march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Oh yeah... to those who think their bubs wont sit... I was the same. he could sit for a few seconds as long as he stayed still :haha: But the second he moved he'd fall. I tried it every so often but I tried it tuesday after a discussion at my breastfeeding group and seeing a pic of a baby a month older sitting and playing so confidently but it was the same few seconds as always. i thought he was never going to get it as i figured he would have to get longer each time gradually BUT i tried it the next day (wednesday) and it just clicked! He got it and gets better every day! earlier he sat for like 5 minutes happily playing without needing to be sat back up :haha: So just keep giving them the opportunity and it can happen in the blink of an eye
Hmm, a foam mat is a good idea. I have got a lot of ideas from you lot!

Work was OK all I did was sit with a couple of colleagues and found out what was going on. I won;t need to go again for a while, except for a meeting to discuss part-time hours when I return in January, which is on Wednesday :wacko:

I had about 3 letdowns at work. Got home, pumped 5oz and then fed Flora with the other boob. Then I pumped another 5oz a couple of hours after she went to bed. So supply has picked up a bit thank god.

Also DH was fine alone with her so that's great I can do it more often!

Hope everyone is well, we have a day off tomorrow first one in about 3 weeks, so we are staying in with sticky ribs, sweetcorn coleslaw and a DVD! Oh an a bottle of wine :)
Just wanted to share a video of my silly bath time baby.
what a cute video seity!
hunter acts just like that (but not in the bath, he doesnt like to lay anymore) he eats his finger the same way too :haha:

I have him in a reclining seat since he went in the big bath. I am hoping to go back to the baby bath when I am confident with his sitting. He has gotten so good in a few days i reckon it wont be long tbh. But i hate having to fill the big bath up so it will be up to the height of the seat and waste all that water. I so want to use the baby bath again! I am thinking of starting our sitting baths in the kitchen sink :p I have looked at bath seats and there are none i want for him. Plus it would be a waste of money! Any other sitting babies sitting in the bath yet?

I wanna share a pic. I took this today. he looks so grown up in it. i dont know whether to laugh or cry! :haha:


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And this pic because it is silly :haha:


here is other veiws of the comforter, to promote my friends business She will dye these any colour you want (some examples in her photos) They are OBV (organic bamboo velour) so they are reeeeally soft! Mine cost £10 they are all made to order so they are whatever you want!! She can make/dye other things too!
Hunter looks so cute. Gabriel use to recline in the baby tub, but a week or so back he refused to want to stay upright and wanted to lie flat, so I had to switch to the full bath. I expect we'll go back to the baby tub once he's sitting.

I'm wondering if he's teething because he's refused to nap the last two days. He napped a total of 1 1/2 hours yesterday and about the same today. I had to resort to going for a walk to get him to fall asleep.

And to pester y'all with yet another video... Gabriel in his jumperoo now that he can reach the floor:
He is adorable!

I should get a jumparoo because he is getting too move-y :)haha:) in the door bouncer and has nearly hit his head a few times on the door frame! Because he "walks" then lifts his feet and swings back! :haha: But my question, is... isnt the jumparoo a bit annoying to have on for any length of time? :shrug:
Gosh, I just can't believe how fast our LO's are all growing up.

Such cute pics PineappleHead, Emskins, mummydee & DM2, and love the videos Seity!

Ronan was 6 months today and as my boy is so fond of doing, he's keeping me on my toes. He went down for his afternoon nap just after 3:30 and here we are at 9pm and he's still asleep. Growth spurt or what? I expect him to wake up and be ready to walk at this rate! :rofl: Ok, so maybe not...

