon to mention it to his mum and say did you want to take Livvie cos she would love it and immediately we got a million and one excuses and to why they couldnt take her... they are leaving at 630am (why, it doesnt take 3 hours to get there, 2 at the very very most and it doesnt open til 930am), its eboni's special thing from her dad, yaddi yadda yadda and when jon pushed the point his mum said "I dont need this" and hung up the phone! I am F***ing FUMING

so she doesnt need her other grandkids then no... I know eboni is going to be doing this thing for a couple of hours, but livvie could still go with them. she would love it. we cant afford to take her this summer as its £16 per adult and £9.50 for kids so it would be over £40 plus fuel... but if they are going anyway then they could take her so she didnt miss out. They know we dont have much money and are bored S***less indoors at the moment, I'm doing what I can with Livvie but its not easy is it.

I cant believe it - YET AGAIN. they promised that when the court case was done with (which it is) they would make more time to do things with Livvie but as per usual it was all utter bullS***. No-one from Jons family has EVER taken her out in 3.5 F***ing years - not even to the park over the road for half an hour. the minute anyone ever mentions doing anything with livvie all the excuses come flying out of the box and I have HAD IT to the back teeth. why is my beautiful girl, who is always so happy and loving, always pushed aside in favour of that spoilt little S***?

she's too young to notice now, but she soon will. its like middle child syndrome, eboni is the favourite, roman is okay cos he is the first boy and still a baby anyway, but livvie is stuck in the middle and they just think they can spend £££ on her at bday and xmas to make up for the fact that they are S*** grandparents to our children. It makes me HATE them and HATE eboni. I wish she had gone back to live with her mother and then maybe my kids would have had the opportunity to have an equal relationship with their other grandparents.

well done if you have made it to the end. you dont have to comment I just needed to get it out, I feel like someone has ripped my heart out and smashed it. If Livvie ends up hating them as she gets older then they F***ing deserve it and they are missing out on the most incredible little girl
Ah Dee - I'm sorry they are being so tw*tish. But it's their loss - Like you say, Livvie will realise that they're not worth her time anyway.

Families - who'd have 'em - nothing but trouble!

Dee: I am so sorry that Livvie is being left out. I hope that her grandparents realize that they are playing favorites and correct their behavior. It is not fair to your sweet girl. At least she knows how much you love her. Oh, and good luck with weaning Roman. He does sound like he is ready.

Hive: I am going to pick up some yogurt today. I think I will mix it with a bit of banana since it is a little tart on its own.

Cocoa: Glad you got out, but I am sorry that your sweet girl refused her bottle. I'm sure your OH didn't call because he wanted you to be able to have a good time (plus they don't like to admit defeat).
Hi all, so hard to catch up on here! I started writing last night then lost it. gave up and went to bed, so annoying! anyway pumping as i type so excuse errors and lack of punctuation.

Hive - hope ronan is recoverinng from his cold by now.
JJ - you have really been through the wars poor thing! all credit to you for sticking to breastfeeding hun :hugs:
Dee - good luck with the weaning. it kind of cute how roman knows what you're doing when you eat and is jealous. sorry to hear about your selfish in laws. my MIL def has a favourite grandchild, the daughter of her favourite child (dh's sister) of course. She lives in France anyway but really hasn't given much to her and lord knows she can afford it. \FIL doesn't even want to hold flora but then he doesn't really like babies or children until they have somnething interesting to say back to him.:wacko:
Cocoa - why didn't he ring you? typical men. I hope you had a good night anyway! DH is practising having flora he is out with her now, as i have to go to work for the afternoon tomorrow.

I am madly trying to pump enough for tomorrow, but seem to be having supply problems for the first time. I'm only getting like 2 oz per side, i think because f has been feeding so much lately i'm drained all the time. last night we had to bottle feed her because she woke just after i'd pumped both sides so i was empty. I'm a bt worried about it. there's about 11 oz in the freezer and i'll only be out for about 4.5 hours, so it should be enough but i need lots for next week when SIL is coming to babysit while we go to cater a wedding. so that'll be from 2pm till midnight ish. I am hoping the constant pumping will increase supply but it also means I'm empty when she needs a feed. what to do?
You're never empty GL - her sucking will stimulate another let down - it just might be slower than normal. Good luck at work tomorrow!
dee - Good luck with the puree's. Gabriel's always watching me eat and tries to grab the plate if it's in reach, but he wouldn't know what to do if he actually got anything off of it. Sorry to hear the family is being rubbish like that. My OH is an only child and Gabriel is the first grandkid of this generation on his family's side as well, so he'll get lots of attention when we attend any family events. Sadly nobody lives nearby, so it'll only be when we visit over the holidays. He's grandkid #5 of 6 on my side, so it's not quite as big a deal.

Cocoa - Sorry to hear M is being fussy about the bottle. Hopefully if you offer it a few more times, she'll decide it isn't so bad after all and you can get a night out.

GL - I know that empty feeling. I always feel bad when Gabriel has to work so hard and he's only getting what little I can make right then. It'll take him an hour to eat when I'm that low and then he'll want to eat again soon after. :hugs:
happy birthday Kel

ahhh its good to be home, just spent 6 hours near enough out with DH as we had to move the car and hand over the keys for the old place, found an american style diner though and had buttermilk pancakes for a Brunch/breakfast it was yummy and got myself 2 new tops in the New Look sale and a pair of jeans as well which are handy as i have a tear in the knee of my favorite pair now thanks to the move and doing so many trips up and down stairs with boxes and difficult loads i dont know how they tore but they are wearing thin anyway,
Bad thing about today is that im probably gonna have to drag the boys out to pick up DH even though we now live within a short walk from his work caus it looks like its going to pour with rain later.

Dee i know what you mean about food, EJ is begging for it everytime we eat but im trying to hold out as he is sooo close to sitting up by himself ( he will sit in the highchair quite well ) and i want to go BLW i dont mind starting that a bit early as he is in control of it and he was a couple of weeks overdue so a bit more advanced for his age
Happy birthday Kel!

Not much to report here.

Wren slept quite well last night, she woke at 11, 2.30, 5.30 and then 8, we also had a nap together on our bed this afternoon whch was nice.

Wren is also reaching out for our food, she also looks like she is chewing sometimes, it is so cute! I can't wait to start weaning her but I am going to be patient! We were thinking of doing a mix of puree and BLW if that is even possible!
em - definitely possible to do a mix of puree and BLW. My husband is way too eager to blend things to a pulp for us to go 100% BLW :haha:

Does any one else's LO have nightmares when napping?
My OH said the last two days Gabriel has been crying/screaming and when he went to check on him he was still fast asleep.
happy birthday!

Hunter can sit now :D He went from just a few seconds to just getting it! yesterday he did it! He is so so good at it! It is so amazing to watch him grow and develop every day! I'll upload some pics...

Oh and while we were eating pizza, hunter managed to escape the bumbo! We heard a thud and he was face first on the floor! I reacted so quick and cuddled him but he was smiling in minutes! He was fine but it gave us such a fright!
Here he is yesterday (at exactly 21 weeks :D)


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DM2 love the pictures. He's sitting so well, I'm impressed. Also, love the winkel. I really wanted one, but couldn't justify buying it.

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