march lambs 2010 come on ladies

Seity-Yay Gabriel! So glad he had a good sleep for you! I know the computer stuff is going to be a nightmare with babyproofing here too.

MM-bring me some chicken? Sounds yummy!

Kel-can't believe how much hair he has! Mika's hair is little over 6 inches long, but it is only on top, the hair on the back is straight and there isn't much so he has crazy curly hair on top. I think we may be getting it trimmed a bit soon because it is starting to get tangled too easily, he has curly hair like his dad but it is fine like mine.

Cocoa-wish I was talented enough to make shoes! Those are adorable!

Mika is being a bit of a terror when it comes to sleeping in the morning. He's not really crying, just fussing a bit and spinning around in circles in his playpen. He has perfected "dadadada" and shouts it at the top of his lungs half the day, lol.

Had to share this pic! He is eating prunes and I love his crazy hair and those big eyes!


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    mika prunes.jpg
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we are having a roast dinner tonight so EJ will be in the highchair sitting with us nibbling on whatever he wants off the highchair tray
Kel - that is some serious hair. I cut my husband's hair to save money and expect when Gabriel's gets long enough I'll trim his as well.

Cocoa - those are cute shoes. Very talented. I don't have any shoes for Gabriel. He gets to go barefoot everywhere :D

bNk - Great pic of Mika. He looks so cute. I keep trying to get Gabriel to talk, but he doesn't seem interested yet. Way to go Mika on the 'dadada'!

All you ladies trying the lavender oil should let me know how it works for you. I'm curious to see if others get similar results.
My husband is making some kind of shredded chicken dish for dinner he got off his SAHD forum. We'll have to put Gabriel in the high chair and see if he likes it. He had a tiny bit of toast for lunch. He really likes tasting different things and he's recently started to chew the food when we offer it vs just try and suck it down. We haven't been offering food regularly yet, but should probably start thinking about making at least one meal a day where we offer solids.
Arch - just put M to bed and completely forgot the oil! Will try and remember when she wakes up (betting it will be within 90 minutes...)
hope its not within 90 min hun that would totally suck, we had a lovely evening with both boys getting snuggle time on the sofa with mummy and daddy and the roast i made was lovely even though EJ didnt get to try it the rest of us really enjoyed it
Well it didn't do much for me! She woke at 10:15 and wouldn't be resettled without a feed. This is the 5th night in a row she's woken early like that and needed a feed. Its so annoying because it was the first feed to go originally. I'm starting to think she's not getting enough food during the day, because she's so distractable while feeding and only really snacks, so maybe she's stocking up on calories at night. But it just went completely downhill really suddenly ... Is it a continuation of the 4 month sleep regression? Did anyone else get that around 4.5-5 months, suddenly waking to feed all the flipping time where before it was OK?

She literally wont be settled any other way, she is completely irate until that nipple is in her mouth :coffee:
Kel - I LOVE the pictures of Connor!! Such awesome hair!! I am sure he still looks as cute once it is cropped a bit.

Seity - I am so happy for you!!! Way to go Gabriel! Sam only ever slept through once that was around three month. Still waiting for the next time.

MM - From what I see the shoes are very cute!!!!!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend, I was hoping to write a bit more but Sam has just made his way towards the I better get him as the gates are not up.

Think you mean Cocoa :haha:
Hope the lavender oil worked well/better. It is about 7 pm here so I think it's about 1 there (I very well might be wrong.) I just put Mr. Man in his crib, hoping he will drop off easily. OH is making lemon pepper fish and chicken. Wanted to marinate and bake some veggies but forgot the buy the veggies, lol. Go figure!
Well it didn't do much for me! She woke at 10:15 and wouldn't be resettled without a feed. This is the 5th night in a row she's woken early like that and needed a feed. Its so annoying because it was the first feed to go originally. I'm starting to think she's not getting enough food during the day, because she's so distractable while feeding and only really snacks, so maybe she's stocking up on calories at night. But it just went completely downhill really suddenly ... Is it a continuation of the 4 month sleep regression? Did anyone else get that around 4.5-5 months, suddenly waking to feed all the flipping time where before it was OK?

She literally wont be settled any other way, she is completely irate until that nipple is in her mouth :coffee:
yeah and then he crawled :D maybe its a developmental growth spurt, she will probably learn a new skill soon
M slept for 6 hours!!! She literally hasn't done that since she was about 8 weeks old. She went to bed at 8 and bot a peep from her until 2 - I wish I'd gone to bed earlier than 11:30 now! :haha:
For the past couple of months she has been waking nearly exactly an hour after going to bed - sometimes needing a feed, sometimes just needing resettleing. She was sparko when I went to bed last night - usually she always stirs when I go in the room, so I know she's not in a deep sleep.

I'm glad I didn't use the lavender oil- I would have declared some kind of miracle cure if I had! Lol. She then woke again at 3:30 so I bought her into our bed, fed at 5:30, was awake (as usual) for 30 mins then slept again until 7. So a brilliant night for us! She only had 3 naps instead of 4 or 5 so maybe that helped?

