march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Lynn: That's great that you get a replacement carseat (especially since this was a new seat).

Hive: Sorry that you are having one of those days. I know just how you feel.

Seity: Sounds like you had a good night last night.

Question, do any of the girls on here have a tooth come in yet or is just the boys? I was thinking about this the other day and couldn't recall any of the girls with teeth. We have had all the teething symptoms for months, but still not a single tooth. This is a milestone I want to hurry up and achieve just so my poor LO can get some relief.

Charlotte went in for her six month check-up and shots this morning. The appointment took two hours so she was getting quite cranky towards the end and she was wailing during and after her shots. She is now on nap number two since coming home. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for her.
Vegas - I think it's just the boys with the teeth. Or has Wren got one?
Poor Charlotte - a 2 hour Dr visit?! That's just uncalled for! Hope she slept ok after her jabs x

M had another unsettled night. I really don't know why she wakes so blimmin' often - but I can't wait until she learns to settle herself! I felt so mean as well because I had to get up at 6:45 to put the rubbish out and I woke her up. Oh well, at least it wasn't earlier.

Breastfeeding group today, then going to see my friend and her new baby boy. Looking forward to hearing all about the 34 hour labour! Secretly - all I want to do is stay home and play with my sewing machine :cloud9:
I have just had the worst nights sleep since Flora was born - well that might not be true I can't remember the beginning reall, but suffice to say it was really bad!
Put her to bed at about 6:30 cause she was knackered and went down easily. She woke at 8:30, thought it was a dummy run but nooo, shew wanted a feed, so I thought well she must've been hungry not got enough in the day. Only it happened again at 10, 11, 12:30, 1:30, after that I can't remember but it was several more times and every time she fell aslepp she would wake as soon as I moved her. SO frustrating in the morning my hubby took her I was basically like 'take her away from me foir a little while'. Bless him he let me sleep for about 2 hours and took her through. I don't know whats up with her.She seems fine now :shrug:
Exactly what M is like - except half the time she doesn't want feeding, she's just woken and can't/won't go back to sleep. It puts you in such a bad mood with them doesn't it?!

I don't know how you do it every night cocoa, :hugs: I found myself getting so annoyed with her, you just have to clench your teeth and get past it, but its horrible to feel that way about your LO. :cry:
I know - the logical part of my brain knows that it's not her fault and she's not doing it on purpose to annoy me; but the knackered irrational part of my brain makes me occasionally growl at her :haha:

I've now mastered the art of cuddling her tight in bed to stop her wiggling so much so some tiny part of my brain can doze - I never sleep because she's too noisy and occasionally smacks me in the face..... but it's slightly better than being up and out of bed trying to rock her!
we have the sharpe edge of a tooth at long last it has been ages and we have been battling teething and now we have result and there is the tooth next to it coming out as well
Hi all, been pretty busy lately, visitors etc. been trying to go for walks with Ella when i can, i have a wedding to go to in October and I want to be able to fit into my dress!

Sorry to you guys who are having sleeping troubles :hugs: I really hope it gets better soon.

Yay for more teeth! No signs of teething this way yet!

Cocoa- gawd i can't stand hearing friends labour stories now. it takes me back and I would just rather not go there.

I have a friend due in 2 weeks and i'm anxious because she doesnt know what she is having and I am hoping she has ma boy as if its a girl she is calling her Ruby, and Ruby is the name we are using for our next bubs :wacko:

Lyn - hope they come through quickly! HV said M is teething because she's properly biting down on fingers etc - but no sign of them yet.

MM - Ruby is a really nice name! Not seeing my friend now as she's shattered - think bubs is going through the first growth spurt - I don't envy her!

M is sitting up properly on her own! :dance: She can sit on her own for quite a while and if she starts to wobble, 25% of the time she'll steady herself. I can't believe how they can't do something one day and then the next they've practically mastered it. I'm not so worried about the lack of rolling now :haha: I've been looking forward to her sitting for ages so I can face her while we play now.
Cocoa -Way to go M with the sitting!! 34 hour labor!! *shudder* I'm glad mine was short. It was bad enough not to want to repeat again.

Gabriel had a crap night of sleep last night to make up for his good night. Up every two hours to eat.
Still no sign of teeth for this baby boy, but I wonder every time he's fussier than usual if there's one coming. He certainly drools and chews on everything enough. He's got acne all over his chin from the constant slobber. Another other boys with no teeth?
really bad night of sleep here too! waking every 1-2 hours although it followed 3 great nights so i cant complain too much! I hope it was just preparing him for todays milestone, forward crawling! He can commando crawl (like a soldier, using his arms and slithering) and lunge crawl (on all 4's and lunge forward, i dont know if thats the name for it i made it up lol) This all developed today so hopefully thats what all the wakefulness was about!
Looks like no one is getting any sleep lately. Charlotte slept last night, but I tossed and turned all night. I'm a bit stressed now that we are looking to buy another house. I just don't know how we are going to make it work with me not having a job.