He's going to be one hungry monkey when he does stir though. I had cooked up a nice roast dinner for us all to have for his first real proper BLW dinner now that he's 6 months old but that's going to end up being a left over lunch tomorrow now. I won't lie that I was a little disappointed but a bigger part of me is kind of glad that he's still all about mummy's milk! I'm looking forward to a snuggly feed when he does wake up. :blush:

I don't know what to do with myself now. I'm not even tired so I can't nap in anticipation of him being up at all hours of the night/morning and not wanting to sleep! Maybe I'll get to take some pictures before midnight of him like I'd planned to do when he would have normally woken from his nap this afternoon.
HC - I can't believe he's 6 months already!

Seity - glad Gabriel likes bath time again, I remember he hated when he was little!

Haven't got time to reply to everyone, read all your posts though!

All ok here - sleep all over the place again but I won't bore you with that. M still not rolling but she's reaching for things when she's on her back and rolling onto her side to reach them so maybe it won't be long.

Hope everyone is having a good Sunday x
JJ, congrats on the cot bed. Were you a little nervous at first?? I know I was. how scary with the fall too! I'm glad Chase is ok, but I'm sorry you got some bumps and bruises out of it. :( I hope you heal quickly.

vegas, those foam tiles you're talking about are amazing and I want some. I'll prolly be going to as well... or else hitting up a thrift store! I need to go to a thrift store to get Zander a high chair for home. But I know whatcha mean about needing more padding... all we have is hardwood floors and even though Zander sits on blankets, when he's fallen over he's hit his head twice on the floor thankfully it wasn't serious.

Em, I love the pics! :D
everyone's babies look absolutely adorable. Seity, I LOVE the video. Gabriel is so silly. lol

Thanks for the nice comments on the pic ladies. He's so pleased with himself that he can sit in shopping carts and high chairs. He's a smug little thing. :rofl:

only thing to report from us is we are definitely going to be able to move at the end of the month! we had been trying to find an apartment instead of renting a house again cause each house we've rented we've ended up with a TERRIBLE landlord... they never come and fix anything and cause nothing was fixed in THIS house we're moving due to severe mold. :sick: We hadn't really had any luck finding an apartment big enough for us though and out of no where, a landlady emailed me saying her house was available for rent again. This was a house we'd looked at last year and REALLY REALLY wanted to rent it. we LOVE the landlady and we absolutely LOVE the house, but she took a deposit from someone else before we could get one in so we were forced to get the house we're in now. We got the keys for the new place yesterday and we can start moving at any time. I'm so thrilled to be getting away from this terrible place!
Dee: I love the photo with Olivia feeding Roman. They both look so cute and happy.

MM: Congrats on the rolling. How is Ella feeling did the cold symptoms develop any more or go away (hopefully)?

DM2: We have been practicing sitting up and Charlotte is getting a bit better. The picture of Hunter with the blanket over his head is adorable. And yes, the music from the jumperoo can be a tad annoying, but it does have volume control (and an on/off switch) and after a while you just tune it out. Regardless, babies love it and are content so it is worth the annoying sounds.

Seity: Great videos. I don't think we will ever go back to the baby tub. Charlotte likes to splash way too much so she needs the big tub to contain her play.

Hive: Happy half birthday to Ronan! Can you believe it has already been six months? That is an impressive nap. I'm curious to hear how the rest of your night went. I think my girl might be going through a growth spurt too as she slept 13 hours last night.

Cocoa: Looks like M just about ready to roll. It is so exciting the first time you see her roll (actually I still cheer).
GL: Forgot to say that I am glad that Flora and your OH managed OK without you while you went to work. I know you were concerned. It is so hard to leave them with anyone even for a bit.

