march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Foam Mats - Apparently bought on Amazon. I still have to have a look myself and buy some for Eleanor, at the moment the only 'crawling time' she gets is in her cot or on our bed, so not very frequently. Wish we could move to our own place already, never in a million years did I think we'd still be at MIL's when Eleanor turned 6 months ... if I'd known that we would never have given up our previous place. Aaanyways! The weaning book is called ' Baby-led Weaning ' by Gill Rapley (& Tracey Murkett, though never ever gives her any credit).

DueMarch2nd - Yay Hunter!! He's made some very very quick progress there, that's one clever little boy! Bless him, and have fun baby-proofing the house. Also, thanks for the recommendation of foam mats =)

jj-Rabbit - The swimming pools around here are quite expensive and in not particularly nice areas, meaning DH is refusing to go there as it probably wouldn't be great people there to mingle with. Too many fights and murders in said area. Eleanor loved the pool when we went on holiday though =)
Also, I really want to get her an interactive dangly thing, like a mobile just made of paper or something, that if she pulls something it will bounce up and other bits bounce and stuff. Anyone know of anything like that?

how about something like this hunni I know it says for boys but i would happily buy it for a girl
I bloody unsubscribed to this thread by accident again! Stupid big thumbs!

Yay for crawling DM2! I'm dreading baby-proofing. Our house is so small that she'll be able to get to everything within 3 seconds!

I made the cutest little shoes for M today; I realised the other day that she hasn't got any that fit. She's literally worn shoes once- and that was only because I wanted her to wear them before they were too small! Lol. So I made some pink corduroy ones from a dress that doesn't fit & lined with a pink and white checked vest! Going to make some denim ones to go with her jeggings too.
erised - thanks yes i've been filling up acart on amazon! got the foam mat (not sure whether to get just 4 coloured squares or letters/animals etc) a traditional weaning book (because thinking of trying a bit of a combo) and also i found all the Dr Seuss books which i absolutely LOVED when i wasa kid. The title of the BLW book certainly makes sense! :haha:

Lynn - thanks! yes something like that, really cute and i dont mind that it says for boys because its cute and colourful. My friend in oz videoed her baby with this thing that he pulled and as it bounced back all these other bits bounced, but in fact I think it was a homemade mobile with a long string that he could pull from the floor.

Did anyone see that thing on the news from Oz where the baby that they thought was dead (born at 28 weeks) actually came back to life after 2 hours of skin to skin with the mother and a drop of breastmilk from her finger? Amazing! I'll try to find a link for it.
thats the link to that story gl

i will look into a surestart center! i would pay to have it done, but free! woo hoo!
Ok ladies, another long absence, I kind of forget about BnB. So exciting to hear that we have so many babies with teeth and babies starting to crawl! We still don't have any teeth, but he's trying! I've been super busy. I started working at our Department of Human Services (like Social Services) in the child welfare department. I'm a social work major and I have realized over the past few days that I have made a wonderful choice in a future career and can't wait until I get my degree and can do it full time.

As for Mika, he's trying to crawl. I can't believe he will be 6 months tomorrow! Not having much success yet with the crawling, but trying. He seems to have regressed a bit with sitting, really doesn't seem to have much interest, would rather be standing, lol. He also started saying dadadadada yesterday and hasn't stopped, will try to get a vid...but he usually stops talking any time he sees a camera near him!

He is loving his daycare, and I really like his daycare provider. She has tons of kid experience and he really seems to like her. One reason I know he is comfortable with her is that he pooped at her house after only one day. He doesn't poop in strange places, it usually takes him about three days to poop somewhere new... he's a bit weird about that. He won't even poop at home if there are strangers in the house! I'm happy that he's so happy there, she seems to really dote on him too. he's the only boy in daycare right now and he's the baby so he gets lots of attention!
GL my friend had a big wooden and cloth spider on a spring when Nate was little she got it for her little boy from the Baby show so maybe you could pop down to the baby show and see if they have them there, i really want to go but with the car and everything else doubt we will be able too
I can't believe the 1st of the march lambs are crawling!!!

