march lambs 2010 come on ladies

hey ladies

sorry I have been AWOL - took me ages to find where they had moved this board too!

how is everyone? having a rough few days here, Roman will NOT sleep in the day time really (although he has finally conked back out now!) and he has been hard to settle at night too so am pretty shattered!!

PH - love the sound of the tattoo! I am in the midst of designing mine to represent my kiddies and am hoping to get it done for xmas! :)
Oh they moved us?!

Glad everyone is doing well. No news here - M still having issues with sleep but we're struggling through. OH has been really good at taking turns to resettle her in the evenings.

My friend is in labour! She's a week overdue - contractions started at 1am Monday morning, waters broke 3pm Monday afternoon, was STILL in labour last night, had an epidural at 2am this morning and was 8cm dilated at 8:30 when her OH last text me. I'm sooooo glad my labour was short!
good luck to your friend Becki!!

we're having sleep issues here too... the last 3/4 days Roman wont sleep for more than 10min in the daytime, is dead cranky by 4pm and then wont settle off to bed til 830/9pm... and he has still been waking in the night for a feed again which he hasnt done for aaages! (last nights was 230am, joy! I ended up watching re-runs of Takeshi's Castle to keep me awake!). But this morning he woke up at 630am, and by 830am he was back asleep and he slept for over 2 hours!!!
PH: That's great that your new landlady will let you personalize the home. That makes a huge difference. Also, love your idea for a tattoo.

GL: I wish summer would hurry up and be over. It is so hot over here! Enjoy the cooler weather.

MM: Glad to hear that Ella is all better.

Em: Good luck with your move too. Try not to stress about wedding details. I know your wedding will be beautiful so try to enjoy the process (of course I could have said the same thing about pregnancy, but that process was not that enjoyable either).

Seity: Looks like Gabriel is going to be quite the meat eater. I like his technique for getting at the banana. It seems as though no challenge will keep him from his food.

Dee: Sorry Roman is having problems sleeping. I'm sure it will get better soon.

Mummy0704: Welcome :hi:!

Cocoa: Good luck to your friend.

Nothing too exciting to report here. Charlotte's sore looks to be healed though she is still taking medicine. I just hope it doesn't come back. Yesterday I took Charlotte for a walk and used the actual stroller as opposed to placing the car seat in the stroller. I think she really enjoyed being able to look around. Of course it was boiling hot, even though it was 7pm, so we may not be going on a walk again any time soon. Hurry up fall!
Vegas - our weather has turned horrible - cold, windy and raining! I'm thinking about making a fleeced footmuff for M's pram to keep her snuggly warm for the autumn/winter
Wow, I've been AWOL so long. I don't even know how many pages I have to catch up!

I don't really have time to catch up right now, will have a look through the pages I have missed later.

OH started a new job on Monday, which was great, but we had very little notice(they called him on Thursday) so I spent Friday and Monday frantically looking for a daycare. There was only one daycare center in town with an infant opening and i went in and toured. It was horrible. All the kids looked miserable, the babies were just kind of laying there. A lot of the toys looked like they were broken/unsafe. I finally found a home daycare that had an opening and went to take a look around and I fell in love with the owner, the kids looked happy and relaxed, and the home was really nice with lots of different toys and books. Plus it's only $90 a week! A total steal! My dad is keeping him this week and he starts daycare Monday.

This is my last week of work, I start back to classes and start my internship at DHS (kind of like social services) in the child welfare department which I'm really excited about.

MIka is loving his solids, eating an entire jar at a time now and happy with pretty much anything but green beans. I absolutely cannot believe how big he is getting, and he's pretty much a happy little boy all the time. My baby is going to be 6 months old this month! :cry:
aww blonde, sorry you have to find daycare so soon. I know that MUST be hard!
I'm with ya on the 6 month thing. the 26th is when Zander will be 6 months... Where has my baby gone?

My sweet happy boy has been replaced by a monster tonight. Well, BIL said he's been a monster all day. very whiny and clingy. and not napping... It took bathing him, massaging him, giving him a teething tablet and bouncing him on my shoulder for him to go to sleep. he Went to sleep at 10 pm after being up for 6 hours.... a record for him.
Ooh, PH I can't even begin to imagine what Mika would be like after he was up for 6 hours! He still takes a nap about every two hours! He will be 6 months on the 28th. OH has decided that it's time to get new portraits made of Mika, but I'm trying really hard to convince him that we should get pictures of the three of us together, lol.