PH: I must have been posting the same time as you. Congrats on the new house. That's so exciting that you are getting the house you originally liked. We are renting right now too. I love area we are living in and the house, but hate that it is not mine and I can't change anything about it (like the ugly planting in the garden). We would love to buy, but we still own our house in Vegas (we rent it out since the market is too bad to sell). Good luck with the move.
I'd love to have my own home as well, but we're working on getting our credit back to normal. DH's got effed up when his mom did a voluntary repo on her car (DH's name was on the title too) and mine got effed up with credit card debt.... :dohh:

This house we're moving too though, the landlady is so incredible: she said she wanted a family living there in the first place, and she WANTS us to paint and garden and decorate to make it feel like our home :D :cloud9: I'll be sure to post pics
Hive - happy six months birthday to Ronan! I thought of you yesterday cause I always remember he was born on valentines day. I didn't really know growth spurts invloved long sleeps - Flora's just seem to be eating frequently and bad sleeping. I'm still not 100% sure when I'm having growth spurts tbh :blush: perhaps they're just not that bad for me (ETA when SHE's having growth spurts not me!)? Although sleeping this week has been a bit of a shocker, getting better last 2 nights.

Seity - I haven't watched the jumperoo vid yet but the bath one is too cute. DH thought it was Flora when he overheard it because she squeals just like that! Good luck if its teething hopefully it wont be too bad. Any sure ways to know whether its teething vs growth spurt or some other phase? Flora has been napping really poorly today and yesterday as well.

PH, wow sounds like you have landed a good place and I bet you can't wait to move. We rented for years and years and bought our first place (this place) nearly 3 years ago. It was so thrilling to move in and we have done so much to the place its v satisfying, so its good that you're allowed to do things, what a nice landlady!

Cocoa, Flora does the same, rolls to her side to grab things so that she can shove them in her mouth (e.g. the dangling soft toy with bells that hangs next to the changing table). But no rolling really.

I have changed the pram to the pushchair today. It still looks a bit big for her but we haven't been using the pram for ages, we just use the car seat. I think she prefers to be looking out at things.

I'm feeling a bit sad that the summer is almost over, but kind of excited to get F into her cosy winter clothes as well. It would be nice to have one more blast of heat though wouldn't it?
Vegas- The cold symptoms are gone! She was abit snotty for a couple of days and had a wee bit of a cough (which sounded so cute btw). So glad it didnt turn into a full blown flu!

5 Months old today!!! :D

we are moving flat as well! We are outta this dump fire risk appt on 30th! The new flat needs to be painted and a few things fixed so we have to move into a flat below for a few days which is a pain in the bum but what can you do!

Wren is rolling all over the place right now, back to front and front to back!

Looked at high chairs today, couldnt make my mind up! I was thinking of an IKEA special but I am feeling a little under the weather and couldnt make a decision in IKEA, plus I am not in the mood to drag it home and the bus and tram!

GL, I agree some nice weather again for a few days would be great, it has been gray and wet here for a bit too long!

Oh and I am tripping out about my wedding venue, I think it is going to be too big! I have been emailing other places to see what I can find! Typical of me to secind guess myself
Em - Way to go Wren with the rolling! Good luck with the venue search. I think that's often the hardest part of wedding planning. We got lucky and the place we wanted was both affordable and available.

Gabriel decided to eat some of my pulled pork last night. He grabbed it and sucked it right down. Had a little bit of catfish too. So much for bananas as a first food when weaning, the kid had other ideas. We'd actually just bought some bananas to offer him and see if he would try to eat them, so I put two small pieces in front of him when I was home for my lunch break today. They were a bit slimy and he couldn't quite pick it up, so he decided to try diving at it face first with him mouth open. Tad messy, but somewhat effective technique. I've got the rest of the banana in the fridge and I'll try cutting it into more of a strip vs coin shape and having it be colder/firmer next time, so he can hold it better.
Seity - the image of Gabriel grabbing the pulled pork and sticking his face into the banana cracked me up! :rofl:
Seity, that's hilarious! Gabriel knows what the good stuff it! :haha:

I finally know what I want my next tattoo will be.... now when and where I get it is an entirely different story :rofl:
I want it to say "your first breath took mine away" (I know the phrase usually says "ours" but it's my body LOL)
and then I want Zander's birthday under it.
As we have more kids I can add their birthdays to it without it looking tacky. :D :thumbup:

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