march lambs 2010 come on ladies

ive not looked at the new bum genius hun thanks for the tip im using cotton bottoms atm and they are quite bulky esp on Nate and because of the aplix fastening then he can undo them:dohh: which isnt great news for me lol esp with light coloured carpets lol.

my problem with most cloth nappys is sizing as Nate is already over 35lbs and quite well built has wide hips etc... which makes fitting a problem for most brands lol, im going to go to the local nappichino and have a talk with the ladies there and see what i can sort out DH doesnt want to spend much though lol:wacko:
lynn ask the girls in natural parenting section, they'll have advice on nappies over 35lbs :) i know some brands do toddler size but since i have no toddler i am no help :haha: and the only 2 i can think of are expensive :haha: but i am pretty sure the new bumgeniusv4 has a more generous sizing and they do poppers! so he cant undo them :)
Vegas- I posted on facebook but everyone in nz stole my idea and entered their baby instead lol. My good friend didnt enter her baby instead she posted the link up for me on her wall, how nice of her :)

Ella had her 5 month jabs yesterday, she only cried a wee bit, and was pretty chilled after so me OH and ella had a coffee at a nice little cafe :) (well el didnt have a coffee ofcourse but u know what i mean lol). She weighs 7.85kg (17lb5oz).
She screamed and screamed last night, just like she did after her last shots, so i gave her some pamol.
Voted for Ella MM, that sucks everyone stole your idea, hope Ella wins she's such a cutie. Bless her hope she is ok now after her jabs.

DM2 lovely pics of Hunter, such a gorg boy.

Julchen hope Sam didn't make you rock him for too long :hugs:

Hivechild hope it gets better soon for you hun and you get back on track with sleeping.

Vegas hope the dog your looking after is ok, did you take her back home hun?

So we went swimmig again this week and Chase loved it again and he's devloped a fascination with water, if he's in my arms and i'm runnig the tap i have to let him splash or if i've just ran a bowl of water to clean him he just has to put his fingers in and splash about. I'm determined to take him swimming regularly, it doesn't half tire him out! :thumbup: I got him his next two size swiming suits too as everywhere was selling them off so thought i should otherwise when he needs the next size in a month or so i won't find it so easy to buy it. His trunks were £1 and got two all in one little wetsuit outfits for £4 each. Omg and i bought him just the cutest little pramsuit, its an all in one and its brown and dead fluffy and cosy and it has a hood with bear ears and a bear tail on the back, i just couldn't resist it.

Ooh we're off out for our meal tonight i can't wait will be the first time anyone but me has put Chase to bed too so will be interesting to see how that goes.
hi girls

sorry not been about, roman is being sooooo clingy, I can literally NOT put him down! had to puree up his batch of food this morning with him strapped to me in the sling *rolls eyes* I'm frickin exhausted man :(
well hunter is officially crawling.... backward! :haha: he spins on his tummy then crawls backward and spins on his tummy again once he gets where he wanted to be, it is so cute to see his understanding of how to get to things get better everyday! I am loving being a mummy, It is just such a blessing to be a part of his growing life and seeing him grow and watching him learn!

aww sorry gushy mummy moment
MD- sorry u are having a rough time :hugs:

DM2- i love gushy mummy moments i get them all the time. Go Hunter! he sounds so clever! :dance:
Go Hunter go!!! I get overwhelmed by gushy mummy moments several times a day too!! Most rewarding, loving experience ever - regardless of how little sleep I get!
well done hunter i remember coming home from work to find that Nate had learned that trick lol.

Well my weekend didnt turn out as I planned it would, yesterday on my way to the wedding i took a wrong turn and as i was coming back out onto the dual carriageway ( into a dedicated slip lane ) then a van stopped right in front of me and i hit it, Me and EJ are fine other than a slightly stiff neck, Man am i glad that EJ's new carseat is rearfacing caus id hate to think the damage he would have suffered if it wasnt, anyway i significantly squashed the front of my car but the van got away with a dented bumper ( not that the driver cared that the front grill of my car was in peices on the road he couldnt stop going on about how expensive his rear plastic bumper would be ) he didnt care that i had a screaming child in the car and was have a full out anxiety attack struggling to breathe and when i went to call my husband then my phone died after 1 min of call time so i was stuck about 20miles away from home in a strange area with a dead phone and a screaming baby trying to deal with getting insurance details and being told he called the cops, the cops of course didnt show as nobody was hurt so he called again and finally figured that fact out and we parted ways after I picked up peices of my car and figured out it was driveable , i continued to the wedding which was just around the corner so i could borrow someones phone and let My husband know all was ok and everyone insisted i stay for the wedding and unwind before attempting to drive home so although i missed most of the ceremony i did get to attend the reception and it was beautiful and my friend looked fab, I didnt end up going up to my other mates place for the Ann summers party though as it s 90miles away and couldnt risk doing that distance in the car,
My phone isnt charging at all at all i think Nate played with it one morning and has dammaged the connection as it wont even reconize the charger so i have to dig out the charger for my old old old phone ( only one that didnt get recycled as they wouldnt take it lol ) and use that for a while as with having to pay the insurance excess we cant afford to get me a new phone,