Hope your happy little boy will be back tomorrow!
6 hours was a nightmare.... the longest he's up is 3, and he's usually pretty tolerable then.
wow i thought the worst had happend and we had gone forever when i couldnt find us lol , didnt take me long to work it out,

sorry ive been awol, been pretty busy the last couple of days, got huge WEEKEND planned im going to a wedding for a friend from my Birth Month with Nate and im taking EJ with me, then im going to another friends Ann Summers Party up in Northhampton and staying over the night with another friend who lives up there and then coming back Sunday to pretty much drop off the kids with a babysitter then go to the Dont Stop Believing final in Maidstone ( DH scored tickets ) then Monday we are going out for dinner with friends. and all on the week I want to go into cloth nappies full time lol, and Today we are going swiming then having a picnic lunch then going to a softplay centre for Nate to meet other friends this afternoon
Lynn- Sounds full on! make sure you get lots of rest in between things! I hope the wedding is lovely. i've only ever been to one wedding- my aunty's when i was about 11 or something. i have a friends wedding in October, and I don't know what to expect really!!
Ooooh an Ann Summers party! We have Joanna G over here :haha: have fun swimming!!

PH- Sorry Zander was so grizzly! i can imagine Ella being grizzly too if she was awake for 6 hours!! The tattoo sounds great! I so want something like that! I don't have any though.
That's so nice about the house! When do you move in?

BnK- Yay for the daycare it sounds lovely!!! I'm sure mika will have lots of fun there! :D

vegas- i'm so glad Charlotte's sore has gotten better!!!

MD- Sorry you have having a rough time with sleep lately. hopefully it is just a phase and Roman will grow out of it.

Cocoa- Your poor friend! The times you stated sound exactly like my labour! I wouldn't wish a long labour on anyone! :(

Mummy0704- :hi: welcome

Seity- Sounds very messy! I have only given food with a spoon, and that gets messy as it is!! lol. I'm wiping bits of food off for miles! :haha:

Ems- is the wedding venue you are tripping out about the one you have booked?

GL- i am like you and don't know when Ella his having a growth spurt! Unless they arnt that bad for her, i don't know but she has been having them under my nose coz I havnt noticed any!
It's winter here still, i am looking foward to getting the summer blast but I like rain, just not the cold!

Ella is sitting now! Well leaning foward with her hands down and only for a bit till she falls over but she can sit there a couple of minutes! And I got a photo of her 1st time sitting yay! :dance:

Seity That's hilarious Gabriel stealing your pork, love his idea to get to his banana too. I gave Chase banana the other day, he bit sum off but started heaving, don't think he liked the texture, i tried to take it out of his mouth but he wouldn't let me and he swallowed it, then started coughing, scared me to death.

PH I was so nervous putting him in his cot, it felt like such a big step. Great news your moving.

mummy0704 Hi and welcome hun :wave:

CocoaOne Good luck to your friend hun, so exciting. Yeah i'm glad my labour was quite short too! Ah a fleeced footmuff sounds lovely,you should definately do that, i wish i was good at making things.

vegas So glad Charlotte's sore is healed :thumbup: I'm thinking of trying Chase in the buggy, when he's in the car seat he just keeps pulling himself forward :wacko: was it weird not having her face you?

Blonde Nice to have you back. That's fab your OH has got a new job, gre at you have found day care your happy with too. Good luck with your internship.

Lynn Wow you have got a busy weekend planned, enjoy it hun.

MM Ahh clever Ella, lovely pic hun!

Well moving Chase into his cot was defo the best thing to do. His sleep has improved so much, he's even moved his own bedtime forward to 7.30-8. He's now sleeping until 3, feeds for 20mins or so, used to always be an hour, then he goes back to bed until 7.30-8 :happydance: so proud of him.

He is really loving his food too, his favourite is his dads homemade leek and potato soup. Think i'm going to have to start increasing the amount i give him, yesterday after his tea i was giving him some fruit puree for afters, so i went to get it ready, as soon as i left him he screamed the house down, when i went back in with his pudding and he saw the spoon he stopped crying immediately and leaned forward with his mouth wide open, so cute, he must have still been quite hungry. He then finished off with both boobs! Hungry lil monster he is.

Got a few nights out planned. We're out Sat for our anniversary mil is babysitting so thats fine, then for friends birthdays got two meals coming up, one tomorrow and one Tues, hope Chase is as good as he has been as hubby's working 6-6 at the mo so he won't be too impressed if he has to try and give Chase a bottle, given the last few times he's refused one. Since we started his new routine he's woken twice half an hour after going to bed but both times he's just wanted a bit more milk, sod's law this will happen on my nights out.

Was supposed to go swimming today but my friend's not well so going tomorrow. Hmmmm what to do today now?....
Cocoa: Wow your weather does sound bad. I don't even have cold weather clothes for Charlotte with the exception of a fleece sleeping bag. Even when it is cold in Florida it is not very cold.

BNK: Welcome back. That's great that you found a good in-home daycare for Mika on such short notice. Good luck with school and your new internship and good luck to your OH with his new job.

PH: Sorry your little man has been in such a bad mood lately. I had a very similar day with Charlotte yesterday as well. I'm chalking it up to teething. It seems like she has been teething forever yet we still don't have a single tooth. She's a tooth tease. We need to get a tooth soon, because cranky days like this wear me out!

