march lambs 2010 come on ladies

GL - I'd wake her

I'm sure part of our problem is that she only feeds for 4-5 mins maximum. So I don't think she gets enough of the fatty milk which should keep her fuller for longer. But I've got no idea how to remedy this - when she pulls off there's no way she'll have any more, even if I leave it 5 mins.

Jj - oh I hope he gets over his cold quickly. It's horrible when they are poorly :-(
Flora has been asleep for 2.5 hours she normally just has a 40 minute nap around 3:30/4 ish then is up until 6:30-7ish bedtime. Should I wake her? Will a long nap mean she's up way later?
(ETA its 6:30 now, normally I would be starting to put her to bed nowish)

Ahh i hate it when Chase does this, you don't know what to do for the best do you :shrug: After swimming last week i had to wake him to get his pj's on and luckily after a feed he went to bed normally. I think the previous time he did it i also woke him and it ended up he went to bed about an hour later, he was still quite perky but as it was an hour past his bedtime i just put him to bed and he fell asleep after a while.
GL - I'd wake her

I'm sure part of our problem is that she only feeds for 4-5 mins maximum. So I don't think she gets enough of the fatty milk which should keep her fuller for longer. But I've got no idea how to remedy this - when she pulls off there's no way she'll have any more, even if I leave it 5 mins.

Jj - oh I hope he gets over his cold quickly. It's horrible when they are poorly :-(

Hmm not sure what you can do to get her to feed longer, that makes sense though if thats all she's feeding for, like you say if you could get her to take more of the fatty milk i bet she would sleep longer, just no idea how you do this? Chase has both boobs at his last feed and at 5 he will of had his food too.

Yeah its so horrid when there ill, feel so sorry for him.
Thanks guys but I'm not sure just gone in and she is in a REALLY deep sleep the lights are on we're talking above her, pulling her arms and she's just out for the count. I read somewhere that after they master a new skill they sleep really well (having slept badly for a bit) ... and I think she might have rolled over back to front today, it was a bit stop start but still :happydance: And maybe she needs the sleep for the brain to process it or something...?

Probably talking total rubbish but anyway OH doesn't want to wake her. Not sure what to do.
sorry Becki didnt mean to imply you were depressed - just that I think I borderline am which is probably why I'm not having the gushy moments as much - that and having a stroppy livvie to contend with!

it is hard to enjoy your bub when they are criers.. apparently DH was as a baby so I am blaming him for Roman being a grump!
Dee - I knew what you meant hun I didn't take offence. Us mummies are allowed to be grumps as well as the babies! Lol. Always here/FB if you need a chat x

GL - sounds like she needs the sleep then! I hate having to wake M - it seems so mean!

M has been asleep in the crib since 8 with not a peep from her yet. Good times! I bet she'll stir when I go up though - our bed is creaky. Hopefully being in her own room will help with that. OH's snoring also wakes her sometimes.

Got to stay in for the next couple of days - I've ordered a sewing machine and I'm soooooo excited! Not sure which day it's coming though. My first project is to properly sew a cover I made for my Mei Tai sling, then to sew a fleece insert/cosy toes I've made for the pram out of the dressing gown I bought to take into hospital for M's birth (and never wore!)
cocoa it sounds like the 4 month sleep regression hun. it will pass but i know how hard it can be! :hugs:

Hunter backward crawled right off the bed this morning :cry: He was absolutely fine after a few cuddles but it gave us all a fright :( He did sleep for 6 hours straight last night which is pretty much a first! He has also stopped needing boob or rocking to fall asleep, he has learned to self settle! But i know what it is like when they just cry and cry because they are tired and their little grunts (well hunter is a grunter :lol: i didnt even plan that to rhyme!) go right through you and they fidget and all sorts, it will pass though! I never thought hunter would sleep 6 hours (i dont expect it to be constant, i expect it was a fluke :haha:) and i really never thought HE of all babies would learn to self settle so i never stressed it, i let him call the shots at bedtime and he has always napped in my arms or in the sling and he finally has enough trust in sleep and doesnt associate it with any stress whatsoever that he can gently settle himself to sleep! it will come, if cuddly co sleeping, napping on mummy, baby hunter can self settle any baby can!