anyway My husband cracked a few bad taste jokes when i got home last night ( his way of venting the stress {he hadnt even seen the car yet}) and got himself snapped at in response, i went to bed after chilling for a bit and expressing and he never arrived in bed, i got up at 4 to see him sleeping on the sofa which he still is doing now, i have to get EJ up now though caus my boobs are exploding and i dont want to pump this morning as i have enough milk in the fridge for tonight so ill just feed EJ direct, Nate is happily watching Bob the Builder on tv and today im just going to chill as my head and neck hurt a bit and i need to catch up on the sleep i missed this last week because Nate was falling out of bed every night
I wish I had gushy mummy moments :cry:

I really don't know what to do, her sleep is so bad and nothing we seem to do helps. I'm knackered and short tempered and not enjoying her properly because she's constantly whiney where she's tired too.

Last night we had a good first part of the night (7-10) awake til 11, then awake again at 1, 3.30, 5-6:30 then asleep finally until 7:30.
The night before last, she went to bed at 7 and woke at 7:30, 8:30, 9:40, 10:30, 11:30, 3 then up for the day at 7- so a much better second half of the night.

It doesn't seem to matter where she is (although sleeps marginally better in our bed). And now I'm worried that the reason she isn't developing new skills as quickly as others is because she's not getting enough sleep to rest her brain properly. People keep saying 'oh they do new things everyday at this age' Apart from being slightly better at grabbing things and learning a couple of new shouts/squeals, she hasn't learnt anything new in ages.

I feel so bad for not enjoying this time properly. And mega jealous of other peoples babies that can sleep for longer than 3 hours at one go! Boo :cry:
DM2- Yay for backwards crawling! Hunter is doing so well, and seems so advanced for his age
Cocoa- :hugs: Sorry your having such a hard time. Have you tried giving her a bottle of EBM before bed? What about sleep position? I know if I put Connor on his back he wouldn't stay asleep, so i let him sleep on tummy. I hope she starts sleeping better soon :hugs:

I have gushy mom moments almost daily. I feel so blessed to have the sweetest, happiest, most adorable little boy ever!! I am jealous of all of you that get to stay home with your babies. I feel like I am missing out on so much of his life by having to work full time. :cry:
Connor now has two teeth, and is sitting up like a champ.
I wish I had gushy mummy moments :cry:

I really don't know what to do, her sleep is so bad and nothing we seem to do helps. I'm knackered and short tempered and not enjoying her properly because she's constantly whiney where she's tired too.

Last night we had a good first part of the night (7-10) awake til 11, then awake again at 1, 3.30, 5-6:30 then asleep finally until 7:30.
The night before last, she went to bed at 7 and woke at 7:30, 8:30, 9:40, 10:30, 11:30, 3 then up for the day at 7- so a much better second half of the night.

It doesn't seem to matter where she is (although sleeps marginally better in our bed). And now I'm worried that the reason she isn't developing new skills as quickly as others is because she's not getting enough sleep to rest her brain properly. People keep saying 'oh they do new things everyday at this age' Apart from being slightly better at grabbing things and learning a couple of new shouts/squeals, she hasn't learnt anything new in ages.

I feel so bad for not enjoying this time properly. And mega jealous of other peoples babies that can sleep for longer than 3 hours at one go! Boo :cry:

Ahh hun, sleep deprevation is the worst. When she wakes is it because she is hungry or does she just wake and want to be up? Also hun is she in her own room or with you still? I can only go from my experience but Chase always used to sleep better in our bed then we moved him to his cot and i just can't get over the difference in his sleep. Up until going into his own room and his cot his sleeping had regressed and he had gone back to waking quite frequently. Also now he is in his own room sometimes when he wakes at 3 or 4 if i leave him in our bed after a feed he wakes up quite a lot to latch on but if i return him to his own room after his feed he'll go another 3 or 4 hours so i'm pretty sure he wakes more in our bed cause maybe he can smell/sense the milk. I didn't want to put him in his own room at all but now i've done it its the best thing, at bedtime he smiles when i'm zipping up his sleeping bag thingy he loves his room, maybe you could try that hun if she is still with you? I think Chase's good sleeping is a combination of him being full and in his own room. when he was waking he was really hungry every time which is why i started weaning a bit early, not that i'm suggesting you do that hun, it was just right for us. Sending you hugs hun :hugs:
Becki - I dont really have gushy moments either. I think I may actually have a bit of PND as I am permanently a cow and I dont even really have lack of sleep to blame. I havent got any suggestions I'm afraid, has M got a bedtime routine? so that she recognises its "night" IYKWIM?

