march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Cocoa i want the new Lollipop pop n grow pocket nappies, i have cotton bottoms already which we will start using tomorrow so looking forward to that, just need to get a Nappy Bucket sorted and liners for them lol else im gonna be scraping Nates nappies and i dont fancy doing that tbh lol.

We were out for lunch today and EJ grabed DH's banana and started sucking the end so im going to let him have some time in the highchair each day with fist size foods and see what he manages to eat and if he can eat it then well he can join our meals i guess lol, i'll just have to get DH into the habit of not putting the salt in till serving so EJ doesnt get it , i have a sweet potato so i might chop that up and roast it off for him to try, and of course some normal potato too, mmmm i like the idea of jacket potatos for lunch tomorrow and we have some HUGE potatos so that would probably be a great idea yummy mmmmm,
Got to take some meat out of the freezer tonight to put in the slow cooker tomorrow for dinner tomorrow night, partly so i can put the chicken breasts into the freezer caus we have had so much chicken recently lol.
I seem to be talking alot about food, i guess im hungry its been a long day and i've only eaten a sausage a banana (well the rest of the one EJ was sucking on lol ) an apple and 2 crumpets with butter and Jam,
Everyone here is tired so once the rice is done we will have our Chilli con Carne and then Mike can drive his friend home and i can doze on the sofa till later when i'll express then crash into bed and HOPE and PRAY that we dont get a repeat of last night from Nate ( He woke just before 1am and stayed awake till 3 just getting in and out of his bed and trying to get in my bed and trying to play with our phones and singing and dancing and generally being a nusiance and stopping me from sleeping, I was not impressed, but hes had 2 naps today in the car between swiming and the Soft play and hes had lots of activity to wear him out too so we should get a good long sleep out of him. got to bath EJ though before he goes to bed to get the chlorine from the pool properly off him i might just be rude and take a bath with EJ while DH's mate is here
Hi everyone too much to catch up on!

BNK - nice to see you again, glad you found a nice daycare place, the first one sounded awful!

Vegas - happy six months to Charlotte!!

MM - wow Ella is sitting! About 2 days ago you said she wasn't rolling so you thought it'd be ages until she was sitting, so it just goes to show. She's SOO cute!

Emksins - No solids here yet either. I have to read up on it a bit I have been so busy with DHs new business that the whole what happens next thing not getting into my head properly. I've given her a lick of an apple, a peach and a banana. She like the apple best I think. Good luck with the wedding planning. We are catering for a wedding this weekend - should be good but will be glad when its over.

JJ - wow I can't believe how much Chase ate! Both boobs as well! And the sleep sounds much better - lucky you. I put Flora in her cot a few weeks ago but she's still in our room. I'm going to move her soon I think and I hope it will help with her sleeping.

Cocoa - congrats to your friend hun, I sympathise my labour was 24 hours boy it was a long day! I was convinced I'd be one of the quick labour types, guess not. And sorry to hear about M's sleep - 4 month spurt probably. Flora isn't waking up hourly but she wont be resettled without a feed anymore and she's up at roughly 10ish, 2ish and 5ish, before she wakes for the day at 7. As soon as you think you have their pattern down it changes! Oh and also good luck with the Wii and the weight loss. If I might say in your haircut picture you looked stunning :flower:

Julchen - Flora poos every 3-4 days as well. Totally normal but its a bit of a poo lottery! HAHA the other day she pooed in the morning then I was walking with the buggy to meet some friends and she pooed again! I had to stop and change her in the park.

Lynn - sounds like you are very busy. Talking about food we are surrounded by it and it starts to get a bit boring! We have two pavlovas and a chocolate cake in the oven, caramelised onions on the hob and about to cook a pork noodle soup for dinner.

So Flora has been a bit of a grump today, I had a bit of a freak this morning because she just had a tiny feed and then was like screaming at my breast refusing to feed. I was a bit worried it was a nursing strike but I fed her a few hours later successfully. She had one red patch on one cheek - I wonder if she's starting to teeth.

I also went to work to discuss working part-time. They haven't made any decisions and it'll be a while before they do, but there's options and possibilities. Bummer is my job might be re-graded at 3 days because I wont be able to be a supervisor unless I'm full time, and my grade is partly based on that. Hopefully I wont go down by much but tbh I dont care its more important to me to spend time at home with Flora. I just want to work 3 days to keep my hand in and I like the work so I want to keep a bit of a career going.

God the weather has been SO FOUL I hope this weekend is better for the wedding.
if you all think Ella is cute vote for her :D

this is the photo

She might be on the 2nd or 3rd page, the babies get bumped the more who enter
Jul: Looks like out LO's have traded bathroom patters, my girl has gone from pooping once every other day to twice a day. I have no idea why their patterns change. I would be happy with once a day.

Cocoa: Your friend must be exhausted, but so happy to have her sweet little boy here. The new Wii game sounds fun. I haven't used my Wii in ages. I hated how Wii fit would weigh you each time you got on (too much judgment for me).