He has always been a little ahead on his milestones but thats just who he is. I dislike when people rave about their babies early milestones (my cousin just had a baby and is soooo annoying and i dont even dare say "uh no she isnt the smartest ever hunter actually did it earlier" :haha:) Because each baby is different... fact! if i thought hunter doing things earlier meant that he was better in some way, i would then have to think that any future babies i have are inferior if they dont do them early iykwim. Each baby does things in there own time and my parenting style just allows him his own timescale (which is why he hadnt slept through or self settled until now, because i just relax and guide him rather than train him iykwim) I will do the same for future babies, allow them to create their own timescale and not dare compare them to another! If a baby does things "later" than "normal" it makes a mum feel bad about a precious little baby. There is nothing wrong with that baby and i seriously think that competitive mothers who try to act like a baby is "better" because they did something sooner should have their kids taken away! Babies are all 100% precious and 100% special! I wish there was no "average" age of things so mothers could just relax!

sorry i had a bit of a rant there :growlmad:
cocoa, just thinking out loud here, it isnt ideal but could you try pumping before bed and feeding her a bottle of EBM when she wakes so she has fed more, it seems as if she is waking and comfort suckling tbh, so personally i would let it go, hunter did the same around 4.5 months and now he feeds a bit longer and GL is right about waking before developmental things and then sleeping longer, hunter just did this! I can only offer :hugs: and the knowledge that it does get better
Lynn - Sorry to hear about the accident. :hugs: I'm glad to hear that you're both feeling ok, though and yay for the RF seat! Are you going to be replacing it through insurance, though?

Mummydee & CocoaOne - My deepest (and most empathic) sympathies. I know all too well what it feels like when they're not sleeping well and are so clingy and crabby and demanding when they're awake.
Cocoa, please don't feel bad, and try not to worry that there's something wrong. The developmental leaps just give them the capability to move forward, but every baby will then develop the skills that draw on them at their own pace, and there are so many and varied possibilities. Give her time, support and encouragement and before you know it she'll be graduating from university with her Masters! Also, re: bottles and sippy cups, have you tried a doidy cup? On the feeding front as well, you could always express off a little of the foremilk before she feeds if you're worried she's not getting to the hind milk? It's also possible that she is getting the hind milk and is just an extremely efficient feeder. :shrug:

DM2 - :rofl: on the backward crawling, but eep on him crawling off the bed! What a heartstopping moment that must have been. Ronan's been doing the commando shuffle lately but he's now decided that he prefers the commando roll by getting his knees up under him and then flinging himself over to get to where he wants. He was on the floor with his daddy and commando rolled toward him, reached up and snatched his glasses off his daddy's face and then rolled back the other way with them. I was laughing my ass off and my hubby was like 'wtf?' because it happened so fast.

Kel - It must be so hard for you to be away from Connor. I would feel awful about it too if I had to be working even if I knew it was for the best and that I needed to work.

GL - It sounds like the business is doing really well! It must be so tiring on top of being a mummy as well, but no doubt both of them are rewarding!

jj - Poor Chase with his cold. Extra cuddles are in order, I think. I hope that he gets over it quickly.

Phew, sorry if all of that is all over the place! I get lost trying to keep up with things these days. Anyway, Ronan's in the midst of one of 'those phases' so sleep is all over the place (though some nights it's not bad), and he goes from stroppy to squealing happily at the drop of a hat. He's closing in on that stage where he realizes that I can leave him (first real phase of separation anxiety) but I'm starting to wonder if he won't be more distressed by our dog leaving the room than by me! He thinks the dog is the bee's knees and almost flipped right out of my lap while nursing because he heard the dog breathe out with a sigh and immediately wanted to find where he was. :rolleyes:

Anyway, it's gotten way too late and it's an hour and a half past when I told myself I was going to get to bed, so best I be getting there!
Hi all, just popping in to say hi, will have a catch up when i get the time. So :hi:

hmm good point about the seat hive, it depends on the insurance company i guess the impact was all in the front bumper and his seat is in the back behind the passenger seat i dont think i really even dented the chassis of the car much at the front and nothing touched his seat and it was well less than 10mph which i think if you have a crash over 10mph then thats when you have to look at replacing the seat i'll have to look into it more
It's definitely worth looking into, especially if you're already paying the deductible and everything else is covered beyond that. Even though it was in the back, if the impact did that much damage to the bumper there's no guarantee of what strain was put on the seat. Is that his new one or his old one? Having the money to put toward his new one wouldn't go astray!
JJ: Glad to hear that Chase enjoys the water so much. Great idea buying larger swimsuits while they are all on sale. Now I have an excuse to go shopping. Also, hope he feels better soon.

