march lambs 2010 come on ladies

I can't believe babies are sitting already! Ella hasn't even rolled yet! She can sit sometimes for a few seconds until she leans back. Or fowards. Her arms arnt long enough to reach the ground :haha:
I can't believe babies are sitting already! Ella hasn't even rolled yet! She can sit sometimes for a few seconds until she leans back. Or fowards. Her arms arnt long enough to reach the ground :haha:

Zander still doesn't roll a whole lot. He CAN roll from front to back, and he'll do it when he wants to but he doesn't seem to have an interest too. he's much more interested in sitting or standing all the time. When he does play on his tummy (he'll go from sitting to his tummy when he wants to) he army crawls if he feels like he needs to get somewhere. When he's in the walker he has figured out how to make it go. it doesn't always go forward but he's pleased that it moves :rofl:

Dee, sorry about the grandparents. I hope they get themselves straightened out before Livvie realizes whats going on. It's not fair.

Here's a pic of Zander sitting in a shopping cart like a big boy! :cloud9::cloud9: He absolutely LOVED it. normally when we go grocery shopping he would sit in the car seat inside the cart but now that he can sit up properly I thought I'd give this a try and I know there's no going back now. he loved looking around at everything and actually seeing everyone, instead of whoever was just in front of him. lol. :haha::haha:

happy birthday Kel!! :cake: <3

DM2, Glad to hear Hunter is ok after his fall. I've learned if you don't make a big fuss when it actually happens and give lots of hugs after they won't cry long (or at all) Zander's fallen once and tipped over once (both times hit his head on our hard floors) I forced myself not to make a huge fuss unless I knew it was serious and he was totally fine! No crying at all!


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For those that have started to wean, at what age were you little one's? It is breaking my heart to see Wren's face while we are eating! She looks like she wants some soo badly! I was just earting my yoghurt and she had the saddest face watching me eat...she only just turned 5 months last Sunday so I am hesitant to start already but she does seem keen!
i weaned Nate at 5 1/2 months and as soon as EJ is sitting up we will start BLW he probably wont manage to eat anything for a while but he will get highchair time to explore food
CocoaOne ahh sorry hun M wouldn't take her bottle, at least you got your night out hun, its a pain when they won't take a bottle isn't it, we're planning a night out for our anniversary and i'm just hoping if we go out once Chase is in bed he won't wake. You can guarantee he will though.

GL Hope it goes okay at work hun. When i was going out and i pumped for a week i noticed the next week my supply had increased loads.

DM2 Fab pics, what a clever boy.

PH Love the pic, i can't wait until Chase can sit in the trolley.

mummydee good look with the weaning hun, sounds like he's defo ready. Ahh thats such a same about your oh's grandparents, it's their loss hun, i personally just don't get it, people are strange :hugs:

Big news from us is that Chase is now in his own cot!! Well that's where he starts off, haha. He had really outgrown his moses basket and woke himself up everytime he stretched his arms out so we we're going to put his cot in our bedroom, even though it's already built in his nursery. But the other night he was in our bed (as hubby's doing tons of extra hours so he wasn't going to move the cot until the weekend) but he was just to wriggly and we didn't trust him not to wriggle off the bed. So we moved him into his cot just unti we we're going to bed and he fell straight asleep. He slept from 9-2 which is the longest he's slept in ages, then last night from 8-12.45. I've been letting him stary in our bed after his feed, only because i feed him in our bed lying down and i've been too lazy to put him back, but going to tonight. I was really upset at the thought of him going in his own room, he just seems to little, but actually i don't think he cares where he sleeps as long as he can stretch out, i have to admit though the past two nights i've loved it when he's woken up and gone running to get him.

The doctor took another swab off his tongue and has said if it comes back showing thrush she'll leave us a prescription but if not she'll leave it as she couldn't tell if it was just the end of it and if it was basically cleared up.

Wow i can't believe babies are sitting on their own, Chase is fine if i'm behind him and he's literally done a few seconds on his own but i'm not sure he'll be sitting on his own anytime soon.

We bought him a highchair yesterday, just got the Graco one from Asda, only £15. He seemed to like it, only tried him in it briefly as he's a little small at the moment for it.