DM2 - great news on the crawling - although I suspect its going to be much harder work keeping an eye on him LOL!

Kel - Connor is coming on great guns. Sorry that you feel you are missing out by having to work though, that cant be easy for you.

Lynn - OMG about your crash, so glad you are both ok xxxx
Lynn that sounds like a scary moment with the crash and credit to you for still going to the wedding. I hope you're feeling OK. Don't worry about your hubby I would have thought that little scare that you gave him put him in a bit of a wobble, my OH does that when he gets a bit worried for me he sorts of turns it into a bad mood :shrug:

Cocoa - :hugs: it was a bit like that for me last week hun I presumed it was the 4 month thing... or has it always been like that? I agree with JJ maybe you should try her in her own room? I'm going to move Flora sometime this week I think, she's sleeping quite well right now but I still think her own room might help.

Yesterday we catered this huge wedding OMG it was SOOO tiring and we got home at 1:30am. My SIL and her OH and daughter came over to babysit and it went fine I think, she didn't need a night feed until 5am (a few dummy runs). Only thing the put her upside down in the cot (head to foot not feet to foot). So in the dark I couldn't make her out properly.

Anyway will drop by later we're off out to meet up with antenatal friends. Hope everyone has a chilled out Sunday xxx
owww as the day goes on im getting more and more sore its not fair lol, im gonna need a deep hot bath tonight else i wont be able to move tomorrow my neck back and shoulders all ache.

cocoa somtimes it feels like i dont get any sleep because Nate wakes up the min we go to bed and is up for hours then when he goes to sleep EJ wakes up it does sometimes seem like a bit of a neverending cycle.

We are sorted with the insurance people they are calling tomorrow to arrange picking up the car for repair, but we dont get a hire car while ours is being fixed caus of our policy which sucks caus last time we were having a repair done on the bodywork then it was a month without a car, and i know the horrible sum that i'll have to pay out to get my car back when its fixed and ive figured out i need to win the lottery but as my luck is so beyond useless at the moment i dont dare buy a ticket lol, ( i got a parking ticket yesterday too , and walked into a low doorway and hit my head, and ive triped and nearly fallen 2wice today and cut myself on a knife in the sink while washing a cup ) i seriously need to be wrapped in cotton wool and put to bed so i cant hurt myself or anyone else
Thanks for replies!

Kel - she still won't take a bottle or sippy cup, so EBM is out. I usually put her on her side because she can't sleep on her back -she fidgets too much and keeps hitting herself in the head :dohh:
Go Connor - sitting up like a pro!

JJ - it's a mixture. Usually she wants feeding every 3 hours through the night, which is fine, but the rest of the time I think she just wakes up and can't or won't go back to sleep. She's still in our room - I want to move her into her cot bed in her own room, and we should be getting the cot in a few weeks so we'll see how it goes then. I'm making some purees now. I wanted to wait and try BLW, but I'm willing to try traditional weaning if she's ready and it means we all get more sleep!

Dee - I've been thinking that too. But I don't think I'm depressed as such. Possibly I thought that my baby would only cry when in pain, hungry etc- I'd fix it, and baby would stop crying/whinging. Apparently not! :haha:

GL - OH always pokes M in the eye with her dummy because he can't make her out in the crib in the dark! So funny!

Lyn - hope you're feeling better after the crash :hugs: Must have been so scary - I would have cried so much!
No go on the weaning front - she just pushed it all out with her Tongue, which I read means she's not ready for solids. Going to try the sippy cup again tonight before bed.

Just gave her a tiny bit of milk in the sippy cup, but she just wants to chew it. When milk comes out she spits it out :dohh:
Flora has been asleep for 2.5 hours she normally just has a 40 minute nap around 3:30/4 ish then is up until 6:30-7ish bedtime. Should I wake her? Will a long nap mean she's up way later?
(ETA its 6:30 now, normally I would be starting to put her to bed nowish)
No go on the weaning front - she just pushed it all out with her Tongue, which I read means she's not ready for solids. Going to try the sippy cup again tonight before bed.

Yeah hun sounds like she's not ready yet. Ahh i really hope you get a good night tonight. Hopefully she may sleep better when her cot comes and she's in her own room.

Lynn wow hun poor you, you have bee in the wars :hugs: think you deserve a nice relaxing evening.

So we went out last night at 7.30 and Chase was upset before we even left :cry: mil said after we'd gone he was just crying and she'd tried everything so she decided to put him to bed. She said he cried for a few mins then fell asleep. Hate to think of him cryinf himself to sleep. When i checked on him before bed last night he was proper bunged up and congested, he was awake and wriggling so i got him up for a bit. He's got his first cold bless him, he's still bunged up and snotty and his eyes look all tired and heavy, i'm hopin it goes quickly.

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