Kel: Sorry that you feel that you are missing out by working, but providing for your family is so important.

DM2: Hooray for Hunter and his crawling! Also, good point about the milestones. All babies are different and they are all wonderful. I hate that we all feel that there is so much pressure that they do this or that by a certain age. My brother barely spoke before he was almost three, but he is now 19 and super smart. It made no difference what-so-ever.

Dee: :hugs:

Lynn: I am so sorry to hear about your accident. I know you had such a nice weekend planned. I hope you feel better soon and that the car gets repaired quickly. Maybe you should buy a lotto ticket, I think you are due for some good luck.

Cocoa: Sorry you are having sleep troubles. One day it will just click. :hugs:

GL: How did the rest of your evening go with Flora? Did her nap turn into an all nighter :sleep:?

Hive: Charlotte feels the same about our dog. Every time she sees him she smiles and squeals. I don't even get that treatment!

Well, the dog we were watching went back home yesterday. She got used to our house as long as we kept our dogs away from her so we kept her here until her owners came home (she did have one more little seizure on Saturday, poor thing). Yesterday afternoon we went to a friend's house to go swimming. Charlotte really loved the pool. It totally wore her out as it is 8:30am and she is still sleeping from last night. Tomorrow she goes for her six month checkup and shots. I hate the shots (as we all do), but I am excited to see how much she weighs.
ive checked my policy and it covers automatic replacement of any carseats that were in the vehicle at the time of the accident. It was his new seat, he hasnt even spat up on it yet so im kinda pissed about that lol. just got to make sure the insurance company shells out the dough for the right seat as hes too big for a infant seat but not old enough for whats normally consider the next stage so he was in on that goes from birth rearfacing till 13kg then forward facing till 18kg
Hive - thanks, the business is going well but I did find myself this morning getting the hump because there was pressure on to prep things on time and I was helping - Flora was crying, for a few minutes I couldn't give her the attention she needed. Sometimes I just want to be just on maternity leave like everyone else! But I also really want DH to be happy and he's so much happier working for himself than he was before working for arseholes ('scuse my language). And I guess I can be grateful that he sees his daughter all day pretty much others dads don't get that.

Vegas - I went in to sort of wake her after about 3 hours and she did wake up, I fed her and she was up for about an hour before I put her back to bed, and she slept fine. (woke at 2:30 for a feed then back to sleep until 6:30. SO all good in the edn I just got a bit worried that something might've been up with her its unlike her to sleep so well! But she's had several naps today, so I guess its a sleepy phase.

Lynn - good news about the insurance I'm sure you'll get it all sorted. Just glad you're all OK.

Cocoa - How did the rest of your night go? And yay for your sewing machine, that sounds good. I'm ashamed to say I've had a sewing machine for about 5 years, my mum bought it for me when she visited once, as she is an excellent sewer (and she probably wanted to sew something herself while she was on holiday here :wacko:). But I don't really know how to sew properly. Let me know how you go about getting patterns and stuff I should really learn to sew now I'd love to mske Flora some little dresses and things.

DM2 - totally agree with you. I'm sure with any new mum/parent there is the temptation to compare your baby to other babies, but it doesn't do any good really except to create jealousy and resentment. Flora wasn't really doing much I was thinking when is she going to do something?? But I wasn't worried, she would get to it all in her own time. And hey presto, just today she seems to have changed, she can sort of sit a bit, for like 5-10 seconds and she can correct herself when she starts leaning too far, but eventually falls forward or sideways. Its so exciting to see, but it'll be a while before she's sitting properly - that's OK I'm happy to watch it happen!

Anyone heard from RWhite lately? She hasn't been on this thread in ages!
Lynn - I'm glad to hear that they'll replace it for you. As much of a pain as it'll be, it must still be a relief not to have to worry about it.