Lynn: Your post has made me very hungry.

GL: I hope everything at work gets sorted out like you want. Also, hope the weather improves.

MM: I voted. Does it tell you what place Ella is in? When does the competition end? I hope you win because Ella is so adorable. You should post the link in the Baby section so you can get more votes. Good luck!
Jul: Looks like out LO's have traded bathroom patters, my girl has gone from pooping once every other day to twice a day. I have no idea why their patterns change. I would be happy with once a day.

Vegas, I was happy with him going every day, it was less of a mess. Now it is like explosions :rofl:
So I saw Ewan McGregor in the pub today :shock: He was with another actor I recognised but didn't know his name. Turns out it was Denis Lawson who is Ewan McGregors uncle and played the stuck up doctor in Holby City (he was also in Star wars back in the day). We fed Flossy with a bottle of EBM but she cried for more so I had to breastfeed in front of them :blush: How bizarre!
GL- Lucky you, I love Ewan Mcgregor!
MM- I voted! Hope you win, Ella is adorable

I have been so busy I havent had much time to write. I had a great birthday weekend. On Friday night my mom took Connor over night so my DH and I could go out with friends. We had alot of fun!
We went bowling that night, and there was a big group next to us that got there at the same time as us (11pm) they had a baby girl with them who looked about 5-6 months. At first I couldn't tell who the parents were because they were all passing her around. They were all drinking except one girl (who I thought at the time was the mom), and I heard her telling people to be careful not to drop the baby while drunk. Then the person I thought was least likely the mom picked up the baby and breastfed her. I just stood their in shocked cause she was drunk. They didn't leave till after 1:30am and that was only because the baby was crying and wouldn't fall asleep there.
I feel bad if I keep Connor out till 9pm, and I pumped and dumped that night because I had been drinking. :shrug:
GL - How cool! You can tell Flora that story when she's older to embarrass her ;)
-- "I ever tell you the story about the time I breastfed you in front of Ewan McGregor..."

MM - Hope you win! Ella's got some tough competition on that site.

Kel - I suppose it depends how much she'd been drinking. I'll still feed Gabriel if I've only had one drink, but not if I've had more. I haven't needed to pump and dump yet, since the few times I've had more I've timed it so he won't be eating again right away.
Seity - I can't wait to embarass her when she's a stroppy teenager :rofl: She probably wont even know who he is unless he's like Sean Connery and carries on acting till he's old and grey (yet still sexy..)

Kel - Yeah if she was obviously drunk thats pretty wrong, but I admit, like Seity, I've breastfed after one drink. And sometimes in the evening when she's just gone to bed and I know its going to be a good 5 or 6 hours before she feeds again I will have a couple small glasses of wine. Never get drunk though. But its sad to hear that the mum obviously didn't give a crap especially as you couldn't tell who was the mum! And 1:30am, crikey that poor baby must have been so tired. I don't like having Flora out beyond 7 if I can help it!
Thanks guys :flower:

Vegas- i did post in the baby section but it got removed because you arnt allowed to post things like that apparently. Oh well i got a couple of votes out of it anyway. not sure if i was allowed to post in here either but i figured it's only you ladies who come in here anyway :)

MM - Ella is adorable. I hope she does well!

Kel - I'm glad you had a great night out. I've been lucky so far and not had to nurse Ronan anytime soon after I've had a drink or three. He's obliged me by sleeping long enough for it to not matter! I can't imagine having him out that late. He'd be in serious meltdown mode. I don't even have him out past bedtime (7-8ish) if I can help it.

GL - What a fantastic story you're going to have Flora to tell her when she's older! That must have been a little weird for you but bravo for staying put and feeding her right where you were.

We've had a rather hellish week here. Ronan has been sleeping and napping horribly, screamy and crabby and demanding of my time and attention. He's getting to that point where he's kicking up a fuss if I leave the room and he realizes I'm gone so it's made getting anything done a bit harder.

I think he's trying to figure out the whole crawling thing as he keeps pulling his knees up under him and getting up on his elbows in his crib and I often find him sleeping with his bum up in the air!

Anyway, last night was the first decent-ish night of sleep I've had recently so I feel kind of normal and I'm trying not to be too hopeful that it gets better from here and he goes back to sleeping much better!
yay for cloth nappies! they are fab! i have about one million :dohh: lol seriously, i have far too many! I could have triplets i think with as many as i have

i have never ever met a celeb i think

We let hunter sit at the table every dinnertime now and try a vegetable or 2 (raw so he doesnt manage to eat it yet! lol) he was too eager, we gave him that cucumber before but then we didnt give him anything for a while and now he is insisting again. He has had celery sticks/red,green,yellow pepper(when we had fajitas), the hard bit of the lettuce leaves when we had salad, a teeny lick of my banana um i think thats it. He is really enjoying it and tbh so are we at the moment but i know weaning will be different! once he starts eating i will get all worried about what he is eating even though BLW is supposed to be go with the flow, i just know i will be nervous!