OMG me and Chase fell over yesteday, i was coming in from the back garden and i have no idea what happended but my foot just slid from underneath me, i had flip flops on. It was like slow motion, i fell over and kinda twisted one way then the other but somehow had time to move Chase the opposite way to which i was falling, god knows how but Chase didn't touch the floor or get hurt in any way, he just cried for a second with shock, i've scraped all my shoulder, have a huge bruise on my leg and banged the top of my eye on the corner of the washing mlachine. I'm just so relieved Chase is ok. I feel sick when i think about it and so thankful his little head didn't hit the concrete or our hard kitchen floor.
For those that have started to wean, at what age were you little one's? It is breaking my heart to see Wren's face while we are eating! She looks like she wants some soo badly! I was just earting my yoghurt and she had the saddest face watching me eat...she only just turned 5 months last Sunday so I am hesitant to start already but she does seem keen!

we are starting today and Roman is just over 4 months - its just not fair to make him wait when he is sooo desperate!
GL: Good luck with work and the catering. I am sure you will be able to pump enough for Flora.

Kel: Happy birthday! (Belated at this point)

Lynn: You are now making me crave pancakes and shopping! It has been so long since I have shopped anywhere but online.

Seity: Charlotte has had little nightmares too. Luckily it doesn't happen often and I can see on the monitor that she is still sleeping. What could possibly be bothering them? I'd like to think my LO is too happy to have nightmares.

DM2: Poor Hunter taking a tumble from his bumpo. He looks so cute sitting and playing with his toy.

MM: Ella will get there soon enough. Remember that even though we were all supposed to be March Mommies that our babies were born between the middle of February all the way into April. Heck, my LO is one of the oldest and she still can't sit unsupported more that 15 seconds or so. It's getting better, but I know there are younger babies who have been able to sit very well for a while.

Em: I started weaning right at five months, but only with the tiniest bit of mashed banana and I didn't even do that every day. As of about two weeks ago we started in on other foods and she is doing great!

PH: I am impressed. I am so ready to be done with lugging that darn car seat with me everywhere.

JJ:Congrats on moving Chase into the big bed. So sorry about your fall. Good job keeping Chase out of harm, but you sound beat up. I know I fear that I am going to trip while holding the baby. I hope you feel better soon.

So I am in the market for a foam mat for the floor that the baby can roll around on. I have been using blankets, but they don't provide much padding on our tile floors. Babies R Us has some cute tiles that I would love as they come apart and stack up, but they have small parts so that is not an option. here I come.
jj-falling with Wren or dropping her have been my nightmares! Well done for protecting Chase but sounds like you suffered pretty bad, I hope you are OK. I guess those mumy survival insticts kick in and you do anything to protect them in those situations.

Wren is actually asleep in her crib right now, this is a first for the day time!! I think she is a little under the weather as Sam and I both have minor colds. The bummer thing is that the movers ar coming in 15 mins to give us an estimate and I am worried they will wake her! FIngers crossed as it is so lovely to have her asleep in her little bed!

Here are a few pics from our trip..


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PH - Nice pic of Zander. I look forward to being able to do that as our most recent grocery trip involved some creative cramming of items around his car seat in the cart.
DM2 - Gabriel took a tumble out of his swing a few days ago. My husband put him in it as usual and in about 3 seconds he managed to squirm his way out and tumble onto the floor. OH thinks he might have bumped his head on the swing, but he was fine after a little cuddle and the floor was carpeted. No more swing without straps for our little wriggler.
vegas - They said the most common nightmares for babies is of falling or being alone, but don't ask me how they figured that one out. :shrug: I also would love a foam mat for the nursery. They sell some alphabet and number interlocking squares and I've been dying to get them.
jj - My FIL fell out of our papasan chair while holding Gabriel when he was only about 2/3 weeks old. He also made sure that he hit the floor and not the baby, so it simply startled Gabriel when he suddenly changed elevation.
Em - Nice pics. Wren is such a cutie!