Cocoa: Congrats on the sitting.

MM: Love the name Ruby. My favorite aunt is Ruby Jane so if you have a girl you will have used both of her names. Let us know what your friend ends up having.

Lynn: Hooray for the tooth (or teeth).

DM2: Hunter sounds like he is really moving now.

Did I mention that I got my floor mats in last week. There are eight 2x2 squares and it is huge when put together. I am loving it and so is Charlotte. So much easier to clean and the padding makes me feel like she is safer rolling around and playing.
Vegas Ahh i hope Charlotte is ok after her jabs, its so horrible having to take them isn't it :hugs: OOh you reminded me we need to get some mats, we have wooden floors, we do have a rug but it's not that big.

CocoaOne Fingers crossed you get a good sleep tonight hun. I know what you mean about getting grumpy with them, you just can't help it when your soooo tired and then you feel so guilty. Ooh so did you get to play with your new sewing machine seen as your friend cancelled? Yay for M sitting up on her own, thats fab :happydance:

GL Hope you have a better night tonight too hun. Ahh isn't it lovely when hubby takes them for a bit so you can have a sleep in, Allan will sometimes take Chase for a 2hour drive and i always sleep so well, think its because i know i can totally relax and fall into a deep sleep as i don't have to worry about needing to listen out for Chase.

Lynn Yay for EJ's tooth hun, or teeth should i say.

MM Ahh it's so awkward when a friend wants the name you want, this happended to two of my friends. Hopefully she will have a boy hun then you can still have Ruby if your next is a girl, i love the name Ruby too it's so pretty.

Seity Grrr no teeth here but he's been showing signs of teething for ages and at the bottom i can see the tops of the white, they just seem to be taking for ever to come through. Tons of slobber here too, i feel like i've constantly got a bib on him but if i don't put one on his top ends up soaked.

So Chase has turned into a full on wriggle bum, omg nappy changes are soooo hard now, he arches his back and lifts his bum in the air whilst wriggling, looks like he's trying to do the crab :haha:
Ooh i had him doing some tummy time today and he pulled his legs up into the crawling position for the first time and lunged forward, i really thought he was going to crawl, i was praising him loads and he then just got dead excited and started flapping his legs and arms around so he only did it the once, just before dad was home too, gutted he missed it, even though it wasn't much.

Went out last night with the girls for a meal and ended up chatting at my friends after and didn't get home until 12! Such a late night for me, i was just about to go to bed when Chase woke for a feed :dohh: i was soo tired too, luckily he went back down until 5.30.

Right off to bed for me, still cathing up from last night.
I'll be still using the name Ruby regardless- she lives the other side of the country anyway so its not as if we are close living.

omg I need a wee bit of reasurrance. :( I co-sleep with Ella in the mornings and she woke me up crying she was half way off the bed- her head and half her body were hanging over the side of the bed :cry: I feel so terrible what if she had fallen :cry: i feel like such a bad mummy, I can't stop thinking about it its haunting me :cry:
Right... I've finally caught up with a lot of pages again. I will post this now, and will catch you ladies up on Eleanor tomorrow some time =)

Kel127 – Glad you had a lovely birthday weekend. Can’t believe the poor little one in the bowling alley, don’t understand some parents. Having a single drink and feeding your child, fine.. and I have to admit we’ve had Eleanor out until around 1am before (when she was 3 months old and we were in Disney World, but –only- if she fell asleep before 21.00 (her bedtime then) in the stroller and slept soundly). To purposefully go out with friends, get wasted and pass around your little one to drunk friends and stay even though he’s upset though ... ugh!

Greenlady – Aww, you got to get your breast out in front of a celebrity without getting in trouble! ;) ... Glad you felt comfortable enough to feed your little girl, no matter who was around.

Hivechild – Has Ronan had any success trying to crawl? It must be tiring the effort they have to put in to learn all these new things.
DueMarch2nd – Hunter is gorgeous! Bet your poor kitty is having a hard time right now, he’s gonna have to learn to run faster, it won’t be long until Hunter is off and out to get him properly. Can I ask where you got the tiles / play mat from? Seems like a perfect solution to not have your little one laying on the floor but have something that’s easy to put down and store away!