I am pretty sure he is teething AGAIN! green poos, grumpy, waking a gazillion times a night, horrid nappy rash, the lot! BUT I dont think it is his top teeth, those are meant to be the next to come in but his top gums look fine, his bottom gums look bumpy and are hot. Someone told me some babies get the botom 4 first so maybe he is a strange one :haha:

He was 5 months od on tuesday! where has the time gone!:shrug:

He is getting great at his sitting skills, he can go from sitting to being on his tummy (to try and crawl! his favourite thing to do and also his most frustrating, he has been trying since he was 2 momths and he has recently managed crawling backward :dohh: poor baby, it must be annoying) He also NEARLY went from laying on his back to sitting but he grabbed a toy and fell :haha: Who is crawling already?

Just because i feel like it, i will share some pics (i am waiting on something uploading before i can shut down the laptop and go to bed anyway so i am bored!)

innocent look!

playing with his kitten (wolverine) and trying to crawl on his new foam dino mat. it isnt quite big enough so we ordered some animal tiles to expand it

tasting green pepper

tormenting his kitty again (notice wolverine running away and hunter looking innocent! he was treating kitty like a drum with that toy he is holding :haha: poor kitty!)
DM2 - Hunter is a very cute little guy. He looks like such a happy baby too!

Hive - sorry to hear you have had some rough days. It sounds to me like your little man could be full on teething?

I have been sitting here in my rocking chair for almost two hours trying to nurse Sam to sleep. Had him in the crib a few times but he keeps waking up and playing around or complaining. Usually it is not such a struggle...oh well he has to give in eventually.
i never had enough space for a more than 9 tile mat lol,
EJ can move him self around the room with wiggle power but not crawling and I remember when Nate started crawling he went backwards everywhere but turned around when he got there to play with whatever he was aiming for it was so cute i'll see if i can find a video of it, EJ has mastered sitting supporting himself although we will probably have to relearn that now as hes in cloth nappies lol
yeah, hunter spins on his tummy to get nearby things or rolls over and over to get far away :haha: but he isnt satisfied with that lol

the mat is actually 10 tiles but the 10th is just random :wacko: 3 rows of 3 then a random tile, when the other 10 arrive, i can use all 20 in a 4 by 5 size :) it'll give him more room to try to crawl, maybe it will be less frustrating because ant fabric mat gets bunched under him, he prefers trying to crawl on the bed, i reckon he would have figured it out by now if he'd had the proper surface to practice on instead of getting bunched up in the mat :dohh: but i am quite happy for him not to crawl for a while! :haha:

lynn the cloth nappies shouldnt affect his sitting, unless the kind you have are reeeeally bulky (most are pretty slim) have you tried bumgenius flips? they are really slim, economical and birth to potty size so both babies can wear them! :thumbup: even if nate is near PT stage, he can wear them part time. i highly recomend the stay dry ones!and you can re use the outer and change the inner, so very very economical!
or any bumgenius is really slim if you want an all in one or a pocket :)
Hive - Sounds like a rough week hopefully things are improving!

DM2 - Gabriel does the spinning and rolling to get to what he wants. Yesterday he grabbed hold of one of our kitties tails that got within reach. Needless to say she was none to pleased with that and my OH had to pry is hand off. :haha:

jul - Hope it's just a one off and he does better for you today.

We had green curry for dinner and my silly baby decided to grab at my plate again. I let him have a little of the rice with the curry sauce on it. He really liked it and started to cry when I stopped after only giving him a few tastes. I didn't want to feed him any more curry, so I popped him on the breast. I have to say so far he seems to have good taste in food.
GL: That is so cool that you breastfed in front of Ewan McGregor. That will be a good story for when Flora is older.

Kel: That baby sounds like she was pretty good for being kept out so late. My LO would turn into an absolute banshee if we stayed out that late (not that I can even stay up till 1am anymore).

MM: Sorry they wouldn't let you keep your post up. I wouldn't have though that they would care since it's not like you are asking for money (I know that is frowned upon). Are you on Facebook? I would totally post it there if you are. We need to make sure your sweet girl wins.

Hive: I hope Ronan starts sleeping better for you soon.

DM2: Hunter is so cute. Love the dino mat. I ordered my mat on Monday so I hope to receive it any day now. I just know the mat is going to be so much better than the blanket I currently have down.

Not too much to report here. We have been dog-sitting for a friend of ours and yesterday the dog had a seizure (she is 14). So as a precaution we brought the dog over to our house, but she hates other dogs and it is such a pain trying to keep them separated. She currently has the spare bedroom to herself, but I can tell she is not happy here plus she peed on the carpet. She seems to be fine so I think I will take her back to her house this afternoon. No good deed goes unpunished.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.

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