Lynn: You sound super busy, but it all sounds like a lot of fun.

MM: Such a cute photo of Ella sitting. She has the cutest chubby cheeks.

JJ: I've had Charlotte facing forward in her stroller (even when using the car seat) since the beginning. She has always preferred to stare out at the world as opposed to back at me (I guess she sees enough of me all day long). Looks like Chase is really enjoying all the new foods. Isn't it adorable how excited they get they know they are about to be fed.

So today Charlotte turns six months old. This has been the fastest six months of my life. I just can't believe how much she has changed since she was born and excited to see how much she changes in the next six months. Currently Charlotte is celebrating in her jumperoo by napping. Maybe we will do something fun this afternoon.
jj-wow is chase ever eating well!! and sounds like you are getting some good sleeps in!

MM-super cute pic of Ella! and yes the venue i am tripping out about is the one I have booked!!

Lynn-you are a busy social butterfly! Have fun!

Vegas-gald to hear Charlotte's sore is healing well.

BnK-good luck on your intership, full respect you studying and being a mummy

PH, we had a simialr day to you, Wren was awake pretty much all day, she napped for about 15 mins in the morning and then OH woke her up making much and then seh didnt sleep until bed time so like 6 hrs and she was a grizzly nightmare! I am worried we are heading the same way today as she was woken up by a little boy throwing a hissy fit in the supermarket and now she is whinging in her swing instead of sleeping!

I have still yet to give W any solids, am I the only mumma?
Emskins, we have not really given Sam any solids yet either. He's had rice cereal a couple of times and when we eat supper we usually give him some carrot,celery or cucumber to suck on. It very much seems to me like he still has the tongue reflex plus he does not sit by himself yet and does not have the two finger grasp yet. Those are supposed to be there as a sign that baby is ready. Aside from this my mummy gut tells me his not ready yet. He nurses fantastic and seems to have grown quite a bit. So I think he is just fine with what he is getting for now.

Vegas, I am also very glad Charlotte is better!

MM, Ella is super cute sitting there like a big girl!

In regards to teething I believe Sam is right in the middle too, we are very lucky so far as he does not seem grumpy very often. He has also changed from a twice a day pooper to once or twice a week "exploding" ,made me nervous at first,but apparently its normal too?
Emskins, we have not really given Sam any solids yet either. He's had rice cereal a couple of times and when we eat supper we usually give him some carrot,celery or cucumber to suck on. It very much seems to me like he still has the tongue reflex plus he does not sit by himself yet and does not have the two finger grasp yet. Those are supposed to be there as a sign that baby is ready. Aside from this my mummy gut tells me his not ready yet. He nurses fantastic and seems to have grown quite a bit. So I think he is just fine with what he is getting for now.

Vegas, I am also very glad Charlotte is better!

MM, Ella is super cute sitting there like a big girl!

In regards to teething I believe Sam is right in the middle too, we are very lucky so far as he does not seem grumpy very often. He has also changed from a twice a day pooper to once or twice a week "exploding" ,made me nervous at first,but apparently its normal too?
MM - Ella is such a good sitter. Gabriel still has a ways to go in the sitting department.

PH - I can't imagine Gabriel sleeping every 3 hours. He's often up for 5+ hours at a time. On Sunday he was up for 8 hours straight while we were out and about and while his eyes were bright red and he obviously needed to sleep, neither the car ride nor the walking in the front carrier put him to sleep. At least he was a happy, squealing baby the whole time.

We haven't given Gabriel any more solids yet. We're still waiting till he's 6 months, but may offer him something on occasion from our plate up til then.
Emskins - M hasn't had any solids yet - she's not interested when I offer - so hopefully we can hold off until 6 months.

Vegas - Happy 6 months to Charlotte!

JJ - Hope Chase is ok for your sitters when you're out! I'm persavering with a sippy cup so I can leave her at some point

MM - So cute! Clever Ella sitting up!

Lyn - Enjoy your manic weekend! What nappies did you decide to go with?

BNK - Good luck to your OH with his new job! How stressful trying to find childcare at such short notice!

PH - I hope he got a bit better hun. There's no fun in a permanently grizzly baby.

My friend had her baby - after 36 hours of labour! Have only text her OH so don't know all the details, but she had a baby boy (they were team yellow) He weighs exactly the same as M did, I can't wait to see how tiny hr is compared to her now!

For those UK ppl who were taking about those foam jigsaw mats - they had them in my Asda for £5 (but in a deal where you could get 2 things for £8) and they are just bold colours with different textured patterns - no small bits for babies to choke on.

M is back to waking every hour (pretty much on the hour) through the night. She might be having a bit of a growth spurt again... not sure.

I bought Just Dance for the Wii today - hilarious! Still on my diet (most of the time...) and I'm hovering just above the 10 stones-something- I can't wait to get under 11 stone (154lbs for those across the pond!)

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