GL- i have that issue with Ella when we cosleep in the morning, sometimes she spews and ofcourse it goes down her neck and onto the blankets. Other times she falls asleep feeding so i dont want to sit her up to burp her. Although she is quite easy to burp after lying down.

jj- That mustve been scary :hugs: It's horrible when they sick up so much. You wonder where they keep it all!!!

I last had a pap smear when i was 4 weeks pregnant. havn't had one since, i'm not sure when i am meant to :shrug:

I am so not looking foward to baby proofing the house :dohh: it is sooo not baby proof at the moment. Hopefully we would have moved house b4 we need to so i can unpack the house baby proof!! Not looking foward to moving though. i hate packing, moving, un packing :dohh: :dohh: :dohh:

Just watched the new halloween 2 movie- not one of rob zombie's flashest attempts! :dohh:

Had a good day today. OH, Ella and I went to the mall i got some new jeans and top. Poor OH and Ella having to wait for me to keep trying on clothes. i felt sorry for OH after i kept coming out of the changing rooms shaking my head :haha:

Feels good to finally have some new clothes but i just wish i felt good in them i just feel so flabby :cry: i used to be about 60kg now i am like 75 :( been trying to go for walks lots but is it really worth it if I will be ttc in a few months??

I have really swollen lymph nodes under my armpits :wacko: I have had them before but this time they are under both arms and tonight they have been really hurting like there are bruised and swollen balls under them :dohh: Hopefully be all good by tomorrow.

Ella is rolling back to front!! She has done it 3 times now! proud mama :cloud9: she has rolled front to back 3 times too!
MM-I don't want to baby proof either! It is going to be a nightmare I think! Strong little Ella, good job rolling! At least she knows front to back. Mika knows how but forgets that he can do it I think. He gets stuck on his tummy and cries till we roll him back over. Then promptly rolls onto his tummy again. :doh:

I feel flabby too. TBH, I have never been a small woman, but its even worse since I had LO and I have a major case of mother's apron!
hey ladies,

Been a busy few days here packing! We move on Monday into the flat below our new flat while they paint etc the actual flat we will be in, bit of a pain in the bum as we have to basically move twice but there you go!

Wren and I start Kindermusik on Monday as well, lookimg forward to it but I know I will be a bit stressed with the move being the same day

Oh and I think we have found a new wedding venue! My sis is going to check it out mOnday for us!

I have read most of the posts but I am really sorry I haven;t the time to comment but I hope that everyone is well and and enjoying the weekend.
MM - Not looking forward to baby proofing either. We have so much computer stuff around it's going to be crazy. I had to buy a new pair of jeans recently as well. I had Gabriel on in my front carrier, so when I went into the changing room he was laughing and squealing at himself in the mirror the whole time. It was too funny. Who knows what the people outside the room were thinking :rofl: (Yes, I can change my jeans while wearing him)

Em - Have fun at Kindermusik and I hope the venue works out for you.

Bnk - Welcome back. That sounds like a good career match for you. That's great Mika likes his daycare so much. It must be such a relief knowing he's happy.

I'm 95% positive Gabriel's behavior is due to teething now. Yesterday at random moments he would just scream out in pain and then go back to being happy. I can't imagine it could be anything else responsible for such extreme mood swings.
Seity- i hope Gabriel's teeth come through fast if it is teething! poor wee baba, I'm not looking foward to it. :hugs:

Ems- Sux that you have to move 2ce! I hate moving. So so much :(
I hope the new wedding venue is what you want and more :D

I hope everyones been having a good weekend. It's 5pm Sunday afternoon. Drizzly day. We watched law abiding citizon while El had a sleep and I found it so boring I fell asleep :dohh:
OH and his Dad have gone to drop the dvds back and get some food for tea from the supermarket. Portugiese flavoured chicken and veges tonight and the best part about it is OH is cooking :dance:
GL think i'd burp her hun, even if it wakes her, mind you when Chase was really little i'd burp him then he'd still be sick lying down :dohh:

I've been looking at all sorts of toys for Chase, now he's gettng bigger and more coordinated i think he needs more toys as he's only really got small baby toys that don't do an awful lot, not really sure what sort of toys to get :shrug: Not seen a mobile like what your describing hun but it sounds fun, let me know if you find one.

cocoaOne Ahh thats fab you can make M some shoes to match her outfits!