OH says Gabriel has refused to nap so far today and is being a right fussy baby too. And after being so good last night too, basically falling asleep on his own around 10 pm. He woke at 3:30 and I couldn't get him back to sleep until 5:30, but I could tell his guts were bothering him - lots of squirming and stinky farts. Sure enough when I got up he had a full diaper and the poop was a bit on the thick side. Guessing he's was just a tad constipated.
lovely pics ladies im busy uploading the ones from my phone to the computer now so should have a few for you in a bit,

i startled EJ unintentionally today i was in the kitchen and he got cranky so was having a strop and when i walked back into the living room he startled when he saw me and cried even louder till i got to him and picked him up. its almost bathtime here now gotta do dinner for Nate then EJ's bottle then it will be into the bath with the both of them for a good clean up then cuddles and bed for Nate and bottle, cuddles and bed for EJ then im gonna get a glass of wine and run a bubble bath for myself and have a good ol' soak and relax while DH cooks our dinner.
kinda annoyed at myself we went shopping yesterday and i had to buy the next size up in jeans which really annoyed me but i got some lush tops in the New Look sale one of which i can wear to a wedding im going to next weekend.
Em: Such cute photos with you and Wren.

Seity: I looked at the alphabet mat, but decided against it because even though it is adorable it has small parts which could pose a choking hazard and will surely make it harder to clean. Charlotte still spits up quite a bit when she is on her tummy and I can't imagine trying to clean in all the nooks and crannies. Land of Nod also has a cute mat, but it is expensive and not quite big enough. Currently I am think the following is my best bet:

Lynn: A bubble bath while your hubby cooks sounds divine. Enjoy!
The pieces didn't seem that small except on the shapes mat. I figured by the time he could get them out he'd be fine with them. Also I suspect it's pretty easy to run them under some water in the tub or sink to clean. - this is the one I want.
Vegas- I bought the same exact mats from Amazon. We have all tile floor so I covered my living room in them. I love them they are very big and easy to clean!
Seity - The biggest problem with the letter ones (per a friend of mine) is that once the baby starts crawling around that they can pull the letters out very easily, and the mats get destroyed quicker because of that.
PH- Cute picture! Connor is sitting up well enough now that we just started putting him in the shopping cart and highchairs at restuarants now too!
i had one of the number sets when Nate was little and they lasted quite well a few bite marks but he never managed to chew through the peices completly i would happily have one again they are great for when they are learning to crawl for preventing bumps and bangs on the head from them just letting go with their arms lol
Seity: I do love the alphabet mat (we have alphabet cards over Charlotte's crib already) and I like that the mats you like are a bit thicker. Most that I had seen other than the one's I posted were only 3/8". Every little bit of extra padding helps at this age!

Kel: I am happy to hear that you have the mats I am looking to buy. They are not as cute as some, but the ease of only a few large blocks appeals to me. Did you buy one set or more than one? I think one set will cover a 4x8 ft area, but I think I might want one extra set. These tile floors are so hard I don't want her crawling on them when the time comes (and I know it will be here soon). Perhaps I can set up a runway for her if I buy a few sets.

I am really dreading when this child starts crawling and walking. What I am going to do when I can't just put her in the jumperoo anymore? Will I ever get to shower again?

Lynn: Good thing Nate couldn't chew though. I hadn't even thought about that! Now my dogs are another story. I will have to keep my eyes on them when the mat is down.
I gave Roman his first proper taste of food today! I pureed up some apples and pears this morning and gave him some at lunch time and he LOVED it!!! He was sucking it straight off the spoon, and complained after I stopped after 3 spoonfuls so he ended up with 6.. ooops! He was literally dragging my hand with the spoon in it to his mouth bless him!

Best of all, he didnt spit any out whatsoever and he WASNT sick after (which with his reflux is a miracle!) I have a load frozen in the freezer so will use that for at least 2/3 more days for one meal a day and see how we get on! so pleased!

Couple of pics below...
Hi ladies, I just had a quick squiz at the page will catch up properly later on when i have my wine :)

i have one of those mats, but its just a cheap one cost me $3.90 NZD

Ella rolled today. Front to back to the left. 1st time. so proud right now :) She is reaching out to her toys more and now she plays with them- swings them around as well as chewing on them.

I think she is getting OH's cold. She has been very blocked up and sniffly so she woke up once djuring the night becoz she was struggling to breathe. It's so awful :(

What can cause a sudden increase in milk supply? i'm having more letdowns and i even leaked through my top today which i NEVER do, i only have to wear breastpads at night!
I am getting one of those mats with dinos on! I have seen a million of the number/letter ones so i fancy something different.

I cant remember what else i read now so i cant respond any more:dohh: :haha:

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