GL - I think the same, pretty sure she doesn't get enough milk in the day which is why she still usually wakes every 3 hours in the night for food. Grrrr
yay for good sleep cocoa!! :dance:

Had my SIL over today she has a 2 month old baby. We had the girls lying on the mat together and Ella kept grabbing her face lol.
Well it didn't do much for me! She woke at 10:15 and wouldn't be resettled without a feed. This is the 5th night in a row she's woken early like that and needed a feed. Its so annoying because it was the first feed to go originally. I'm starting to think she's not getting enough food during the day, because she's so distractable while feeding and only really snacks, so maybe she's stocking up on calories at night. But it just went completely downhill really suddenly ... Is it a continuation of the 4 month sleep regression? Did anyone else get that around 4.5-5 months, suddenly waking to feed all the flipping time where before it was OK?

She literally wont be settled any other way, she is completely irate until that nipple is in her mouth :coffee:
yeah and then he crawled :D maybe its a developmental growth spurt, she will probably learn a new skill soon

I hope so! She woke again at 2, so that was nearly 4 hours which is good. She initally settled with just a cuddle and the dummy but then when I put her down she wasn't having it. So a quick feed and back to bed, but she cried and needed settling 3 times between 2 and 4 and then was screaming the house down again at 4 for another feed, but after that one she stayed in our bed until 7:30am which was nice.

I've got to figure out how to get more food into her during the day. I'm trying to pump a bit after every feed from the same boob to up my supply, and also to have a bottle in the fridge to give her before bed. But I really wish I could pump 2 bottles a day, but with her snacking all the time I never get very much when I pump. Its a self perpetuating problem. Any tips BF experts?

I also bought some baby rice to try on her soon. She is really watching us like a hawk when we eat and drink and I get the feeling that she wants to start eating soon. Plus it might fill her up a bit and give me a chance to pump and load her up later :haha:

I have been reading the baby whisperer and I fear I am one of those mums 'who didn't start as they mean to go on'. I know she's not trying to make you feel bad but you kind of do! Her solution for a 5 month old that didn't sleep through the night was they must have night and day mixed up, so try to reduce nap time in the day (thats a joke they are so short anyway)! And my mum is harping on at me to get a routine going :wacko:... sorry ladies just woken up feeling a bit like I'm doing something wrong here :cry:
hugs hunni its ok its not unusual for babies to have issues with sleep and if she is waking caus shes hungry then you cant deny her that food so feed her but you might try using a cover during the day or feeding in a quiet dark room to keep her focused on the feed and she might take a bit more
Thanks Lynn, I've tried feeding her in the bedroom with curtains closed but there's still enough light for her to see and she just looks at absolutely everything. And she hears daddy's voice as well (he's got a loud voice you can hear it from the other end of the house with 2 doors shut in between :haha:)

Anyway this morning is a disaster so far she's refusing to have a nap normally she's back asleep about an hour after waking but its been 2 hours and she's just not having it. I won't bang on. I'm sure it'll get better eventually.

Cocoa - good night for you! We have swapped!

MM such a cute pic!

Happy bank holiday Monday everyone in the UK. My hubby is going to carnival today, he goes every year and I never go with him cause I hate it. So I'm on my own with stroppy Flo. Hopefully we'll become friends again after she has a nap :haha:
I know it sounds mean but when she's behaving badly I feel like a strict mummy, when she's all cute when she wakes up she's my little friend :rofl:
Seity Thats fab Gabriel slept through! Chase has done 8-6 twice and its so nice isn't it.

Kel Ahh i love Connor's hair its gorg, and even with a trim he'll still look so cute.

CocoaOne Cute picture of M, love the way she is looking down at her new shoes. Brilliant that M slept for 6 hours :happydance: at least you know she can do it now and hopefully she will do it again.

GL Yep around 4.5 months Chase's sleep went off again, and a few weeks before that only just stated sleeping 4 hours. It lasted about 3 weeks, he'd wake every couple of hours again and want a feed and was quite grumpy too. It stopped when we moved him to his own room and about the time i started weaning but this may have been coincidental :shrug: Ahh your not doing anything wrong hun, i felt like this a few weeks ago when Chase was being so whingy and clingy i felt i must have made him like that, but its gotten so much better and it was just a phase. All babies are different hun and i only started a routine because i'm back to work in November and wantedd to try and get it established before then as i really really need him to be sleeping through by then. We only started the routine 3 weeks ago and to be honest Chase just kinda did it himself, i'm sure you will find you kinda fall into one hun when your ready, i think Chase was ready and thats why its worked out well, i just kinda roughly started it and Chase made his own pattern and even moved his bedtime forward after a couple of nights. I definatley didn't "start as i mean to go on", he was the boss for the first 5 months! Chase is being a monkey this morning too, trying to feed him but he's so nosy and he's on off on off at the slightest noise, i'm giving up and going to dry my hair before its a massive frizz bomb, will try him again later, he seems quite happy rolling on the floor for now.

Whoo we're going away now for a few days! Going to stay in a caravan in Wales, i can't wait! Going to try and go swimming every day too as the caravan site has a pool. I really hope Chase behaves as our last little break ended in a seriously stressed husband due to Chase screaming every time he went in the car or the pram :wacko: I suppose i should go and pack, only booked it late last night so its a bit rushed. Hope everyone has a fun bank holiday xx
JJ thanks hun it makes me feel better that you went through the same thing, not that I wish it on anyone but you know what I mean. I am going to be moving her to her own room in a few days and also pretty sure I want to start giving her baby rice this week as well, she'll be 5 months. Hopefully it is just anbohter phase, unfortunately I keep accidentally reading threads where 8,9 10 months old babies are still waking every 2 hours in the night! :wacko:

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