BLK Thats great your so happy with your career hun :thumbup: I bet your so relieved he loves daycare, i'm dreading leaving Chase as he's so clingy.

MM Hope your lymph nodes are ok hun, sounds v painful :hugs: Clever Ella rolling back to front, Chase gets onto his side then rolls back onto his back. Its afternoon here hun, w had terrible rain and wind earlier on, now its sunny and windy, i actually need to peg some washing out as its a pertfect drying day, so long as it doesn't rain again. Enjoy your tea hun.

So after Chase being so sick in bed i put the sensor mat we got with his monitor under his mattress and i feel so much more relaxed, i'd never felt the need to use it before but he really scared me the other day. Having a relaxing Sunday, we're not even dressed yet, not had a lazy day like this for ages, its nice. Popping the shop in a mo though, our friends are having twin girls and its her baby shower a week Sat so going to get some cellophane wrap so i can wrap up the baskets i've made, one for her and one for the babies. Having a roast later cooked by hubby then watching a movie later, hubby is off for a week now which is sooo nice seen as he's worked overtime the last 3 weeks doing 6-6 :wacko: so feels like we've not seen him too much recently. Hope everyone else is enjoying their Sunday.
:happydance: :yipee::happydance: :yipee::happydance: :yipee::happydance:
Gabriel slept through for the first time :happydance:
He slept 9:30-6:30!!!!! I actually got 7 straight hours of sleep. I'd cry tears of joy, but I'm too frelling happy.
A friend gave me some lavender oil to put a dab under his chin at night and I don't know if it's coincidence, but considering how often he usually wakes I'm going to claim it as a miracle sleep aid!
good on Gabriel, well done, seity i hope it keeps up for you.
ive been and picked up 2 cloth nappys today and im dying to try them out, typically DH disregarded the reason why EJ woke up when he put Nate to bed , which was because he was due a feed so settled him with a dummy again till i got home then he rememberd that he was supposed to give EJ a bottle while i was out :dohh: this isnt the first time either im kinda shocked he forgot poor Elliott just caus hes such a good boy his dad didnt think he needed feeding. Ej is happy now he got extended boob time when i got him up and hes sitting in his bumbo batting at his dads feet now. we have had a relaxing sunday at home caus we didnt have enough change to get to church with the car out of action it would have been either a travelcard each to use the tube and train or at least a train ticket each had we walked to the train station. and as payday is tuesday because of the bank holiday then money is a teeny bit tight till then lol
Seity- Yay! for good sleep!
JJ- I love Sunday's when we get to sit around and do nothing. Its great that your DH gets a week off.

Connor has been very grumpy, and not napping well. I think his top two teeth are coming in too. I think I have decided that it is time to trim his hair. It is out of control now. My father told me its taking away from his cuteness :cry:
Here are some cute pics of his crazy hair that I took the other day!


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Kel , man thats heaps of hair thats as much as Nate had when he was 18months old lol but with blond fine hair then it takes forever to grow
I'm so trying that Seity - congratulations on the sleep!

Emskins - good luck with the move tomorrow!

JJ - enjoy having your OH around!

Kel - his hair is super cute! I love it!
Seity I'm trying that too, we have some lavender oil here so thats on for tonight! I wont hold my breath but you never know.

ETA gorgeous pic Cocoa! She's so cute and I love the ribbon and the shoes!
Kel - I LOVE the pictures of Connor!! Such awesome hair!! I am sure he still looks as cute once it is cropped a bit.

Seity - I am so happy for you!!! Way to go Gabriel! Sam only ever slept through once that was around three month. Still waiting for the next time.

MM - From what I see the shoes are very cute!!!!!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend, I was hoping to write a bit more but Sam has just made his way towards the I better get him as the gates are not up.

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