MiissMuffet – Glad Ella didn’t mind getting her jabs too much and that you managed to have a nice time with her afterwards. She’s putting on the weight well, isn’t she? I thought Eleanor was quite large with her 14lbs 14oz at the last weigh in, but Ella is an even larger bundle of cuddles ... gotta love it =)

JJ-rabbit – So jealous of you being able to take Chase swimming so often! Wish we had a good pool around here, all babies I know seem to love the water.

Lynnikins – So glad you and EJ were ok after your crash! That must have been incredibly scary, thankfully everyone at the wedding was there for you and gave you some time to calm down though. Does sound like you had some whiplash, can not have been comfortable. Hope you're all better now =)

Vegasbaby – No teeth here yet, I’d imagine it’s just random when it happens and not gender related though?

CocoaOne – Congrats on M sitting up now!! It’s amazing watching how quickly they progress once they’ve figured something out, isn’t it?
MM- Hunter backward crawled right of the end of the bed last week! It was in the morning, I was dozing and letting him play in the middle of the bed as always when he wakes up, thats another benefit to co sleeping, i dont have to get up straight away! It was so so so so so so scary and he did cry but just for a minute. He was more frightened than hurt. But I just make sure that he has pillows (either my v shaped bf pillow or hubbys pillows as hubby works nights) at his feet now so he couldnt wriggle down. he sleeps between me and the bed rail so he is now really safe! I never ever thought to barricade the bottom of the bed :dohh: do you have a toddler bed rail, or are you sleeping against a wall? I assume you dont have the mattress on the floor by the fact you were scared of her falling. All 3 are good ideas (obviously you would only choose one of the 3 not all of them :haha:) There is no point in moving her to a cot at this point IMO, if she is becoming more wriggly or learning to crawl, she will just wake herself up by bumping the bars! So just make sure your bed is much more barricaded (for lack of a better word) if you wanna move her to a cot, i would wait til after she has mastered crawling so she isnt "practicing" in her sleep :haha: If you want more tips, post a thread in the natural parenting section. I know I was well reassured by fellow co sleepers that i wasnt an awful mum when hunter fell out of bed! And was given tips to avoid it happening again , although someone raised a good point, if they fall it teaches them about self preservation so they dont do it again (although i doubt once is enough for him to learn, it was certainly enough for me to learn!!)
erised, i got the tiles from amazon! There are loads of varieties of them, we didnt get the alphabet ones because we love dinos (and we got an animal set to make it bigger now) so he can learn all the dino and animal names as by the time he can learn letters and numbers i imagine the mat will be long put away!
thankyou DM2 that makes me feel better. So glad Hunter is ok :hugs:
She sleeps in her cot next to our bed but when she wakes up in the morning i put her in bed with me. I just cant believe she couldve toppled off she could have landed on her head and i have plugs next to our bed :cry: its haunting me. I'm so not telling OH he might want me to stop co-sleeping (i co-sleep wen he goes to work).
Hivechild – Has Ronan had any success trying to crawl? It must be tiring the effort they have to put in to learn all these new things.

He hasn't had much floor time recently :blush: as we've been out and about or I've been busy so have had to keep him 'contained' in his jumperoo or exersaucer. I feel bad that I might actually be slowing him down but he'll get there when he gets there! He tries when he's in his cot but he has a sleeping bag on so it's a bit hard. On top of all that, with weaning I feel like most of his awake time is spent nursing, then getting breakfast/lunch/dinner put together and then actually sitting down with him while he eats. I actually found myself looking forward to when he spends more time awake between naps just so we could fit everything into our day!

As for teeth, no sign here either although he's a drooly chomping monster so who knows? :shrug: I figure I'll find out he's teething when he bites me and it hurts because they've already cut through! :rofl:

We're off on our first vacation since well before he was born this weekend, so apart from feeling like I have a billion things to do and a billion and one things to pack between Ronan and the dog, it's all a bit overwhelming. To top it all off, despite his sleep being all over the place, I've committed to putting him in his travel cot for all night sleeps and naps until we leave since he'll be sleeping in that for the week and I'd rather he fussed and got used to it now than when we are away and there's already so much else that will be different. Wish me luck! He went to sleep tonight in it ok but we'll see how he does when he stirs since he doesn't have nearly as much room to move around and he makes full use of every inch of his normal cot throughout the night!
i feel a cloth nappy addiction coming on, been using my prefolds this week and doing pretty good we are about 70% cloth at the moment and im picking up 2 more nappys on Sunday a wonderoo and a cheapie Ebay one

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