GL - Props for even being able to work while looking after Flora as well! I had one of those days today where Ronan started screaming for attention just as Bailey (the dog) bolted to the door and wanted out NOW after having refused to go all day because it was raining, and I was halfway through putting together a huge pot of pasta sauce and ended up ruining the whole thing because the top popped off the container of red pepper flakes at just that moment. I could have cried but really, it was a laugh-worthy moment straight out of a sitcom.

As for milestones etc. I'm in agreement with the rest of you, too. I was at a mum & baby get together last week and they seemed to think that Ronan was 'quite advanced' because he could sit up on my lap without support, stand and just hold onto my fingers, and because he was eating real food (go BLW!). :wacko: I know the eating is advanced comparatively, but not the rest of it? I actually felt kind of awkward about it all, especially since there's plenty he still doesn't do or is taking his time doing that's typical at this age. He's vocal and has gone through phases in the past of being babbly, but for awhile now it's all squeals and shrieks and no babbling. :shrug: They all get there eventually and it hardly matters and is no indication of success in life later on so there's no sense obsessing over it!
i see rwhite on facebook all the time shes been pretty busy lol PM her and get her to add you to facebook lol

i couldnt care about milestones, Nathaniel was well advanced in alot of his but is well behind in others, i got an email telling me he should be starting to talk in sentances and know and use 100-200 words , umm im thinking he knows how to say about 50 different words but doesnt talk often and if im lucky i might get 2-3 words strung together but he prefers to gesture or point to things and say "mummy" if he wants something rather than ask for it
GL - the night ended well! She slept from 8-12 then woke again at 4 for a feed and we got up at 7:30. Last night was awful though - lots of crying in her sleep for no reason whatsoever! Sewing machine is coming today :dance: It'll be a long time until I venture into proper patterns - but my aim is to make dresses for next spring/summer. M should be walking by then so can start wearing more pretty dresses as she won't be able to during the crawling stages!

Lyn - hopefully the insurance will just write you a cheque when you tell them what sort of seat it was. I hope it gets sorted quickly - public transport isn't fun, especially with kids in tow!

M can also sort of sit up now. She was sitting earlier with her belly resting on her legs (bend nearly double) but then she threw her weight back and I quickly went to grab her but she steadied herself for a few seconds before leaning forward again.

It's so interesting how different babies meet the milestones differently. M's cousin is 13 months and doesn't say anything (not even mum or dad) he just grunts and squeals. He never rolled over - went straight to crawling around 7 months, and he's been walking really well for a while now.
hive i fully agree, at my breastfeeding group, i hate comments about how "advanced" he is because there is a baby a week older than him that hasn't hit half the milestones hunter has and i could literally crawl into a hole and hide when others go on about hunter! I feel so awful for the other lady even though there is no reason to feel bad! Of course i am proud of him but I would be proud at any stage because he is my baby. I hate to think that his acheivements would make another mum need to feel she has to explain herself :(

cocoa- yay for M! That shows she has great balance! I had pillows around hunter for when he falls so he learns what falling is so he can learn how not to fall iykwim, it has worked brilliantly and now i dont use the pillows and i have a foam mat and he hardly falls, he knows just how to lower himself to a tummy laying position and all :) But i felt if i caught him and stopped him from falling he wouldnt learn gravity and he has learned
Hey all, I've been reading to keep up with everyone, just not posting. I hope everyone is having a good day.
Lynn - Sorry to hear about the accident, but it seems like everyone is OK and I hope the insurance company makes things easy for you.
Cocoa - Sounds like M's sleep is improving a little. I know how hard it is with a baby that wakes up often during the night.
Gabriel's sleep has been much so better since hitting 5 months. He generally gets 7-8 hours sleep a night and only wakes twice to eat. Occasionally he'll go 9 hours. And on rare occasions only wakes once to eat.
Last night was one of the rare 9 hours and only one 45 minute waking to eat.

I don't take Gabriel to any groups since I'm at work all day and my husband doesn't know of any guy friendly ones. I guess that's good because there's no baby to compare him to. I think he's average to advanced in the motor skills department, but not so much with the talking skills. :shrug: I know he's doing fine, so I don't really worry about it.
We had a fun Skype session with my in-laws yesterday. His grandma had him laughing and giggling at her.

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